The EU Promotion of Security Cooperation in the Non-European World: The Case of ASEAN and Myanmar

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-98
Ludovica MARCHI

This article explores the EU’s attempts at the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) to encourage Myanmar directly, or indirectly via the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), to connect with security cooperation. It argues that both ASEAN’s assumption of responsibility and Myanmar’s taking on of multilateral security options were linked to the EU’s policy at ARF. In order to demonstrate this, the article provides an historical insight into the EEC/EU’s relations with ASEAN, in 1980, leading to the EU’s participation in the ARF in 1993. It focuses on the EU’s messages at the Forum when the EU and ASEAN co-chaired the ARF meetings. Meetings co-chaired by both were held between 2004 and 2008. The investigation relates to the ARF as to a framework where interactions develop, and uses Cyclone Nargis that ravaged Myanmar in 2008 to assess Myanmar and ASEAN’s conduct. In evaluating Yangon and the Association’s behaviour, the article is helped by explanations provided by social mechanisms, an appropriateness logic and observations derived from interviews conducted in Southeast Asia and Brussels. The article covers the interaction between the EU and Myanmar before the outbreak of the Rohingya crisis, which gave EU policies towards Myanmar a new dimension.

2010 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 557-576 ◽  

AbstractThe members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) have been pursuing new cooperative security agendas – namely, confidence-building measures (CBMs), preventive diplomacy (PD), conflict resolution and a set of agendas associated with security communities. The ASEAN members' pursuit of these agendas should be seen as a set of instances of their mimetic adoption of external norms for the sake of legitimacy. They have mimetically been adopting a set of norms associated with the collective management of conflicts, which have been practiced by the participant states of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). They have been doing so, with the intention of securing their identities as legitimate members of the community of modern states, and of enhancing the status of ASEAN and the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) as legitimate cooperative security institutions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 94
Ervina Fredayani ◽  
Jordan Aria Adibrata ◽  
Naufal Fikhri Khairi

Abstrak Saat ini isu terorisme di Kawasan Asia Tenggara menjadi hal yang cukup penting untuk diperbincangkan, kawasan ini menjadi wilayah yang berpotensi besar akan hadirnya tindak kekerasan terorisme. Kehadiran kelompok islam radikal di Asia Tenggara menjadi faktor utama maraknya ancaman teror yang belakangan ini dirasa cukup meresahkan dan menimbulkan ketakutan terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Adanya hal ini kemudian membuat negara – negara di Kawasan Asia Tenggara bersepakat untuk mengantisipasi penyebaran aksi terorisme dengan menjalin kerja sama dengan Australia. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan kerja sama keamanan yang dilakukan oleh ASEAN dengan Australia dalam menghadapi ancaman terorisme, khususnya di Kawasan Asia Tenggara. Penggunaan Konsep Kerja Sama Keamanan Internasional dan Konsep Motivasi Kerja Sama Internasional sebagai alat dalam menjelaskan fenomena yang dikaji. Pada penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data, telaah pustaka, buku, artikel, jurnal, dan dokumen – dokumen lainnya untuk dapat menganalisa permasalahan tersebut. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa alasan kerja sama keamanan yang dijalin oleh ASEAN dan Australia, meliputi menjaga keamanan nasional dan perdamaian kawasan dari adanya aksi-aksi teror yang melibatkan organisasi-organisasi terorisme. Walaupun masih belum mencapai hasil yang diinginkan, kerja sama yang dijalin oleh ASEAN dan Australia ini diharapkan dapat semakin meningkatkan keamanan regional dari kedua belah pihak. Kata Kunci: ASEAN, Australia, Kerja Sama Terorisme   Abstract At this time the problem of terrorism in the Southeast Asian Region is quite important to discuss, this region is a region with great potential for the presence of acts of terrorism. The presence of radical Islamic groups in Southeast Asia has become a major factor in the emergence of terror threats, which lately is considered quite disturbing and frightening to surrounding communities. This existence then made the countries in the Southeast Asia Region agree to anticipate the spread of terrorist acts by establishing cooperation with Australia. This study aims to determine the reasons for security cooperation undertaken by ASEAN and Australia in dealing with the threat of terrorism, particularly in the Southeast Asian Region. The use of the Concept of International Security Cooperation and the Concept of Motivation for International Cooperation as tools in explaining the phenomenon under study. In this study the authors used qualitative research methods with data collection techniques, literature reviews, books, articles, journals, and other documents to be able to analyze the problem. The results of this study reveal several reasons for the security cooperation established by ASEAN and Australia, including national security and regional peace from acts of terror involving terrorist organizations. Although it has not yet achieved the desired results, the cooperation carried out by ASEAN and Australia is expected to increase regional security from both parties. Keyword: ASEAN, Australia, Terrorism Cooperatio

Ċetta Mainwaring

The Mediterranean Sea is now the deadliest region in the world for migrants. Although the death toll has been rising for many years, the EU response remains fragmented and short sighted. Politicians frame these migration flows as an unprecedented crisis and emphasize migration control at the EU’s external boundaries. In this context, At Europe’s Edge investigates (1) why the EU prioritizes the fortification of its external borders; (2) why migrants nevertheless continue to cross the Mediterranean and to die at sea; and (3) how EU member states on the southern periphery respond to their new role as migration gatekeepers. The book addresses these questions by examining the relationship between the EU and Malta, a small state with an outsized role in migration politics as EU policies place it at the crosshairs of migration flows and controls. The chapters combine ethnographic methods with macro-level analyses to weave together policymaker, practitioner, and migrant experiences, and demonstrate how the Mediterranean is an important space for the contested construction of ‘Europe’. At Europe’s Edge provides rich insight into the unexpected level of influence Malta exerts on EU migration governance, as well as the critical role migrants and their clandestine journeys play in animating EU and Maltese migration policies, driving international relations, and producing Malta’s political power. By centring on the margins, the book pushes the boundaries of our knowledge of the global politics of migration, asylum, and border security.

1995 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-92
John Guy

The Royal Asiatic Society has recently been a beneficiary from the estate of Mrs Dorothy Wales, widow of H. G. Quaritch Wales, the erudite scholar of early Southeast Asian history who died in 1981. The occasion of this bequest, the contents of which are discussed in the Librarian's report herein (pp. 169–70), prompts this note on the contribution of Quaritch Wales to Southeast Asian studies.Quaritch Wales was born in 1900 and educated at Charterhouse and Queens' College, Cambridge. He immediately embarked on a career in Southeast Asia, from which he was never to be deflected. At the age of 23 he entered the service of the Siamese Government where he served from 1924 to 1928 as an adviser to the courts of King Rama VI and King Rama VII. The first-hand knowledge gained from this experience formed the basis of his pioneering study Siamese State Ceremonies (1931), which remains a work of unrivalled insight into the Brahmanical rituals and Buddhist accretions of Thai kingship. He followed this with another work based on his experiences of Thai court and state functions, Ancient Siamese Government and Administration (1934).

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
I Gusti Bagus Dharma Agastia

How does ASEAN fare in addressing maritime security problems? This paper examines the shifting character of maritime security cooperation in Southeast Asia. In doing so, this paper looks at the outcomes of three maritime security-oriented fora that exist within the ASEAN regional framework: the ASEAN Regional Forum, the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting, and the ASEAN Maritime Forum. By compiling and analysing data on the forms and frequency of existing cooperative activities from 2003 gathered from publicly available sources, this paper finds that maritime security cooperation among ASEAN members continue to be largely dialogue-based, with few instances of practical cooperation. By comparing the three fora, this paper argues that the organisational design of these forums tends to affect the forms of cooperation. This paper concludes that despite ASEAN showing progress in adopting practical security cooperation, there remain hurdles in achieving regional maritime security.

See Seng Tan

This chapter introduces the responsibility to provide (R2Provide) and furnishes a sense of the diplomatic, normative and political conditions from which the notion emerged. The policy and academic debate sparked by Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar in 2008 and the post-crisis reconstruction effort helped shape the terms and references of the evolving sense of collective responsibility among Southeast Asian countries. What emerged was not surprising given the region’s enduring deference to the non-interference norm. Contrary to the R2P’s assumption that prospective targets of intervention bear the onus to justify to their prospective interveners why they do not deserve to be intervened against, the R2Provide places the onus instead on prospective recipients of assistance to invite or request their prospective helpers to exercise their responsibility to provide. That said, guided by Levinas’ ethics, the book goes on to contend that both recipient and provider equally share the obligation and responsibility to furnish succour, safety and security to affected populations: the recipient through her grant of consent and invitation, on one hand, the provider through her contributions of aid, assistance and the like on the other.

2016 ◽  
Vol 14 (4 (1)) ◽  
pp. 39-54
Robert Grzeszczak

The issue of re-nationalization (disintegration and fragmentation) of integration process is manifested by the will of some of the Member States to verify their relations with the European Union. In the age of an economic crisis of the EU and in relation to the large migration of the population, there has emerged strong social and political criticism, on the European level, of the integration process, with some Member States even consideringtheir withdrawal from the EU. In those States, demands forextending the Member States’ competences in the field of some EU policies are becoming more and more popular. The legal effects of the above-mentioned processes are visible in the free movements of the internal market, mainly within the free movement of persons. Therefore, there are problems, such as increased social dumping process, the need to retain the output of the European labour law, the issue of the so-called social tourism, erosion of the meaning of the EU citizenship and the principle of equal treatment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Rahdiansyah Rahdiansyah ◽  
Yulia Nizwana

Cultural disputes, and others, often occur between neighboring countries in Southeast Asia and can be the seeds of disharmony, of course, this is not desirable. Southeast Asia as a cultural scope that is interrelated in history, has local wisdom in resolving disputes, resolving this dispute is known as deliberation. Deliberation is an identity that must be prioritized as a wise cultural approach for the ASEAN community. The purpose of this study is to explore the local wisdom of Southeast Asian people in resolving disputes in their communities and implementing them as a solution for the ASEAN community. Recognizing each other as cultural origins often occur between Malaysian and Indonesian communities. As a nation of the same family, this is commonplace, but the most important thing is how to solve it. Interviewing the people of both countries is the first thing to do in looking at this problem, how they understand and see culture in their culture. Questionnaires are distributed as much as possible, each data obtained will be processed and classified according to nationality, education, age, and others. The findings will be a study to see the perspectives of the two countries in understanding history, culture, and cultural results in addressing the differences of opinion that occur. At least the description of the root of the problem is obtained, why this problem occurs, what are the main causes, how to understand it, how to react to it, and lead to the resolution of the dispute over ownership of culture itself

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1-2019) ◽  
pp. 5-26
Delphine Allès

This article highlights the formulation of comprehensive conceptions of security in Indonesia, Malaysia and within the framework of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), well before their academic conceptualisation. These security doctrines have been the basis of the consolidation of state and military apparatuses in the region. They tend to be overlooked by analyses praising the recent conversion of Southeast Asian political elites to the “non-traditional security”? agenda. This latter development is perceived as a source of multilateral cooperation and a substitute for the hardly operationalisable concept of human security. However, in the region, non-traditional security proves to be a semantic evolution rather than a policy transformation. At the core of ASEAN’s security narrative, it has provided a multilateral anointing of “broad” but not deepened conceptions of security, thus legitimising wide-ranging socio-political roles for the armed forces.

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