pisum sativum
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PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0261109
Dil Thavarajah ◽  
Tristan J. Lawrence ◽  
Sarah E. Powers ◽  
Joshua Kay ◽  
Pushparajah Thavarajah ◽  

A primary criticism of organic agriculture is its lower yield and nutritional quality compared to conventional systems. Nutritionally, dry pea (Pisum sativum L.) is a rich source of low digestible carbohydrates, protein, and micronutrients. This study aimed to evaluate dry pea cultivars and advanced breeding lines using on-farm field selections to inform the development of biofortified organic cultivars with increased yield and nutritional quality. A total of 44 dry pea entries were grown in two USDA-certified organic on-farm locations in South Carolina (SC), United States of America (USA) for two years. Seed yield and protein for dry pea ranged from 61 to 3833 kg ha-1 and 12.6 to 34.2 g/100 g, respectively, with low heritability estimates. Total prebiotic carbohydrate concentration ranged from 14.7 to 26.6 g/100 g. A 100-g serving of organic dry pea provides 73.5 to 133% of the recommended daily allowance (%RDA) of prebiotic carbohydrates. Heritability estimates for individual prebiotic carbohydrates ranged from 0.27 to 0.82. Organic dry peas are rich in minerals [iron (Fe): 1.9–26.2 mg/100 g; zinc (Zn): 1.1–7.5 mg/100 g] and have low to moderate concentrations of phytic acid (PA:18.8–516 mg/100 g). The significant cultivar, location, and year effects were evident for grain yield, thousand seed weight (1000-seed weight), and protein, but results for other nutritional traits varied with genotype, environment, and interactions. “AAC Carver,” “Jetset,” and “Mystique” were the best-adapted cultivars with high yield, and “CDC Striker,” “Fiddle,” and “Hampton” had the highest protein concentration. These cultivars are the best performing cultivars that should be incorporated into organic dry pea breeding programs to develop cultivars suitable for organic production. In conclusion, organic dry pea has potential as a winter cash crop in southern climates. Still, it will require selecting diverse genetic material and location sourcing to develop improved cultivars with a higher yield, disease resistance, and nutritional quality.

Food systems ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 308-314
A. A. Ruban ◽  
M. V. Novikova ◽  
S. I. Loskutov ◽  
A. A. Kostin

Various oils, fats and emulsifiers in the composition of preparations for soil enrichment or plant protection can have a significant effect on the germination capacity and energy of sprouting of pea seeds. Fat of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae can be used as a pesticide carrier as well as for increasing seed resistance to contamination with fungi and insects during storage and sprouting. Therefore, the aim of the study was to determine an effect of insect fat in a form of an emulsion on sprouting of pea seeds of the variety “Rodnik” depending on a type of an emulsifier or stabilizer. It was found that the use of 0.3 weight% of xanthan gum as a stabilizer for fat emulsion of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae significantly increased the number of germinated seeds and the energy of seed sprouting. The use of 1–5 weight% of Tween 20 as an emulsifier for fat of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae led to inhibition of seed growth. Lecithin, sodium caseinate and microcellulose with addition of fat of black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae also decreased the germination capacity and sprouting of pea seeds (Pisum sativum L.).

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Mily Yolanda Ramírez Quiñones ◽  
Alberto Martin Medina Villacorta ◽  
Ritza Consuelo Collas Alva ◽  
Jaime Braulio Cahuana Flores ◽  
Andrea Rosario Pari Soto ◽  

The research deals with nitrogen doses and sowing densities in peas. The objective was to determine which nitrogen dose and planting density obtained the highest yield. The methodology is based on applied research; Therefore, the statistical model of the Completely Random Block Design was used, which consisted of 3 blocks and 6 treatments. The doses were applied at 17 days 1/2 N, 100% P2O5 and 100% K2O and 62 days after sowing 1/2 N, it was evaluated from sowing to harvest and the data were processed by analysis of variance of two factors and Duncan, took leaf samples for foliar analysis and determined the total amount of nitrogen used. It was determined that T5 stood out in stem length with 128.42 cm, commercial yield with 12.53 tn/ha, T4 in weight of pods with 620 g, number of pods per plant with 48, T6 in nitrogen concentration with 6.60 g/ 100 g of dry matter and T5 in the amount of nitrogen used with 154.3 kg/ha that obtained the highest yield. It is concluded that the higher dose of nitrogen and less distance that is T5 obtained higher performance exceeding by 24.52% in relation to T1.

May Labeeb ◽  
Abdelfattah Badr ◽  
Soliman A. Haroun ◽  
Magdy Z. Mattar ◽  
Aziza S. El-kholy

Abstract Background Silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) are the most widely used nanomaterial in agricultural and environmental applications. In this study, the impact of AgNPs solutions at 20 mg/L, 40 mg/L, 80 mg/L, and 160 mg/L on cell ultrastructure have been examined in pea (Pisum sativum L) using a transmission electron microscope (TEM). The effect of AgNPs treatments on the α, β esterase (EST), and peroxidase (POX) enzymes expression as well as gain or loss of inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSRs) markers has been described. Results Different structural malformations in the cell wall and mitochondria, as well as plasmolysis and vacuolation were recorded in root cells. Damaged chloroplast and mitochondria were frequently observed in leaves and the osmiophilic plastoglobuli were more observed as AgNPs concentration increased. Starch grains increased by the treatment with 20 mg/L AgNPs. The expressions of α, β EST, and POX were slightly changed but considerable polymorphism in ISSR profiles, using 17 different primers, were scored indicating gain or loss of gene loci as a result of AgNPs treatments. This indicates considerable variations in genomic DNA and point mutations that may be induced by AgNPs as a genotoxic nanomaterial. Conclusion AgNPs may be used to induce genetic variation at low concentrations. However, considerations should be given to the uncontrolled use of nanoparticles and calls for evaluating their impact on plant growth and potential genotoxicity are justified.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (6) ◽  
Semih Acikbas ◽  
Mehmet Arif Ozyazici ◽  
Harun Bektas

ABSTRACT: Forage pea (Pisum sativum ssp. arvense (L.) Poir.) is an important legume crop for fresh and dry herbage production with high input costs as irrigation and fertilization. Selection and breeding of accessions for improved drought tolerance, water, and mineral uptake efficiency become a necessity, rather than a choice. This study evaluated a set of forage pea accessions for the seedling root system architecture diversity and seed reserve utilization, under controlled conditions. Eight cultivars and an elite breeding line were evaluated for the first time in a plexiglass system. The number and lengths of the roots in each depth zone (0, 5, 10, 15+ cm) were evaluated and significant diversity was identified. The cultivar Livioletta had the highest number of roots and total root length. There was a significant correlation between seed weight, seed reserve utilization ratio, and root system vigor. Accessions with the highest seed reserve utilization had the highest total root length and numbers. Seedling root system vigor seems to be effective in predicting the fate of the accessions through maturity. The results suggested a possibility of “seedling root selection” for forage crop breeding.

Vivências ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (35) ◽  
pp. 315-328
Jordana Gabriele Vettorato ◽  
Samantha Chitolina ◽  
Darlei Luiz Heck ◽  
Nilvane Teresinha Ghellar Muller

O processo de germinação de sementes ocorre em sucessivas etapas e depende da qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Os cultivos de ervilha (Psidium sativa L.) em diversas regiões do Brasil vêm se destacando por ser uma alternativa economicamente viável de produção e comercialização. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o potencial germinativo e os vigores de sementes de ervilhas provenientes de diferentes fornecedores. O experimento foi realizado no município de Ijuí, RS, entre os meses de abril a junho de 2018 e envolveu um esquema fatorial (3x4x20), com um total de 480 sementes. Foram analisados os teores de umidade das sementes, bem como, a percentagem de germinação das sementes, altura média e número médio de folhas das plântulas e vigor característico. Foi possível concluir que a semente intitulada por T3 é a que tem maior potencial de germinação, não diferindo estatisticamente das sementes T1 e T2, mas sendo a única a diferir da semente T4. Para as características, altura média de plântulas, número médio de folhas e vigor, a semente T3 apresentou diferenças significativas em relação às demais. A qualidade fisiológica das sementes, incluindo vigores e germinação é dependente dos fornecedores de sementes. Análises de germinação e vigor são extremamente necessárias para saber as potencialidades produtivas de culturas de interesse.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 53-60
Oana-Alexandra Drăghiceanu ◽  
Anca Nicoleta Șuțan ◽  
Codruța Mihaela Dobrescu ◽  
Nicoleta Doruța Bătut-Andrei ◽  
Liliana Cristina Soare ◽  

In this study, we used aqueous extracts of fern spores and solution of AgNO3 and HAuCl4 for the synthesis of bimetallic nanoparticles Au:Ag in different proportions: 1:1 and 1:10. The spores used come from 2 species of ferns: Asplenium scolopendrium and Dryopteris filix-mas. For the characterization of the extracts with or without bimetallic nanoparticles we applied Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Phytotoxicity was tested using Pisum sativum seeds. Each extract was tested in 2 dilutions: 1:10 (D10) and 1:100 (D100). The parameters, which we determinate were the root and stem growth and fresh biomass. Root growth was stimulated in variants with Asplenium scolopendrium extract: without nanoparticles both dilution and with Au:Ag nanoparticles 1:10 D10. The highest values obtained for the stem were at D10 at the variants with Asplenium scolopendrium extract with or without bimetallic nanoparticles. The influence of extracts on fresh biomass was smaller than on the growth of root and stem.

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