Галина Григорьевна Тхагапсова

Статья посвящена истории формирования этномедицины народов Северного Кавказа. Ставится задача уточнения динамики исторического процесса относительно формирования этномедицины народов Северного Кавказа. Материалы исследований многих авторов по истории медицины подтверждают высокую эффективность лекарского искусства в оказании хирургической помощи, которую отмечали многие наблюдатели в период Кавказской войны. Несомненно, опыт лекарского искусства на Кавказе имеет весьма древнюю историю. Он накапливался эмпирическим путем и, передаваясь от отца к сыну, формировал династии лекарей, имевшие свой опыт и свои секреты врачевания. Не исключается взаимовлияние культур народов, в частности арабской медицины, которая способствовала формированию врачей традиционной арабской школы медицины. Таким образом, народных целителей можно разделить на два типа: чье лечение содержало доисламские и исламские методы. Отмечается, что именно народные лекари с доисламским опытом сопровождали войска в походах и показали высокую эффективность своих методов, получив заслуженную оценку многих врачей в годы Кавказской войны. The paper is devoted to the history of formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The task is to clarify the dynamics of the historical process regarding the formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The research materials of many authors on the history of medicine confirm the high effectiveness of medicinal art in the provision of surgical care, which was noted by many observers during the Caucasian War. Undoubtedly, the experience of medicinal art in the Caucasus has a very ancient history. It accumulated empirically and, passing from father to son, formed dynasties of doctors who had their own experience and their secrets of healing. The mutual influence of the cultures of peoples, in particular Arab medicine, which contributed to the formation of doctors of the traditional Arab school of medicine, is not excluded. Thus, folk healers can be divided into two types: whose treatment contained pre-Islamic and Islamic methods. It is noted that it was people's doctors with pre-Islamic experience who accompanied the troops on campaigns and showed the high effectiveness of their methods, having received a well-deserved assessment of many doctors during the Caucasian war.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 82-90
Ф.С. Киреев

В статье анализируются причины строительства Владикавказской железной дороги и механизм сооружения этой важной железнодорожной артерии. Актуальность темы анализа истории развития железнодорожной сети Северо-Кавказского региона определяется необходимостью подробного изучения проблем ее социально-экономического развития. Строительство Ростово-Владикавказской железной дороги также является примером государственно-частного сотрудничества, которое хорошо себя оправдало. Дорога была построена полностью за счет средств акционеров, среди которых были как крупные промышленники, так и простые обыватели. Находясь в частной собственности, Владикавказская железная дорога хорошо функционировала и развивалась. При этом государство получило важную транспортную артерию, имевшую большое экономическое и военно-стратегическое значение. Немаловажным было и то, что за счет Владикавказской железной дороги был построен ряд социальных объектов – больницы, учебные заведения. В статье также показана заинтересованность общественности Владикавказа и региона в целом в строительстве железной дороги. Различные варианты прокладки пути, строительства станций широко обсуждались как специалистами, так и простыми горожанами. В итоге был выбран наиболее оптимальный путь и месторасположения станции Владикавказ. В свое время, благодаря открытию Владикавказской железной дороги, был дан заметный импульс дальнейшему развитию торговли и промышленности на Северном Кавказе. Последующее расширение транспортных артерий уже в наши дни может существенно оживить экономику Кавказа и России в целом, а также внести свой вклад в деле развития туризма в регионе. В связи с этим и необходимо анализировать историю строительства Владикавказской железной дороги и перенимать лучший опыт прошлого. The article analyzes the reasons for constructing Vladikavkaz railway and the mechanism of constructing this important railway artery. The topic relevance of studying the history of the railway network in the North Caucasus is determined by the necessity for further problem research of its socio-economic development. In its time Vladikavkaz railway had a huge impact on the development of trade and industry in the North Caucasus. The construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway is also an example of public-private cooperation, which has paid off well. The road was built entirely at the expense of shareholders, among whom were both large industrialists and ordinary people. Being privately owned, the Vladikavkaz railway functioned and developedwell. At the same time, the state acquired an important transport artery of great economic and military-strategic importance. It was also important that a number of social facilities were built at the expense of the Vladikavkaz railway - hospitals, educational institutions. The article also shows the interest of the public in Vladikavkaz and the region as a whole in the construction of the railway. Various options for laying the track, building stations were widely discussed by both specialists and ordinary citizens. As a result, the most optimal route and location of the Vladikavkaz station were chosen. Further expansion of transport arteries today can significantly revive the economy of the Caucasus and Russia as a whole, as well as contribute to the development of tourism in the region. In this regard, it is necessary to analyze the history of constructing Vladikavkaz railway and adopt the best experience of the past.

2021 ◽  
Igor' Bocharnikov

The monograph defines the origins, essence and content of the Caucasian policy of Russia, its main stages, its significance for the development of Russian statehood and the peoples of the region. The monograph pays special attention to the Caucasian wars of Russia, the experience of suppressing anti-Russian and anti-Soviet armed demonstrations in the region. The historical and modern experience of the development of the Caucasus region shows that the weakening of Russia's position in the region naturally leads to an escalation of tension and conflict, aggravation of inter-ethnic contradictions, manifestations of extremism and other forms of destructive activities that threaten the life of citizens and peoples of the Caucasus. As a result, the strength of Russia's position in the Caucasus is a guarantee of the safe and free development of the peoples of the region. The author's conclusions and suggestions presented in the monograph can be used in the process of implementing a balanced and verified policy in order to ensure the national security and interests of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus, building relations with neighboring states in the region, as well as other international actors positioning their involvement in the political processes of the South Caucasus. It is addressed to researchers, teachers, students, a wide range of readers.

BMC Zoology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Fatimat Tembotova ◽  
Ekaterina Kuchinova ◽  
Albina Amshokova ◽  
Ekaretina Kononenko

Abstract Background There are two species of Mus in the Caucasus: M. musculus and M. macedonicus. M. musculus is widespread in the Caucasus, where the species is found everywhere from the Black to the Caspian Sea. M. macedonicus is ubiquitous Transcaucasia. The most north-astern border of its distribution in the Caucasus, according to the literature, is located in the Derbent region, near the border between Dagestan and Azerbaijan. Results Cytochrome b mt-DNA of genus Mus research in this study in the Eastern Caucasus. About 70% of M. musculus haplotypes from the lowlands of Dagestan were recorded for the first time. One of these haplotypes accounts for approximately 25% of the total species diversity of haplotypes. M. macedonicus was found in only one locality, the Sarykum barchans, where this species prevails in number and accounts for 70% of the total number mice of the genus Mus. The species is characterized by low values of genetic diversity and nucleotide variability, which may indicate that the population originated from a small number of founders and may explain its relative isolation from the main range. The dating of the appearance of the ancestors of M. musculus in the east of the Russian Caucasus corresponds to 99-66 thousand years ago (at a mutation rate of 3-10% per million years). Conclusion The results obtained suggest that the history of the appearance of M. musculus in the Eastern Caucasus is more ancient and is not associated with human agricultural activities. We believe that possibly the ancestral range of M. musculus covered the eastern and western coasts of the Caspian Sea in the territory of southern Dagestan, Azerbaijan, and Iran. In this paper M. macedonicus, a Balkan-Asia Minor species, was registered for the first time in the North Caucasus. This species was registered in the center of Dagestan, where it inhabits sympatrically (on the territory) and syntopically (on the same biotope) with M. musculus. The low values of genetic diversity of M. macedonicus in the North Caucasus suggest that the population originated from a small group of founders.

Subject The evolution of North Caucasian insurgency. Significance As the Islamic State (IS) group retreats in Iraq and Syria, the North Caucasus seems an obvious place to relocate, with its history of guerrilla warfare and an IS presence. So far that has not happened. Many Caucasian fighters have been killed in the Middle East while local IS groups have been hit hard by Russian security forces. Armed Islamist groups that existed before IS are seeing a resurgence and are the main source of current security threats. Impacts IS's weakness in the Caucasus will not prevent sporadic attacks on urban centres in European Russia. Militant attacks will be an irritant and a brake on investment but are unlikely to become a major regional threat. Moscow is trying to force better governance on Dagestan and may do so elsewhere.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-84
Shakhban M. Khapizov ◽  
Hayk E. Hakobyan

The paper analyses the content of some of the parts of the work of the Armenian author of the 19th century bishop Vardan Odznetsi, kept in Matenadaran – the Institute of Ancient Manuscripts of Armenia. The full text of the work has not yet been published. The text is unique, as it is one of the last sources, written in the style of the Armenian historical literature of the Middle Ages. In his work, Vardan Odznetsi tells in detail about the court of the Georgian king Heraclius II (1720–1798). It also provides information about the Talysh Khan Mustafa and the Avar Nutsal Ummah Khan, known in historiography under the distorted name of Omar Khan. Thus, the chronicle of Odznetsi covers the history of not only Transcaucasia, but also the North Caucasus. In addition, the author describes in sufficient detail the events of the Crimean War (1853–1856). The information, provided by Vardan Odznetsi, is quite important in the context of studies devoted to the anti-Ottoman and anti-Iranian wars of the peoples of the Caucasus. In his work, a special attention is drawn to the scrupulous description of the invasion of Tbilisi in the summer of 1795 by the Iranian shah Aga-Muhammad Khan Kajar. With deep regret he tells about the destruction of the city, believing that this is the fault of the Georgian king, who showed political shortsightedness. In the 1790s Avar nutsal Ummah Khan (1761-1801) started to play an important role in the military-political events taking place in the South Caucasus, which is also mentioned in the work under review. He describes the relations of Umma Khan and his son-in-law Ibrahim-khan of Karabakh, their joint military campaigns on adjacent lands. At the same time, the work under study is an important source describing the transition of the kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti, and subsequently the entire Caucasus, under the protection of the Russian Empire. A study of this manuscript will serve as a more detailed source-study of the history of the Caucasus of the 18th – 19th centuries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 5-22

В статье анализируется современная англоязычная историография революций 1917 г., Гражданской войны и интервенции, происходящих на Северном Кавказе и при­влекающих внимание как отечественных, так и зарубежных исследователей. От­мечен интерес последних к региону как в XX, так и в XXI вв. Актуальность темы определяется возможностью познакомиться с исследованиями англоязычных авто­ров, с их взглядами на историческое прошлое народов Северного Кавказа в общерос­сийском контексте, с ролью горцев в формировании геополитического пространства тех лет. Цель работы – выявить среди доступной зарубежной литературы труды англоязычных исследователей XX в., в которых рассматриваются события 1917–1921 гг. на Северном Кавказе, и проанализировать их. В ходе исследования были использова­ны методы описания, анализа, принцип объективности и др. В работе показано, что в англоязычной историографии уделяется внимание Северокавказской Горской респу­блике, Юго-Восточному союзу казачьих войск, горцев Кавказа и вольных народов сте­пей, взаимоотношениям народов региона с Россией, зарубежными державами, с пред­ставителями Южного Кавказа, влиянию религии на политику горцев. Они отмечали возможности, которые предоставили народам Северного Кавказа события 1917 г.: организации различных политических советов, новых местных правительств и т.д. В рассматриваемых исследованиях анализируются также процессы противостоя­нии различных групп населения, приводившие к вооруженным столкновениям. В целом труды иностранных авторов дополняют материал отечественных исследователей и способствуют расширению исследовательских горизонтов. The paper examines the studies of English-language authors on the events of the revolutions of 1917, the civil war and intervention, which attract the attention of both native and foreign researchers. It was noted the interest of the English-language authors in the North Caucasus in the XX, and in the XXI century. The work is relevant, as it provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the research of English-language authors, with their view on the historical past of the peoples of the North Caucasus, associated with the history of Russia as a whole, with their role in the geopolitical context. The purpose of the paper is to identify the works of English-language researchers of the XXth century in foreign literature about the events in the North Caucasus in the period 1917–1921 and try to analyze them. The following methods were used in the study: method of description, analysis, principle of objectivity, etc. The paper shows that foreign authors in their works paid attention to the North Caucasian Mountain Republic, the Southeastern League of Cossack Hosts, Mountaineers of the Caucasus and Free Peoples of the Steppes, to the relations of the peoples of this region with the Russians, Great Powers, with its neighbours in the Caucasus, the impact of religion on mountaineer politics. They noted the opportunities that the events of 1917 provided to the peoples of the North Caucasus, including the organization of various political councils, new local governments, etc. English-language scholars also dwelt on the confrontation among the population, which led to armed clashes. The works of foreign authors help to supplement the material of native researchers and significantly broaden the research horizon.

Bohdan Novak

Vasyl Ivanys (1888-1974) is an extraordinary personality of the Ukrainian political and cultural world of the XX century. He was a politician and public figure, engineer, economist, publicist and historian. Exept this, the person of Vasyl Ivanys is interesting because he, as a native of the North Caucasus, directly knew this part of the world, its history, the course of the revolutionary events of 1917-1921, and, unlike other famous figures of Kuban or Ukraine at that time, left a complex idea of the region in the published work «On the problem of the Caucasus». The ideas and views expressed in this publication are the subject of this paper. In addition to «On the problem of the Caucasus», the source base includes the first two volumes of Vasyl Ivanys memoirs of «Paths of Life», publications «Another tragedy of the Cossacks» and «The Kuban struggle for independence». The article pays a lot of attention to the identity of Vasyl Ivanys, which was due to its origin. First of all, he was a Cossack, a native of the North Caucasus, but at the same time he felt his belonging to the Ukrainian cultural space. His publication «On the Problem of the Caucasus» focuses mainly on the ancient history of the region, Russia’s conquest of the Caucasus, the resettlement of the Cossacks in the Kuban, the revolution of 1917-1918 in the North Caucasus and the future of this part of the world. The author of the article concludes that Ivanys views on the history and future of the Caucasus region, expressed in the «On the problem of the Caucasus», due to the origin and its political orientation. The Kuban occupies a central place in the publication, but Vasyl Ivanys covers its history in the general historical context and emphasizes its belonging to the North Caucasus. Although «On the Problem of the Caucasus» is based on extensive bibliographic material, but has a journalistic character. At the same time, Ivanys publication remains one of the few generalizations in Ukrainian historiography that covers the history of the Caucasus from ancient times to the second half of the XX century, gives an idea of the economic and cultural potential of the region and reflects the geopolitical ideas prevailing in Ukrainian politics emigration.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 252-258
Rustam Alhazurovich Tovsultanov ◽  
Lilia Nadipovna Galimova ◽  
Eliza Musatovna Ozdamirova

This article is devoted to the numerous existing scientific literature with the relevant information of the history of the Caucasian war, on the basis of which an attempt is made to overcome the historiographical impasse in the evaluation and analysis of this controversial era in the history of relations between Russia and the peoples of the North Caucasus. As is known in the historiography of the Caucasian war, there are many controversies and disagreements. The most valuable factual material on the history of the present works of his contemporaries. This article first carried out a historiographical analysis of the existing points of view on this issue. The paper presents a detailed analysis of the state of historiographical development of the problem. As the historiography of the Caucasian war is the subject of intense debate, and are often interpreted very biased in the historical literature, the author tried objectively, based on an extensive historiographical material, to contribute in an objective study of the history of the Caucasian war. A great contribution to the study of the history of the Caucasian war has made the all-Union scientific conference, which opened a new stage in the study of the history of the test event. Factual material and system analysis allows to identify the nature, driving forces and nature of the Caucasian war, also define the reasons that caused this war to analyze the causes of the origin of the ideology of Muridism in the Caucasus, and a detailed study of the Russian-North Caucasian relations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-117
Maxim E. Shalak ◽  

This article is devoted to the analysis of the historical work of the famous Ottoman scholar Muhammad Nidai Kaisuni-zade, well known as Remmal Khodja, his work “Tarih-i Sahib Giray Khan”, which was written in the middle of the XVI century. This source, is dedicated to the history of the reign of Khan Sahib Giray (1532–1551), it will be studied here for the purpose of revealing information on the historical geography of the Crimean Khanate and adjacent territories. The beginning of this analysis was published in № 2, 2018 of this journal. In his chronicle Remmal Khodja describes nine military campaigns of Sahib Giray. He describes in details the routes of movement of the Tatar troops, gives the places of crossings and location sites of the troops. Very valuable are the characteristics given by the court historian to the opponents of the khan and descriptions of the terrain on which the fighting was conducted. From the above I mentioned information, it may seem, that Remmal Khodja described the events as if he was its direct witness. In all the military campaigns of Sahib Giray, described by Remmal Khodja, can be traced four directions of those campaigns. To the west – to Moldavia, to the north – to Russia and Lithuania, to the east – to the Astrakhan Khanate, and south-east – to the Caucasus. Of all the directions, the North Caucasus region is described in more detailed way in the source, since Sahib Giray made four campaigns to this territory. The revealed information gives us the chance to clarify the boundaries of the Crimean Khanate, the lands that were in its vassal dependence, the location of sites and fortresses, as well as the areas of residence of some North Caucasian tribes. The only publication of “Tarih-i Sahib Giray Khan” was implemented in 1973 by O. Gökbilgin. The scientist published a Chronicle in the modern Turkish transcription, providing it with a French translation.

Олег Владимирович Матвеев

Статья посвящена забытому ныне краеведу и собирателю Владимиру Васильевичу Кикотю, осуществлявшему сбор фольклорно-этнографического материала в Терской области по специальной программе Кавказского учебного округа. Записи В. В. Кикотя и его практика изучения традиционной культуры терских казаков крайне востребованы сегодня, когда многие аспекты духовного наследия терского казачества оказались утраченными в ходе социальных потрясений и этнополитических конфликтов, драматических потерь русского населения Северного Кавказа в ХХ в. Материалы, собранные учителем и опубликованные в «Сборнике материалов для описания местностей и племен Кавказа», носят во многом любительский, описательный характер; автор не задумывается над смыслом упоминаемых явлений народной культуры, смотрит порой на них с позиции интеллигентного учителя как на «суеверия», «предрассудки», «пережитки», «невежество». Однако его сведения позволяют сегодня проследить динамику развития традиционной культуры русского старожильческого населения на Тереке, уточнить географию распространения ее элементов, степень вовлеченности в контактную зону русско-кавказского культурного пограничья. This article is devoted to the now forgotten local historian and collector Vladimir Vasilyevich Kikot, who gathered folklore and ethnographic material in the Tersk Region under a special program of the Caucasian Educational District. Kikot’s recordings and his practice of studying the traditional culture of the Terek Cossacks are very much in demand today, since many aspects of the spiritual heritage of the Terek Cossacks have been lost due to social upheavals, ethnopolitical conflicts, and the dramatic decrease of the Russian population of the North Caucasus in the twentieth century. The materials Kikot collected and published in the “Collection of Materials for Describing the Localities and Tribes of the Caucasus” are largely amateur and descriptive in nature and the author does not consider the meaning of the phenomena of folk culture. He sometimes looks at them as “superstitions,” “prejudices,” “remnants,” and “ignorance.” The information he amassed, however, allows us to trace the development of the traditional culture of Russian oldtimers on the Terek River, to clarify the geography and distribution of its elements, and to assess its degree of involvement in the contact zone of the Russian-Caucasian cultural borderland.

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