scholarly journals Romeu e Julieta por outros olhares

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Carini De Fátima Ribeiro Hinnah

The present work deals with the production of new versions based on Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. Besides, it discusses the parody and intertextuality concepts, based on analyze of some theorists. The knowledge about theory and practice because it was a textual production work, it proves the importance of using these recourses of writing on the composition of texts with students on third year of high school. For development of work, it was carried out a bibliographical research as methodology support and the use of parodies as source of confirmation about the analysis’s items.

2020 ◽  
Nélia Lúcia Fonseca

This study first approaches the history of the observer’s gaze, that is, as observers, we are forming or constructing our way of visualizing moving images. Secondly, it reaffirms the importance and need of resistance of the teaching / learning of Art as a compulsory curricular component for high school. Finally, the third part reports an experience with video art production in a class of first year high school students, establishing an interrelationship between theory and practice, that is, we study video art content to reach the production of videos, aiming as a final result, the art videos created by the students of the Reference Center in Environmental Education Forest School Prof. Eidorfe Moreira High School. The first and second stages of this research share a theoretical part of the Master ‘s thesis, Making films on the Island: audiovisual production as an escape line in Cotijuba, periphery of Belem, completed in 2013.

2020 ◽  
pp. 223-232
Marta Kacprzak

La ermoza istorya de Robinzon o la mizerya: Sephardi Versions of Robinson CrusoeIn the second half of the 19th century the Haskalah, an intellectual movement whose objective was to educate and westernize Eastern European Jews, also reached the Sephardic communities in the Ottoman Empire. As a result, there emerged Sephardic modern secular literature, represented mainly by narrative fiction, theatre plays and press. It should be added that modern Sephardic literature is primarily based on translations or adaptations of Western novels. Among these texts we find Sephardic editions of classics of European literature, such as Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe and Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.I have found four different versions of Robinson Crusoe that were written in Judeo-Spanish and edited in aljamía. Two of them were published serially in Sephardi press, one in Salonica in 1881 and the other in Constantinople in 1900. The other two editions were prepared by Ben Tsiyon Taragan and published as complete versions, the first one in Jerusalem in 1897 and the second one in Constantinople in 1924. The aim of this paper is to provide a brief analysis of the Sephardic adaptations of Robinson Crusoe by Taragan. La ermoza istorya de Robinzon o la mizerya: sefardyjska wersja Robinsona CrusoeHaskala, zwana także Żydowskim Oświeceniem, to ruch intelektualny, którego celem było odrodzenie kulturowe i społeczne Żydów z EuropyWschodniej oraz ich integracja ze środowiskiem lokalnym. W drugiej połowie XIX wieku Haskala objęła także społeczność Żydów sefardyjskich zamieszkujących tereny należące do Imperium Osmańskiego, w wyniku czego powstała współczesna, świecka literatura sefardyjska reprezentowana głównie przez prozę, sztuki teatralne oraz prasę. Warto dodać, że współczesna literatura sefardyjska oparta jest przede wszystkim na przekładach lub adaptacjach powieści uważanych za klasykę literatury europejskiej, takich jak Romeo i Julia Williama Szekspira, Robinson Crusoe Daniela Defoe czy Podróże Guliwera Jonathana Swifta.W trakcie prowadzonych przeze mnie badań natrafiłam na cztery różne judeo-hiszpańskie wersje Robinsona Crusoe, które zapisane zostały alfabetem hebrajskim, tzw. pismem Rasziego. Dwie z nich ukazały się w prasie sefardyjskiej, jako powieść w odcinkach, pierwsza w Salonikach w 1881 r., a druga w Konstantynopolu w 1900 r. Pozostałe dwie, autorstwa Ben Tsiyona Taragana, zostały wydane w całości, pierwsza w Jerozolimie w 1897 r., druga zaś w Konstantynopolu w 1924 r. Celem tego artykułu jest prezentacja oraz krótka analiza sefardyjskich adaptacji Robinsona Crusoe autorstwa B. T. Taragana.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 370
Júlio César De Carvalho-Santos ◽  
Felipe Mattei

With the amount of speeches delivered on social networks that students browse continuously, it is possible to use this mechanism as an additional support for classes. This research, using this possibility, seeks to present a didactic sequence applied to high school students from a public school, whose objective is to examine the concept of logic, present in the speeches of the two main candidates for the presidency of Brazil, in 2018 The proposal is to demonstrate to students how the concepts of logic can be identified in discourses that permeate the social environment and are part of the reality experienced by students. It is hoped that this research can contribute as a reference to an activity of theory and practice, such a relevant discussion in the school scenario.

2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 117
Dairoh Dairoh ◽  
M. Yoka ◽  
Ginanjar Wiro Sasmito ◽  
Mc.Chambali Mc.Chambali ◽  
Djatmiko Indrianto ◽  

Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan  (SMK) Negeri 1 Bumijawa yang merupakan salah satu sekolah menengah kejuruan di kabupaten Tegal yang terletak dikaki gunung Slamet dengan jarak  ± 50 dari kampus politeknik Harapan Bersama. Di Sekolah tersebut sistem jaringan komputer sudah sangat memadai, hal ini dibuktikan tersedia nya labortorium yang memadai. Selain itu disekolah tersebut terdapat berbagai jurusan, salah satunya adalah jurusan teknik komputer jaringan. Guna meningkatkan pengetahuan softskill dan hardskill siswa pada dunia industri nantinya, salah satunya adalah pengetahuan dalam pemanafaatan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi  (TIK) khususnya pada pemahaman pembuatan web sederhana. Maka dilakukan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) tersebut dengan memberikan teori pengetahuan dan praktek pendampingan secara langsung kepada siswa-siswa selama 3 hari yakni dalam pembuatan web. Peningkatan pemahaman dalam pembuatan web tersebut dimaksudkan guna meningkatkan keterampilan hard skill kepada peserta. Kegiatan tersebut dimaksudkan untuk dapat menambah pengalaman pengetahuan tentang web sederhana dan memotivasi siswa untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang pembuatan web khususnya web sederhana. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa peserta sangat antusias mengikuti, peserta dapat mengenal, membuat, menggunakan serta mengelola web dinamis berupa blog dan peserta pelatihan telah memiliki web dinamis berupa blog. Kata kunci: Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 1 Bumijawa, Web sederhana, Blog. Abstract  Vocational High School (SMK) 1 Bumijawa which is one of the vocational high schools in Tegal regency located at the foot of Mount Slamet with a distance of ± 50 from the Harapan Bersama polytechnic campus. At the school the computer network system was very adequate, this proved to be an adequate laboratory. In addition there are various departments in the school, one of which is a computer network engineering department. Vocational education is part of the education system that prepares graduates to have enough stock to be able to work in companies and master the experience of one field of work from many other occupations. In order to increase students' soft skills and hard skills knowledge in the industrial world later, one of them is knowledge in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), especially in the understanding of making simple web. For this reason, understanding on the simple web can later be applied in the world of work or after graduating from vocational school. Then carried out community service activities at the Vocational High School (SMK) by providing knowledge theory and practice of mentoring directly to students for 3 days namely in making the web. Increased understanding in making the web is intended to improve the hard skills of the participants. The activity is intended to be able to add to the experience of knowledge about the simple web and motivate students to find out more about making web specifically the simple web. The results showed that the participants were very enthusiastic to follow, participants could recognize, create, use and manage dynamic web in the form of blogs and the trainees already had a dynamic web in the form of blogs. Keywords: Vocational High School, Simple Web, Blog.

Shana Sabbado Flores ◽  
Tânia Da Rosa Aiub

Resumo: A formação do profissional de administração requer o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos, habilidades e, principalmente, atitudes com relação a processos e pessoas. É fato que muitos dos conceitos trabalhados em sala de aula acabam se perdendo, não se efetivando em prática profissional. Assim, o verdadeiro aprendizado, pautado em mudança de comportamento pode acabar por não se concretizar devidamente. A partir da análise das atuais propostas curriculares para a formação do administrador e do perfil do egresso esperado para a profissão, considerando sua evolução nesse pouco mais de um século de história, o presente trabalho sistematiza uma proposta metodológica para o ensino de administração, baseada em: (1) adoção de temas transversais para serem trabalhados durante toda a disciplina; (2) leitura cotidiana de material da área, de modo a apropriar conceitos; e (3) microestágios ou projetos de final de curso, com intuito de sistematizar teoria e prática. As atividades estão em consonância com a “educação pela pesquisa”, de Pedro Demo e da formação de uma “mente disciplinada”, de Howard Gardner, e foram aplicadas em turmas de ensino médio integrado ao Técnico em Administração, ensino técnico subsequente em Administração e tecnólogo em Processos Gerenciais. De uma maneira geral, as atividades propostas na metodologia proporcionaram, além do contato com realidade empresarial, uma melhor compreensão da dimensão da profissão, uma vez que tiveram a oportunidade de observar como seu trabalho pode impactar diretamente no cotidiano das organizações, bem como prospectar oportunidades de atuação. Palavras-chave: Ensino de administração. Ensino técnico e tecnológico. Educação pela pesquisa. DEVELOPING MANAGERS IN THREE CYCLES: ANALYZING ALTERNATIVE FOR TECHNICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION IN MANAGEMENT Abstract: Management professional formation requires the development of knowledge, skills, and, especially, attitudes towards processes and people. It is a fact that many of the concepts worked in the classroom get lost, not effecting in professional practice. Thus, the real learning, based on behavior change, ends up not being realized. From the analysis of the current curriculum proposals for the administrator formation and the expected profile of graduates into the profession, considering its evolution in just over a century of history, this paper systematizes a methodological approach to management education, based on: (1) adoption of cross-cutting themes to be developed throughout the course, (2) daily reading of technical material, to appropriate concepts, and (3) micro-projects or internships final course, in order to systematize theory and practice. The activities are in line with the "education through research," of Pedro Demo and the formation of a "disciplined mind" from Howard Gardner, and they were applied to groups of high school integrated with technical in management, subsequent technical in management and technologist in management processes. In general, the activities proposed in the methodology provided, in addition to the contact with business reality, a better understanding of the professional dimension, in the extend of they had the opportunity to observe how their work can impact directly the organizations daily, as well as exploring opportunities of action. Keywords: management education, technical and technological education, education by research. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 122 (8) ◽  
pp. 1-52
Adeoye O. Adeyemo ◽  
Jerome E. Morris

Background/Context The corpus of scholarship on Black male students who play sports focuses on students at the collegiate level, thus ignoring the regional, neighborhood, and K–12 educational backgrounds and experiences of these young people before some matriculate into a college or university. This omission suggests the need for more robust investigations that (a) focus on Black males during K–12 schooling, (b) place Black male students’ experiences within the larger geographic (e.g., regions, neighborhoods and schools) and social and historical contexts in which they live and go to school, and thereby, (c) seek to understand how these contexts shape students’ experiences and beliefs about race and the role of academics and athletics in their lives and future. Purpose/Objective/Research Question/Focus of Study We investigated two research questions: (1) For Black male students who play high school sports, how do the social contexts shape their experiences and their beliefs about race and the role of academics and athletics in their lives and future? (2) And, what are the consequences of Black male students’ experiences and beliefs for their academic and athletic outcomes? This investigation across geographically and economically contrasting cities, neighborhoods, and schools in the U.S. South (metro Atlanta, Georgia) and Midwest (Chicago, Illinois) offers empirical, theoretical, and practice-related evidence about young Black males’ experiences and beliefs about race, academics, and athletics, while providing a window into the complex social and cultural worlds in which they live, go to school, and play sports. Research Design This article emanates from research studies that employed ethnographic research methods such as interviews and observations, while embedding the researchers within the communities where Black people resided. The research design used a cross-case analysis to investigate participants’ experiences and beliefs. The constant comparative method allowed for the synthesizing of data collected from two different research sites. Description of Main Findings Key findings revealed the importance for researchers to consider place and its implication in the experiences of Black male students who play sports, particularly their perceptions of the role of academics, athletics, and race in their lives. Conclusions/Recommendations This article moves the scholarly understanding of the study of Black male “students who play sports” forward by illuminating the centrality of places, whether a particular country, region, city, neighborhood, or school—in shaping participants’ experiences and beliefs. We offer insights for research, theory, and practice.

Isabela Nardi da Silva ◽  
Josiel Pereira ◽  
Juarez B Silva ◽  
Simone Bilessimo

The VISIR+ project was an international collaboration project for the dissemination of the remote laboratory VISIR, a tool to support teaching the theory and practice of electrical and electronic circuits. The initiative was first disseminated in Europe, and Latin American countries such as Brazil followed. This chapter essentially aims to discuss the experience of the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil with the VISIR+ project. Various approaches were used for the dissemination of the initiative, including free courses for high school students, teacher training, and the creation of a virtual environment to discuss and share lesson plans that used the remote laboratory VISIR on their plots. In conclusion, the experience was observed as excellent for the institution and there was no reason to put the project ideas aside. After participating in the project, it becomes a challenge to ensure its sustainability.

Matthew R. Deroo

This qualitative case study investigates how Mrs. Vega, a high school social studies teacher, supported her emergent bi/multilingual immigrant students' development of academic, content-based language learning in a U.S. Government class. Drawing upon data collected as part of a larger ethnography and using translanguaging pedagogy as a theoretical frame, this chapter centers Mrs. Vega's translanguaging stance, design, and shift. Findings demonstrate the multiple and varied ways Mrs. Vega's pedagogy supported her students' already-present linguistic and cultural abilities in support of their disciplinary learning. Implications are provided for theory and practice.

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