central wavelength
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2022 ◽  
Vol 128 (2) ◽  
Umit Demirbas ◽  
Franz X. Kärtner ◽  
Mikhail Pergament

AbstractWe report nanosecond (ns) cavity-dumped operation of a low-cost diode-pumped Cr:LiSAF laser around 1000 nm. The system is pumped with one 1-W single-emitter multimode diode at 665 nm. A Pockell cell (PC) and thin-film-polarizer (TFP) combination placed inside the cavity chops up an adjustable portion of the intracavity power and creates a variable time-dependent output coupler. Via adjusting the length and magnitude of the electrical signal going into the PC, output pulses with pulsewidths in the 2.5–500 ns range and with peak power levels above 10 W are generated at repetition rates up to 100 kHz. The central wavelength of the pulses could be smoothly tuned in the 985–1030 nm region, and is only limited by the anti-reflection coating bandwidth of the current PC and TFP. This versatile nanosecond source with 100 nJ level energies could serve as an attractive low-cost seed source for Yb-based amplifiers, including the cryogenic Yb:YLF systems.

Materials ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 389
Aya M. Abu Baker ◽  
Ganjaboy S. Boltaev ◽  
Mazhar Iqbal ◽  
Mikhail Pylnev ◽  
Nasser M. Hamdan ◽  

Mixed (FAPbI3)0.92(MAPbBr3)0.08 perovskite thin films exhibit strong nonlinear optical responses, rendering them promising candidates for applications in photonics and optical communications. In this work, we present a systematic study on the ultrafast third-order nonlinear optical processes in mixed perovskite nanocrystals (NCs) by exploring the generation of third harmonic radiation and giant two-photon absorption-based photoluminescence (PL) when excited by femtosecond laser pulses of a 1030 nm central wavelength. A comparative analysis of the coherent third harmonic generation in the thin-film-containing perovskite nanocrystals has shown a 40× enhancement of the third harmonic signal compared to the signal generated in the pure quartz substrate. The cubic dependence of the third-nonlinear optical response of the (FAPbI3)0.92(MAPbBr3)0.08 perovskites on the intensity of the driving radiation was identified using broadband 38 femtosecond driving pulses. The positive nonlinear refractive index (γ = +1.4 × 10−12 cm2·W−1) is found to play an important role in improving the phase-matching conditions of the interacting pulses by generating a strong third order harmonic. The giant two-photon absorption (TPA)-assisted PL peak was monitored and a blue shift of the PL was obtained in the higher intensity range of the laser pulses, with the absorption coefficient β estimated to be~+7.0 cm·MW−1 at a 1030 nm laser wavelength.

V. E. Kisel ◽  
N. V. Kuleshov ◽  
A. S. Yasukevich

Herein, we report on the mathematical modelling and experimental study of the regime of nonsoliton mode locking in a laser based on the Yb3+:LuAlO3 (Yb:LuAP) crystal with longitudinal pumping by laser diode radiation. Simulation based on the Haus master equation permitted to determine the requirements for the parameters of a saturable absorber (SA), the level of the average output power, the size of the TEM00 mode of the cavity in the active element and on the gate to obtain a stable regime of generation of picosecond laser pulses. Laser experiments were carried out in a fourmirror X-shaped resonator using a semiconductor saturable mirror (SESAM) as a passive modulator and a laser diode with a fiber output of a maximum power up to 30 W at a wavelength of 978.5 nm as a pump source. We obtained a stable passive mode locking with a maximum average output power of up to 12 W and an ultrashort pulse duration of about 2 ps at an optical conversion efficiency of pump radiation into lasing radiation of about 38 %. Laser pulses were obtained at a central wavelength of about 999 nm with a minimum Stokes shift (about 2 %) with respect to the pump radiation, which significantly reduced the thermal load on the active element. Additionally, the preliminary results on the second harmonic generation and synchronous pumping of a parametric light generator using a Yb3+ : LuAlO3 crystal laser as a pump source are presented.

K. G. Tay ◽  
Noran Azizan Cholan ◽  
Nurul Anati Othman

Fiber optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) is operated based on energy transfer from pump waves to signal wave and at the end of the fiber, an idler wave is generated. This process is called four-wave mixing (FWM). Even though effects of higher-order dispersion coefficients, fiber length, fiber nonlinearity, fiber attenuation, pump powers, pump wavelength separation and distance of central pump wavelength with ZDW on gain profiles have been examined by previous researchers, but on different fiber or numerically studied using the Optisys system, analytical model or different amplitude equations. Thus, in this study, the above-mentioned parameters on the gain performance of dual pump fiber optical parametric amplifier (FOPA) using highly nonlinear shifted fiber (HNL-DSF) as a medium will be numerically investigated using ode45 function in Matlab. The gain at a certain wavelength can be obtained by solving 4 coupled amplitude equations with fiber loss and pump depletion that govern the four-wave mixing (FWM) process of pumps, signal and idler waves. Simulations results indicate positive gives poor or no gain, meanwhile, an addition of to negative widens the bandwidth, but there is no significant effect with the addition of . Besides, an increase of fiber length, nonlinearity and pump powers improve gain performance, but an increase of fiber loss decays the gain amplitude. Increment of pump separation will enhance flatness of gain at wavelength far from central wavelength but results in an increase of gain reduction at the central wavelength. Lastly, must be positive, not too small and not bigger than 1.125nm to get a high, broader and lesser ripples gain.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 19
Chuen-Lin Tien ◽  
Hong-Yi Lin ◽  
Kuan-Sheng Cheng ◽  
Chun-Yu Chiang ◽  
Ching-Ying Cheng

This study presents a multilayer design and fabrication of an optical notch filter for enhancing visual quality. A cost-effective multilayer design of notch filter with low surface roughness and low residual stress is proposed. A 9-layer notch filter composed of SiO2 and Nb2O5 with a central wavelength of 480 nm is prepared by electron beam evaporation combined with ion-assisted deposition. The optical transmittance, residual stress, and surface morphology are measured by a UV/VIS/NIR spectrophotometer, Twyman-Green interferometer and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM). The transmittance of the notch filter at the central wavelength is above 15%, and the average transmittance of the transmission band is about 80%. The residual stress of the notch filter is −0.235 GPa, and the root mean square surface roughness is 1.85 nm. For improving the visual quality, a good image contrast can be obtained by observing the microscopic image using the proposed notch filter.

Photonics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 590
Haili Han ◽  
Nan-Kuang Chen ◽  
Liqiang Zhang ◽  
Yanru Xie ◽  
Zhen Tian ◽  

The dependence of the output pulse characteristics of a Mamyshev fiber oscillator on cavity parameters is investigated in detail. We analyze the change in pulse spectrum bandwidth, pulse duration, dechirped pulse duration and chirp with the change in fiber group velocity dispersion, fiber nonlinearity, gain, and filters by putting forward a numerical model. In particular, as one of the most important components, the effect of filters bandwidth and the central wavelength interval between them is discussed. The passive fibers are classified into two kinds according to their locations in the cavity, which are the one before the gain fiber and the one after the gain fiber. Numerical simulation results show that a wide spectrum can be obtained by increasing the nonlinearity of the second passive fiber, while the change in nonlinearity of the first passive fiber has a weak effect on spectrum broadening. A wide spectrum could also be obtained by increasing the nonlinearity or the small-signal gain coefficient of the gain fiber. A Yb-doped Mamyshev fiber oscillator is demonstrated. The results show the increase in pump power, which agrees reasonably well with the numerical simulation results.

2021 ◽  
Yan Zhou ◽  
Keyun Zhang ◽  
Chun Luo ◽  
Xiaoyan Lin ◽  
Meisong Liao ◽  

Abstract Theoretical simulations about manipulating vector solitons with super-sech pulse shapes are conducted based on an optical fiber system in this manuscript. By changing temporal pulses’ parameters when orthogonally polarized pulses have the same or different input central wavelengths, output modes in orthogonal directions will demonstrate different properties. When input orthogonal modes have the same central wavelength, “2+2” pseudo-high-order vector soliton can be generated when time delay is changed. While under the condition of different central wavelengths, orthogonal pulses with multiple peaks accompanied with two wavelengths can be achieved through varying projection angle, time delay or phase difference. Our simulations are helpful to the study of optical soliton dynamics in optical fiber system.

2021 ◽  
István Márton ◽  
László Sarkadi

Abstract We investigated the effect of higher order dispersion on ultrafast photoionisation with Classical Trajectory Monte Carlo (CTMC) method for hydrogen and krypton atoms. In our calculations we used linearly polarised ultrashort 7 fs laser pulses, 6.5 × 1014 W/cm2 intensity, and a central wavelength of 800 nm. Our results show that electrons with the highest kinetic energies are obtained with transform limited (TL) pulses. The shaping of the pulses with negative second- third- or fourth- order dispersion results in higher ionisation yield and electron energies compared to pulses shaped with positive dispersion values. We have also investigated how the Carrier Envelope Phase (CEP) dependence of the ionisation is infuenced by dispersion. We calculated the left-right asymmetry as a function of energy and CEP for sodium atoms employing pulses of 4.5 fs, 800 nm central wavelength, and 4 × 1012 W/cm2 intensity. We found that the left-right asymmetry is more pronounced for pulses shaped with positive Group Delay Dispersion (GDD). It was also found that shaping a pulse with increasing amounts of GDD in absolute value blurs the CEP dependence, which is attributed to the increasing number of optical cycles.

2021 ◽  
Enrique Gustavo Neyra ◽  
Gustavo A. Torchia ◽  
Pablo Vaveliuk ◽  
Fabian Videla

Abstract In this work, we describe an interferometric method to generate ultra-short pulses below the Fourier limit. It is done by extending concepts first developed in the spatial domain to achieve sub-diffractive beams through the addition of a spatial chirp in one of the arms of a Michelson interferometer using a spherical mirror. To experimentally synthesize sub-Fourier pulses, we replace the spherical mirror with a water cell, since it produces chirp in the temporal domain. We also present an alternative procedure, based on asymmetrical interference between the widened pulse and the original pulse where the peaks of both pulses exhibit a temporal delay achieving the narrowing of ultra-short pulses with sub-Fourier scales. To characterize the performance of the system, we performed a preliminary assessment considering the percentage of FWHM shrinking obtained for each scheme. By means of a symmetrical configuration 7 and 12 \% pulse reductions were verified, both experimentally and analytically, while for the non-symmetrical configuration 10 and 24\% reductions were achieved corresponding to main lobe to side-lobes ratios of 10 and 30\% . The experimental setup scheme is simple, versatile and able to work with high-power laser sources and ultra-short pulses with a broad bandwidth at any central wavelength. The results presented in this work are promising and help to enlighten new routes and strategies in the design of coherent control systems. We envision that they will become broadly useful in different areas from strong field domain to quantum information.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (24) ◽  
pp. 5048
Shilin Song ◽  
Yuji Sakuno ◽  
Naokazu Taniguchi ◽  
Hidetsugu Iwashita

Understanding the spatiotemporal environment of the ocean after a heavy rain disaster is critical for satellite remote sensing research and disaster prevention. We attempted to reproduce changes in marine debris distributions using multidate data of Landsat-8 spectral reflectance acquired immediately after a heavy rain disaster in western Japan in July 2018. Data from cleaning ships were used for screening the marine debris area. As most of the target marine debris consisted of plant fragments, a method based on the corrected floating algae index (cFAI) was applied to Landsat-8 data. Data from cleaning ships clarify that most of the marine debris accumulated in the waters in the northern part of Aki Nada, a part of the Seto Inland Sea. The spectral characteristics of the corresponding marine debris spectral reflectance obtained from the Landsat-8 data were explained by the FAI with band 5 (central wavelength: 865 nm) as the maximum value. Unlike traditional FAI, cFAI eliminated the effect of background water turbidity. The Otsu method was effective for the automatic threshold determination for cFAI. Although Landsat-8 data have limited spatial resolution and observation frequency, these data were useful for understanding marine debris distribution after a heavy rain disaster.

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