scholarly journals Persebaran agens hayati Neochetina spp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) di jawa barat dan DKI jakarta

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Sapdi Sapdi ◽  
Damayanti Buchori ◽  
Utomo Kartosuwondo ◽  
S. Tjitrosemito ◽  
Bandung Sahari

The establishment of Neochetina spp. as biocontrol agent of waterhyacinth are related to the weevil’s ability to disperse and to increase their population sizes. The objective of this research was to study the distribution and abundance of Neochetina spp. at several areas in West Java and DKI Jakarta. The field research was done in several freshwater ecosystem infested by waterhyacinth, including Cibinong and Lido lakes in Bogor, irigation canal in Karawang, Muara Angke Sanctuary in North Jakarta, and Citarum Hulu river in Purwakarta, during April to August 2004. Coordinate and elevation of the research sites where N. eichhorniae and N. bruchi found were reported, while their abundances were observed by direct hand-collection technique. The results of the research showed that N. eichhorniae was widely distributed and established in most sampling sites, except in Karawang, whereas N. bruchi was not found in any sampling sites. Our observations also indicated that N. eichhorniae was distributed passively so that the weevil couldn’t colonize isolated habitats or locations.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Sapdi Sapdi ◽  
Damayanti Buchori ◽  
Utomo Kartosuwondo ◽  
S. Tjitrosemito ◽  
Bandung Sahari

The effectiveness of Neochetina eichhorniae as a biocontrol agent of waterhyacinth was evaluated in West Java and DKI Jakarta. The objective of this research was to study the implication of the existence of N. eichhorniae on waterhyacinth. Research was conducted in several freshwater ecosystem infested by waterhyacinth and N. eichhorniae, including Cibinong and Lido lakes (Bogor District), Muara Angke Sanctuary (North Jakarta), and Citarum Hulu river (Purwakarta District), conducted during April to August 2004. The impact of N. eichhorniae on waterhyacinth was evaluated by leaf damage intensity and growth parameter of the plant. Results showed that there was no correlation between waterhyacinth and the occurrence of the N. eichhorniae. The population of N. eichhorniae adults was significantly low in any locations studied. Thus, the existence of the biocontrol agent can not result in decreasing of waterhyacinth population.

Karol Torzewski

The paper presents the results of field research on the occurrence of Succisella inflexa in Kampinos National Park, conducted in 2004–2015. Its stations are characterized and its distribution is given. The populations were mainly concentrated in the eastern part of the park. Forty-five stations have been reported, two of them most likely historical. They were most often in open sedge and meadow, and less frequently in thin shrub and young forests. The population sizes ranged from single specimens to many thousands.

2018 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 493-512 ◽  
Erin P. Riley ◽  
Michelle Bezanson

Field primatologists have ethical responsibilities that extend beyond study subjects to the local human communities living near primate populations and their surrounding ecosystems. In this review, we explore the history of ethical discussions within anthropological primatology and examine the best practices for an ethically engaged primatology that should be followed and role-modeled by primatologists. An increasing number of primates are showing reduced population sizes and are in imminent danger of extinction; thus, we need to carefully consider the ethics of intervening to ensure the survival of remaining populations, the impact of anthropogenic factors (e.g., climate change), and whether long-term field research results in conservation outcomes that consider local human communities. Because best practices change over time as theoretical frameworks and methodological tools advance and scientific goals change, field primatologists must continually reflect on what constitutes ethical practice and consider how research influences the overlapping dimensions of fieldwork: primates, people, and ecosystems.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto ◽  
Tatang Suparman ◽  
Wagiati Wagiati

Peribahasa Sunda merupakan kumpulan kearifan lokal yang tersimpan rapi dalam bahasa, terutama berisi nasihat dan contoh pekerti yang baik. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa bahasa Sunda, melalui peribahasa, berperan penting dalam menyumbang kearifan bangsa. Penelitian ini berancangan kualitatif dengan data yang dikuantifikasi. Penelitiannya berupa penelitian lapangan. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kecamatan Luragung, Kabupaten Kuningan, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Data dikumpulkan dari dua belas pembahan yang berbahasa pertama Sunda dan berumur antara 13 tahun dan 47 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan muda jauh lebih sedikit menguasai peribahasa daripada informan dewasa. Semua informan menganggap penting untuk mengetahui peribahasa Sunda, tetapi disayangkan bahwa generasi muda kurang memiliki kesempatan untuk mempelajarinya dan antara lain juga terdesak oleh bahasa Indonesia. Semua informan bangga pada bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa daerah dan sebagai penyimpan kebudayaan(The Mastery of Sundanese Proverbs by Sundanese Speakers in Luragung Sub-district, Kuningan District, West Java Province)Sundanese proverb is a collection of local wisdom stored neatly in the language, especially containing advice and examples of good character. This research aims to prove that Sundanese language, through proverbs, plays an important role in contributing to the wisdom of the nation. This qualitative research is a field research. The research location is in Luragung District, Kuningan Regency, West Java Province. The data were collected from twelve first language speakers of Sundanese language between 13 years and 47 years old. The results show that younger informants fewer master proverbs than adult informants. All informants considered it is important to know the Sundanese proverb but regretted that the younger generation lacked the opportunity to learn it and among other things also pressed by the Indonesian language. All informants are proud of Sundanese as a regional language and as a cultural store.

1970 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-97
Nurjamil, Siti Nurhayati, Ahmad Agung, Ine Risnaningsih

Design/methodology/approach-This research is an analytical descriptive research with normative juridical approach. The data were obtained from library research and field research through in-depth interviews with related parties including the management of the Micro Waqf Bank Islamic Microfinance Institution Ranah Indah Darussalam Ciamis West Java Indonesia and Commissioner of the Financial Services Authority of Indonesia then analyzed qualitatively. This research was conducted in Ciamis and Bandung West Java Indonesia. Finding- The finding of this study has confirmed that Sharia economic disputes are the absolute competencies of the Religious Courts based on Article 49 of Law Number 3 of 2006 concerning Amendments to Law Number 7 of 1989 concerning Religious Courts including disputes on BWM financing. In disputes that occur in troubled financing BWM the stages of completion are by intensive collection (cash collateral), rescheduling, reconditioning, or restructuring or also known as the stages of fulfillment of performance and deliberation and mediation between BWM management and customers involving other customers both in the scope “umpi” and cluster to be dealt joint responsibility among customers so that the settlement of disputes through litigation in religious courts does not need to be taken by the parties. Keywords: Problematic Financing, Micro Waqf Bank, Dispute Resolution, Deliberation, non litigation

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-18
Farhan Amymie

Welfare will be minimized. So Zakat is one of the powerful instruments to provide development solutions and economic checks that are fair and wise. If carried out optimally in the collection, organizing zakat must be carried out effectively with professional regulatory and supervisory support. As the purpose of this study, First, To study the management system of zakat funds in Baznas West Java. Second, To Know the Linkages of SDGs to the Purpose of Alms. Third, To Know the Results of the Strategic Plan for the Optimization of Zakat Funds in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in National Baznas West Java Province. The method used in this study is qualitative research, with the type of field research (field research). Data collection is done by interviews, collection and arrangement. While the research subjects were the West Java Baznas Leaders and staff. After the data is obtained then analyzed then the validity of the data is checked by means of data reduction, data presentation, and discussed conclusions. In this study, this study discusses optimization of the utilization and utilization of zakat funds collected, which are taken from: (1) Management system, and (2) Role strengthening strategy. The following results found from this study are: (1) In the Management of Provincial Zakat BAZNAS located in the Capital of the Province needed and zakat through UPZ in the province (2) West Java BAZNAS Distribution and Utilization Strategy is provided with SDGs slice and zakat fulfill the goal of reducing poverty, including what happens in this world and its various derivatives. Some opinions and opinions that appear link one by one from SDGs points to the interpretation of the special zakat work from the point of view of beneficiaries and zakat allocation. Kesejahteraan akan dapat diminimalisir apabila ada distribusi pendapatan dan kekayaan yang merata. Maka Zakat merupakan salah satu instrument ampuh untuk memberikan solusi pembangunan dan pemerataan ekonomi secara adil dan bijaksana. Apabila dilakukan secara optimal dalam penghimpunan, pengorganisasian zakat harus dilakukan secara efektif dengan dukungan regulasi dan aparat yang professional.Adapun tujuan dari penelitian ini Pertama, Untuk mengetahui sistem pengelolaan dana zakat di Baznas Jawa Barat. Kedua, Untuk Mengetahui Keterkaitan SDGs dengan Tujuan Zakat.Ketiga, Untuk Mengetahui Hasil dari Rencana Strategis Optimalisasi Pendistribusian Dana Zakat dalam Pencapaian Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) di Baznas Provinsi Jawa Barat..Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif, dengan jenis penelitian lapangan (field research). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Adapun subjek penelitian adalah para Pimpinan dan staff Baznas Jawa Barat.Setelah data diperoleh kemudian dianalisis kemudian dicek keabsahan data dengan cara reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti membatasi lingkup pengoptimalan distirbusi dan pendayagunaan dana zakat yang diteliti, yaitu diambil dari: (1) Sistem pengelolaan, dan (2) Strategi penguatan peran.Adapun hasil yang ditemukan dari penelitian ini yaitu: (1) Dalam Pengelolaan Zakat BAZNAS Propinsi berkedudukan di Ibukota Provinsi yang bersangkutan dan melakukan pengumpulan zakat melalui UPZ yang ada di provinsi (2) Strategi Penguatan Pendistribusian dan Pendayagunaan BAZNAS Jawa Barat yakni dengan irisan program SDGs dan zakat bertemu dalam sebuah objektif untuk mengurangi kemiskinan termasuk kelaparan yang terjadi di dunia ini dan aneka turunannya. Beberapa pendapat dan pandangan muncul mencoba mengaitkan satu per satu dari poin-poin SDGs dengan interpretasi atas kerja zakat khususnya dari sudut penerima manfaat dan peruntukkan zakat. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Carolina Carolina

ABSTRACTSince early 1980s, freshwater fish farming was introduced as an economic activity to the rural community in Subang, West Java Province. Until presently, 5% of the population participate on it, specifically as common carp (Cyprinus carpio) cultivators in freshwater ponds ecosystem. The economic gain from the carp farming triggers vast development indicated by significant landscape conversion from rice fields to fish ponds. Environmental limitation does not seem to become their major concern, because good yields which means good income is their main driving factor to extend and intensify common carp aquaculture. Recognizing the important role of small scale fish farms in West Java common carp production system, we explore their resiliency in confronting challenges encountered in managing the freshwater ecosystem. Utilizing participatory observation and interview, we explore their socio-ecological resilience from the perception of human and nature interaction. The study area is Pagaden Sub District in Subang - West Java. Descriptive analysis is used to articulate the phenomenon enfolded in a socio-ecological framework of thinking. It can be concluded that high dependency to the aquaculture activity, has reached a situation in which ecologically sound technology should be introduced. Included in a scheme of technical assistance which specifically designed to meet the need and in harmony with the socio-cultural characters of small-scale fish farmers, the technology introduction should be carried out to spur the sustainable aquaculture in Subang West Java. This should be a proposed agenda for the local government in support to aquaculture sustainable development.ABSTRAKSejak awal tahun 1980, budidaya ikan air tawar diperkenalkan sebagai kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat desa di wilayah Subang, Propinsi Jawa Barat. Dewasa ini, sekitar 5% populasi terlibat di kegiatan tersebut, terutama sebagai pembudidaya ikan mas (Cyprinus carpio) di ekosistem kolam air tawar. Pendapatan yang diperoleh dari kegiatan budidaya ikan mas telah memicu terjadinya percepatan laju pembangunan yaitu dengan adanya perubahan lansekap dari petak-petak sawah menjadi kolam-kolam ikan. Keterbatasan lingkungan tampaknya tidak dipertimbangkan, karena hasil panen yang tinggi atau keuntungan usaha menjadi tujuan pokok perluasan atau pun intensifikasi kegiatan budidaya ikan mas. Mengingat peran penting pembudidaya ikan skala kecil di rantai produksi ikan mas di Jawa Barat, kami melakukan kajian terhadap daya lenting mereka dalam menghadapi tantangan mengelola ekosistem budidaya ikan air tawar. Dengan memanfaatkan metoda pengamatan-partisipatif dan wawancara mendalam, data dan informasi dari para pelaku budidaya ikan mas skala kecil di Kecamatan Pagaden Kabupaten Subang Jawa Barat ditelusur. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif untuk memberikan ruang artikulatif dalam mengurai fenomena lapangan yang dirangkum dalam kerangka pikir sosio-ekologi. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa meskipun mereka memiliki kearifan lokal tersendiri dalam membudidayakan ikan mas di kolam air tawar, ketergantungan yang tinggi pada kegiatan akuakultur ikan mas, telah sampai pada situasi diperlukannya pengenalan teknologi budidaya yang ramah lingkungan. Pengenalan teknologi tersebut seyogyanya disertai strategi pendampingan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan karakter sosial-budaya para pembudidaya ikan mas skala kecil. Hal ini perlu dijadikan agenda pemerintah daerah untuk diterapkan demi keberlanjutan pengelolaan ekosistem akuakultur di Subang – Jawa Barat. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Neng Yani Nurhayani ◽  
Sarip Muslim

This study aims to analyze the mechanism of Halal Guarantee Certification  publication in the food processing industry in West Java; and the application of the principle of independence and professionalism of The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) in awarding Halal Guarantee Certification for processed food industries in West Java. Additionally, this study is a field research using a qualitative approach. The mechanism of awarding Halal Guarantee Certification  begins with the company stating written objectives of the certification's implementation for the company regarding the rules outlined by The Research Institution on Food, Drug, and Cosmetics (LPPOM) and explaining the scope of application of guarantee systems in the corporate environment; begun with purchasing, receiving materials, production lines, storage of materials and products, transportation and distribution, as well as food displaying and serving (for restaurants to be assessed by LPPOM). The independence aspect is not only identified through being independent at organizing an institution; moreover, the careful consideration of expertise, field data, and also appearance must be the main indicators. The application of the professionalism principle, by The Indonesian Ulema Council in awarding Halal Guarantee Certification for the processed food industries in West Java, can be indicated through the method of assessing processed food industry products. As the result, The Ulema Council has been able to carry out excellent and appropriate coordination by giving this role to LPPOM.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (5) ◽  
pp. 1941-1954

Abstract. Mulyanto D, Iskandar J, Abdoellah OS, Iskandar BS, Riawanti S, Partasasmita R. 2018. Leunca (Solanum americanum Mill.): The uses as vegetable in two villages in Upper Citarum Area, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1941-1954. Leunca is known as botanical name as Solanum americanum Mill, Family of Solanaceae. In recent years, academic interest has been increasing. After so long studied as weeds, today leunca has also studied because of its important meaning as crop that has high nutritional and economic value in relation to food resilience of developing countries, as because of its chemical substances with its medicinal properties. Leunca was recorded in colonial period by botanists or agricultural scientists’ report as local vegetable in rural of West Java also in modern time by anthropologist or ecologists who studying rural population. In the recent time in Indonesia, leunca studies almost all have been focused on its pharmacological, agronomic, and economic aspects. The aspect that is related to Sundanese sociocultural system was almost neglected. This paper presents the finding of research on ethnobotany of leunca includes landraces, agronomical and utilization, traditional institutional aspect, and culinary culture food habits of leunca in rural Sundanese people. Method used in this study mixed-method of qualitative and quantitative was applied in this study, while some techniques including observation and semi-structured interviews were carried in the field research. The result of study showed that based on informants it has revealed that 7 kinds of plant that are named as leunca, however, only 3 kinds of leunca that are grown in their village. Among 7 kinds of leunca, leunca biasa (S. americanum) has been predominantly consumed both fruits and leaves. There is various food dishes are consumed fresh or cooked. Various dishes of leunca biasa have been culturally integrated everyday life of people and culturally as part of people identity of Sundanese people (urang Sunda). Other kinds of leunca, including leaves of leunca manuk (variety of S. americanum) have been consumed leunca as cooked vegetable, and its leaves have been used as traditional medicine of pet chicken disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1016
Raniri MUNAWAR ◽  
Munawar RAHMAT ◽  
M. Wildan Bin H.M. YAHYA

Religious tourism destinations in Indonesia are an essential pillar in the development of a peaceful, pluralist society. Tourists of various ethnicities and religions mostly visit the spiritual tourism areas of SGJ (Tomb of SunanGunungJati, Cirebon West Java) and PTL (Pura Tanah Lot, Bali). Therefore, this research aims to discuss the impact of religious tourism on forming a pluralist and peaceful society. The method is qualitative research with data obtained through observation, short and in-depth interviews, and book surveys. The study subjects were three tour guides, 100 tourists at each location, with the field research carried out for 10 Friday nights each at SGJ (October 2019 to February 2020) and PTL (December 2018 to August 2019). The result showed that firstly tourists feel a spiritual aroma in religious tourism destinations. Secondly, SGJ tourists, in particular, feel confident that the prayers they say at SGJ's grave are answered. Thirdly, tourists visualize ethnicities and followers of other religions as brothers who share the same spiritual goals. The implication is that religious tourism destinations are an alternative to the formation of a peaceful pluralist society.

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