scholarly journals Mass and nutritional quality of upper and lower strata of tropical forages

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (4Supl1) ◽  
pp. 2725
Mailson Poczynek ◽  
Mikael Neumann ◽  
Egon Henrique Horst ◽  
Bruno José Venancio ◽  
Danúbia Nogueira Figueira ◽  

The goal of this work was to evaluate the growth dynamics and chemical characteristics of the upper and lower strata of summer perennial grasses under a four cuts system. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design, composed of 28 treatments in a factorial arrangement of 7x4, with four repetitions. The cultivars evaluated were Star Grass, Coast-cross, Tifton 68, Tifton 85, Jiggs, Roxinha and Quicuio. Each cultivar was cut when it reached 95% light interception. The cultivars Jiggs and Tifton 68 had the highest (P < 0.05) accumulation of dry biomass ha-1 during the four cuts, with productions of 21,348 and 21,016 kg ha-1, respectively. The ash content varied (P < 0.05) among species and times of cutting for both strata. Cellulose contents were significantly different in the upper stratum, with the highest concentrations found in cvs. Quicuio and Tifton 68 (39.12% and 38.07%, respectively). We found the highest levels of lignin (P < 0.05), for both strata, in cv. Quicuio. Cultivars Jiggs and Tifton 68 were the most appropriate for a management system of four cuts, displaying good chemical composition and high productivity.

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (4) ◽  
pp. 369 ◽  
Marielly Maria Almeida Moura ◽  
Daniel Ananias de Assis Pires ◽  
José Avelino Santos Rodrigues ◽  
Eleuza Clarete Junqueira de Sales ◽  
Renê Ferreira Costa ◽  

 The objective was to select sorghum genotypes for silage production using its chemical characteristics. The experiment was carried out in the facilities of Embrapa Maize and Sorghum in Sete Lagoas, state of Minas Gerais, to evaluate the agronomic characteristics, and nutritional quality of silage of twelve sorghum genotypes. We used a randomized block design with three replications. In relation to the production of green matter, the genotypes SF15 Volumax and BR610 stood out (52.07; 48.00 and 41.87 ton ha-1). Regarding pH, genotypes 1015339, 1015347, 1016007, SF15, BRS655, Volumax and BR610 averaged 3.68. All genotypes were similar considering the nutritional value, ammonia nitrogen and water activity. The genotypes SF15, Volumax and BRS610 showed the highest productivity per area, representing the best options for silage production. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 1275
Mikael Neumann ◽  
André Dochwat ◽  
Egon Henrique Horst ◽  
Bruno Jose Venancio ◽  
Jony Cley Santos ◽  

This study aimed to evaluate the production, the physical and nutritional composition of forage and silage, as well as the profitability and aerobic stability of different winter cereals harvested at the stage of floury grain. The experimental design was a 2x7 factorial randomized block design, with two forms of foods (fresh forage and silage) and seven genotypes, with four replications. The genotypes used were the white oat (Avena sativa) cv. URS Taura; barley (Hordeum vulgare) cv. BRS Brau and cv. BRS Cauê; wheat (Tricticum aestivum) cv. CD 1440; rye (Secale cereal) cv. BR 01; and triticale (X Triticosecale) cv. IPR 111 and cv. BRS Saturno. The materials were harvested during the stage of floury grain. In forage evaluation, rye showed the highest (P < 0,05) dry biomass production (7,100 kg ha-1), but with a higher percentage of stem (46.7%) in dry matter, implying higher ADF (44.69%) in relation to other cereals. The forage of the white oats cv. URS Taura and triticale cv. IPR 111 provided the best nutritional quality compared to the other evaluated cereals, but in the resulting silage, only triticale remained with forage-like characteristics. It was clear the superiority of barley cv. BRS Cauê, wheat cv. CD 1440 and rye cv. BR 01 regarding the maintenance of aerobic stability (160 hours), while the other silages lost their stability within 32 hours. Rye cv. BR 01 and triticale IPR 111 presented the highest production of recovered dry biomass (5,402 and 5,352 kg ha-1 respectively), barley cv. BRS Cauê and oat URS Taura provided higher cost of production per kg-1 dry biomass, both with R$ 0.29 and higher cost per kg of recovered dry biomass R$ 0.45 and 0.37 respectively. There are several factors to consider when choosing the winter species for silage production, and future studies can fully elucidate these factors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-85
Ina Permata Sari ◽  
Herpandi Herpandi ◽  
Shanti Dwita Lestari

The purpose of this research was to observe the effects of threadfin breams surimi (Nemiptarus nematophorus) and mussel (Pilsbryoconcha exilis) to physical, chemical and sensory characteristics of nugget. This research used randomized block design (RBD) consisted of one factor treatment and three replications. Factor treatment consisted of combination ratio threadfin breams surimi and mussel 100% : 0%, 75% : 25%, 50% : 50%, 25% : 75%, 0% : 100%. The variables observed were physical characteristics (elasticity), chemical characteristics (moisture content, ash, protein, fat, carbohydrate, and iron) and sensory analysis on appereance, flavour, taste and texture of the final products. Different combinations of threadfin breams surimi and mussel had significant effect on elasticity (222.53 gf, 278.33 gf, 300.66 gf, 312.13 gf, 452.86 gf), ash content (3.26%, 2.51%, 2.23%, 1.63%, 1.45%), protein content (8.27%, 12.11%, 14.8%, 17.14%, 20.73%), carbohydrate content (17.32%, 14.34%, 11.11%, 8.42%, 3.5%), and iron (23.61%, 18.56%, 12.77%, 7.24%, 1.54%). Based on the results, the greater addition of surimi concentration caused the increasing value of elasticity, protein, and water content. While the greater addition of mussel concentration resulted on the increased value of ash, fat and iron. This research showed that the combination of 75% threadfin breams surimi and 25% mussel produced on nugget with the best characteristics.

Pro Food ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 749
Eva Mayasari ◽  
Tri Rahayuni ◽  
Nurul Erfiana

ABSTRACT   Jelly candy from combination of pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) and calamansi (Citrus microcarpa) is an alternative food product. The aim this study is to provide the best quality of jelly candy from the combination of pineapple and calamansi juices. This study used Randomized Block Design with one factor was combination of pineapple : calamansi consisting of 6 levels are 100:0%, 90:10%, 80:20%, 70:30%, 60:40%, 50:50%. Each treatment replicated 4 times therefore obtained  24 samples combination. The combination of 80% pineapple and 20% calamansi is the best treatment with a mean of moisture content 19,34%, ash content 0,30%, vitamin C 15,97mg/100G, total dissolved solids 24,500brix, pH 3,29, hardness level 0,05 kG force, the average score of the panelists preference the taste, appearance, and aroma has like (5,04), like (5,28), like (5,12), respectively. Moisture and ash content are in the levels of jelly candy qualify according to National Standard of Indonesia (SNI: 02-3547-2008), i.e., maximum moisture content of 20,0% and a maximum ash content of 3,0%.   Keywords: pineapple, calamansi, combination, jelly candy, fruit juice.   ABSTRAK   Permen jelly dari penambahan kombinasi nanas (Ananas comosus L.) dan jeruk sambal (Citrus microcarpa) merupakan salah satu alternatif produk pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan karakteristik terbaik permen jelly dari kombinasi sari buah nanas dan jeruk sambal. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 1 faktor perlakuan terdiri dari 6 taraf yaitu kombinasi sari buah nanas dan jeruk sambal terdiri dari 100:0%, 90:10%, 80:20%, 70:30%, 60:40%, 50:50%. Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali sehingga diperoleh 24 sampel kombinasi. Kombinasi 80% nanas dan 20% jeruk sambal merupakan perlakuan terbaik berdasakan kadar air sebesar 19,34%, kadar abu sebesar 0,30%, vitamin C sebesar 15,97 mG/100G, total padatan terlarut sebesar 24,500brix, pH sebesar 3,29, tingkat kekerasan sebesar 0,05 kG force. Rerata skor kesukaan panelis terhadap rasa, warna, dan aroma berturut-turut adalah menyukai (5,04), menyukai (5,28), menyukai (5,12). Kadar air dan kadar abu permen jelly yang dihasilkan memenuhi syarat mutu SNI 02-3547-2008, yaitu kadar air maksimal 20,0% dan kadar abu maksimal 3,0%.   Kata Kunci : nanas, jeruk sambal, kombinasi, permen jelly, sari buah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 1291
André Dochwat ◽  
Mikael Neumann ◽  
Edelmir Silvio Stadler Junior ◽  
Bruno José Venancio ◽  
Emylli Pereira e Silva ◽  

The Brazilian livestock activity is undergoing constant evolution, and aiming at its maximum efficiency, it is necessary to have available to the animals food in quantity and quality all the year. To this end, the cultivation of winter forage is carried out. The present study aimed to evaluate the productive and qualitative agronomic traits of ryegrass forage. The experiment was a randomized block design in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement consisting of six treatments, three plant stands (525, 1050 and 2095 plants m-2) associated with two successive cutting times (vegetative and full vegetative), and four repetitions. There was no interaction between population stand and cutting times for the variables studied. The stand of 525 plants m-2 had a higher participation of green leaves (50.52 %), higher digestibility of the whole plant dry matter (84.81 %) compared to the stands of 1.050 and 2.095 plants m-2, and dry biomass production per unit area equivalent to the others (6087, 7243 and 6989 kg ha-1, respectively). The first harvest season presented higher participation of green leaves and better leaf/stem ratio, 58.62 % and 3.41 % respectively, as well as higher digestibility of green leaves (77.26 %) and stem (80.82 %).

ForScience ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. e00931
Karina Mendes Bertolino ◽  
Giuliana Rayane Barbosa Duarte ◽  
Gustavo Maldini Penna de Valadares e Vasconcelos ◽  
Élberis Pereira Botrel ◽  
Fábio Aurélio Dias Martins

O objetivo neste trabalho foi avaliar a cobertura do solo proporcionada pela crotalária e milheto consorciados em diferentes proporções, bem como seus efeitos na qualidade física do solo. A instalação do experimento obedeceu ao delineamento em blocos casualizados. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de crotalária (Crotalaria spectabilis ) (CR) e milheto (Pennisetum glaucum L. ) (MI) consorciados em diferentes proporções de semeadura, totalizando seis tratamentos: 100% CR (crotalária solteira); 80% CR + 20% MI; 60% CR + 40% MI; 40% CR + 60% MI; 20% CR + 80% MI; 100% MI (milheto solteiro), com quatro repetições. As variáveis avaliadas foram a biomassa seca aos 118 dias após a semeadura, a porcentagem de cobertura do solo e umidade do solo aos 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias após o manejo das plantas, a resistência a penetração até 40 cm e densidade do solo na camada de 0-10. Aos 118 dias após a semeadura, a crotalária, o milheto e seus consórcios produziram quantidade de biomassa seca suficiente para promover a cobertura do solo de em média 77% até os 120 dias após o manejo das plantas, contudo não foram capazes de promover diferenças nos atributos físicos do solo. Palavras-chave: Física do solo. Palhada. Sistema de plantas de cobertura.   Biomass production and soil coverage by the crotalary and millette consortium and its influence on physical properties AbstractThe aim of this work was to evaluate the soil cover provided by crotalaria and millet intercropped in different proportions, as well as their effects on the physical quality of the soil. The installation of the experiment followed the randomized block design. The treatments consisted of crotalary (Crotalaria spectabilis) (CR) and millet (Pennisetum glaucum L.) (MI) intercropped in different sowing proportions, totaling 6 treatments: 100% CR (single crotalary); 80% CR + 20% MI; 60% CR + 40% MI; 40% CR + 60% MI; 20% CR + 80% MI; 100% MI (single millet), with 4 repetitions. The variables evaluated were dry biomass at 118 days after sowing, the percentage of soil cover and soil moisture at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days after plant management, the resistance to penetration up to 40 cm and soil density in the 0-10 layer. At 118 days after sowing the crotalary, the millet and their intercropping produced enough dry biomass to promote an average 77% soil cover until 120 days after plant management, however, they were unable to promote differences in the physical attributes of the soil. Keywords: Soil physics. Straw. Cover plants system.

K. M. Haneena ◽  
P. Venkata Subbaiah ◽  
Ch. Sujani Rao ◽  
K. Srinivasulu

Aim: To study the effect of boron on quality parameters and micronutrient uptake of groundnut in coastal sandy soils. Study Design: The experiment laid out in randomized block design with three replications. Place of Study: At College Farm, Agricultural College, Bapatla, Guntur. Methodology: After the preliminary layout, the TAG-24 variety of groundnut was used as a test crop, with a spacing of 30 cm x 10 cm in the experimental site. Plant samples were collected at 45, 90 DAS, and harvest. Plant samples were shade dried and kept in hot air oven at 75°C until a constant weight was obtained. Samples were powdered and then analysed for micronutrients using standard chemical procedures. Results: Protein content, boron content and uptake of micronutrients viz., iron, zinc, manganese, copper and boron were significantly improved with the application of boron in groundnut. Oil content and oil yield were not significantly influenced by the application of boron. The highest value of all these parameters were recorded in T4 (RDF + soil application of Borax @ 12.5 kg/ha). Conclusion: Application of boron along with RDF improved the nutritional quality of groundnut in coastal sandy soils.

2011 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-56 ◽  
Andréa Mittelmann ◽  
José Branco de Miranda Filho ◽  
Luciano Lourenço Nass ◽  
Gustavo Júlio Melo Monteiro de Lima ◽  
Claudete Hara-Klein ◽  

Development of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars with high grain protein and oil concentrations and an appropriate amino acid composition, without losses in grain yield, represents a challenge in breeding programs. The objective of this work was to study the nutritional quality of ten Brazilian maize populations evaluated in three environments. A randomized block design with six replications was used. Ear yield and the concentrations of protein, oil, serine, glutamic acid, alanine, leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine were evaluated. Individual and combined analyses of variance were performed. Populations diverged for most of the traits. Environmental effects influenced variation for most of the traits, unlike genotype-environment interaction, allowing the selection on the average of environments. Positive association exists among protein and most of the amino acids, when considered on a dry matter basis and there is no association between nutritional quality and yield; therefore, the development of cultivars that are superior for both traits is expected to be feasible.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-54
Budi Santoso ◽  
Susi Imelda Siagian ◽  
Agus Wijaya

The objective of research were to determine the physical and chemical characteristics, and organoleptic of steamed cake with grated cassava as an ingredient substitute for wheat flour. Research used a Non Factorial Complety Randomized Block Design (RALNF) with 5 level of treatments and 3 replication. Level of treatments research : A (wheat flour 0% and grated cassava 100%), B (wheat flour 20% and grated cassava 80%), C (wheat flour 40% and grated cassava 60%), D (wheat flour 60% and grated cassava 40%), E (wheat flour 80% and grated cassava 20%), and F (wheat flour 100% and grated cassava 0%). Results showed that steamed cakes with added grated cassava had significantly effect on the texture, moisture content, lightness, and hue but ash content and chroma not significant. The average value of texture, lightness, chroma, hue, moisture content and ash content of steamed cake is 618,33-1.273,47 gf; 65.30-75.20%; 32.33-38.03%; 83,27-86,87o; 29.84-40.41%; and 0.39-0.79%. Carbohydrate, protein, crude fiber, and HCN of steamed cake with grated cassava 80% and 40% were 44.88% and 49.9%; 3.37% and 2.90%; 3.94% and 2.91%, 1.72 and 1,14 mg /100 g respectively.

Kultivasi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
Aida F Rahmani ◽  
Syariful Mubarok ◽  
Mochammad Arief Soleh ◽  
Boy M.P. Prawiranegara

Microgreen is a functional plant that is beneficial for human health. Microgreen is a type of cultivation that can be harvested at the nursery stage. In fact, another issue is that it is increasingly difficult to find agricultural land owned by the community, especially in urban areas, so that only a few people cultivate crops. This problem can be overcome by developing a microgreen planting system that is supported by a hydroponic system with artificial lighting for plant growth needs. The experiment was carried out to study about the effect of different types of artificial light color on the nutritional quality of red and green spinach microgreen. The experiment was conducted at the Laboratory of Plant Analysis and Post-Harvest Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran. The experimental design used was randomized block design with two factors: light color consisting of five levels and plant species consisting of two levels. The light color factor consists of sunlight-control, artificial fluorescent-control, full spectrum LEDs, blue LEDs, and red LEDs. Plant varieties were red and green spinach. The results showed that there was an interaction between light color and plant varieties on nutritional quality of microgreen, such as phenol, flavonoid content, and DPPH radical scavenging activity. The responses of red and green spinach showed different nutritional quality. The red, blue, and full spectrum LEDs gave the best results in each of the tests

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