2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto ◽  
Tatang Suparman ◽  
Wagiati Wagiati

Peribahasa Sunda merupakan kumpulan kearifan lokal yang tersimpan rapi dalam bahasa, terutama berisi nasihat dan contoh pekerti yang baik. Penelitian yang dilakukan ini bertujuan membuktikan bahwa bahasa Sunda, melalui peribahasa, berperan penting dalam menyumbang kearifan bangsa. Penelitian ini berancangan kualitatif dengan data yang dikuantifikasi. Penelitiannya berupa penelitian lapangan. Lokasi penelitian berada di Kecamatan Luragung, Kabupaten Kuningan, Provinsi Jawa Barat. Data dikumpulkan dari dua belas pembahan yang berbahasa pertama Sunda dan berumur antara 13 tahun dan 47 tahun. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informan muda jauh lebih sedikit menguasai peribahasa daripada informan dewasa. Semua informan menganggap penting untuk mengetahui peribahasa Sunda, tetapi disayangkan bahwa generasi muda kurang memiliki kesempatan untuk mempelajarinya dan antara lain juga terdesak oleh bahasa Indonesia. Semua informan bangga pada bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa daerah dan sebagai penyimpan kebudayaan(The Mastery of Sundanese Proverbs by Sundanese Speakers in Luragung Sub-district, Kuningan District, West Java Province)Sundanese proverb is a collection of local wisdom stored neatly in the language, especially containing advice and examples of good character. This research aims to prove that Sundanese language, through proverbs, plays an important role in contributing to the wisdom of the nation. This qualitative research is a field research. The research location is in Luragung District, Kuningan Regency, West Java Province. The data were collected from twelve first language speakers of Sundanese language between 13 years and 47 years old. The results show that younger informants fewer master proverbs than adult informants. All informants considered it is important to know the Sundanese proverb but regretted that the younger generation lacked the opportunity to learn it and among other things also pressed by the Indonesian language. All informants are proud of Sundanese as a regional language and as a cultural store.

Warisman Sinaga

Masyarakat Batak Toba telah terbiasa menggunakan bahasa Indonesia, apalagi yang hidup di perkotaan. Pada umumnya mereka mampu berbahasa Indonesia karena  bilingual, yakni mampu menggunakan dua bahasa. Bahkan intensitas pemakaian bahasa Indonesia lebih tinggi dibanding bahasa Batak. Hal ini akan menimbulkan masalah dalam pemertahanan bahasa. Sikap generasi muda sangat menentukan akan keberlangsungan bahasa daerah ini. Bahasa daerah akan punah apabila penutur bahasa daerah itu habis. Agar tidak terjadi kepunahan bahasa daerah, maka diharapkan bahasa tersebut senantiasa digunakan mulai dari lingkungan keluarga, tempat tinggal, dan lingkungan bekerja. Teori yang digunakan untuk menguraikan masalah ini adalah teori sosiolinguistik, dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif kuantitatif. Berdasarkan pembahasan diketahui bahwa generasi muda Batak merasa bangga mampu menggunakan bahasa Batak (97,5%). Generasi muda Batak juga menyadari bahwa penguasaan bahasa Batak sangatlah penting (95%). Kurangnya kemampuan generasi muda berbahasa Batak disebabkan orang tuanya mengajari mereka di rumah cenderung dengan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia (50%).   The Toba Batak people are accustomed to using Indonesian, especially those living in urban areas. In general, they are able to speak Indonesian because they are bilingual, which is able to use two languages. Even the intensity of the use of Indonesian is higher than the Batak language. This will cause problems in language maintenance. The attitude of the young generation is crucial for the sustainability of this regional language. Regional languages ​​will become extinct if the speakers of the regional languages ​​are exhausted. In order to avoid the extinction of regional languages, it is expected that the language will always be used starting from the family environment, residence, and work environment. The theory used to describe this problem is the sociolinguistic theory, using quantitative descriptive analysis methods. Based on the discussion it is known that the younger generation of Bataks feel proud to be able to use Batak language (97.5%). The younger generation of Bataks also realize that mastery of the Batak language is very important (95%). The lack of ability of the younger generation in the Batak language is due to their parents teaching them at home and tends to use Indonesian (50%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Naufal Allam Gumelar ◽  
Rullyani Kuncoro Putri ◽  
Silvia Nita Nur Aryanti ◽  
Chafit Ulya

This study aims to explain the form of language error in rhetorical journal entitled "Innovation of Indonesian Language Learning through Process Approach" in syntax level, as well as describe the cause of the error. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Data collection using techniques in the form of observation of the writings of an article from the journal Rhetoric. Data in the study is divided into two scopes, namely literature research and field research Analysis techniques used include, collecting data in the form of errors in terms of syntax, identifying errors, explaining errors, and evaluating errors. The results of this study are descriptions of the form of language errors include: (1) the unity of ideas, (2) word frugality, (3) logic, and (4) word carefulness.

Ismail Al Murtada ◽  
Nasib Marbun ◽  
Efori Buulolo ◽  
Soeb Aripin

The base language is one of the regional languages used in Aceh Province, precisely in Southeast Aceh. The base language is basically divided into 3 (three) pieces of dialeg, namely upstream (subtle), middle (medium), and downstream (rough). As time goes on, the Alas language becomes increasingly forgotten because the younger generation prefers to learn foreign languages to keep up with the times so that many Alas communities, especially the younger generation, cannot communicate using the Alas language. To preserve the Alas language, a technology-based dictionary application is needed that is developing at this time to help young people learn the Alas language. Improving the accuracy of string matching in translating the Alas language into Indonesian in the application in the dictionary application used to study the Alas language in this study used the Turbo Boyer Moore string matching agorithm. The results of this study are in the form of desktop-based applications that can be used easily on a computer with the results of Indonesian language translation search into the Alas language with accurate stringency accuracy efficiently and efficiently with minimum time. Keywords : Regional Language, Alas-Indonesian Indonesian Dictionary, String Matching, Turbo Boyer Moore.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1016
Raniri MUNAWAR ◽  
Munawar RAHMAT ◽  
M. Wildan Bin H.M. YAHYA

Religious tourism destinations in Indonesia are an essential pillar in the development of a peaceful, pluralist society. Tourists of various ethnicities and religions mostly visit the spiritual tourism areas of SGJ (Tomb of SunanGunungJati, Cirebon West Java) and PTL (Pura Tanah Lot, Bali). Therefore, this research aims to discuss the impact of religious tourism on forming a pluralist and peaceful society. The method is qualitative research with data obtained through observation, short and in-depth interviews, and book surveys. The study subjects were three tour guides, 100 tourists at each location, with the field research carried out for 10 Friday nights each at SGJ (October 2019 to February 2020) and PTL (December 2018 to August 2019). The result showed that firstly tourists feel a spiritual aroma in religious tourism destinations. Secondly, SGJ tourists, in particular, feel confident that the prayers they say at SGJ's grave are answered. Thirdly, tourists visualize ethnicities and followers of other religions as brothers who share the same spiritual goals. The implication is that religious tourism destinations are an alternative to the formation of a peaceful pluralist society.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-50
Erniati Erniati ◽  
Yohanis Sanjoko

Abstrak Bahasa Wemale dipakai sebagai bahasa pertama oleh penutur asli masyarakat Suku Wemale di Pulau Seram, Maluku, tepatnya di  Negeri Hunitetu, Kecamatan Kairatu, Kabupaten Seram Bagian Barat. Bahasa Wemale memilki dua dialek yaitu dialek Wemale Utara dan Wemale Selatan.Hingga saaat ini, bahasa Wemale masih digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi secara lisan oleh kalangan tertentu dalam kehidupan masyarakat penuturnya. Meskipun demikian, bahasa Wemale dapat dikategorikan sebagai bahasa daerah yang hampir punah, karena tidak ada proses pewarisan kepada generasi mudanya.  Untuk mencegah hal tersebut, perlu dilakukan berbagai upaya penyelamatan yang salah satu diantaranya melalui penelitian.Penelitian ini memberikan gambaran tentang pola suku kata bahasa Wemale. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan pola suku kata bahasa Wemale, dialek Wemale Selatan. Meode yang digunakan adalah meode kualitatif deskriptif. Data diperoleh dari ucapan langsung penutur asli bahasa tersebut dan penutur yang dianggap mampu. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pola suku kata bahasaWemale terdiri atas V, KV, VKV,  KVV, dan ½ KV. Kata kunci: suku kata, pola suku kata, bahasa Wemale Abstract Wemale is used as the first language by native speakers of the Wemale tribe on Seram Island, Maluku, precisely in the village of Hunitetu, Kairatu District, West Seram Regency. Wemale has two dialects namely North Wemale and South Wemale. Until now, Wemale is still used as an oral communication tool by certain groups in the life of the speaker community. However, Wemale language can be categorized as a regional language that is almost extinct, because there is no inheritance process to the younger generation. To prevent this, various rescue efforts need to be done, one of which is through research. This research provides an overview of the Wemale syllable patterns. This study aims to describe the syllabic patterns of the Wemale language, South Wemale dialect. The method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data obtained from the direct speech of native speakers of the language and speakers who are considered capable. The results of the analysis show that the syllabic syllable patterns consist of V, KV, VKV, KVV,and ½ KV. Keywords: syllables, syllable patterns, Wemale language   

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Wagiati Wagiati ◽  
Wahya Wahya ◽  
Sugeng Riyanto

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuktikan vitalitas (daya hidup, tingkat kesehatan) bahasa Sunda menghadapi bahasa Indonesia. Penelitian itu berancangan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan dua variabel bebas, yakni penggunaan bahasa Sunda yang dihadapkan dengan bahasa Indonesia dan kelompok pengguna bahasa Sunda sebagai bahasa pertama, yakni keluarga asli Sunda yang bermukim di Kabupaten Bandung, Jawa Barat. Variabel terikatnya adalah pilihan bahasa, yakni bahasa Sunda atau bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa vitalitas bahasa Sunda kuat pada ranah kekeluargaan, transaksional, dan kekariban; tetapi lemah pada ranah kedinasan dan orang tidak dikenal. Dari segi kesepakatan, ranah keluarga, transaksional, dan kekariban juga menduduki tempat yang tinggi dibandingkan ranah kedinasan dan orang tidak dikenal. Penggunaan terbanyak bahasa Sunda ada pada ranah kekeluargaan, terutama pada saat informan berbicara dengan kakek/nenek dan ayah/ibu. Bahasa Sunda berkurang vitalitasnya pada ranah kedinasan dan ranah orang tidak dikenal.Kata kunci: vitalitas bahasa, bahasa pertama, bahasa Sunda THE VITALITY OF THE SUNDANESE LANGUAGE IN BANDUNG REGENCYAbstractThis study aims to prove the vitality of the Sundanese language to face the Indonesian language. This was a quantitative study involving two independent variables, namely the use of the Sundanese language to confront the Indonesian language and groups of users of the Sundanese language as the first language, namely the native Sundanese families living in Bandung Regency, West Java. The dependent variable was the choice of language, i.e. the Sundanese or Indonesian language. The results prove that the vitality of the Sundanese language is strong in the family, transaction, and closeness domains; but it is weak in the official domain and that related to strangers. In terms of agreement, the family, transaction, and closeness domains also occupy a high position compared to the official domain and that related to strangers. The use of the Sundanese language with the highest frequency is in the family domain, especially when the informants talk with grandparents and fathers/mothers. The vitality of the Sundanese language lessens in the official domain and that related to strangers.Keywords: language vitality, first language, Sundanese language

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 325-345
Yani'ah Wardhani

Da’wa that done by Da’i in Indonesia can not be detached from the efectivity of rethorical use. By shape the form of narration, choosing the nuances of the exact word meaning, also choosing the linguistic and interested word, will help da’i to get the interesting programmatic, so that can made and influence audiences to listen. The research method of this writing is descriptive qualitative analyziz. The data that used is a form of rethoric in the programmatic of oral da’wa of all da’i in Jakarta, West Java, and central Java. The research sources are the programmatic of oral da’wa that located in the published book and also recording. The collective data method are; reading, and repeatedly listening into the da’wa subject of da’i. Analyziz data technic are; understanding and interpretation. The result of this research is that in generally, the da’i used the literature linguistic style in delivering the subject of da’wa in shaping the proverb (amsal) and hikmah, whether came from Arabic or Indonesia. The linguistic that used by da’i, came from Al-Qur’an, Al-Hadist, wise word and from qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  The style of rethorical that used by KH.Zaenuddin MZ is to change belief, and in this term the da’i can change the attitude of audience. In a rethorical that used by Aa Gym is to inform, because many educational information that been accepted by aim to explain the things that has not known before. Meanwhile, the rethorical of UJE (Jefry alBukhory) has the unique style from other, because supported by his good voice while chanting the verse of Al-qur’an. Also, the rethorical style that used by Ahmad al Habsyi and Wijayanto that has similarity from the subject point, that used the beautiful style of locution by amtsal and hikmah---Dakwah yang dilakukan oleh para da’i di Indonesia tidak dapat terlepas dari efektifitas pemanfaatan retorika. Dengan menata bentuk-bentuk tuturan, memilih nuansa makna kata yang tepat serta memilih gaya bahasa dan kata mutiara  yang menarik akan lebih sempurna  bagi penutur untuk mendapatkan wacana yang menarik sehingga mampu mempengaruhi pendengar.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif analisis. Data yang digunakan berupa bentuk retorika dalam wacana dakwah lisan para da’i di  DKI, Jawa Barat, dan Jawa tengah. Sumber data penelitian  berupa wacana dakwah lisan yang terdapat dalam buku-buku yang telah diterbitkan dan rekaman. Teknik pengumpulan data, meliputi: membaca dan mendengarkan secara berulang-ulang materi  dakwah para da’i. Teknik analisis data, meliputi: pemahaman,dan  interpretasi. Hasil temuan, bahwa secara umum para dai menggunakan gaya bahasa sastra  dalam menyampaikan materi dakwahnya dalam bentuk peribahasa (amsal) dan kata mutiara (hikmah) baik berasal dari bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Indonesia. Gaya bahasa yang digunakan oleh para dai mayoritas bersumber dari Al Qur’an, Al-Hadist, kata-kata bijak dari qaol Ulama dan Hukama.  Bentuk retorika yang sering digunakan oleh KH. Zaenuddin MZ adalah to change belief, dan dalam hal ini penceramah mampu mengubah sikap.  Sedangkan bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Aa Gym adalah to inform (pendidikan) karena banyak informasi pendidikan  yang diterima dengan bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hal- hal yang belum diketahui sebelumnya.  Retorika UJE memiliki gaya khas dari yang lainnya, karena didukung  suaranya yang merdu menjadi pengikat hati ketika melantunkan cinta Allah dan Rasulnya. Demikian juga bentuk retorika yang digunakan oleh Ahmad  al Habsyi dan ustadz Wijayanto ada kesamaan dari sisi materi, yaitu menggunakan style gaya bahasanya yang indah dengan amtsal dan Hikmah

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 224-231
Abdul Aziz

The mosque is a building or an environment surrounded by a fence, especially built for the worship of God Almighty and most commendable. The mosque will function and will be very meaningful if there is proper management and good. Mainly using management science, and one of them is religious propaganda management. It is one of the Islamization of education all because it is a kenyatan that education and development as a process of intensive, to make someone to be able to optimize the physical and non physical aspects. Purpose writing  this is to describe the management of the mosque and its application to ensure that drug abuse does not occur in the younger generation. Today, this problem becomes a reality in cities and villages almost become a culture, as we all know that genersi youth as part of the religion, country and product of the nation if it was not in physical condition is good and fit will take them on social action, crime such as theft, drug abuse. One solution is the mosque's activities. Based on these problems, the authors really want to know the role of propaganda bagimana done to address the drug problem in the younger generation. Writing is supported by literature and field research. And the authors get the data through observation, interviews and documentation. Then analyze the data from a reduction, to see the data and conclusions. While the subject of research is the mosque of Abu Bakr As-Sidiqdesa Grujugan Kemranjen districts Banyumas in Central Java province of Indonesia. Based on the results there are: (1) Masjid Abu Bakar As-Sidiq using good management on the physical plane and function. (2) Management of religious proselytizing by DKM and Ikrima to ensure to prevent drug abuse in rural districts Grujugan Kemranjen Banyumas regency, Central Java Province using religious activities such as youth activities in the field of sports, the call of young people or youth build character.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 54
Erlina Zulkifli Mahmud ◽  
Taufik Ampera ◽  
Yuyu Yohana Risagarniwa ◽  
Inu Isnaeni Sidiq

Kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa sebagai alat komunikasi manusia mencakup seluruh bidang kehidupan termasuk ilmu pengetahuan antara lain terkait sejarah peradaban manusia; bagaimana manusia mempertahankan hidupnya, bagaimana manusia memperlakukan alam, bagaimana alam menyediakan segala kebutuhan manusia. Apa yang dilakukan manusia saat ini, saat lampau, dan apa yang dilakukan manusia jauh di masa prasejarah, bagaimana kondisi alam di masa-masa tersebut, apa perubahan dan perkembangannya, dapat didokumentasikan melalui bahasa, divisualisasikan kembali, lalu dipajang sebagai salah satu upaya konversai dan preservasi dalam satu institusi yang disebut museum. Penelitian ini membahas kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa dalam permuseuman. Bagaimana kedudukan dan fungsi bahasa dalam permuseuman baik dalam informasi yang disampaikan oleh pemandu wisata museumnya maupun yang terpajang menyertai benda-benda dan gambar-gambar merupakan tujuan dari penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah gabungan antara metode lapangan dan metode literatur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara umum kedudukan bahasa Indonesia berada pada urutan pertama setelah Bahasa Inggris dan keberadaan kedua bahasa dalam permuseuman ini melibatkan dua fungsi utama bahasa, yakni fungsi komunikatif dan fungsi informatif.The existence and function of language  as a medium of communication covers all fields of human life including knowledge, one of them is the history of human civilization; how humans survived, how human utilized nature for their lives, and how nature provides all the necessities for humans. What humans have been doing now, what they have done in the past and far before that in the pre-history time, how the conditions of the nature at those times were and what changes as well as progresses occurred are documented using language, then re-visualized,  displayed as one of conservation and preservation acts in an institution called museum. This research discusess the existence and function of language in museums. How important the existence of a language in museums and what language functions used in museums both in informations given by the museum guides and on the displays accompanying objects and pictures are the aims of this research. The methods used are the combination between field research and library research. The results show that generally the existence of Indonesian language plays more important role than English and both languages have two main functions; communicative function and informative function.     

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 177
Asep Saefullah

This paper discusses the biography of K.H. Abdul Halim, a cleric, educator, political activist, a national hero, who was born in Jatiwangi, Majalengka, West Java on June 26, 1887 and died on May 7, 1962, in a peaceful and quiet place, Santi Asromo, Majalengka. The title of the National Hero from the Government of Indonesia was granted on the basis of his important roles in education, economics and politics. Among his legacy are the religious educational institutions, namely Santi Asromo Pesantren, the religious organization of the Islamic Ummah Union (PUI), and several books such as the Kitab Petunjuk bagi Sekalian Manusia (Manual for Man), Ekonomi dan Koperasi dalam Islam (Economics and Cooperative in Islam), dan Ketetapan Pengajaran di Sekolah Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama (The Teaching Decrees at Ibtidaiyah Persyarikatan Ulama School). His biography is a manifestation of appreciation for his services and works, his struggle and his devotion to science and people, as well as his role and contribution in building the nation of Indonesia with noble character and dignity. Another milestone of his is the value of the struggle and at the same time his Islamic scholarship can be an example for the younger generation in particular and for anyone who aspires to build a nation of Indonesia which is based on the Belief in One God, fair and civilized, united in the context of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). Keywords: Kiai, Education, Pesantren, Majalengka, West Java Tulisan ini mengangkat biografi K.H. Abdul Halim dan gagasannya tentang pendidikan ekonomi di pesantren. Ia memiliki nama kecil Otong Syatori, dikenal sebagai ulama pejuang, pendidik, dan aktivis politik. Ia dilahirkan di Desa Ciborelang, Kecamatan Jatiwangi, Majalengka, Jawa Barat, pada 26 Juni 1887, dan wafat dalam usia 75 tahun pada 7 Mei 1962, di Santi Asromo, Majalengka. Ia mendapat gelar Pahlawan Nasional dari Pemerintah RI tahun 2008. Perjuangannya meliputi pendidikan, ekonomi, dan politik. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah deskriptif-analitis dengan perspektif historis. Adapun fokusnya, selain biog¬rafi singkat K.H. Abdul Halim, juga tentang konsep pendidikan eko¬no¬mi berbasis pesantren. Dari hasil pembahasan ditemukan bahwa ia telah melakukan pembaharuan di bidang pendidikan agama dan sekaligus memberikan keterampilan kewirausahaan bagi santri dan lulusannya. Awalnya gagasan tersebut berasal dari konsep pembaharuannya yang disebut Iṣlāḥ as-Ṡamāniyyah, yaitu: perbaikan akidah, ibadah, pendidikan, keluarga, kebiasaan (adat), masyarakat, ekonomi, dan hubungan umat dan tolong-menolong. Di bidang pendidikan, ia memadukan sistem pesantren dengan sistem sekolah, ilmu-ilmu agama dengan ilmu-ilmu umum, serta memberkali para santrinya dengan berbagai keterampilan tangan dan keahlian teknik. Di bidang ekonomi, disebutnya dengan Iṣlāḥ al-Iqtiṣād, untuk menanggulangi ketimpangan ekonomi di masyarakat, yaitu dengan menanamkan kesadaran kepada kaum muslimin agar berusaha memperbai¬ki dan meningkatkan kehidupan ekonominya dan berjuang secara bersama-sama melalui wadah koperasi. Kata kunci: Abdul Halim, Santi Asromo, pendidikan ekonomi, Iṣlāḥ as-Ṡamāniyyah, Iṣlāḥ al-Iqtiṣād

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