Names and the Temporal Life of Ownership

Andrew Moutu

This chapter examines some aspects of totemic names and the connection to kinship and marriage practices. It attempts to conceptualise relationships in ontological terms by identifying and employing four Western philosophical concepts — immanence and transcendence, necessity and contingency — and concretizes the nature of this conceptual approach by introducing further ethnographic material from neighbouring societies. The chapter opens with a discussion of Iqwaye and Iatmul, showing how the ontological issues of immanence and transcendence are located in social relations. It then considers the issues of necessity and contingency as they appear in the context of kinship and clan organization amongst the Iatmul and the Manambu. A theoretical dimension of this discussion concerns the manner in which time and relationships function in affecting and coordinating the behaviour of ownership. Since Iatmul names are generally considered as abundant in stock, and since they serve as vectors of integral relationships, another theoretical interest of the chapter relates to the question of the connection between relationships and infinity.

Alexandre Patrício Silva Barros ◽  
Denise Carla De Melo Vieira ◽  
Clay Anderson Nunes Chagas

TERRITORY, NETWORK AND DRUG TRAFFICKING: a theoretical-conceptual approach of the activity of commercialization of illicit substances in the university city Prof. José da Silveira Netto (UFPA), in Belém/PATERRITORIO, RED Y TRÁFICO DE DROGAS: una aproximación teórica-conceptual de la actividad de comercialización de las sustancias ilícitas en la ciudad universitaria Prof. José da Silveira Netto (UFPA), en Belém/PACompreender os processos que ocorrem no espaço necessita de vários fatores que, ajudam a reunir informações que se espraiam na sua organização. Então, a partir da problemática do tráfico de drogas na cidade universitária Prof. José da Silveira Netto (UFPA), onde esta atividade acaba exercendo novas dinâmicas sobre o espaço, tendo potencial para ser considerado um agente paralelo ao Estado, o artigo tem como objetivo fazer uma aproximação teórica dos conceitos que permeiam o tráfico de drogas no campus, afim de compreender a dinâmica espacial desta prática, visando a construção de uma rede de relações sociais. Assim, o trabalho se propõem colaborar para os estudos relacionados ao conceito de território voltado para a questão da segurança pública, destinado à investigação no ramo da Geografia e/ou ciências afins, em que o elemento de pesquisa seja colocado no contexto urbano. Como procedimentos metodológicos foram utilizados duas etapas, a saber: revisão bibliográfica de autores que se debruçam sobre as relações sociais que envolvem o espaço, materializando o território, sendo o principal conceito e, a partir de então, relacionar o próprio à atividade de venda e consumo de drogas na universidade; trabalhos de campo para melhor compreensão da realidade da área de estudo, e assim, utilizar toda a discussão teórica sobre esta realidade. Logo, fazer um estudo sobre o tráfico de drogas na UFPA perpassa por vários desafios, pois a questão da venda e do consumo de drogas dentro do campus é uma atividade que muitos sabem que ocorre, porém poucos fazem alguma discussão sobre o tema, ocasionando a falta de debate para se chegar a ações que tratem este problema com maior seriedade, e buscar viabilizar a convivência das pessoas que frequentam e utilizam esses espaços.Palavras-chave: Território; Tráfico; Drogas; Rede.ABSTRACTUnderstanding the processes that occur in space requires several factors that help gather information that spreads throughout your organization. Then, from the problematic of drug trafficking in the university city Prof. José da Silveira Netto (UFPA), where this activity ends up exerting new dynamics on space, having the potential to be considered an parallel agent to the State, the article aims to make a theoretical approximation of the concepts that permeate drug trafficking on campus, in order to understand the spatial dynamics of this practice, aiming the construction of a network of social relations. Thus, the paper intends to collaborate for studies related to the concept of territory geared to the issue of public safety, aimed at research in the field of Geography and/or related sciences, where the research element is placed in the urban context. As methodological procedures, two stages were used: bibliographical review of authors that deal with the social relations that involve space, materializing the territory, being the main concept and, from then on, to relate the own to the activity of sale and drug use at university; fieldwork to better understand the reality of the area of study, and thus, to use all the theoretical discussion about this reality. Therefore, a study of drug trafficking in UFPA has several challenges, since the issue of drug sales and consumption on campus is an activity that many people know to occur, but few make any discussion about the subject, lack of debate to arrive at actions that deal with this problem more seriously, and seek to make possible the coexistence of people who attend and use these spaces.Keywords: Territory; Traffic; Drugs; Network.RESUMENComprender los procesos que hacen con que no hay espacio necesario de varios factores que ayudan a reunir información que se lanzan en su organización. Entonces, a partir de la problemática del tráfico de drogas en la ciudad universitaria Prof. José da Silveira Netto (UFPA), donde se ha desarrollado una nueva dinámica sobre el espacio, con un potencial para ser considerado como un agente paralelo al Estado, el artículo tiene como objetivo hacer una aproximación teórica de los conceptos que permean el tráfico de drogas en el campus, la visión de una dinámica espacial de la práctica, visando la construcción de una red de relaciones sociales. Por lo tanto, el trabajo se ha propuesto para los estudios relacionados con el concepto de territorio volcado para la cuestión de la seguridad pública y no se ha llevado a cabo ninguna investigación sobre el tema de la geografía y las ciencias afines. Como resultado metodológico de dos etapas, un comentario: revisión bibliográfica de autores que se dejan sobre como relaciones sociales que se encuentran en el espacio, materializando el territorio, siendo el concepto principal y, a partir de entonces, relacionar lo propio a la actividad de venta y consumo de drogas en la universidad; trabajos de campo para mejorar la comprensión de la realidad del área de estudio, y utilizar, todo el debate teórico sobre esta realidad. Logotipo, hacer un estudio sobre el tráfico de drogas en la UFPA pasa por varios desafíos, por la cuestión de la venta y el consumo de drogas en el campus es una actividad que muchos saben que ocurre, sin embargo discute sobre el tema, ocasionando falta de debate para encontrar una acción que trate este problema con la mayor seriedad y buscar una convivencia de personas que frecuente y utilizar estos espacios.Palabras clave: Territorio; Tráfico; Drogas; Red.

2013 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 3869-3895 ◽  
G. Di Baldassarre ◽  
M. Kooy ◽  
J. S. Kemerink ◽  
L. Brandimarte

Abstract. This paper offers a conceptual approach to explore the complex dynamics of floodplains as fully coupled human-water systems. A number of hydrologists have recently investigated the impact of human activities (such as flood control measures, land-use changes, and settlement patterns) on the frequency and severity of floods. Meanwhile, social scientists have shown how interactions between society and waters in floodplain areas, including the frequency and severity of floods, have an impact on the ways in which social relations unfold (in terms of governance processes, policies, and institutions) and societies are organised (spatially, politically, and socially). However, we argue that the interactions and associated feedback mechanisms between hydrological and social processes remain largely unexplored and poorly understood. Thus, there is a need to better understand how the institutions and governance processes interact with hydrological processes in floodplains to influence the frequency and severity of floods, while (in turn) hydrological processes co-constitute the social realm and make a difference for how social relations unfold to shape governance processes and institutions. Our research goal, therefore, is not in identifying one or the other side of the cycle (hydrological or social), but in explaining the relationship between them: how, when, where, and why they interact, and to what result for both social relations and hydrological processes? We argue that long time series of hydrological and social data, along with remote sensing data, can be used to observe floodplain dynamics from unconventional approaches, and understand the complex interactions between water and human systems taking place in floodplain areas, across scales and levels of human impacts, and within different hydro-climatic conditions, socio-cultural settings, and modes of governance.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4-2) ◽  
pp. 311-329
Vladislav Cheshev ◽  

The article investigates the influence of moral principles on historically developing social relations. The appeal to this problem is based on a conceptual approach to the origin of human morality, which arises in the course of sociogenesis as a set of behavioral principles that provide the intraspecific cultural (non-genetic) solidarity necessary for human societies. It is noted that the moral consciousness of individuals, which regulates interpersonal relationships, is a necessary but insufficient means for transmitting moral principles. Morality is expressed in the relationship between society and an individual. Society solves the problem of reproduction of moral regulators, it brings them into the nature of social relations by necessity. In this regard, attention is drawn to the role of elite groups in solving the aforementioned problem, in particular, it points out the peculiarities of the formation of an elite layer in Russian history. The elite is the bearer of moral images of social behavior, which expresses the attitude to public goals, interests, historical meanings of social life. The task of the elite is the implementation of these principles in the nature of social relations. The egoism of individuals and social groups can impede the solution of such a problem. Overcoming difficulties of this kind can be achieved by an awareness of history, which provides the basis for public consensus. The article focuses on the ethos of the “spirit of capitalism”, which enters into the social environment through the principles of the organization of economic activity. The paper shows the relevance of the problem of interaction of economic ethics and moral foundations of society as a systemic whole.

2011 ◽  
Vol 43 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-24
Zoran Avramovic

Functional analysis of the relation between knowledge and education system from the viewpoint of quality is used in the paper. It is proved that it is not necessarily true that there is a correspondence between knowledge quality and construction of the education system, i.e. that the former quality is not an inevitable condition of the latter. In the first part of the paper, we distinguish the concept of quality from non-quality knowledge. Out of 19 indicators, five knowledge qualities are normative (exceptional sense), and the others descriptive (specific sense) characteristics. In the second part, the conceptual approach to education system focuses on its (dys)functional and non-functional connections. The tradition of national knowledge, the character of social relations established between the actors within the system and the influence of implicit knowledge on teacher and student actions in education system are discussed. All these factors can influence positively and negatively the direction and content of knowledge quality in education system. Knowledge quality in school curricula and textbooks may be ensured and then (not) realized due to the influence of traditional, social and implicit factors on educational interaction. The concept of constellation is used to explain the favorable and unfavorable relation between knowledge quality and education system. In the concluding part, the author argues that education system cannot ensure complete realization of knowledge quality since it is, to a considerable extent, conditioned by school and non-school factors.

2013 ◽  
Vol 17 (8) ◽  
pp. 3235-3244 ◽  
G. Di Baldassarre ◽  
M. Kooy ◽  
J. S. Kemerink ◽  
L. Brandimarte

Abstract. This paper offers a conceptual approach to explore the complex dynamics of floodplains as fully coupled human-water systems. A number of hydrologists have recently investigated the impact of human activities (such as flood control measures, land-use changes, and settlement patterns) on the frequency and severity of floods. Meanwhile, social scientists have shown how interactions between society and waters in deltas and floodplain areas, including the frequency and severity of floods, have an impact on the ways in which social relations unfold (in terms of governance processes, policies, and institutions) and societies are organised (spatially, politically, and socially). However, we argue that the interactions and associated feedback mechanisms between hydrological and social processes remain largely unexplored and poorly understood. Thus, there is a need to better understand how the institutions and governance processes interact with hydrological processes in deltas and floodplains to influence the frequency and severity of floods, while (in turn) hydrological processes co-constitute the social realm and make a difference for how social relations unfold to shape governance processes and institutions. Our research goal, therefore, is not in identifying one or the other side of the cycle (hydrological or social), but in explaining the relationship between them: how, when, where, and why they interact, and to what result for both social relations and hydrological processes? We argue that long time series of hydrological and social data, along with remote sensing data, can be used to observe floodplain dynamics from unconventional approaches, and understand the complex interactions between water and human systems taking place in floodplain areas, across scales and levels of human impacts, and within different hydro-climatic conditions, socio-cultural settings, and modes of governance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 174-181 ◽  
Marta Eichsteller

Migration is a form of spatial and social transplant from one local and national context to another. Migration trajectories often expose the underlying intersections of social relations and social hierarchies that underpin cultural and social national environments. Migrants who encounter those complex structural inequalities must learn to negotiate classed, gendered and racialised social relations and seek the most suitable social positions within new systems. This article builds on Amartya Sen’s capability approach to conceptualise migrants’ embeddedness in the framework of social inequalities and explores the relationship between individual choices, resources and entitlements. It points towards patterns of advantage and disadvantage that frame migrants’ opportunities and draws tacit analytical, theoretical and methodological links that have the innovative potential for the study of migration. Building on the parallels between studies in the fields of social inequalities and migration, this article argues that Sen’s analytical and conceptual approach provides innovative insights into migration experiences, and Sen’s unique reasoning opens up new avenues for the discussion of migrants’ social justice.

First Monday ◽  
2007 ◽  
M.K. Sterpka

Hierarchy is an entrenched social concept. The Internet however, presents the possibility of envisioning social relations as a level or 'flat' configuration. The Internet fosters relationships that are networked, heterogeneous and horizontally distributed. This article contemplates the surface features of networked structures like the Internet by using topographic imagery.

2005 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 216-225 ◽  
William L. Cook

Abstract. In family systems, it is possible for one to put oneself at risk by eliciting aversive, high-risk behaviors from others ( Cook, Kenny, & Goldstein, 1991 ). Consequently, it is desirable that family assessments should clarify the direction of effects when evaluating family dynamics. In this paper a new method of family assessment will be presented that identifies bidirectional influence processes in family relationships. Based on the Social Relations Model (SRM: Kenny & La Voie, 1984 ), the SRM Family Assessment provides information about the give and take of family dynamics at three levels of analysis: group, individual, and dyad. The method will be briefly illustrated by the assessment of a family from the PIER Program, a randomized clinical trial of an intervention to prevent the onset of psychosis in high-risk young people.

2019 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-37
Ben Porter ◽  
Camilla S. Øverup ◽  
Julie A. Brunson ◽  
Paras D. Mehta

Abstract. Meta-accuracy and perceptions of reciprocity can be measured by covariances between latent variables in two social relations models examining perception and meta-perception. We propose a single unified model called the Perception-Meta-Perception Social Relations Model (PM-SRM). This model simultaneously estimates all possible parameters to provide a more complete understanding of the relationships between perception and meta-perception. We describe the components of the PM-SRM and present two pedagogical examples with code, openly available on . Using a new package in R (xxM), we estimated the model using multilevel structural equation modeling which provides an approachable and flexible framework for evaluating the PM-SRM. Further, we discuss possible expansions to the PM-SRM which can explore novel and exciting hypotheses.

1997 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-171
Lucia Albino Gilbert

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