scholarly journals Komunitas Kristiani sebagai Duta Kasih Allah di tengah Kebhinekaan Bangsa Indonesia

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-153
Mathias Jebaru Adon ◽  
Antonius Sad Budi

The focus of this research study describes the role of Christians in strengthening the spirit of diversity in the Indonesian nation. Currently, Indonesia is not only facing the Covid-19 pandemic but also a national identity crisis. In various places, there are rampant intolerance, radicalism, and acts of extremism-terrorism that threaten the integrity of the nation. In this situation, Christians are called to show their identity by becoming ambassadors for God's love. By becoming ambassadors of God's love, Christians prove that love is greater than enmity. Christians can start by living together in a community. In the community, Christians are trained to be more sensitive to the sufferings of the world and not run out of power. This research study uses a phenomenological approach that starts from the calling of Christians to live in a spirit of love. Because in the way of living together all differences are put together. Thus, the Christian community becomes a good platform for channeling love to others regardless of ethnicity, race, and religion. Therefore, the Christian community is a means of realizing togetherness in a spirit of diversity.AbstrakFokus studi penelitian ini menguraikan peran orang Kristiani dalam memperkuat semangat kebinekaan Bangsa Indonesia. Saat ini Indonesia tidak hanya menghadapi pan-demi covid-19 tetapi juga krisis identitas kebangsaan. Di berbagai tempat marak terjadi intoleransi, radikalisme dan tindakan ekstremisme-terorisme yang mengancam keutuhan bangsa. Berhadapan dengan situasi ini orang Kristiani dipanggil untuk menunjukkan iden-titasnya dengan menjadi duta kasih Allah. Dengan menjadi duta kasih Allah orang Kristiani membuktikan bahwa, kasih lebih besar dari permusuhan. Orang Kristiani dapat memulai-nya dengan hidup bersama dalam komunitas. Dalam komunitas, orang Kristiani dilatih untuk lebih peka mendengar penderitaan dunia dan tidak kehabisan daya. Studi penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologi yang bertitik tolak dari panggilan orang Kris-tiani untuk hidup dalam semangat kasih. Sebab dalam cara hidup bersama segala per-bedaan disatukan. Dengan demikian komunitas Kristiani menjadi wadah yang baik untuk menyalurkan kasih kepada sesama tanpa memandang suku, ras dan agama. Karena itu, komunitas Kristiani adalah sarana untuk mewujudkan kebersamaan dalam semangat kebinekaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-231
Clara M. Austin Iwuoha ◽  

The demons of racism, bigotry, and prejudice found in society at large are also found in the Christian Church. Despite the very nature of Christianity that calls on Christians to be a counter voice in the world against evil, many have capitulated to various strains of racism. Some Christian denominations have begun to explore racism in the Church and have developed responses to addressing the issues in both the Church and the world. This article examines the historical context of race and religion in the Christian Church, and addresses the current efforts of some Christian denominations to become proactive in the struggle against racism. Jesus, in His Word, calls believers to pursue peace and oneness. The paper holds that racial harmony and racial unity are possible, but there are many false, old and d beliefs that will have to be crushed under the hammer of God's Word in order to get to a place of real peace.

1993 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 273-278
David M. Wilson

At a time when nationalism grows more strident, the role of national museums assumes great importance. National museums encourage not only an understanding of national identity, but also patriotism. While this is natural, it has dangers in that the museum can be used politically to endorse racial and other charged emotions. The great international museums have provided an antidote to such tendencies by providing a universal view of the culture and natural history of the world from the earliest times. Because these museums have important material from other countries they are often attacked as odious relics of colonialism. Rather they should be seen as representative of internationalism and encouraged to collect as widely as possible—within the law. They should not be pressurized into returning material to its country of origin for narrow nationalistic purposes. National museums should themselves collect outside their own national boundaries so that countries can see themselves against the background of other cultures. As nationalism grows, internationalism must be stressed in national museums so that countries may understand each others' culture and points of view.

Jackie Harrison

For some scholars, the role of public service journalism is profoundly ethical, though it exists amidst a diversity of incommensurate but not necessarily incompatible views and values. Public service journalism exists as part of a global media that has been referred to as a “mediapolis”: descriptively, a place, a communicative system where the world is constituted, and by means of which we learn about Others. Normatively it is an ideal of communication, a place where information and opinion may be expressed civilly to enable good choices to be made and public concerns to be thoughtfully addressed. As such, it is a place of equal expression. However, practically it must contend with finding a way to identify, value and integrate a wide array of voices. A mediapolis needs to become a place where a just and hospitable media enables the fundamental process of finding ways of living together. A key principle for the governance of mediapolis concerns “journalism”: uncensored, diverse, reliable journalism is essential to the making of well-informed decisions and a healthy political life. To this end and in order to anticipate a digital future where there exists an ethical mediapolis for global public benefit and where the internet and good journalism go hand in hand and are no longer antagonistic, contemporary public service journalism should reconceive the news as discursive rather than monological and informational, and the public as consisting of an interpreting, acute audience of citizens, rather than one of informed readers. If such a consummation were to be achieved then critical news judgements would be the norm, no matter how large or small the audience. Journalism would be an effective watchdog because government would be perpetually aware that a sufficient number of confident, attentive citizens is following the news and that, in consequence, it must function knowing that there is a constant risk of shame, disgrace, conviction and loss of popularity and office. In sum, public service journalism consists of civil expression of information, accommodating a multiplicity of voices, the news conceived of as discursive rather than merely informational, and the public conceived of as critical interpreting citizens rather than informed readers.

Lucy Santos Green ◽  
Melissa P Johnston

Exploring the practices of teacher librarians in other countries fosters new knowledge, contributing to global communities of practice. The need to equip today’s youth with complex 21st century skills has served as a catalyst for change in the traditional practices of school librarians all over the world. It is this necessary change that led to questions regarding school library practices at an international level and to the need to explore school librarianship on a global level. This research study explores ways program design grounded in cultural understanding, experiences, and ways of knowing the world, are applied by practicing school librarians in Brazil, Russia, and Belize.

2015 ◽  
pp. 111-115
Irina M. Krivoshey

The article focuses on the role of the concepts “Nature” and “Dialogue with the Bible” in the organization of artistic space of the Russian vocal music. The purpose of the article is to consider these concepts as a projection of key ideas of the Russian culture, whose interaction reveals a mental feature of the Russian people - perception of the world as a Divine Providence. Practical and scientific importance of the work is connected with exploration of the problem of mental origins of the Russian romance, its national identity. The search of mental characteristics of the Russian romance required application to multidisciplinary methods enabling to integrate knowledge from different fields of science in order to address the specific (musical) problem. The article asserts that the correlation of the concepts “Nature” and “Dialogue with the Bible” forms a semantic space which reveals spiritual facets of the unity between man and nature in the Russian romance. The study of the problem of national identity of the Russian vocal music is getting a special priority in the current conditions of cultural globalization. Disclosure of the problem’s new aspects is important for both the musicians and the musical experts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (Extra-B) ◽  
pp. 149-154
Rezeda Mukhametshina ◽  
Kadisha Nurgali ◽  
Svetlana Ananyeva

In the context of the new bi- and polylingual picture of the world, the novel continues to hold leading positions as the leading genre of prose. The Kazakh novel generalizes the aesthetically immanent factors of identity and is created in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Ethno-national identity is important for both the author and the characters. The modern phenomenology of perception actualizes not only the role of the anthropological turn, but also the role of the subjective factor - the reader. Comparative analysis allows you to look at the novel from different conceptual points of view. Transnational tendencies are intensely manifested in the work of prose writers. The search for answers to the most important questions of our time, the challenges of globalization contributes to the disclosure of the ethnocultural world. Opposition one's own/other, one's/another's allows to convey the national attitude and reveal the national image.    

Khazanah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Dian Pratama ◽  
Wulan Ruhiyyih Khanum ◽  

The Covid-19 pandemic has impacted all aspects of life. One of the things that has been affected is the achievement of the SDGs which has been hampered by this pandemic. The condition that has been deteriorated due to the pandemic should not be used as an excuse to achieve the SDGs, in this case the role of youth is very important to achieve SDGs, especially in the post-pandemic period. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The data used are primary and secondary data that have been collected, processed, made conclusions, and then interpreted. This study aims to design a character education system for the younger generation in their role in achieving the SDGs. The results of the interpretation of data that have been collected and then processed in the research process, make a proposal for "FAST Generation". These concepts are some of the main characteristics that youth must have in their role in achieving the SDGs in the post-COVID-19 pandemic. FAST Generation is a character that must be possessed by youth in achieving the SDGs. Youth with character will make the world safer, more prosperous, and more focused, so that the achievement of the goals contained in the SDGs will be easier.

Fathonah Kasuwi Daud ◽  
HM. Ridlwan Hambali

This article examines the importance of the role of both parents in realizing a superior generation (Dzurriyah Thayyibah) in the Covid-19 pandemic era based on ‘Mabadi’ Khaira Ummah’. This article is the result of research based on reality of people’s lives that are forced to change according to the situation in the midst of a pandemic that is still sweeping the world or what is noe known as the new normal. This situation has had a tremendous impact on parents and especially on the younger generation who are still at the early childhood education level. This study aims to determine the role of parental relations in shaping the character of their children with a literature study and phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that parent who are disciplined by implementing the attitudes of Mabadi’ Khaira Ummah, will make the children they take care of to become tought, competitive, benefit others and have noble morals

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 130-155
Kárita de Fátima Araújo

Este trabalho, fruto da dissertação de Mestrado, tem como objetivo resgatar e compreender o modo pelo qual se processou a construção da identidade nacional e a formação territorial brasileira no contexto das Minas Gerais do século XVIII, buscou-se, desta feita, fazê-lo à luz das obras literárias dos poetas inconfidentes. Nesse sentido, a obra Vila Rica de Cláudio Manuel da Costa cumpre o papel de aliar Geografia e Literatura ao possibilitar o diálogo entre as manifestações artísticas do poeta e os componentes espaciais e temporais que compuseram a sociedade mineira do século XVIII. Para alcançar o objetivo proposto, foi fundamental analisar alguns elementos, tais como, o conceito de sertão e sua condição de ocupação e isolamento para o período, diretamente relacionado ao desenvolvimento e decadência do chamado “ciclo do ouro”, além da formação daquela sociedade e do estabelecimento de uma “identidade nacional”, responsáveis por delinear para as Minas Gerais a possibilidade de compor uma nação independente de Portugal. Desta forma, o enredo literário permitiu observar qual compreensão do intelectual Cláudio Manuel da Costa acerca daquele aquele espaço e tempo. Sua visão do mundo refletiu-se nas entrelinhas do texto literário, revelando percepções, opiniões e posições diferenciadas acerca daquela realidade, aspectos fundamentais do processo de construção da nacionalidade e da territorialidade brasileiras. Palavras-chave: Geografia; Literatura; Vila Rica.   THE MINAS GERAIS OF THE XVIII CENTURY: NATIONAL IDENTITY AND TERRITORIAL TRAINING UNDER THE LOOK OF CLÁUDIO MANUEL DA COSTA Abstract This work, the result of the dissertation of Master, aims to rescue and understand the way in which the construction of the national identity and the Brazilian territorial formation in the context of the Minas Gerais of the XVIII century was processed, this time it was sought to do so in the light of the literary works of the poets of the Inconfidência Mineira. In this sense, the book Vila Rica by Cláudio Manuel da Costa fulfills the role of allying Geography and Literature by enabling the dialogue between the artistic manifestations of the poet and the spatial and temporal components that composed the mining society of the eighteenth century. To reach the proposed objective, it was fundamental to analyze some elements, such as the concept of sertão and its condition of occupation and isolation for the period, directly related to the development and decay of the so-called "gold cycle", besides the formation of that society and of the establishment of a "national identity", responsible for outlining for Minas Gerais the possibility of composing an independent nation of Portugal. In this way, the literary plot allowed to observe what understanding of the intellectual Cláudio Manuel da Costa about that space and time. His vision of the world was reflected in the lines of the literary text, revealing different perceptions, opinions and positions about that reality, fundamental aspects of the process of construction of Brazilian nationality and territoriality. Keywords: Geography; Literature; Vila Rica.   LAS MINAS GERAIS DEL SIGLO XVIII: IDENTIDAD NACIONAL Y FORMACIÓN TERRITORIAL BAJO LA MIRADA DE CLÁUDIO MANUEL DA COSTA Resumen Este trabajo, el resultado de la tesis de Maestría, pretende rescatar y entender la forma en la que demandó la construcción de la identidad nacional y la formación territorial de Brasil en el contexto de las Minas Gerais del siglo XVIII, se buscó, esta vez, lo hacen a la luz de las obras literarias de poetas de la Inconfidência Mineira. En este sentido, el trabajo de Vila Rica de Cláudio Manuel da Costa desempeña el papel de la combinación de Geografía y Literatura para facilitar el diálogo entre las expresiones artísticas del poeta y los componentes espaciales y temporales que componían la sociedad minera del siglo XVIII. Para lograr el objetivo propuesto, que era esencial para analizar algunos elementos, tales como el concepto de zona de influencia y su condición de ocupación y aislamiento para el período, directamente relacionada con el desarrollo y la decadencia de la "fiebre del oro", además de la formación de que la sociedad y el establecimiento de una "identidad nacional", responsable del diseño de Minas Gerais, la posibilidad de componer una nación independiente de Portugal. De este modo, la trama literaria ha observado que la comprensión intelectual de Cláudio Manuel da Costa acerca de aquél espacio y el tiempo. Su visión del mundo se refleja en las líneas del texto literario, que revela las percepciones, opiniones y posiciones diferentes sobre esa realidad, los aspectos fundamentales del proceso de construcción de la nacionalidad y territorialidad brasileñas. Palabras clave: Geografía; Literatura; Vila Rica.

2008 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 113-133
Inge Manka

During the course of the 2006 Soccer World Cup, Germans started to celebrate a “new patriotism.” As the construction of national identity is inseparable in Germany from the Nazi past, this occurrence can be considered an indicator of an altered relationship to this past. This article examines these changes by focusing on a nationally recognized site of remembrance, the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds in Nuremberg, where five matches of the World Cup were played. The convergence of site and event evokes contradictions and ambiguities, such as the encounter of the opposed needs of sports and remembrance at the same location. It shows what problems arise at a site of national collective memory today, when the role of the national collective is challenged by developments like European integration, migration within and to Europe, and the on-going effects of globalization.

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