scholarly journals 'Prender de gajo': sujetos trasplantados e imaginarios globales en Luisa Futoransky / 'Prender de gajo': transplanted subjects and global imaginaries in Luisa Futoransky

Marta Sierra

Resumen: La obra de Luisa Futoransky se construye como una “literatura menor” tal como la definen Deleuze y Guattari. Sus poemas y novelas emplean el collage como una forma de “subal-ternizar” el lenguaje literario a fin de cuestionar las grandes narrativas nacionales. Sus textos expresan un pensamiento de fronteras que está traspasado por inquietudes feministas. En el presente trabajo se analiza el modo en que la memoria transatlántica construye el lugar de la “subalternización” en los textos de Futoransky. Por medio de un análisis del uso del collage y otros mecanismos narrativos y poéticos, el trabajo propone leer la obra de Futoransky a partir de una estética desterri-torializadora que se caracteriza por: la disolución del sujeto, el uso del collage, la cita como un mecanismo posmoderno; la estética desfami-liarizadora, el humor y el artificio, y la memoria como la fuente de una estética trasatlántica. El trabajo analiza el modo en que Futoransky explora las tensiones en la relación entre memoria y lugar a partir de un análisis de las tensiones entre lo global y lo local. Palabras clave: Futoransky, literatura menor, subalternización, desterritorlización.Abstract: The works by Luisa Futoransky are representative of what Deleuze and Guattari define as a “minor literature”, a literature that questions the relationship between nation and literary canon. Her novels and poems use collage as a way to represent this “minor literature”, a medium to create a subaltern voice in her literature. Hers is a literature that lives in the borderlands, experiencing the border from a feminist perspective. In this essay, I propose a reading of Futoransky’s works from a transatlantic and subaltern perspective. Her aesthetic project breaks the bonds between language and territory. The main strategies analyzed here are: the dissolution of the subject, the use of collage and quotation as postmodern techniques to destabilize meaning, humor, and a poetic memory that challenges national borders. This paper analyzes how Futoransky explores the tensions between memory and place from the complexities of global and local dynamics. Keywords: Futoransky, Minor Literature, Subalternization, Deterritorialization.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 352-366 ◽  
Bruce Baugh

In Bergsonism, Deleuze refers to Bergson's concept of an ‘open society’, which would be a ‘society of creators’ who gain access to the ‘open creative totality’ through acting and creating. Deleuze and Guattari's political philosophy is oriented toward the goal of such an open society. This would be a democracy, but not in the sense of the rule of the actually existing people, but the rule of ‘the people to come,’ for in the actually existing situation, such a people is ‘lacking’. When the people becomes a society of creators, the result is a society open to the future, creativity and the new. Their openness and creative freedom is the polar opposite of the conformism and ‘herd mentality’ condemned by Deleuze and Nietzsche, a mentality which is the basis of all narrow nationalisms (of ethnicity, race, religion and creed). It is the freedom of creating and commanding, not the Kantian freedom to obey Reason and the State. This paper uses Bergson's The Two Sources of Morality and Religion, and Deleuze and Guattari's Kafka: For a Minor Literature, A Thousand Plateaus and What is Philosophy? to sketch Deleuze and Guattari's conception of the open society and of a democracy that remains ‘to come’.

2014 ◽  
pp. 83
Sabino de Juan López

RESUMEN En el artículo se ofrece una reflexión en torno a la educación y valores. Tras una referencia a los diferentes sentidos en que se puede plantear el problema en función de la forma como se puede entender la relación entre los dos sustantivos “educación” y “valores”, la reflexión se centra en algunos problemas relacionados con los valores en cuanto contenidos de la educación. Primeramente se refiere al problema del criterio en función del cual determinar los valores de la educación, concluyendo en que el criterio no podía ser ni de carácter a priori, ni empírico, sino “sintético”. A continuación, se afronta el problema del principio, de la fuente de los valores, o la concreción del criterio de los valores de la educación, entendiendo que éstos deberían ser determinados a partir del sujeto de la educación. Se concluye con la referencia a una exigencia de los valores de la educación, la configuración de una totalidad unitaria e interactiva. Palabras clave: educación, valores, fuente de valores, integración, cultura EDUCATION AND VALUES ABSTRACT The article offers a reflection on education and values. After a reference to the different senses in which one can pose the problem in terms of how you can understand the relationship between the two nouns “education” and “values”, reflection focuses on some problems related to the values in the contents of education. First, it concerns the problem of the criterion against which to determine the values of education, concluding that the criterion could be neither a priori in nature, not empirical, but “synthetic”. Herein, the problem of principle is faced, the source of values, or the realization of the criterion of the values of education, understanding that these should be determined from the subject of education. It concludes with the reference of a requirement of the values in education, setting up a unitary and interactive whole. Key Words: education, values , power values , integration, culture

Annarita Teodosio

Abstract: The relationship between Le Corbusier and the visual arts (drawing, photography and cinema) is deep and complex and, although the subject of numerous publications and research since the late 60s, still arouses much interest, as evidenced by the many events organized in the last years - "Le Corbusier. Vue sur la mer ", Maison La Roche, Paris, 2012; "Construire the image: Le Corbusier et la Photographie", Musée des Beaux-Arts, the Chaux-de-Fonds, 2013; or the recent "Le Corbusier and photography", IUAV, Venice, May 2015-. The paper, starting out from the researches already developed, proposes a further reflection on the relationship between the Swiss architect and the photography, paying particular interest to the shooting made in first person. The study analyzes the different approaches and the different subjects photographed in the course of his life and it is proposed to include the work of Le Corbusier in the broader cultural context of the twentieth century, a period in which the relationship between architecture and visual communication, thanks to the many possibilities offered by technological innovations, it becomes increasingly close and inevitable. Resumen: La relación entre Le Corbusier y las artes visuales (dibujo, fotografía y cine) es profunda y articulada y, aunque es objeto de numerosas publicaciones y investigaciónes desde el finales de los años 60es, todavía despierta mucho interés, como lo demuestran los diversos eventos realizados en los últimos años - “Le Corbusier. Vue sur la mer”, Maison La Roche, Parìs, 2012; “Construire l’image: Le Corbusier et la photographie”, Musée des Beaux-Arts, la Chaux-de-Fonds, 2013; o la más reciente “Le Corbusier e la fotografia”, IUAV , Venezia, mayo 2015-. El articulo, a partir desde investigación ya desarrollado, propone una reflexión más sobre la relación entre el arquitecto suizo y la fotografía, prestando especial interés a las realizata en primera persona. El estudio analiza los diferentes enfoques y diferentes sujetos fotografiados en el curso de su vida y se propone de insertar la obra de Le Corbusier en el contexto cultural más amplio del siglo XX, un período en el que la relación entre la arquitectura y la comunicación visual, gracias a las muchas posibilidades que ofrecen las innovaciones tecnológicas, se vuelve cada vez más estrecha e inevitable.  Keywords: Le Corbusier; photography; representation of architecture. Palabras clave: Le Corbusier; fotografia; representaciones de la arquitectura. DOI:

2011 ◽  
pp. 147-161
Fátima R. Nogueira

Se estudia la narrativa de Jaramillo Levi centrada en la relación entre el erotismo y la muerte, desde el intercambio de dos fuerzas que actúan en la producción del deseo: una, de naturaleza libidinosa e inconsciente, la otra de filiación social. Estos relatos exploran el vínculo entre las pulsiones sexuales y el instinto de la muerte revelando el exceso y la violencia ocultos en el erotismo; además, plasman la magnitud del deseo que al exceder los límites del cuerpo y del individuo deviene una experiencia de la sexualidad inhumana reafirmada sólo por un campo saturado de intensidades y vibraciones. Partiendo de la teoría lacaniana del deseo, y de conceptos de Deleuze y Guattari, en los relatos tal encuentro de fuerzas objetiviza el sujeto y cuestiona la noción antropomórfica de sexualidad. This study deals with Jaramillo Levi’s short stories centered on the relationship between eroticism and death, examining the exchange of two driving forces which create desire. The nature of one of these forces is unconscious and libidinous while the other is social. These stories explore the link between sexual drive and the death instinct, disclosing overindulgence and violence hidden behind eroticism. In addition, they depict the magnitude of desire, which upon exceeding the boundaries of the human body and the individual, becomes an experience of inhuman sexuality that can reaffirm itself only in a field permeated with intensity and vibrations. Considering Lacan’s theory of desire and other concepts from Deleuze and Guattari, the exchange of forces in these stories objectifies the subject and questions the anthropomorphic notion of sexuality.

2003 ◽  
Vol 29 ◽  
pp. 61-84
Rita Chin

In recent years, scholars of German literature have increasingly pointed to Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's theory of “minor literature” as a crucial framework for understanding the development of minority cultural production in a variety of twentieth-century contexts (Teraoka, 1987; Suhr, 1989; Spector, 2000). Deleuze and Guattari propose that any minority group writing in a major language produces what they term minor literature, which has the capacity to destabilize and undermine the dominant language, culture, and discourse in which its authors operate (Deleuze and Guattari, 1986, pp. 16-27). This specific confluence of identities, texts, and locations, they suggest, calls into question the very foundations of the majority's world view and self-understanding. Deleuze and Guattari's model marks one of the first efforts by Western theorists to conceptualize cultural work that has traditionally been rendered invisible by classical literary writing and established categories of genre, style, and type.

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-362
Yue Chen

Although claimed as a nation-state, with a government, a territory, and citizenry, Manchukuo (1932–1945) is a colony of the Empire of Japan, appropriated from Northeast China. As such, Manchukuo’s literary identity complicates the relationship between nationalism and literature, inviting us to rethink the history of Chinese literature in specific and East Asian literary history in general. This article tackles the thorny problem of Manchukuo literary formation by going through Shuimei Shih’s concept of sinophone and Chen Pingyuan’s notion of the multiethnic, only to conclude via a reading of Deleuze and Guattari’s elaboration of Kafka that Manchukuo’s corpus is best approached as a minor literature of its own. The very colonial and local complexity of Manchukuo’s minor literature lies in its multiethnicity and multilingualism. A close reading of Mei’niang, Yokoda Fumiko, and Arsenii Nesmelov, through their deterritorialized Chinese, Japanese, and Russian stories, demonstrates the range of indigenous and exiled writers in their diverse imagination of Manchukuo’s ambiguous sovereignty.

Andrea Roberta Kottow Keim

Resumen: El planteamiento inicial del artículo postula que las teorías psicoanalíticas comenzaron a circular y a popularizarse más allá de los marcos médicos y psiquiátricos en América Latina y Argentina, específicamente en Buenos Aires, en las décadas del ‘20 y ‘30. Las ideas freudianas producen una profunda transformación en la concepción del sujeto, de la relación que mantiene este consigo mismo y con los otros, emergiendo un sujeto atravesado por el inconsciente. La literatura de este período se puebla de figuras literarias que exploran esta dimensión inconsciente del sujeto. A partir de una lectura de las novelas Los siete locos (1929) y Los lanzallamas (1931) de Roberto Arlt, el texto explora la figura de las escenas de confesión que en ellas se darían, posibilitando los textos literarios la aparición de un dispositivo psicoanalítico, que gira en torno a una verdad de carácter dialógico y escénico. Palabras clave: Roberto Arlt, Psicoanálisis, escenas de confesión, malestar, acontecimiento. Abstract: The article proposes that psychoanalytic theories began to circulate, - and to be popular beyond medical and psychiatric circles -, in Latin-America and Argentina, especially in Buenos Aires, in the 1920s and 1930s. The ideas of Freud produce a profound transformation in the concept of the subject, of the relationship he has with itself and with others, letting a subject emerge that is marked by the unconscious. Starting from an interpretation of the novels Los siete locos (1929) and Los lanzallamas (1931) by Roberto Arlt, the article examines the figure of confession scenes. Through these scenes, a psychoanalytic dispositive emerges, involving a dialogical and scenic truth. Keywords: Roberto Arlt, Psychoanalysis, Confession Scenes, Uneasiness, Event.

Temida ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-239
Oluyemi Akanni ◽  
Nosa Igbinomwanhia

People with intellectual disability and co-morbid serious mental illness are sometimes involved as perpetrators of an offence and suffer exploitation in the criminal justice system. Understanding the link between mental illness and crime and the experience of an accused deserves attention because it may be essential in the administration of justice. The subject of this paper is the experience of a 17-year-old boy, suffering from both intellectual disability and schizophrenia, who was accused of theft and charged to court. The aim is to show how psychiatric services can be helpful in the disposal of court sentences for a minor. The relationship between his mental illness (with a focus on intellectual disability) and crime, and potential victimization in the criminal justice system is discussed. We advocate for awareness on the part of the legal system in the protection of people with intellectual disability from being victimized and recommend the need for psychiatric service to educate the court on the stringent application of the insanity rule.

Iván Enrique Naranjo Logroño ◽  
Anthony Alfonso Naranjo Coronel ◽  
Angie Daniela Beltrán Vera ◽  
Ashley Carolina Cuzco Macías

Introduction: From the moment of conception the human being is predisposed to undergo changes in fetal and neonatal development due to various external factors that occur throughout life and can in the long term influence the phenotypic expression of the new being. Objective: The objective of this work is to determine the relationship between the environment, nutrition, genetics, epigenetics and microbiota with neonatal fetus development and how they influence the phenotypic expression of the new being. Methods: A non-systematic search was performed in electronic databases such as COCHRANE, PUBMED, MEDLINE, etc. The bibliographic research was carried out in the period between October 2019 and January 2020. The studies carried out from 2007 to 2019, in the languages of Spanish and English, were included. Results: We found 51 bibliographic sources related to the subject, of which by means of a last simplification, 30 scientific articles were used that provided important information on the subject, and 21 articles were excluded. Conclusion: Research on methods to detect these interactions and to understand the mechanisms of these interactions is just beginning. However, there is evidence that they play an important role in human development. Keywords: neonatal development, epigenetics, microbiota, fetal development, nutrition. RESUMEN Introducción: Desde el momento de la concepción el ser humano está predispuesto a sufrir cambios en el desarrollo fetal y neonatal debido a diversos factores externos que se presentan a lo largo de la vida y pueden a largo plazo influir en la expresión fenotípica del nuevo ser. Objetivo: El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la relación que existe entre el medio ambiente, nutrición, genética, epigenética y microbiota con el desarrollo feto neonatal y como los mismos influyen en la expresión fenotípica del nuevo ser. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda no sistemática en bases de datos electrónicas como COCHRANE, PUBMED, MEDLINE, etc. La investigación bibliográfica se realizó en el periodo comprendido entre octubre 2019 y enero 2020. Se incluyeron estudios realizados desde el año 2007 hasta el año 2019, en los idiomas de español e inglés. Resultados: Se encontraron 51 fuentes bibliográficas referentes al tema, de los cuales mediante una última simplificación se utilizaron 30 artículos científicos que aportaron información importante del tema y se excluyeron 21 artículos. Conclusiones: La investigación sobre métodos para detectar estas interacciones y para comprender los mecanismos de estas interacciones apenas está comenzando. Sin embargo, hay evidencia de que estas juegan un papel importante en el desarrollo humano. Palabras clave: desarrollo neonatal, epigenética, microbiota, desarrollo fetal, nutrición.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (9) ◽  
pp. 675-685 ◽  
Lisa A. Mazzei

In this article, I describe how following the contour of concepts can enable a minor inquiry in which voice might be rethought as what Deleuze and Guattari called a “collective assemblage of enunciation.” Following the contour of Deleuze and Guattari’s “minor literature” and thinking voice as an assemblage, I both explain the characteristics of a minor literature and provide examples of the conditions for a minor inquiry. Mapping an enactment of a minor inquiry with examples from my previous work on voice, I conclude with what minor inquiry might look like as I experiment further with collective assemblages of enunciation.

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