scholarly journals Occurrence of circular vessels above axillary buds in stems of woody plants

2014 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 415-419 ◽  
Zygmunt Hejnowicz ◽  
Ewa U. Kuczyńska

The circular vessels generally occur in intact wood stems just above the axillary buds. In this region the cell arrangement with vortices occurs. We interprete the circular vessels as the result of circular polarity in the cambial zone of the region above the axillary bud. The stability of circular polarity in this region is based on the vorticity of the cambium cells arrangement.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 622
Rone C. Maranho ◽  
Mariana M. Benez ◽  
Gustavo B. Maranho ◽  
Adeline Neiverth ◽  
Marise F. Santos ◽  

Productivity of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) crops varies at each cutting stage, reaching critical rates close to the fifth cut (fourth ratoon). Knowledge of proteins involved in the regrowth of sugarcane within the cutting process is important for the development of cultivars with greater longevity. The present study presents new information that the proteome of axillary buds is changed in successive cuts in sugarcane culture. Proteins were identified by UPLC-ESI-Q-TOF (ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionisation–quadrupole–time-of-flight) mass spectrometry and the Mascot tool. A reduction in the number of proteins was evident in the axillary buds of the fifth cut, as well as a reduction in the number of proteins exclusively detected in the axillary buds with the first cut, an indicator of reduction in the expression of genes that may be essential for the stability of culture development. The reduction in agricultural productivity, sprouting and tillering at advanced stages of the sugarcane crop is accompanied by alterations in axillary-bud gene expression, where <50% of the proteins (47.65%) were detected in both the first (plant cane) and in the fifth (fourth ratoon) cutting stage, whereas >50% (52.35%) were expressed in either the axillary buds of the plant cane or the axillary buds of the fourth ratoon. All MS data are available via jPOST and ProteomeXchange with identifiers JPST000331 and PXD007957, respectively.

Experiments were recently reported showing that, in young seedlings of Pisum sativum , the complete inhibiting effect which the shoot exerts upon its axillary buds comes entirely or almost entirely from three or four of its developing leave acting together (6). A single developing leaf was found usually to inhibit only partially—that is to say, sufficiently to delay the growth of an axillary bud below it, but not to check it completely. The strength of this partial inhibiting effect was measured by the retardation of the outgrowth of the axillary buds of the first or lowest leaf, as compared with their growth in completely defoliated controls. Comparisons were further made of the inhibiting effects of single young leaves of equal sizes near the apex in seedlings of different ages and heights, and it was found that in very young short seedlings the inhibiting effect was very slight or inappreciable, although in seedlings of a height of about 30 mm. or more (but still possessing well filled cotyledons) the effect was strong.

2020 ◽  
Rongna Wang ◽  
Junjie Qian ◽  
Zhongming Fang ◽  
Jihua Tang

Abstract Background: N is an important macronutrient required for plant development and significantly influences axillary bud outgrowth, which affects tillering and grain yields of rice. However, how different N concentrations affect axillary bud growth at the molecular and transcriptional levels remains unclear. Results: In this study, morphological changes in the axillary bud growth of rice seedlings under different N concentrations ranging from low to high levels were systematically observed. To investigate the expression of N-induced genes involved in axillary bud growth, we used RNA-seq technology to generate mRNA transcriptomic data from two tissue types, basal parts and axillary buds, of plants grown under six different N concentrations. In total, 10,221 and 12,180 DEGs induced by LN or HN supplies were identified in the basal parts and axillary buds, respectively, via comparisons to expression levels under NN level. Analysis of the coexpression modules from the DEGs of the basal parts and axillary buds revealed an abundance of related biological processes underlying the axillary bud growth of plants under N treatments. Among these processes, the activity of cell division and expansion was positively correlated with the growth rate of axillary buds of plants grown under different N supplies. Additionally, TFs and phytohormones were shown to play crucial roles in determining the axillary bud growth of plants grown under different N concentrations. Further validation of OsGS1;2 and OsGS2 , the rice mutants of which presented altered tiller numbers, validated our transcriptomic data. Conclusion: These results indicate that different N concentrations affect the axillary bud growth rate, and our study revealed comprehensive expression profiles of genes that respond to different N concentrations, providing an important resource for future studies attempting to determine how axillary bud growth is controlled by different N supplies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Kyohei Shibasaki ◽  
Arika Takebayashi ◽  
Nobue Makita ◽  
Mikiko Kojima ◽  
Yumiko Takebayashi ◽  

Oryza longistaminata, a wild rice, can propagate vegetatively via rhizome formation and, thereby, expand its territory through horizontal growth of branched rhizomes. The structural features of rhizomes are similar to those of aerial stems; however, the physiological roles of the two organs are different. Nitrogen nutrition is presumed to be linked to the vegetative propagation activity of rhizomes, but the regulation of rhizome growth in response to nitrogen nutrition and the underlying biological processes have not been well characterized. In this study, we analyzed rhizome axillary bud growth in response to nitrogen nutrition and examined the involvement of cytokinin-mediated regulation in the promotion of bud outgrowth in O. longistaminata. Our results showed that nitrogen nutrition sufficiency promoted rhizome bud outgrowth to form secondary rhizomes. In early stages of the response to nitrogen application, glutamine accumulated rapidly, two cytokinin biosynthesis genes, isopentenyltransferase, and CYP735A, were up-regulated with accompanying cytokinin accumulation, and expression of an ortholog of FINE CULM1, a negative regulator of axillary bud outgrowth, was severely repressed in rhizomes. These results suggest that, despite differences in physiological roles of these organs, the nitrogen-dependent outgrowth of rhizome axillary buds in O. longistaminata is regulated by a mechanism similar to that of shoot axillary buds in O. sativa. Our findings provide a clue for understanding how branched rhizome growth is regulated to enhance nutrient acquisition strategies.

P.C.D. Newton ◽  
M.J.M. Hay ◽  
V.J. Thomas ◽  
E.M. Glasgow ◽  
H.B. Dick

The activity of white clover axillary buds was studied over a 13 month period in populations from set-stocked (S) and rotationally grazed (R) pastures. Bud activity in the field was observed and the viability of inactive buds was tested in the laboratory. R populations had significantly greater percentages of nodes bearing active buds, potentially active buds and roots. Two kinds of dormancy were identified in axillary buds. For much of the year buds at approximately 26% of nodes were prevented from growing, probably by a combination of correlative factors and the environmental conditions surrounding each bud-site. During spring, very few buds could be stimulated to grow; these buds were regarded as showing the second form of dormancy. The R population had a deeper but less prolonged 'spring dormancy'. The physiological basis and ecological significance of 'spring dormancy' are considered. Keywords white clover, dormancy, axillary buds

2015 ◽  
Vol 75 (3) ◽  
pp. 718-725 ◽  
B Appezzato-da-Glória ◽  
JM Silva ◽  
MKM Soares ◽  
AN Soares ◽  
AR Martins

AbstractThe species of the genus Smilax, popularly known as sarsaparilla, are widely used in folk medicine due to the antirheumatic properties of its underground structures. Smilax fluminensis and S. syphilitica occur in forested areas and form thickened stems called rhizophores from which adventitious roots grow. To provide information for more accurate identification of the commercialised product and for elucidating the process of stem thickening, a morphology and anatomy study of the underground organs of the two species was conducted. The adventitious roots differ in colour and diameter depending on the stage of development. They are white and have a larger diameter in the early stages of development, but as they grow, the adventitious roots become brown and have a smaller diameter due to the disintegration of the epidermis and virtually the entire cortex. In brown roots, the covering function is then performed by the lignified endodermis and the remaining walls of the cells from the last parenchyma cortical layer. These results are similar to those found in studies of other Smilax and suggest that the anatomy of the roots can be useful for identifying fraud in commercialised materials. The thickening process of the nodal regions of the rhizophores in both species involves the activity of axillary buds and pericyclic layers.

1983 ◽  
Vol 61 (12) ◽  
pp. 3049-3065 ◽  
Alastair D. Macdonald ◽  
D. H. Mothersill

Buds and developing branches of Betula papyrifera were collected weekly from mature trees during three successive growing seasons. Material was prepared to show stages of bud inception, development, and flushing and female inflorescence inception. Short shoots develop from (i) proximal axillary buds on long shoots (ii) short-shoot terminal buds, or (iii) axillary buds on flowering short shoots. An axillary bud apex forms a terminal bud after bud burst. An axillary bud possesses one outer rudimentary leaf, but all other short-shoot buds have three outer rudimentary leaves. All short-shoot buds possess, in addition, one–three embryonic foliage leaves and, distally, three primordial rudimentary leaves which form the outermost appendages of the succeeding terminal bud. Rudimentary leaf stipules form the cataphylls. Foliage leaf primordia are initiated in May – early June and rudimentary leaves arise in late June – July. If a bud apex is initiated in year n, female inflorescence induction occurs in late June of year n + 1 or any succeeding year. An axillary bud develops on a short shoot as a consequence of flowering; it is initiated concurrently with inflorescence development and its development is completed during flowering and seed maturation. Short- and long-shoot buds can be distinguished, upon dissection, in mid-July when buds are forming. Hence, determination of potential long and short shoots occurs the year before bud burst.

1980 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 281-294
Kim Anh Ha Ngoc

In intact tomato plants, axillary buds are completely inhibited by the main apex. A release from apical dominance is obtained by decapitation or excision of the main axis at different levels. These excisions lead to a wave of mitotic reactivation along the main stem which progresses in the basipetal way and is followed by an activation of axillary bud in the acropetal direction, from the base to the axillary bud apex. After release from apical dominance, axillary buds don't react equally. There is a basipetal gradient of their capacity of outgrowth. In the younger subapical axillary buds, mitotic reactivation is the first step observed (after 3 h); the cellular elongation occurs after 3–6 h, and foliar organogenesis begins only after 24 h. The basal axillary buds are reactivated much later. Adult leaves don't play any role on their axiliaries: the total defoliation of the plant does not lead to the outgrowth of all the axillary or cotyledonary buds.

2019 ◽  
Rongna Wang ◽  
Junjie Qian ◽  
Zhongming Fang ◽  
Jihua Tang

Abstract Background: N is an important macronutrient required for plant development and significantly influences axillary bud outgrowth, which affects tillering and grain yields of rice. However, how different N concentrations affect axillary bud growth at the molecular and transcriptional levels remains unclear. Results: In this study, morphological changes in the axillary bud growth of rice seedlings under different N concentrations ranging from low to high levels were systematically observed. To investigate the expression of N-induced genes involved in axillary bud growth, we used RNA-seq technology to generate mRNA transcriptomic data from two tissue types, basal parts and axillary buds, of plants grown under six different N concentrations. In total, 10,221 and 12,180 DEGs induced by LN or HN supplies were identified in the basal parts and axillary buds, respectively, via comparisons to expression levels under NN level. Analysis of the coexpression modules from the DEGs of the basal parts and axillary buds revealed an abundance of related biological processes underlying the axillary bud growth of plants under N treatments. Among these processes, the activity of cell division and expansion was positively correlated with the growth rate of axillary buds of plants grown under different N supplies. Additionally, TFs and phytohormones were shown to play crucial roles in determining the axillary bud growth of plants grown under different N concentrations. Further validation of OsGS1;2 and OsGS2 , the rice mutants of which presented altered tiller numbers, validated our transcriptomic data. Conclusion: These results indicate that different N concentrations affect the axillary bud growth rate, and our study revealed comprehensive expression profiles of genes that respond to different N concentrations, providing an important resource for future studies attempting to determine how axillary bud growth is controlled by different N supplies.

The chief peculiarity of spirodistichous phyllotaxis, shown, for example, by Rhoeo discolor , is that it is spiral instead of distichous, although each leaf makes contact at its base with the next older leaf only. Previously (1951) the writer suggested as an explanation that in this species the position of each new leaf depends on a balance of physiological repulsions from the centres of the two or more next older leaves; for it did not seem possible to explain the spirodistichy on the basis of a spaceoccupying theory such as had been found to hold good for various dicotyledons. This suggestion was based on experiments in which the central part of P 1 , the youngest visible leaf, was removed, and the angular positions of the subsequent leaves, I 1 and I 2 , were found to differ from the normal in such a way that these leaves appeared to be displaced towards the removed leaf centre. But later it was found that when the central part of P 2 was removed, I 1 was not appreciably displaced towards P 2 , as it was expected to be, unless the part removed was very large. This made the previous explanation very doubtful, and another explanation was sought. It was found by measurements of the angles between older leaves that the growing-point of the apex shifted away from the wound after the operations on P 1 , but only after the more severe of the operations on P 2 . It is shown that on the basis of a space-filling theory of leaf determination the shift of the growing-point, acting in various ways, is enough to account for the displacements of I 1 and I 2 towards the wound after the previous operations on P 1 and the displacement of I 1 after the more severe operations on P 2 . The question arises therefore whether the normal spirodistichy can be explained without postulating physiological repulsions. It is shown that in Rhoeo the flanks of a leaf, extending round the apex, are able to approach the summit of the apex in passing over an obstacle, and it is suggested that the phyllotaxis is spiral because each new leaf, n , is caused to deviate laterally by the flank of leaf n -1 beneath it, which rises towards the summit of the apex in passing over the centre and axillary bud of leaf n -2, a suggestion first made to the writer by Professor G. van Iterson. Also the results of other operations on the apex of Rhoeo are reported and are interpreted similarly on the basis of a space-filling theory, as due to the shift of the growing-point acting in various ways, and the peculiar powers of development of the leaf flanks. The development of the axillary buds and seedlings is described and interpreted on a similar basis. So it is not necessary to postulate physiological repulsions in order to explain leaf determination in Rhoeo , nor to suppose that the process is fundamentally different from what it is in dicotyledons. The base of each leaf in Rhoeo is normally asymmetric, its anodic half being shorter peripherally, but thicker radially. After various operations on the apex the shapes of the bases of the next three leaves that arise are often changed, and a study of these changes has made it possible to suggest an explanation of the asymmetries of the leaves both after the operations and in normal apices. Some changes in the eccentricities of axillary buds are also reported.

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