Татьяна Ивановна Дронова

В статье рассматривается религиозно-нравственный феномен гостеприимства в картине мира у русских староверов-беспоповцев Усть-Цильмы, проживающих в нижнем течении р. Печоры в Республике Коми. Источником к написанию работы послужили этнографические полевые материалы, собранные автором в Усть-Цилемском районе Республики Коми и корпус усть-цилемских фразеологизмов, пословиц, присловий, выявленный из словарей. Как концепт культуры гостеприимство широко представлено в паремиях, где аллегорически раскрываются ситуации, связанные с гостеприимством, осмысляются нормы, установки и предписания в поведении контактирующих сторон, раскрывается значение гостевых контактов в установлении и поддержании социальных связей. По заявленной теме представлены и проанализированы термины, выражения, характеризующие хозяев и гостей в зависимости от различных ситуаций (гостеприимность — негостеприимность, встреча — прощание и др.). В статье раскрывается, что гостеприимство имело большое воспитательное значение, ознакомление детей с нормами гостеприимства строилось не только на личных наблюдениях и примерах, но и с привлечением устойчивых выражений и текстов. Исследование показало, что гостевое общение сплачивало не только родственников, но и представителей общины в целом. Выявлено, что несмотря на известную закрытость староверов-беспоповцев, они проявляли дружелюбие и взаимопонимание к представителям других конфессий, предоставляли им кров и еду. В картине мира русских староверов-беспоповцев Усть-Цильмы гостеприимство имело важное значение в сохранении и развитии непреходящей ценности их бытия. The article examines the religious and moral phenomenon of hospitality in the picture of the world among the Russian Old Believers-bespopovtsy Ust-Tsilma, living in the lower reaches of the river. Pechory in the Komi Republic. The source for the writing of the work was the ethnographic field materials collected by the author in the Ust-Tsilemsky region of the Komi Republic and the corpus of Ust-Tsilma phraseological units, proverbs, and sayings identified from dictionaries. As a concept of culture, hospitality is widely represented in paremias, where situations related to hospitality are revealed allegorically, norms, attitudes and prescriptions in the behavior of contacting parties are comprehended, and the value of guest contacts in establishing and maintaining social ties is revealed. On the stated topic, terms and expressions are presented and analyzed that characterize the hosts and guests, depending on various situations (hospitality — inhospitable, meeting — farewell, etc.). The article reveals that hospitality was of great educational value, familiarizing children with the norms of hospitality was based not only on personal observations and examples, but also with the use of stable expressions and texts. The study showed that guest communication brought together not only relatives, but also representatives of the community as a whole. It was revealed that despite the well-known closeness of the Old Believers-bespopovtsy, they showed friendliness and mutual understanding to the representatives of other confessions, provided them with shelter and food. In the picture of the world of Russian Old Believers-bespopovtsy Ust-Tsilma, hospitality was of great importance in the preservation and development of the enduring value of their existence.

Виктория Владимировна Власова

Образы «других» являются неотъемлемой частью фольклорной картины мира, играя значимую роль в (само) идентификации этнических и конфессиональных групп. В ходе непосредственного общения формируются народные представления о конфессиональных особенностях «других», выделяется набор признаков, маркирующих их в качестве таковых. В статье рассматривается формирование и трансформация представлений о конфессиональном «другом» в моноэтничной поликонфессиональной среде на примере староверов-странников, проживавших в Удорском и Троицко-Печорском районах Республики Коми. Источниковой базой исследования послужили архивные данные и полевые материалы фольклорно-этнографических экспедиций, проходивших в начале 2000-х гг. Появление староверов-странников, позиционировавших себя как хранителей «истинной веры» и стремившихся максимально ограничить контакты с иноверцами, стало толчком для выделения этой группы в качестве конфессиональных «других». На верхней Печоре, на момент проведения исследований, страннические общины существовали; здесь сохранялась идеологическая конфронтация между разными группами верующих, что нашло отражение в различных локальных номинациях странников. На Удоре, где последователи странников исчезли в 1970-е гг., повсеместно использовался экзоконфессионим, не имевший оценочных коннотаций. Определяющее влияние на формирование представлений о странниках как о «других» оказали их религиозные практики. Ключевым показателем, характеризующим суть вероучения в глазах конфессиональных соседей, равно как и самих странников, стало «бегство от мира» — полный отказ от участия в государственной и общественной жизни, от любого взаимодействия с иноверцами. Не менее значимыми для системы представлений о данной группе были особенности погребальной обрядности (тайные похороны удорских странников) и крещения (крещение в пожилом возрасте). Закрытость повседневной и ритуальной жизни странников способствовала распространению слухов, компенсировавших отсутствие информации. Изменение исторических реалий (исчезновение удорских странников, изменение возрастного состава общин) вело к изменениям и коррективам существовавших представлений. The images of the Others are an integral part of the folklore worldview, also they play a significant role in the (self) identification of ethnic and confessional groups. Folk ideas about the confessional characteristics of the Others, as well as a set of features that allowed to mark them as the Others are formed in the course of direct communication. The article examines the formation and transformation of ideas about a confessional Other in a mono-ethnic and poly-confessional environment, using the example of Old-Believers Wanderers who lived in the Udorskii and Troitsko-Pechorskii districts of the Komi Republic. The article based on the archival data and field materials of folklore and ethno-graphic’ expeditions that took place in the early 2000s. The emergence of Wanderers, who were positioning themselves as keepers of the «true faith», and striving to limit contacts with non-Wanderers as much as possible, became the impetus for singling out this group as confessional Others. On the upper Pechora, where at the time of our research Wanderer’s communities existed, the ideological confrontation between different groups of believers were still persisted, that was reflected in various local nomination of Wanderers. On Udora, where the followers of the Wanderers disappeared in the 1970s, an outer nomination of this confessional group was widely used, which had no evaluative connotations. Their religious practices had a decisive influence on the formation of perceptions of the Wanderers as Others. The key indicator that characterizes the essence of the religion of the Wanderers in the eyes of their confessional neighbors, as for Wanderers themselves, was «flight from the world» – a complete refusal to participate in state and social life, and to have any interaction with representatives of the other faith. No less significant for the system of ideas about this group were the features of the funeral rituals (secret funerals of Udora’ Wanderers) and ritual of baptism (baptism in old age). The closedness of the daily and ritual life of the Wanderers contributed to the spread of rumors, which compensated the lack of information. Objective changes of the reality (the disappearance of Wanderers communities of Udora, the change in the age structure of the communities) led to changes and adjustments of the existing ideas.

Valentyna Bohatyrets

The paper provides the framework for embracing multiculturalism as a source of national identity, a political ‘profession de foi’, and an engine for a government to gain positive outcomes, leading to better immigrant integration and economic advantages for any country in the world. Noteworthy, Canadian federal policy of multiculturalism, since its official adoption in 1971, is witnessed to work stunningly and in contrast to developments elsewhere – in Canada, public support for multiculturalism is seeing unprecedented growth. Currently, the diversity of the Canadian populace is increasing faster than at any time in its history; Canada’s ethnic makeup has notably altered over the time due to changing immigration patterns. According to the latest poll findings, 84% of Canadians agree with the statement that ‘Canada’s multicultural makeup is one of the best things about this country’; 61% of Canadians believe multiculturalism ‘strengthens national identity’. Moreover, released data from Environics reveals that 27% of Canadians believe ‘multiculturalism is the one characteristic about Canada that most deserves to be celebrated on its upcoming 150thanniversary. Undeniably, people around the world tend to view Canada as “good”. Importantly, the election of Justin Trudeau is viewed as an excellent opportunity to invigorate brand Canada. Noteworthy, brand Justin Trudeau is currently composed of his belief in and promotion of the values of tolerance, equality and diversity. While recognizing the value for society of the human dignity inherent in each individual, Trudeau’s government aims to push beyond mere tolerance to mutual understanding and respect. Keywords: Multiculturalism of Canada, immigration, digital diplomacy, brand, national identity, poll, ethnic groups

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-51
Cuong Phu Nguyen

It is obvious that English has become a popular language in many countries in the world. As a means of communication, English guarantees better mutual understanding and has become indispensable for most of people around the world. Thus, it is necessary to find out an appropriate and effective methods of giving feedback to help university students improve their English writing skills. The result of this study indicates that using indirect coded feedback in error correction help students make noticeable progress. The students’ positive attitude towards teacher’s feedback (indirect coded feedback) means that they enjoyed using error codes to find and correct their errors. Moreover, their confidence was boosted because error codes motivated them.

KANT ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (4) ◽  
pp. 328-336
Svyatoslav Shachin

The article explores how the socio-cultural conditions of Germany and Russia affect the development of thought itself when revealing the category of dialogue and how the socio-cultural identity of thinkers is expressed in the philosophy of dialogue. The original sociology of the theory of dialogue by Y. Habermas and the ontology of the theory of dialogue by M. M. Bakhtin are shown. The main achievements of each of the authors in the development of the category of dialogue are traced. Y. Habermas justified the communicative mind, rooted in the language, through which it is possible to achieve mutual understanding between the participants of speech communication. On this path, a common interest can be found between the conflicting classes, and then, thanks to the activities of a democratic legal state, this interest can be realized, which will lead to a reasonable social structure. M. Bakhtin justified the dialogic nature of an act that brings something new to the world, which is not foreseen by the logic of calculation. He discovered and proved the existence of special communication practices in which collective experiences of the connection between the human community and eternity and infinity can be obtained. These practices cannot be completed and bring positive content in the form of a specific norm of activity. The correlation of the foundations of German and Russian philosophical cultures leads to the formulation of borderline questions about the possibility of a synthesis of German rationalism and Russian spirituality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Margarita Ganyushina

The article is an attempt to offer a theoretical understanding of the notion of a “Linguistic world-image” (LWI) within symbolic contexts as represented in the current literature, define the symbol’s features, its influence on LWI in historic perspective, and investigate its functioning within idioms or metaphors. We have undertaken the review of previous LWI investigations and, as the methodological basis of our research, we have used ethno-semantic and linguistic-philosophical approaches to language; specifically, the method of multiple etymology, introduced by V. N. Toporov and developed by M.M. Makovsky, which permitted us to identify the correlation of LWI with linguistic signs as a carrier of symbolic meaning. It should be noted that studying symbolic language properties and linguistic signs within the linguistic world-image, which were not taken into account before, is conductive to a more profound comprehension of the correlation between language, culture, and mutual understanding index in the intercultural communication process.The LWI concept is considered as a subjective-objective dynamic multilevel construct, which presents its primary features through a lexical-semantic language system within a world and national culture formed as a result of the reflection of sensorial perception, facts, understanding and estimation of the objective phenomena in national linguistic consciousness, in the experience of correlation of language concepts, images and symbols throughout the cultural historical development of the language. Therefore, two approaches to studying LWI are evident - cognitive and cultural-philosophical - which are not so much conflicting as mutually reinforcing.

Emilia Szalkowska-Kim

This article presents the results of comparative research into the collocations of the names of human body parts with dimension adjectives. The aim of the analysis was to indicate the similarities, limitations and differences in the manners of conceptualising the world established in Polish and Korean, or more precisely: how both languages define the elements of the world of human body parts, and how they assign dimensions to the elements depending on the needs and experiences of native users of both. The results of the research could have a practical application in teaching both languages, facilitating students’ absorption of the lexis of the other language, and result in a deeper mutual understanding of linguistic and cultural differences..

Kiran Trehan ◽  
David Higgins ◽  
Ossie Jones

The aim of this Special Issue is to make a significant contribution to understanding the theory and practice of engaged scholarship; by engaged scholarship we mean ‘collaborative form of inquiry in which academics and practitioners leverage their different perspectives and competencies to coproduce knowledge about a complex problem or phenomenon that exists under conditions of uncertainty found in the world’. Such a definition draws attention towards the co-constructed nature of knowledge which has relevance by creating space for interaction between the academic and practitioner, creating the opportunity for knowledge and understanding to be co-created and enacted into practice. This space facilitates the ability to question one another and gain mutual understanding by directly bringing together methods of inquiry and practice.

K.S. Matytsin

The main period of development of new territories of Western Siberia that located outside the borders of the Russian Empire falls on the period from the end of the 18th to the beginning of the 19th centuries. This is due to the Old Believers processes. It was found that the main reasons for the colonization of Western Siberia were: on the one hand, the resumption of repressive policies towards the Old Believers in Altai by the state and the official church, in connection with the transfer of the Kolyvan-Voskresensky factories under the control of the Cabinet; on the other hand, the creation of new dogmatics current of the Old Believers. The latter allowed the Old Believers to reconsider their attitude to historical events, power, and the sacraments of the church. Thus, in the study we identified three interrelated areas ofbespopov's thought: eschatology (the doctrine of the end of the world), ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church), soteriology (the doctrine of salvation). Having established that the confessional composition of the Old Believers, who were the founders of settlements in Western Siberia we came to the conclusion that the development of these territories took place for religious reasons.

2020 ◽  
pp. 237-250
I. S. Urmancheeva ◽  

The paper presents a comparative analysis of the phraseological units of dialects of the Local Pechora and the all-Russian phraseological units of identical semantics (with a form variation) or an identical form (with a semantics variation). The Russian dialects of Local Pechora are a speech of aboriginals of the Ust-Tsilemsky Region of the Komi Republic of the Russian Federation. A complex description covers a big group of the Pechora phraseological units corresponding to the all-Russian phraseological units that are the research objects. The art features of dialect phraseological units are considered. Also, the analysis is made of the figura-tive basis reflecting a picture of the world of the inhabitant of the North. The relevance and scientific novelty of work is due to the fact that it is for the first time that this phraseological material is subjected to such a complex investigation. The main source of the study was the “Phraseological dictionary of the Russian dialects of the Lower Pechora”, with additional ma-terial taken from the “Dictionary of Russian dialects of the Komi Republic” and other dialect dictionaries. All-Russian phraseological units were taken from Russian phraseological dic-tionaries. The paper provides a broad view of the phraseological structure of the Russian lan-guage. The research has revealed phonetic, word-formative, morphological, syntactic, lexical, structural, quantitative and semantic dialectal variants of all-Russian phraseological units, as well as the phenomena of combined (mixed) variation. The comparative analysis allowed re-vealing the originality of the Pechora phraseological units that have preserved many archaic phenomena due to the long, isolated existence of a dialect in the conditions of interlingual contacts.

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