scholarly journals La educación especial en Ciudad Juárez: reflexión y acción

María del Carmen Santos Fabelo ◽  
Addiel Pérez Díaz

El artículo está basado en investigaciones recientes que permiten constatar cómo se encuentra Ciudad Juárez respecto a la demanda de los cambios en la Educación Especial. La información se obtuvo utilizando una metodología mixta que permitió obtener datos para reflexionar y accionar al respecto. De una población conformada por 20,412 habitantes de las colonias marginadas, se tomó una muestra aleatoria simple de 8,301 y resultaron con necesidades educativas especiales y/o discapacidad el 19.3%. A partir de este estudio se han realizado diversas acciones y reflexiones para modificar situaciones negativas, abordándose la apertura del primer Diplomado en Educación Especial en el 2006 y de la Maestría en Educación Especial en el 2007.The article is based on recent research that shows how Ciudad Juárez is in relation to the demand for changes in Special Education. The information was obtained using a mixed methodology that allowed obtaining data to reflect and act on it. From a population consisting of 20,412 inhabitants of marginalized colonies, a simple random sample of 8,301 was taken and 19.3% were found with special educational needs and / or disability. From this study, various actions and reflections have been carried out to modify negative situations, addressing the opening of the first Diploma in Special Education in 2006 and the Master in Special Education in 2007.

2014 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Rosemeire De Araujo Rangni ◽  
Maria da Piedade Resende da Costa

Com caráter inclusivo, as leis educacionais brasileiras e as ações políticas direcionam os serviços da Educação Especial ao categorizar as necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) e separálas em grupos, quais sejam: deficiências, transtorno global do desenvolvimento e altas habilidades ou superdotação. Este artigo objetiva expor (i) a possibilidade de educandos possuirem duplicidade de NEE, no caso em questão, altas habilidades ou superdotação e perda auditiva e (ii) as implicações dos serviços educacionais vigentes com as políticas públicas. O presente artigo se deu por meio de pesquisasbibliográficas e documentais. Os resultados indicaram que o sistema educacional brasileiro, voltado à Educação, privilegia a identificação e o atendimento dos educandos com NEE de maneira categorial, não contemplando a possibilidade de figurarem concomitantemente em duas categorias de NEE – altas habilidades ou superdotação e perda auditiva -, foco deste estudo.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Duplicidade de necessidades educacionais especiais. Perda auditiva. Altas habilidadesou superdotação.HIGH ABILITIES OR GIFTEDNESS AND HEARING LOSS: twice special educational needs and public policiesABSTRACT: With the inclusive perspective, the Brazilian educational laws and the politic actions guide the Special Educational services when categorize the special educational needs (SEN) getting them apart in groups as well: disabilities, developmental disturbs, and high skills or giftedness. This paper aims to show (i) the possibility of the student with twice SEN, in case the high skills or giftedness and hearing loss and (ii) the implications of the educational services and public policies. The present paper was done by bibliographical and documental researches. The results indicate that the Brazilian educational system for the special education privileges the identification and the provisions for the SEN students on the categorical way. It doesn’t consider the students possibilities to be in two categories of the SEN – high skills or giftedness and hearing loss, aim of this study.KEYWORDS: Twice special educational needs. Hearing loss. High skills or giftedness.ALTAS HABILIDADES O SOBREDOTACIÓN Y PÉRDIDA AUDITIVA: doble necesidad educacional especial y política públicaRESUMEN: Con una perspectiva inclusiva, las leyes educacionales brasileñas y las acciones políticas dirigenlos servicios de la educación especial al clasificar las necesidades educacionales especiales (NEE) dividiéndolas en grupos cuales sean: discapacidades, trastornos globales del desarrollo y altas habilidades o sobredotación. Este artículo se propone presentar (i) la posibilidad de tener esos estudiantes doble NEE, en caso de altas habilidades o sobredotación y pérdida auditiva y (ii) las implicaciones de los servicios vigentes y las políticas públicas. El presente artículo se desarrolló por medio de investigación bibliográfica y documental. Los resultados indicaron que el sistema educacional brasileño para la educación especial privilegia la identificación y atención a los estudiantes con NEE de manera categorial, no contemplando la posibilidad de los estudiantes representarse al mismo tiempo en dos categorías de NEE – altas habilidades o sobredotación y pérdida auditiva.PALABRAS CLAVE: Doble necesidad educacional especial. Pérdida auditiva. Altas habilidades o sobredotación.


Mariusz Wielebski, Od orzeczenia o potrzebie kształcenia specjalnego do indywidualnego programu edukacyjno-terapeutycznego [From the decision on special education eligibility to an individual educational and therapeutic plan]. Interdyscyplinarne Konteksty Pedagogiki Specjalnej, nr 22, Poznań 2018. Pp. 339-354. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. DOI: In my article I would like to show the complicated way from the decision about special education to individual educational and therapeutic plan. I am going to show how government statements are sometimes hard and complicated for parents, teachers and other specialists, who are looking after the children with special educational needs. I try to show everyday life in my job – teacher, specialist of pedagogical therapy. I hope my article will help and change our reality.

Sónia Leite ◽  
Diana Brás

Resumo As sociedades têm, ao longo dos tempos, desenvolvido práticas e conceitos diversos face ao que consideram como “o diferente”. A forma como as pessoas “diferentes” têm sido encaradas em diversos momentos históricos traduz, de alguma forma, fatores de ordem social, cultural, religiosa e económica, próprios das diversas épocas (Pereira, 1999). Na última década, foram introduzidas mudanças significativas no apoio a prestar aos alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) pelas escolas do ensino regular. O Decreto-Lei no 3/2008, de 7 de Janeiro veio revogar o Decreto-Lei no 319/91, de 23 de Agosto, o qual determina os apoios especializados a prestar aos alunos com NEE. Este diploma gerou muita controvérsia por parte dos investigadores nacionais, por limitar o público-alvo de apoios especializados e defender um modelo de avaliação das NEE por referência à Classificação Internacional de funcionalidade, incapacidade e saúde (CIF). Uma década depois, o diploma que regulamenta a Educação Especial foi novamente revisto, tendo surgido o Decreto-Lei 54/2018. Através de um questionário com questões abertas e fechadas foi nosso intuito obter informação relativamente à perspetiva dos professores de ensino regular acerca da inclusão de alunos com NEE nas salas de ensino regular e às alterações previstas no novo Decreto-Lei que regulamenta a Educação Especial e os apoios a prestar a estes alunos.Palavras-chave: Educação Especial, Necessidades Educativas Especiais, Decreto-Lei Abstract Societies have, over time, developed diverse practices and concepts in relation to what they consider as "the different". The way in which "different" people have been viewed at various historical moments translates in some way into social, cultural, religious and economic factors characteristic of the various eras (Pereira, 1999). In the last decade, significant changes have been introduced in support for pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) in regular schools. Decree- Law no. 3/2008, of 7 January, revoked Decree-Law no. 319/91, of 23 August, which determines the specialized support to be provided to students with SEN. This diploma generated much controversy on the part of the national researchers, for limiting the target audience of specialized supports and to defend a model of evaluation of the SEN with reference to the International Classification of functionality, incapacity and health (CIF). A decade later, the diploma that regulates Special Education was again revised, and Decree-Law 54/2018 emerged. Through a questionnaire with open and closed questions, it was our intention to obtain information regarding the perspective of teachers of regular education about the inclusion of students with SEN in the regular teaching rooms and the changes provided for in the new Decree- Law that regulates Special Education and the support to these students.Keywords: Special Education, Special Educational Needs, Decree-Law

Pam Epler

This chapter is designed to inform and educate the reader about high-leverage practices used in the general education classroom and with students with identified special educational needs. The chapter starts by explaining how high-leverage practices originated and continues with a discussion about the similarities and differences between the general and special education high-leverage practices. The chapter then finishes with a discussion about how both types of practices can be applied to any educational situation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 194 ◽  
Remigijus Bubnys

The basis of the study is the findings of scientific research dealing with experiential reflections of university students studying in the special education Bachelor degree study program in Lithuania. The special educator is a teacher of children with special educational needs, an educational assistance specialist who is able to recognize, assess, and meet children’s special educational needs arising due to disabilities, disorders, or learning difficulties, and to professionally provide special pedagogical assistance in the conditions of inclusive and special education. In order to analyze the experience of prospective special educators who study at the university for four years, first year students were chosen. At the start of their studies at the university, in the first month of their studies, students do their practice in the institutions of the educational system: Pre-school, general, and/or special education institutions. The aim of the practice is to get familiar with the subtleties of the future professional activity. It is maintained that students’ initial experience outlived at the start of studies is important and significant for further studies at the university. The article deals with the results of written reflections of students who have returned from practice. The phenomenological hermeneutics method enabled to disclose students’ experiences in their practical activities during their observational practice, providing deeper understanding of the study area, as a precondition for reflective learning in further university studies, and by interacting with participants of the (self) education process, the article presents future special educators’ practical experiences and perceptions of their roles in the profession. The results disclosed that self-reflection provides students with deeper perception of themselves as people with special educators’ needs and problems, personal strengths and competence limitations that enable them to identify sources and means for solving existing and future professional activity problems. It further reveals that cooperation with family members, university teachers, social pedagogues, teachers, children with special educational needs, sharing experiences with student colleagues could lead to greater self-confidence in oneself as a future specialist. Curiosity and personal initiative enabled students to identify positive and difficult moments of the professional activity and future professional role while learning from experience.

2010 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 241-267 ◽  
Justin J.W. Powell

AbstractHow do we make sense of considerable cultural differences and change in disability classification? How are disability’s categorical boundaries being redrawn in special education to realign with shifting paradigms of normality? Based in particular on the case of provided services to students “with special educational needs,” this analysis examines classification systems of student disability and their categorical boundaries in the United States and Germany. Sketching the origins and evolution of special education categories from 1920 to 2005, the comparison shows how categorical boundaries have been redrawn, giving rise to new groups of students.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Cassandra Catarina Gonçalves Mineiro

Após introdução da inclusão nas escolas, o conhecimento produzido tem sido insuficiente para a definição dos caminhos psicopedagógicos voltados à escolarização de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais - NEEs. Isso vem acontecendo, em parte, porque não foram articulados os estudos com a realidade, sendo que autores da maioria desses estudos apresentaram resultados com produções reiterativas e com pouca mudança no que é proposto. O objetivo deste trabalho foi direcionado a conhecer sobre a realidade enfrentada pelos professores das salas de recursos multifuncionais (SRM). Esse estudo envolveu as experiências de professoras da Educação Básica, em pesquisa realizada pelos professores da Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros – UNIMONTES, evidenciando atuação dessas professoras das SRM nas escolas do município de Montes Claros - MG. Como embasamento teórico foram utilizados Decretos e Portarias da Educação Especial, com enfoque nos autores e trabalhos realizados nessa área. A metodologia abrangeu a pesquisa colaborativa, mediante depoimentos das professoras direcionados pelas questões propostas pelo Observatório Nacional de Educação Especial, o que permitiu análise da forma como ocorre a inclusão escolar. Desse modo, a dinâmica na organização de grupos coletivos foi a pesquisa em grupos focais, mostrando a realidade das escolas pesquisadas e quais propostas viáveis a um melhor atendimento às crianças com NEEs. Como resultado, a pesquisa favoreceu o reconhecimento em enfrentar dificuldades; a necessidade de parceria com a professora da sala regular e capacitação desta na Educação Inclusiva; o Plano de Atendimento Educacional Especializado (PAEE), contribuindo essas práticas na melhoria da inclusão escolar direcionada aos alunos da educação especial.Palavras-chave: Educação especial. Realidade das escolas. Atendimento às crianças. EL REPENSAR DE LAS DIFICULTADES Y PREOCUPACIONES EXISTENTES EN LA EDUCACIÓN ESPECIAL. Resumen: Después de la introducción de la inclusión en las escuelas, el conocimiento producido es insuficiente para definir las rutas psicopedagógica centrado en la educación de los alumnos con necesidades educativas especiales - NEEs. Esto está ocurriendo en parte debido a los estudios con la realidad que no se articulan, y los autores de la mayoría de estos estudios mostraron resultados con producciones reiterativos con pocos cambios en lo que se propone. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo conocer la realidad que enfrentan los maestros de recursos multi-funcionales (SRM). Incluyó las experiencias de los profesores de la educación básica, en la investigación llevada a cabo por los profesores de la Universidad Estatal de Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, que muestra el trabajo de estos maestros de SRM en los centros educativos del municipio de Montes Claros - MG. Como base teórica se utilizaron los decretos y edictos de Educación Especial, centrado en autores y obras realizadas en esta área. La metodología incluyó la investigación en colaboración con el testimonio de los profesores afectados por las preguntas propuestas por el Centro Nacional de Educación Especial, lo que permitió el análisis de cómo es la inclusión escolar. Por lo tanto, la dinámica de la organización de los grupos colectivos fueron los grupos de enfoque de investigación, que muestra la realidad de las escuelas encuestadas y qué propuestas viables para una mejor atención a los niños con NEE. Como resultado, la encuesta favoreció el reconocimiento para hacer frente a las dificultades; la necesidad de una asociación con el maestro habitación regular y esta formación en la educación inclusiva; Plan de Educación del especialista de servicio (PAEE), contribuyendo estas prácticas, la mejora de la inclusión escolar dirigido a los estudiantes de educación especial.Palabras clave: Educación Especial. Escuelas realidad. Cuidar a los niños.  THE RETHINKING OF THE DIFFICULTIES AND CONCERNS IN SPECIAL EDUCATION Abstract: After introduction of inclusion in schools, the knowledge produced is insufficient to define the paths psychopedagogic focused on education of pupils with special educational needs - SEN. This is happening in part because studies with reality were not articulated, and authors of most of these studies showed results with reiterative productions with little change in what is proposed. This study was aimed to know about the reality faced by teachers of multi-functional resources (SRM). This study involved the experiences of teachers of basic education, in research conducted by teachers of the State University of Montes Claros - UNIMONTES, showing work of these teachers of SRM in schools in the municipality of Montes Claros - MG. As theoretical basis were used Decrees and Edicts of Special Education, focusing on authors and works carried out in this area. The methodology included the collaborative research through of testimony from teachers targeted by the questions proposed by the National Centre for Special Education, which allowed analysis of how is school inclusion. Thus, the dynamics in the organization of collective groups was the research focus groups, showing the reality of the surveyed schools and what feasible proposals to better care for children with SEN. As a result, the survey favored the recognition in facing difficulties; the need for partnership with the teacher regular room and this training in inclusive education; Plan of Educational Service Specialist, contributing these practices, improving school inclusion directed to students of special education.Keywords: Special education. Reality in schools. Care to children.

2012 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 124
Oleg Vasquez Arrieta ◽  
Carolina Susana Bernett Olivares ◽  
Lebisth María González Suárez ◽  
Jennifer Cabarcas Caro

Con el desarrollo de las políticas de educación inclusiva en Colombia encontramos que a las instituciones de educación inicial están llegando niños que se pueden cobijar bajo el concepto de la diversidad, siendo así nos preguntamos por la formación de las maestras quelos atenderán. Para responder la pregunta indagamos en los planes de estudio de las licenciaturas en Pedagogía Infantil o Educación preescolar las asignaturas con denominaciones relacionadas con los procesos de educación especial o inclusión, encontrando que se desarrollan contenidos que atienden los elementos conceptuales de la inclusión, las necesidades educativas especiales, la educación especial y la integración.ABSTRACT:With the development of inclusive education policies in Colombia found that initial education institutions are reaching children can shelter under the concept of diversity, being so we asked for the formation of the teachers that attend. To answer the question we inquire into the curricula of the degree in Early Childhood Education or Preschool denominations subjects with processes related to special education or inclusion, finding that develop content that address the conceptual elements of inclusion, educational needs special, special education and integration.

2021 ◽  
Vol 98 ◽  
pp. 01019
Oksana Titova ◽  
Margarita Bratkova ◽  
Olga Karanevskaya ◽  
Elena Gravitskaya ◽  
Irma Barbakadze

There is currently a trend towards an increase in the number of children with special educational needs enrolled in inclusive schools. Thus, the number of children with special educational needs enrolled in inclusive schools is growing. This is caused both by significant changes in the legal regulatory framework, including the 2012 Federal Law on Education, the adoption of the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education for Children with Special Needs, etc. and by the fact that in some regions the number of specialized schools is decreasing, inclusive education becomes a more affordable option for children with special education needs. School specialists, parents, and the public engage in an active dialogue about choosing the most efficient path for an educational route for special needs children, comparing the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive and special education. The design and implementation of an individual educational route, an individual curriculum is essential for children with special needs in terms of improving the quality of education and efficiently entering social life. The relevance of the study is determined by identifying the components that facilitate and complicate, hinder the development and implementation of an individual educational route for these children in an educational organization; the determination of the content of an individual educational route based on the current situation in a practical institution considering the requirements of inclusive education. The purpose of the study is to explore the problems of developing and implementing individual educational routes for children with special needs in the context of inclusion and to determine ways to solve these problems. The key methods of the study are a questionnaire and a structured interview. The empirical data confirms the assumption that the development and implementation of an individual educational route for children with special needs in an educational organization are problematic and inefficient for several reasons. The data obtained is new since similar research results have not been found in the open sources over the past five years.

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