pak choi
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2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (6) ◽  
pp. 609-617
Seo Youn Lee ◽  
Seo Hee Jung ◽  
Ah Ram Cho ◽  
Myung Syun Shim ◽  
You Kyung Chung ◽  

Background and objective: The nanobubbles remain stable in water, and it increased dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water that promotes the seed germination and the plant growth. We evaluated the seed germination and growth of sprouts (radish, wheat, and barley) and leafy vegetables (red mustard and pak choi) when irrigated with various DO of nanobubble water (NB).Methods: The oxygen NB was generated by surface friction and treated in 4 levels: NB 0% (control, DO 9.21 mg·L-1), NB 20% (DO 15.40 mg·L-1), NB 33% (DO 20.93 mg·L-1), and NB 100% (DO 39.29 mg·L-1).Results: The root length of radish and wheat increased more in NB 33% than the control plot. The fresh weight increased in NB 33% compared to the control plot in radish and wheat, and both fresh and dry weight increased more in NB 20%, NB 33%, and NB 100% than the control plot of barley. The leaf length and width of red mustard decreased more in NB 33% and NB 100% than the control plot and NB 20%, which indicated the leaf compactness. The fresh and dry weight of shoot and root increased more in NB 100% than the control plot in red mustard. In pak choi, the shoot fresh weight increased more in NB 100% than the control plot. In leafy vegetables, the germination rate of red mustard in NB 100% was higher than the control plot, however, it was not significantly different between oxygen NB plots in sprout vegetables.Conclusion: The results showed that the root growth and biomass increased after applying NB 33% in sprout vegetables. The leaf growth properties as the number of leaves and leaf size were not significantly different or decreased in NB treatments compared to control plots, but NB 100% (DO 39.29 mg·L-1) effectively increased the root growth and plant biomass in leafy vegetables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 770-780
Salampak ◽  
Adi Jaya ◽  
Paska Aprianto ◽  
Susi Kresnatita

The current study was aimed to determine the effect of ameliorant on Pak choi (Brassica rapa chinensis) productivity, CO2 emissions, and factors affecting the rate of CO2 emission. The study was carried out using a non-factorial completely randomized design with seven treatments. The imposed treatment are without ameliorant (control), 10, 20, 30 ton ha-1 chicken manure, 4 ton ha-1 Dolomite + Chicken Manure @ 10 ton ha-1, Dolomite 4 ton ha-1 + Chicken Manure @ 20 ton ha-1 and Dolomite 4 ton ha-1 + Chicken Manure @ 30 ton ha-1. The variables observed are the chemical properties of peat soil, fresh and dry weight of pak choi, CO2 emissions, and factors that affect CO2 emissions. The results of the study revealed that the combination of Dolomite and chicken manure has a significant effect on the studied parameters and the combination of 4 ton ha-1 dolomite + 30 ton ha-1 chicken manure had the highest pH change (average of 6.36), highest productivity, and CO2 emission (344.42 mg cm-2hr-1). Results of the study can be concluded that Dolomite and chicken manure has a significant effect on the various growth parameters of B. rapa chinensis and the properties of the peat soil.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2815
Bing Li ◽  
Xueli Zhang ◽  
Zhiquan Liu ◽  
Lulin Wang ◽  
Liping Song ◽  

Most flowering plants have evolved a self-incompatibility (SI) system to maintain genetic diversity by preventing self-pollination. The Brassica species possesses sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI), which is controlled by the pollen- and stigma-determinant factors SP11/SCR and SRK. However, the mysterious molecular mechanism of SI remains largely unknown. Here, a new class II S haplotype, named BrS-325, was identified in a pak choi line ‘325’, which was responsible for the completely self-compatible phenotype. To obtain the entire S locus sequences, a complete pak choi genome was gained through Nanopore sequencing and de novo assembly, which provided a good reference genome for breeding and molecular research in B. rapa. S locus comparative analysis showed that the closest relatives to BrS-325 was BrS-60, and high sequence polymorphism existed in the S locus. Meanwhile, two duplicated SRKs (BrSRK-325a and BrSRK-325b) were distributed in the BrS-325 locus with opposite transcription directions. BrSRK-325b and BrSCR-325 were expressed normally at the transcriptional level. The multiple sequence alignment of SCRs and SRKs in class II S haplotypes showed that a number of amino acid variations were present in the contact regions (CR II and CR III) of BrSCR-325 and the hypervariable regions (HV I and HV II) of BrSRK-325s, which may influence the binding and interaction between the ligand and the receptor. Thus, these results suggested that amino acid variations in contact sites may lead to the SI destruction of a new class II S haplotype BrS-325 in B. rapa. The complete SC phenotype of ‘325’ showed the potential for practical breeding application value in B. rapa.

Kevin M. King ◽  
Jonathan S. West

Abstract Phoma stem canker / blackleg is an internationally important disease of Brassicas including B. napus (oilseed rape, OSR), caused by multiple genetic subclades of the fungi Plenodomus lingam (formerly Leptosphaeria maculans) and P. biglobosus (L. biglobosa). In Spring 2021, Phoma-like disease symptoms were observed on leaves and stems of Eutrema japonicum (wasabi) crops at three UK sites (Northern Ireland, Southern England and the West Midlands). Fungal isolation from wasabi leaf spots yielded colonies with two distinct phenotypes on potato dextrose agar (PDA). Isolates from the Northern Ireland and Southern England sites had white colonies with abundant pink cirri that were confirmed (based on ITS rDNA, beta tubulin and actin sequences) as P. biglobosus subclade ‘canadensis’ (Pbc). Those from the West Midlands site, however, had yellow pigmented colonies and were confirmed by sequencing as P. biglobosus subclade ‘brassicae’ (Pbb). Greenhouse pathogenicity testing showed that Pbb and Pbc wasabi isolates were pathogenic not only to this host but also OSR, B. oleracea (cabbage), and B. rapa (pak choi). Re-isolation of the fungi was attempted and confirmed from lesions that developed on inoculated OSR and wasabi, thus completing Koch’s postulates. These findings represent new discoveries for both Pbb and Pbc on wasabi, plus for Pbc in Europe. The crop health implications of these results are briefly considered.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 2272
Na Sun ◽  
Rodney B. Thompson ◽  
Junxiang Xu ◽  
Shangqiang Liao ◽  
Linna Suo ◽  

As and Cd in soil can be assimilated and accumulated by vegetables and can be subsequently ingested by humans. Contradictory effects of organic fertilizer application on As and Cd accumulation in soil have been reported in previous studies. An eight-year greenhouse study was conducted on a sandy loam soil in Beijing, China to investigate the effects of organic fertilizer application rate on soil properties, and As and Cd accumulation in soil. The contamination risk of pak choi grown after eight years’ application of organic fertilizer was also evaluated. Soil organic carbon increased 3.0–3.8 times with low, medium and high rates of fertilizer application in 2018 compared to the initial soil. Organic fertilizer application significantly increased soil nutrients and microbial biomass while it mildly affected soil pH. The bioavailability of As/Cd has decreased after eight years’ application of organic fertilizer. Pak choi crop harvested from all three treatments in 2018 did not pose a threat to human health, even for life-time consumption. Soil total As content significantly decreased with organic fertilizer application, mainly due to the lower As content in the applied fertilizer than that in soil. Continuous application of clean organic fertilizer can be adopted to reduce the contamination risk of highly contaminated soil in the soil–plant system.

Xiaolu Yu ◽  
Junhao Chen ◽  
Xiaoxia Liu ◽  
Ying Sun ◽  
Hongju He

Horticulturae ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (10) ◽  
pp. 383
Zheng-Shang Liu ◽  
Jia-Mei Wu ◽  
Yong-Hong Lin

In Taiwan, castor meal (CM) is often used by farmers as an organic fertilizer for the supplement of plant nutrition. It can rapidly increase nitrogen availability for crops. However, the excessive application of CM will affect the ecosystem. This study was conducted to evaluate the optimum concentration of CM that can be used as a fertilizer for balancing crop production and soil ecosystem health (by considering earthworms). Pak choi was selected for the experiment. A randomized block design with three replications was used, with treatments consisting of five concentrations of CM (namely 25, 50, 100, 150, and 200 kg/0.1 ha) and fermented livestock compost 800 kg/0.1 ha, represented as CM25, CM50, CM100, CM150, CM200, and LC800, respectively. The results revealed that soil properties, leaf nutrient concentration, and plant traits, namely plant diameter, plant height, and fresh and dry root and shoot matter, improved with the increasing concentrations of CM, and CM100–CM200, and led to the highest production of pak choi which was equivalent to that with LC800. However, the weight of earthworms decreased as CM concentrations increased. The weight of earthworms was similar between CM25, CM50, CM100, and LC800. In conclusion, given the characteristics of high nitrogen as a fertilizer, the optimal dose of CM was 100–150 kg/0.1 ha for obtaining a balance between crop production and ecosystem safety.

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