Sapere Aude ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (18) ◽  
pp. 266-284
Daniel Luis Cidade Gonçalves

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho consiste em, partindo do conceito de dispositivo em Michel Foucault, traçar uma análise sob a perspectiva das relações de saber/poder em busca de uma compreensão mais detalhada daquilo que poderíamos chamar de dispositivo de soberania, dispositivo disciplinar e dispositivo de segurança. Trata-se de investigar a interdependência presente nos discursos que legitimam cada dispositivo e as relações de poder que permitem as inúmeras articulações práticas que encontramos em nossas sociedades. A partir desta metodologia de análise do poder, investigaremos a concepção jurídico-discursiva de poder, o conceito de poder disciplinar, assim como aquilo que Foucault chama de biopolítica. Com isso, fica mais acessível a compreensão do mundo contemporâneo globalizado como um momento em que inúmeros dispositivos entram em choque, tornando as análises políticas possíveis cada vez mais complexas. Buscamos um diagnóstico do presente, através da compreensão de suas disposições atuais de poder, para que com isso possamos seguir em frente em busca de relações mais livres e menos opressivas, normalizadas ou regulamentadas.  PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Dispositivo. Soberania. Disciplina. Segurança. Poder. ABSTRATCT: The objective of this work is to draw from the concept of device in Michel Foucault an analysis from the perspective of the relations of knowledge/power in search of a more detailed understanding of what we could call a device of sovereignty, disciplinary device and device of security. It is a question of investigating the interdependence present in the discourses that legitimize each device and the relations of power that allows the innumerable practical articulations that we find in our societies. From this methodology of analysis of the power, we will investigate the legal-discursive conception of power, the concept of disciplinary power, as well as what Foucault calls biopolitics. As a result, the understanding of the globalized contemporary world becomes more accessible as a time when numerous devices come into shock, making the possible political analysis more and more complex. We seek a diagnosis of the present, by understanding its present dispositions of power, so that we can move forward in search of freer and less oppressive, normalized or regulated relations.  KEY-WORDS: Device. Sovereignty. Discipline. Security. Power.      

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-205
Charles E. Scott

Abstract This essay is motivated by the question, how might we describe the occurrences of cultural borders? It is organized in three sections with these titles: A. Borders of Concealment and Translation; B. Attunement with Fragmented, Differential Borders; C. Metaphors, Relations of Power, Borderlands. I limit these topics by focusing primarily on cultural borders and transformations within the United States. My aims within the context of these situated accounts are to encourage greater awareness of borders as events that often have shared and describable characteristics, to make evident a group of issues that need further philosophical attention, to develop an enlarged philosophical vocabulary for such thought in comparison to that in standard use, and to bring to the fore questions of cultural sensibility and their transformations. In this process I address and utilize specific works by Martin Heidegger, Jacques Derrida, Michel Foucault, and Gloria Anzaldúa.

ECA Sinergia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 121 ◽  
Gladys Saltos Briones ◽  
Silvia Odriozola Guitart ◽  
Maritza Ortiz Torres

  En el mundo contemporáneo, cada vez con mayor fuerza, el conocimiento se convierte en un elemento fundamental para los procesos de desarrollo, lo cual ha ido transformando el rol de las universidades en sus vínculos con la sociedad. En este contexto, la participación del gobierno, así como del sistema empresarial, se torna igualmente relevante, dando lugar a diversos modelos de vinculación entre todos estos actores. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, el presente trabajo tiene como propósito fundamental la sistematización, desde el punto de vista teórico-metodológico e histórico, de las bases conceptuales para la vinculación universidad-empresa-gobierno, así como de los modelos de vinculación derivados de la experiencia internacional. Ambos tópicos son abordados en los dos apartados que conforman el artículo.   Palabras clave: Vinculación, Universidad, Empresa, Gobierno   ABSTRACT In the contemporary world, knowledge is increasingly becoming a fundamental element for development processes, which has been transforming the role of universities in their links with society. In this context, the participation of the government, as well as of the industry, becomes equally relevant, giving rise to diverse models of linkage between all these actors. Taking into account the above, the present work has as its fundamental purpose the systematization, from the theoretical-methodological and historical point of view, of the conceptual bases for the university-industry-government linkage, as well as of the linking models derived from the international experience. Both topics are addressed in the two sections that make up the article.   Key words: Linkage, University, Industry, Government  

Profanações ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 93
Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar y Soler

Em o Nascimento da Biopolítica, Foucault trata de analisar as emergências e proveniências do mercado econômico compreendido como modo de veridicção a partir na nossa sociedade ocidental desde seu aparecimento junto à pastoral da carne cristã, passando pela razão de Estado moderna, até o neoliberalismo. O presente ensaio procura rastrear os desdobramentos de tal conceito no sentido de pensá-lo como um modelo de governança segundo o qual se produz, no mundo contemporâneo uma governamentalização voltada para o cambiante fluxo dos indicadores econômicos responsáveis por estabelecer as regras do que se considera bom ou mau governo. Ocorre que, ao constituir-se como prática refletida de governo, o mercado econômico acaba por operar como um dispositivo de assujeitamento das condutas tornando refém de seus indicadores não somente o Estado e suas instituições, mas os próprios sujeitos que não reconhecem outro elemento ético senão aqueles provenientes da capacidade econômica do mercado gerenciar o que deve viver e do que deve morrer.AbstractIn Birth of Biopolitics, Foucault tries to analyze the emergencies and provenances of the economic market understood as a way of veridiction from our western society from its appearance with the pastoral of Christian meat, through the modern state reason, to neoliberalism doctrine. The present papper tries to trace the consequences of such a concept in the sense of thinking of it as a model of governance according to which, in the contemporary world, governmentalization is focused on the changing flow of economic indicators responsible for establishing the rules of what is considered good or bad government. It happens that, as a reflected practice of government, the economic market ends up operating as a device for assujeitamento conducting hostage of its indicators not only the State and its institutions, but the subjects themselves who do not recognize another ethical element otherwise those from the economic capacity of the market manage what must live and what must die.

Teresa Torra Borràs

Resumen: En un moviment similar al que efectua Michel Foucault en analitzar la lepra i la pesta com a malalties model del poder disciplinari i del poder sobirà, l’objectiu serà presentar la sida com a malaltia model del biopoder. Es tracta d’analitzar com els mecanismes de poder i de saber que gestionen la sida responen a una determinada economia de poder, que ja no pot ser explicada a través del model binari de la lepra, ni del model pesat i geomètric de la pesta. Per aconseguir això, farem un breu recorregut pel concepte de biopoder i pel model de la lepra i de la pesta. Seguidament, presentarem les novetats del model de la sida. L’anàlisi es centrarà en els primers anys de la malaltia: farem un recorregut pels primers casos que van aparèixer i com van ser analitzats tant pel personal mèdic com pels mitjans de comunicació. Però, sobretot, es centrarà en les víctimes: com van ser tractades i estigmatitzades, el reagrupament dels anomenats “grups de risc”. En definitiva, veure com la seva relació amb la malaltia i la mort va passar per les instàncies del poder. Paraules clau: Foucault, biopoder, malaltia, sida, víctimes. Abstract: By making a move similar to the one that Michel Foucault used to analyze leprosy and plague as illness models of sovereign and disciplinary power respectively, we aim to present aids as a model for illness under biopower. We will analyze how the mechanics of power and knowledge that manage aids belongs to a specific power economy that can no longer be explained by means of a binary leprosy model, nor through a heavy, geometrical plague model. After that, we will present aids model’s novelties. The analysis will be focused on the first years of the illness: we will go over the first registered cases and the way they were analysed both by medical authorities and communication media. But above all, we will focus on the victims: the way they were treated and stigmatized, the designation of the so-called “risks groups”. Especially, we will analyze how the power affected the victim’s relationship with illness and death. Keywords: Foucault, biopower, illness, aids, victims.

2013 ◽  
pp. 110-128 ◽  
Thomas Nail

This paper draws on the work of Michel Foucault in order to analyze the constellation of political strategies and power at the US/Mexico border wall. These strategies, however, are incredibly diverse and often directly antagonistic of one another. Thus, this paper argues that in order to make sense of the seemingly multiple and contradictory political strategies deployed in the operation of the US/Mexico border wall, we have to understand the coexistence and intertwinement of at least three distinct types of power at work there: the sovereign exclusion of illegal life, the disciplinary detention of surveilled life, and the biopolitical circulation of migratory life. By doing so this paper offers an original contribution to two major areas of study: in Foucault studies this paper expands the existing literature on Foucault by analyzing the crossroads of power particular to the US/Mexico border wall, which has not yet been done, and in border studies this Foucauldian approach offers a unique political analysis that goes beyond the critique of sovereignty and toward an analysis of coexisting strategies of power.

2018 ◽  
pp. 63-84
Lucas Labigalini Fuini

Este artigo pretende estabelecer um diálogo com a obra de Michel Foucault no sentido de se buscar esclarecer o sentido dado pelo autor ao conceito de Território - relacionado diretamente à construção de relações de poder- compreendendo algumas das influências de seus escritos na produção geográfica, em especial a brasileira. Pautado na arqueologia do saber e na genealogia do poder, o autor analisa a construções históricas das estruturas de poder e de controle/vigilância nas sociedades modernas, dando especial destaque à dimensão espacial dos processos sociais, deixando um legado importante, que perpassa a obra de geógrafos brasileiros e estrangeiros.Palavras-chave: Foucault; Geografia; poder; território. ABSTRACTThis article intends to establish a dialogue with the work of Michel Foucault in order to clarify the meaning given by the author to the concept of Territory - directly related to the construction of relations of power - including some of the influences of his writings on the geographical production, in particular the Brazilian. Based on the archeology of knowledge and the genealogy of power, the author analyzes the historical constructions of power and control / surveillance structures in modern societies, with a special emphasis on the spatial dimension of social processes, leaving an important legacy that permeates the work Brazilian and foreigners geographers.Keywords: Foucault; Geography; power; territory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (61) ◽  

Postmodernism has been the subject of widespread debate and postmodernist production has filled every aspect of our lives. The works of European philosophicals such as François Lyotard, Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Pierre-Félix Guattari and Jean Baudrillard are connected to the subject within the framework of the development of tradition. Postmodernism was interpreted by these philosophicals as the losing its legitimacy of great meta-stories with the phenomenon of enlightenment. In the section called “Evolution of Postmodernism”, the views of European thinkers such as Lyotard, Foucault, Deleuze, Guattari and Baudrillard and some North American thinkers such as Jameson and Foster were discussed. In the section “Postmodern Situation and Examples in Plastic Arts”, postmodern art productions were examined in comparison with the movements that have predecessors such as minimalism and conceptual art. Finally, an evaluation has been made on what kind of structure can be mentioned in terms of these theoretical studies and artistic productions. Key words: Postmodernism, modernism, art

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Diogo Dubiela

Sinopse: As mulheres e a fibra é um videodocumentário etnográfico com o grupo de mulheres Art&Mãe - vinculado a Cooperativa 20 de Novembro do Movimento Nacional de Luta pela Moradia (MNLM), na cidade Porto Alegre – Brasil. Mostra a dinâmica de trabalho do grupo com a fibra de garrafa PET e sua produção de sentido no mundo contemporâneo, a etnografia como relação de troca, aprendizado e formação de rede. No decorrer do processo etnográfico, a fibra de garrafa PET é alçada ao status de elemento diacrítico-estético, o qual carrega em si a expressividade máxima do encontro de mundos, por isso a fibra é o principal elemento da instalação etnográfica que resulta de todo o processo. A produção audiovisual versa também sobre sociabilidade urbana e feminina, economia solidária, amizade, imagem e arte. Synopsis: Women and fiber is an ethnographic videodocumentary with the group of women Art&Mãe - linked to the November 20 Cooperative of the National Movement for Struggle for Housing (MNLM), in the city of Porto Alegre - Brazil. It shows the work dynamics of the group with PET bottle fiber and its production of meaning in the contemporary world, ethnography as a relation of exchange, learning and formation of network. In the course of the ethnographic process, PET bottle fiber is elevated to the status of a diacritic-aesthetic element, which carries within itself the maximum expressiveness of the meeting of worlds, so fiber is the main element of the ethnographic installation that results from all process. The audiovisual production also deals with urban and feminine sociability, solidarity economy, friendship, image and art. Palavras-chave: imagem, trabalho, etnografia, arte, economia solidária Key-words: image, work, ethnography, art, solidarity economy Ficha técnica: Autor:Diogo Dubiela. Direção: Diogo Dubiela. Câmera e montagem: Diogo Dubiela. Trilha sonora original: Felipe Bischoff. Gravação e mixagem da trilha: Kevin Brezolin. Produção: Diogo Dubiela e Grupo Art&Mãe Participaram do filme: Cenira Vargas da Silva, Neiva Regina Canabarro, Eloina Souza, Eva Lopes, Jussara Costa da Silva, Adriane Fernandes de Melo, Vanilda da Rosa, Marli Klippel Ramos, Maria Conceição Lima, Maria Terezinha Guimarães, Isabel Silva, Marilene Dias, Rosa da Silva Moreno, Lúcia das Graças Soares, Terezinha de Jesus, Eliane Fernandes de Melo. Apoio: Art&Mãe/Cooperativa 20 de Novembro/MNLM e NAVISUAL/PPGAS/UFRGS. Credits: Author:Isabela Andrade de Lima Morais Direction: Diogo Dubiela. Camera and mount:Diogo Dubiela. Soundtrack: Felipe Bischoff. Track recording and mixing:Kevin Brezolin. Production: Diogo Dubiela and Grupo Art&Mãe Participated in the movie: Cenira Vargas da Silva, Neiva Regina Canabarro, Eloina Souza, Eva Lopes, Jussara Costa da Silva, Adriane Fernandes de Melo, Vanilda da Rosa, Marli Klippel Ramos, Maria Conceição Lima, Maria Terezinha Guimarães, Isabel Silva, Marilene Dias, Rosa da Silva Moreno, Lúcia das Graças Soares, Terezinha de Jesus, Eliane Fernandes de Melo. Support:Art&Mãe/Cooperativa 20 de Novembro/MNLM e NAVISUAL/PPGAS/UFRGS.

This paper discusses a few of R.K.Singh’s characteristic poetic traits that make him stand apart from all his contemporary Indian poets writing in English. His poetry is an honest attempt to portray the contemporary world in its true hue and color; present an inside-out delineation of the modern man; and touch upon all the so-called ‘untouchable’ i.e., topics such as ‘Sex’, ‘Prostitution’, ‘Cultural Degradation’, ‘Stinking Politics’, ‘Religion’, etc. Reader finds Singh celebrating all his senses in his ‘unique’ attempt to attain the state of complete ‘Peace’ or ‘Calm’. His poetry serves as a medium for him to reach the state of ‘nirvana’. Reader finds Singh’s poetry as a prism that diffracts the worldly affairs into different spectrums, analyses each, and again sums it all into a single hue of liberation and peace with ‘detachment’ displaying the mark of a seasoned ‘yogi’. The paper aims to encourage other researchers and people in the academia to explore recent band of emerging Indian poets expressing themselves in English. Key Words: Poetic traits, brevity, sensual imagery, social consciousness, existential concern, degrading values, politics, spirituality.

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