scholarly journals Antibacterial and Phytochemical Screening of Leaf and Seed Extract of Ficus exasperata

O. O. Julius ◽  
V. O. Oluwasusi ◽  
M. F. Ibiyemi

Ficus exasperata belongs to the family Moraceae, and is commonly called forest sand paper tree/plant, widely spread in all eco-regions of Nigeria. This plant possesses antimicrobial agents and pharmacological compounds which aid in its efficacy for treatment of ailments. Hence, this study investigated the antibacterial activities and phytochemical screening of aqueous and ethanolic extract of leaves and seeds of Ficus exasperata. Leaves and seeds of the plant sample were processed to obtain fractions of crude extracts which were used against bacterial isolates such as, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella aerogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli and Shigella spp. Phytochemical screening of the samples was also done to detect the presence of alkaloid, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, tannin, terpenoids, sterol and phenols. Results obtained showed the susceptibility pattern against the bacterial isolates at concentrations ranging from 0.20 – 1.00 mg/mL. The ethanol extract of leaves of the plant sample showed high susceptibility pattern against P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, E. coli and K. aerogenes. The study shows that crude extracts of leaves and seeds of the plant sample were effective against the test organisms. The phytochemicals constituents were also present except sterol which is lacking in the seed sample due to the solvent used such as ethanol but may be present if other solvent is used. Antibacterial activity of crude extracts of F. exasperata leaves and seeds were as a result of presence of phytochemical constituents because they are fundamental biomedicals, which are considered biologically to be active compounds. This study provides an insight to the usefulness of extracts from F. exasperata leaves and seeds to be potential treatment against common clinical diseases.

O. O. Julius ◽  
V. O. Oluwasusi ◽  
M. F. Ibiyemi

Datura stramonium, known by the common name Jimson weed, belongs to nightshade family; its origin can be traced back to Mexico, it has also been grown in other regions including Nigeria. This plant possesses antimicrobial agents which aid in its efficacy for treatment of ailments. Hence, this study investigated the antibacterial activities and phytochemical screening of aqueous and methanol extract of leaves and seeds of Datura stramonium. Leaves and seeds of the plant sample were processed to obtain fractions of crude extracts which were used against bacterial isolates such as, E. coli, S. aureus, S. typhi and P. aeruginosa. Phytochemical screening of the samples was also done to detect the presence of alkaloid, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides, tannin, terpenoids, sterol and phenols. Results obtained showed the susceptibility pattern against the bacterial isolates at concentrations ranging from 0.5 – 2.5 mg/mL. The methanol extract of leaves of the plant sample showed high susceptibility pattern against E. coli and S. typhi. The study shows that crude extracts of leaves and seed of the plant sample were effective against the test organisms. The phytochemicals constituents were also present except sterol which is lacking in the seed sample due to the solvent used such as ethanol but may be present if other solvent is used. Antibacterial activity of crude extracts of D. stramonium leaves and seeds were as a result of presence of phytochemical constituents because they are fundamental biomedicals, which are considered biologically to be active compounds.

Plants as the source of medicine plays avital role in the health service around world. Hemigraphis alternata (Acanthaceae), exotic plants adapt to India, is versatile tropical lower-creeping perennial herbs that reachheight of 15 - 30 centimeters. The matured leaf of Hemigraphis alternata was collected from Kurunthankode , Kanyakumari district. Phytochemical screening of the H.alternata revealed the presence of some phytoconstituents such as carbohydrate, protein, alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, terpenoid and tannin. Previous report shows that H.coloratacontains similar compounds like saponins, flavonoids and terpenoids. The antioxidant property of H.alternata extract were compared with standard ascorbic acid. The ethanolic extract of H.alternata leaf exhibit good scavenging activity with dose dependent manner. Antimicrobial activities of H.alternata leaf extract show the ethanol extract has the maximum activity against bacteria and fungi. This study revealed the presence of different Phytochemical, antioxidant and antibacterial activities of plant H.alternataand can be suggested that the bioactive components are promising natural antimicrobial agents.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 250-257
Nurul Fatimah ◽  
Reksi Sundu

Free radicals and reactive species are widely believed to contribute to the development of several diseases by causing oxidative stress and eventually oxidative. Vernonia amygdalina (Astereacea) is a small shrub or tree between 1 and 5m high growing throughout tropical Africa. Plants are generally known as bitter leaves is well cultivated and is a general market for merchandise in several countries. The purpose of this study was to determine the antioxidant activity of hexane fraction from ethanol extract od Frican leaves (Vernonia amygdalina Del.). The method used in this study was the DPPH (1,1-Diphenil-2-Picrylhydrazyl) method. The result of phytochemical screening showed that ethanolic extract of African leaves contained a composition of secondary metabolites of alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids/triterpenoids and saponins. The antioxidant activity of the extract of n-hexane fraction was classified as very weak with an IC50 value of 317.98 ppm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 119-126
Ibrahim Hashim ◽  
Leonidah Kerubo Omosa ◽  
Vaderament-Alexe Nchiozem-Ngnitedem ◽  
John Mmari Onyari ◽  
Shital Mahindra Maru ◽  

Saurabh Sharma ◽  
Barinderjit Kaur ◽  
Ashish Suttee ◽  
Hayat M Mukhtar ◽  
Vandna Kalsi

Objective: To evaluate antianxiety effect of dried fruits of Prunus americana Marsh. Family Rosaceae.Methods: Phytochemical screening was performed on various extracts of the fruits. Elevated plus maze and light/dark choice tests were used for screening of antianxiety activity. Diazepam (2 mg/kg) was used as the standard drug.Results: Phytochemical screening has shown the presence of various constituents such as flavonoids, carbohydrates, tannins, alkaloids, phenols, and saponins. Different concentrations (100 and 200 mg/kg) of the ethanolic extract of P. americana have shown promising results. Significant antianxiety activity was observed in ethanol extract at the dose of 200 mg/kg in both models.Conclusion: The present study suggests that ethanolic extract of P. americana contains certain chemical components that are responsible for the antianxiety effect of the fruits of the plant. The plant may be considered for the management of various disorders related to anxiety.

T Bhanumathi ◽  
P Keerthana ◽  
A Cheenakesavulu ◽  
M Neeharika ◽  
E Sandhya ◽  

The aim of present study was to investigate the preliminary phytochemical, physicochemical, TLC, minerals analysis and In-vitro antioxidant activity of leaves of ethanolic extract of Heldigardia populifolia. The preliminary phytochemical screening of ethanolic extract showed the presence of triterpenoids, flavonoids, glycosides, sterols, steroids, phenols, carbohydrates and saponins. The composition of minerals found in the leaf powder was within the permissible limits. TLC analysis of ethanol extract showed the five spots which indicate the presence of five phytoconstituents. The extractive value of ethanol was high than acetone. Ash values were within the limits. The in-vitro antioxidant activity of ethanolic extract increased with increasing the concentration. The ethanolic extract in all the concentration showed the significant antioxidant activity.

Tran Ngoc Bao Do ◽  
Tien Thi My Le ◽  
Hiep Minh Dinh ◽  
Phuong Ngo Diem Quach

In Vietnam, Selaginella tamariscina (Beauv.) Spring. has been used as a traditional medicine for osteoarthritis, haemorrhage, hepatitis, burn, … However, Selaginella tamariscina is less studied than in other countries. Therefore, this research focuses on study some bioactivities (such as antioxidative, antibacterial activities, and inhibition of albumin denaturation) and preliminary phytochemical screening of six extracts (ethanol extracts of root, leaf, whole plant, petroleum extracts of root, leaf, whole plant) of S. tamariscina collect from Co Thach, Binh Thuan Province. The preliminary phytochemical screening results show that Selaginella tamariscina extracts have most of secondary metabolite groups such as phenolics, alkaloids, flavonoids, steroids, and lactone. The antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of root is higher than that of other extracts. Moreover, the ethanol extract of root also has the highest reducing ability and free radical scavenging activity, with EC50 = 1.590 ± 0.091mg/ml. In the anti-denaturation of albumin test, the petroleum ether extract of whole plant has the lowest IC50 at 99 ± 5μg/ml.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 145

<p>ABSTRAK</p><p>Banyak tanaman yang dilaporkan memiliki kandungan senyawabahan aktif antioksidan dan antibakteri. Salah satu tanaman Indonesia yangmemiliki aktivitas ini adalah gambir (Uncaria gambir). Pada penelitian ini,ekstrak etanol daun gambir diubah menjadi derivat metilnya untukmembuatnya lebih larut dalam lemak dan diamati pengaruh derivatisasitersebut terhadap aktivitas antioksidan di laboratorium kimia organik danpengujian aktivitas antibakteri di laboratorium mikrobiologi UniversitasPadjadjaran. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di laboratorium Kimia OrganikJurusan Kimia dan laboratorium Mikrobiologi Jurusan Biologi UniversitasPadjadjaran dari bulan Desember 2004 - Juli 2005. Ekstrak gambirdimetilasi  menggunakan  dimetil  sulfat  (DMS)  dan  dimurnikanmenggunakan kromatografi kolom dengan pelarut bergradien (kloroform :metanol = 99:1 ; 98:2 ; 95:5 ; 80:20 ; 70:30; dan 50:50 v/v) dan kemudianmenggunakan kloroform : metanol = 99 : 1 v/v. Aktivitas antioksidanmenunjukkan penurunan yang tampak dari peningkatan, yaitu : IC 50  13,41ppm untuk ekstrak etanol menjadi 121,81 ppm untuk hasil metilasi.Aktivitas antibakteri juga menunjukkan penurunan setelah dimetilasikarena adanya penurunan diameter hambat pertumbuhan bakteri. Duaisolat (isolat 1 dan 2) yang diperoleh dari hasil pemurnian dikarakterisasimenggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Visible dan FT-IR. Hasil yangdiperoleh mengindikasikan adanya senyawa fenolik yang ditunjukkan olehregang –OH pada 3445 dan 3448 cm -1 dan regang CH aromatik pada 3010dan 3030 cm -1 . Isolat 1 memiliki aktivitas antioksidan dan antibakteri yanglebih tinggi dibandingkan isolat 2.</p><p>Kata kunci : Uncaria gambir, derivat metil, antibakteri dan aktivitasantioksidan</p><p>ABSTRACT</p><p>The antioxidant and antibacterial activities of ethanolextract of gambir leaves (Uncaria gambir)</p><p>There are many plants in Indonesia reported to contain antioxidantand antibacterial substances. One of them having these activities is gambir(Uncaria gambir). In this research, ethanol extract of gambir leaves waschanged into its methyl derivate in order to make it more soluble in fats.The effect of the derivatization on antioxidant activity was observed atorganic chemistry laboratory and antibacterial activity was observed atmicrobiology laboratory of the Padjadjaran University. This research wascarried out in December 2004 to July 2005. Gambir extract wasmethylized using dimethylsulphate (DMS) and then purified usingcoloumn chromatography with gradient solvents (chloroform : methanol =99:1; 98:2; 50:50; 80:20; 70:30; and 50:50 v/v), and then with chloroform :methanol = 99:1 v/v. The antioxidant activity showed a decrease indicatedby an increase of IC 50 from 13.41 ppm for ethanolic extract to become121.81 ppm for the methylated compounds. The antibacterial activity alsoshowed a decrease after methylization due to the decrease of inhibitiondiameter of bacteria growth. Two isolates (isolate 1 and 2) obtained fromthe  purification  steps  were  characterized  using  UV-Visiblespectrophotometer and FT-IR. The results indicated the existence ofphenolic compunds showed by -OH stretching in 3,445 and 3,448 cm -1 ;and CH aromatic stretching in 3,010 and 3,030 cm -1 . Isolate 1 was higherin antioxidant and antibacterial activities than isolate 2.</p><p>Key words : Uncaria gambir, methyl derivative, antibacterial, antioxidantactivities</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 165-170
A.E. Ajiboye ◽  
R.A. Olawoyin

Carica papaya commonly known as paw paw belongs to the family of Curcubitaceae and commonly grown in tropical regions. It possesses  antimicrobial, antihelmintic and antioxidant properties. The study assessed the antibacterial potency of Carica papaya against Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus aureus. Acetone and aqueous extracts of the leaves of Carica papaya were obtained using standard methods. The antibacterial activity of the extracts was done using agar well diffusion methods. The Minimum inhibitory and Minimum bactericidal concentrations were done using standard procedures. The antibacterial activities of the crude extracts of Carica papaya against the test organisms revealed that acetone extract showed maximum zone of inhibition on Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of 17.90±0.10mm at 500 mg/ml and the lowest inhibitory effect on Klebsiella pneumoniae with a zone of 6.50±0.50mm at 100 mg/ml, the aqueous extract showed maximum zone of  inhibition on Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of 15.50±0.50mm at 500 mg/ml and the lowest zone of inhibition was on Staphylococcus aureus with a diameter of 6.50±0.50mm at 100 g/ml. The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration of acetone and aqueous extract was 40 mg/ml and 50mg/ml against Klebsiella pneumoniae respectively. The Minimum Bactericidal Concentration of the extracts ranges from 40-60mg/ml. The qualitative  phytochemical screening result revealed the presence of tannins, saponnin, alkaloids and steroid. The quantitative phytochemicals revealed 0.70%  of flavonoids, 0.48% of alkaloids, 1.02% of tannin, 0.11% of steroids and 1.08% of glycoside. The result obtained revealed that crude extracts of Carica papaya leaves has antibacterial activities against the test organisms. Keywords: Carica papaya, Phytochemical screening, Pathogens, Antibacterial  activity

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-151
Syahrina Syahrina ◽  
Vivi Asfianti ◽  
Kasta Gurning ◽  
Iksen Iksen

Uric acid is the final product of purine metabolism that will be excreted through urine, feces, and sweat. Excessive production of uric acid can cause hyperuricemia, known as gout. The skin of shallots (Allium cepa L.) is one of the household wastes that are very rarely used by the community. Ethanol extract of shallot skin (EESS) was tested for phytochemical screening and anti-hyperuricemia activity using potassium oxonate. Mice were divided into five groups (Allopurinol, Na-CMC, EESS 200 mg/kg BW, 300 mg/kg BW, and 400 mg/kg BW) and uric acid levels were observed at 2-hour intervals for six hours. Phytochemical screening shows that EESS has potential compounds in the treatment of gout. Tests to reduce uric acid levels showed that EESS has better potential than allopurinol at concentrations of 300 mg/kg BW and 400 mg/kg BW after six hours of induction in reducing uric acid levels.

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