anionic complex
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2021 ◽  
Vol 56 ◽  
pp. 97-105
Theresa Hennig ◽  
Michael Kühn

Abstract. The simulation of uranium migration through the Swiss Opalinus Clay is used as an example to quantify the influence of varying values of a stability constant in the underlying thermodynamic database on the migration lengths for the repository scale. Values for the stability constant of the neutral, ternary uranyl complex Ca2UO2(CO3)3 differ in literature by up to one order of magnitude. Within the studied geochemical system, either the neutral or the anionic complex CaUO2(CO3)32- is the predominant one, depending on the chosen value for the neutral complex. This leads to a changed interaction with the diffuse double layers (DDL) enveloping the clay minerals and thus can potentially influence the diffusive transport of uranium. Hence, two identical scenarios only differing in the value for the stability constant of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3 complex were applied in order to quantify and compare the migration lengths of uranium on the host rock scale (50 m) after a simulation time of one million years. We ran multi-component diffusion simulations for the shaly and sandy facies in the Opalinus Clay. A difference in the stability constant of 1.33 log units changes the migration lengths by 5 to 7 m for the sandy and shaly facies, respectively. The deviation is caused by the anion exclusion effect. However, with a maximum diffusion distance of 22 m, the influence of the stability constant of the Ca2UO2(CO3)3 complex on uranium migration in the Opalinus Clay is negligible on the host rock scale.

Pharmaceutics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 126
Eri Hamada ◽  
Tomoaki Kurosaki ◽  
Junya Hashizume ◽  
Hitomi Harasawa ◽  
Hiroo Nakagawa ◽  

We previously found that a complex comprising plasmid DNA (pDNA), polyethylenimine (PEI), and γ-polyglutamic acid (γ-PGA) had high transgene efficiency without cytotoxicity in vitro and in vivo. However, messenger RNA (mRNA) remains an attractive alternative to pDNA. In this study, we developed a safe and effective delivery system for mRNA to prevent its degradation and efficiently deliver it into target cells. Various cationic and anionic complexes were produced containing PEI, γ-PGA, and an mRNA encoding firefly luciferase. Their physicochemical properties and cytotoxicities were analyzed and the in vitro and in vivo protein expression were determined. The cationic mRNA/PEI complex showed high in vitro protein expression with strong cytotoxicity. The anionic complex was constructed as mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex with a theoretical charge ratio of 1:8:12 based on the phosphate groups of the mRNA, nitrogen groups of PEI, and carboxylate groups of γ-PGA. It was stable and showed high in vitro protein expression without cytotoxicity. After intravenous administration of mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex to mice, high protein expression was observed in the spleen and liver and slight expression was observed in the lung over 24 h. Thus, the newly constructed mRNA/PEI8/γ-PGA12 complex provides a safe and effective strategy for the delivery of mRNA.

2021 ◽  
Ayushi Singh ◽  
Amita Singh ◽  
Gabriele Kociok-Köhn ◽  
Kieran C Molloy ◽  
Ashish Kumar Singh ◽  

In this report, the composites of anionic complex [NEt4][Ni(S2C2Ph2)2] with two-dimensional materials such as graphene oxide (GO), reduced graphene oxide (rGO) or graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) have been prepared by...

Manishkumar Ramesh Shimpi ◽  
Patrick Rohlmann ◽  
Faiz Ullah Shah ◽  
Sergei Glavatskih ◽  
Oleg N Antzutkin

It was found that Li[BOB]·nH2O salts were not readily suitable for the synthesis of high-purity orthoborate-based tetraalkylphosphonium ionic liquids, as exemplified here for trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium bis(oxalato)borate, [P6,6,6,14][BOB]: Along with [BOB]-, a...

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 123-129
Safia Rasheed ◽  
Mukhtiar Ahmed ◽  
Muhammad Faisal ◽  
Muhammad Moazzam Naseer

AbstractIn this study, we describe the anion recognition ability of isatin-3-thiosemicarbazone 2, which contains two different anion recognition units i.e. isatin NH and the thiourea moiety. Both have the ability to act as proton donors. Most importantly, a significant colour change of 2 was observed (from light yellow to reddish orange) in organic medium only after the addition of the F– anion. No such colour change could be observed for any other anions including Cl–, Br–, I–, ${{\text{H}}_{2}}\text{P}{{\text{O}}_{4}}^{-},$$\text{N}{{\text{O}}_{\text{2}}}^{-},$$\text{P}{{\text{F}}_{4}}^{-}$etc. The UV-Vis spectroscopic studies also indicate the potential of this compound for selective detection of fluoride anions. 1H-NMR titrations clearly indicate the formation of the 2.F– anionic complex. The Density-functional theory (DFT) calculations are also performed to get further insights on the formation of 2.F– complex.

2020 ◽  
Vol 108 (8) ◽  
pp. 603-613 ◽  
Parveen Kumar Verma ◽  
Prasanta Kumar Mohapatra

AbstractRuthenium recovery from the alkaline media was attempted using solid phase extraction. UV-Vis and X-ray absorption studies were performed to understand the ruthenium speciation under different conditions relevant to its extraction from alkaline medium. Since Ru forms anionic complex in the alkaline solution, an anion exchange resin (Dowex 1x8) was selected for its recovery from alkaline media. The precipitation of black RuO2 at the resin surface hinders its back exaction. Experimental conditions were optimized for the quantitative uptake of Ru from alkaline feed and its subsequent back extraction by a series of batch studies. About 90 % of the Ruthenium was back extracted from the resin using alkaline hypochlorite solution and nitric acid solution at different stages in the Ru back extraction cycle. The column studies were done under the optimized condition and showed ~80 % Ru recovery with 5 mL of the eluent (8 M HNO3) and ~90 % recovery in 10 mL including the tailing. The mechanism for the ruthenium extraction from alkaline medium and its back extraction from the resin was proposed.

Мариана Александровна Феофанова ◽  
Александр Сергеевич Радин ◽  
Анатолий Анатольевич Крылов ◽  
Юлия Анатольевна Малышева

В статье рассмотрена возможность модифицирования полипиррола анионным комплексом вольфрамовой гетерополикислоты типа Доусона, имеющей химическую формулу H[PWO], и дальнейшего использования модифицированного полипиррола для создания на его основе сенсора на газообразный водород. Фосфорновольфрамовая кислота типа Доусона была синтезирована по методу Дрекселя и выделена эфиратной экстракцией. Анализ свойств гетерополикислоты и модифицированного гетерополикислотой полипиррола был осуществлен методами амперометрии и РФС, а также фотохимически. Модифицирование полипиррола гетерополианионом 2-18 ряда было проведено электрохимическим методом. Была оценена возможность использования такого газового сенсора для анализа газообразного водорода в большом интервале концентраций (от десятых единиц ppm, до объемных процентов). Было также частично определено влияние таких климатических факторов, как влажность и температура, и была оценена перекрестная чувствительность на ряд не измеряемых компонентов. This article discusses material on electrochemistry and the application of polypyrrole, which belongs to the class of «conductive polymers». The possibility of its modification by the anionic complex of a phospho tungsto-vanadic acid of the Dawson type, with the chemical formula H[PWO], and further use of the modified polypyrrole to create a hydrogen gas sensor based on it, is considered. Phospho tungsto-vanadic heteropoly acid of the Dawson type was synthesized with the known method [1, p. 180-181], and isolated by ether extraction. The analysis of properties, heteropoly acid content, and polypyrrole modified with a heteropoly acid was carried out by amperometry and XPS methods, as well as photochemically. Modification of polypyrrole heteropolyanion of 2-18 type was carried out by the electrochemical method. The presence of the heteropoly anion in the structure of the heteropoly acid-modified polypyrrole film during the repeated washing with water indicates the formation of a chemical bond between the anion of the heteropoly acid and the chain of the conductive polymer, which was also indirectly confirmed by amperometry and element analysis, as well as a positive test result of testing the sensitivity of the gas cell to hydrogen made on the basis of obtained modified polypyrrole. The possibility of using such the gas sensor to measure hydrogen in a wide range of concentrations (from tenths of ppm to volume percent) was evaluated. The influence of ambient factors such as humidity and temperature was also partially determined, and cross sensitivity to a number of unmeasured components was evaluated.

2020 ◽  
Vol 105 (5) ◽  
pp. 716-726 ◽  
H. Wayne Nesbitt ◽  
G. Michael Bancroft ◽  
Grant S. Henderson

Abstract 29Si NMR and Raman spectroscopic studies demonstrate that fusion of crystalline orthosilicates and metasilicates produces melts more polymerized than their precursor crystals. Forsterite, for example, consists of 100% Q0 species, whereas its melt consists of ~50 mol% of Q1 species (Q = a Si tetrahedron and the superscript indicates the number of bridging oxygen atoms in the tetrahedron). Polymerization during melting can be rationalized from an energetics perspective. Si-NBO-M moieties of Q species are more susceptible to librational, rotational, and vibrational modes than are Si-BO-Si moieties (NBO = non-bridging oxygen; BO = bridging oxygen; M = counter cation). Thermal agitation activates these additional modes, thus increasing the CP and free energy of melts. The reaction of Qn to Qn+1 species during melting eliminates Si-NBO-M moieties and produces Si-O-Si moieties that are less susceptible to the additional modes, thereby minimizing the CP of melts. By decreasing the abundances of Q0, Q1, and Q2 species in favor of Q3 and Q4 species, melts become more stable. In the absence of polymerization, melting temperatures of minerals would be appreciably greater than observed. Polymerization involves formation of Si-O bonds, which are strongly endothermic (Si-O bond dissociation is ~798 kJ/mol). The large heats of fusion (ΔHf) of orthosilicates result primarily from polymerization reactions during melting (ΔHf of forsterite, fayalite, and tephroite are ~142, ~92, and ~90 kJ/mol). The fusion of metasilicates and sorosilicates (e.g., pyroxenes and melilites) involves endothermic polymerization and exothermic depolymerization reactions, although the former dominates. These reactions tend to negate each other during melting, yielding less positive ΔHf values than observed for orthosilicate fusion (e.g., ΔHf of enstatite, diopside, pseudowollastonite, and åkermanite are ~73, ~69, ~57, and ~62 kJ/mol). Where polymerization and depolymerization reactions are absent ΔHf is low and is due mostly to disordering during melting (e.g., ΔHf of cristobalite iŝ8.9 kJ/mol). Experimental evidence indicates that ferric iron is present as a negatively charged oxy-anionic complex in melts (e.g., [FeO2]1–) so that oxidation of Fe2+ should proceed according to: 4Femelt2+ + 1O2 + 6Omelt2−→4[FeO2]melt1−. Free oxygen (O2–), a by-product of polymerization reactions, drives the reaction to the right. Midocean ridge basalts (MORBs) consequently should be more oxidized than their source (e.g., lherzolites) or their residues (e.g., harzburgites). Extraction of melt from the upper mantle and deposition in the crust should produce a crust more oxidized than its upper mantle source. Production of O2– during melting and its presence in alkali-rich magmas also explains the alkali-ferric iron effect.

2019 ◽  
Nicolaas P. van Leest ◽  
Martijn A. Tepaske ◽  
Jean-Pierre H. Oudsen ◽  
Bas Venderbosch ◽  
Niels R. Rietdijk ◽  

The redox non-innocence of the TAML scaffold in cobalt-TAML (Tetra-Amido Macrocyclic Ligand) complexes has been under debate since 2006. In this work we demonstrate with a variety of spectroscopic measurements that the TAML backbone in the anionic complex <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>red</sup>)]<sup>-</sup></b> is truly redox non-innocent, and that one-electron oxidation affords <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>sq</sup>)]</b>. Multi-reference (CASSCF) calculations show that the electronic structure of <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>sq</sup>)]</b> is best described as an intermediate spin (S = 1) cobalt(III) center that is antiferromagnetically coupled to a ligand-centered radical, affording an overall doublet (S = ½) ground-state. Reaction of the cobalt(III)-TAML complexes with PhINNs as a nitrene precursor leads to TAML-centered oxidation, and produces nitrene radical complexes without oxidation of the metal ion. The ligand redox state (TAML<sup>red</sup> or TAML<sup>sq</sup>) determines whether mono- or bis-nitrene radical complexes are formed. Reaction of <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>sq</sup>)]</b> or <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>red</sup>)]<sup>-</sup></b> with PhINNs results in formation of <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>q</sup>)(N<sup>•</sup>Ns)]</b> and <b>[Co<sup>III</sup>(TAML<sup>q</sup>)(N<sup>•</sup>Ns)<sub>2</sub>]<sup>-</sup></b>, respectively. Herein, ligand-to-substrate single-electron transfer results in one-electron reduced Fischer-type nitrene radicals (N<sup>•</sup>Ns<sup>-</sup>) that are intermediates in catalytic nitrene transfer to styrene. These nitrene radical species were characterized by EPR, XANES, and UV-Vis spectroscopy, high resolution mass spectrometry, magnetic moment measurements and supporting CASSCF calculations. <br>

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