mitochondrial genetics
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Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 3460
Larry N. Singh ◽  
Shih-Han Kao ◽  
Douglas C. Wallace

Neurodegenerative disorders that are triggered by injury typically have variable and unpredictable outcomes due to the complex and multifactorial cascade of events following the injury and during recovery. Hence, several factors beyond the initial injury likely contribute to the disease progression and pathology, and among these are genetic factors. Genetics is a recognized factor in determining the outcome of common neurodegenerative diseases. The role of mitochondrial genetics and function in traditional neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, is well-established. Much less is known about mitochondrial genetics, however, regarding neurodegenerative diseases that result from injuries such as traumatic brain injury and ischaemic stroke. We discuss the potential role of mitochondrial DNA genetics in the progression and outcome of injury-related neurodegenerative diseases. We present a guide for understanding mitochondrial genetic variation, along with the nuances of quantifying mitochondrial DNA variation. Evidence supporting a role for mitochondrial DNA as a risk factor for neurodegenerative disease is also reviewed and examined. Further research into the impact of mitochondrial DNA on neurodegenerative disease resulting from injury will likely offer key insights into the genetic factors that determine the outcome of these diseases together with potential targets for treatment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 49-80
Aruna Pal

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. e1009594
Larry N. Singh ◽  
Brian Ennis ◽  
Bryn Loneragan ◽  
Noah L. Tsao ◽  
M. Isabel G. Lopez Sanchez ◽  

The growing number of next-generation sequencing (NGS) data presents a unique opportunity to study the combined impact of mitochondrial and nuclear-encoded genetic variation in complex disease. Mitochondrial DNA variants and in particular, heteroplasmic variants, are critical for determining human disease severity. While there are approaches for obtaining mitochondrial DNA variants from NGS data, these software do not account for the unique characteristics of mitochondrial genetics and can be inaccurate even for homoplasmic variants. We introduce MitoScape, a novel, big-data, software for extracting mitochondrial DNA sequences from NGS. MitoScape adopts a novel departure from other algorithms by using machine learning to model the unique characteristics of mitochondrial genetics. We also employ a novel approach of using rho-zero (mitochondrial DNA-depleted) data to model nuclear-encoded mitochondrial sequences. We showed that MitoScape produces accurate heteroplasmy estimates using gold-standard mitochondrial DNA data. We provide a comprehensive comparison of the most common tools for obtaining mtDNA variants from NGS and showed that MitoScape had superior performance to compared tools in every statistically category we compared, including false positives and false negatives. By applying MitoScape to common disease examples, we illustrate how MitoScape facilitates important heteroplasmy-disease association discoveries by expanding upon a reported association between hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and mitochondrial haplogroup T in men (adjusted p-value = 0.003). The improved accuracy of mitochondrial DNA variants produced by MitoScape will be instrumental in diagnosing disease in the context of personalized medicine and clinical diagnostics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Ajibola B. Bakare ◽  
Edward J. Lesnefsky ◽  
Shilpa Iyer

Leigh syndrome is a rare, complex, and incurable early onset (typically infant or early childhood) mitochondrial disorder with both phenotypic and genetic heterogeneity. The heterogeneous nature of this disorder, based in part on the complexity of mitochondrial genetics, and the significant interactions between the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes has made it particularly challenging to research and develop therapies. This review article discusses some of the advances that have been made in the field to date. While the prognosis is poor with no current substantial treatment options, multiple studies are underway to understand the etiology, pathogenesis, and pathophysiology of Leigh syndrome. With advances in available research tools leading to a better understanding of the mitochondria in health and disease, there is hope for novel treatment options in the future.

2021 ◽  
Pallavi Shukla ◽  
Keshav K Singh

Abstract Ovarian cancer (OC) is known to be the most lethal cancer in women worldwide and its etiology is poorly understood. Recent studies show that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content as well as mtDNA and nuclear genes encoding mitochondrial proteins influence OC risk. This review presents an overview of role of mitochondrial genetics in influencing OC development and discuss the contribution of mitochondrial proteome in OC development, progression and therapy. A role of mitochondrial genetics in racial disparity is also highlighted. In-depth understanding of role of mitochondria in OC will help develop strategies towards prevention and treatment and improving overall survival in women with OC.

2021 ◽  
Sanket Tembe

Heterogeneity of mitochondrial diseases in terms of genetic etiology and clinical management makes their diagnosis challenging. Mitochondrial genome, basic mitochondrial genetics, common mutations, and their correlation with human diseases is well-established now and advances in sequencing is accelerating the molecular diagnostics of mitochondrial diseases. Major research focus now is on development of mtDNA intervention techniques like mtDNA gene editing, transfer of exogenous genes (sometimes even entire mtDNA) that would compensate for mtDNA mutations responsible for mitochondrial dysfunction. Although these genetic manipulation techniques have good potential for treatment of mtDNA diseases, research on such mitochondrial manipulation fosters ethical issues. The present chapter starts with an introduction to the factors that influence the clinical features of mitochondrial diseases. Advancement in treatments for mitochondrial diseases are then discussed followed by a note on methods for preventing transmission of these diseases.

2021 ◽  
Mrittika Chattopadhyay ◽  
Edmund Charles Jenkins ◽  
Ana Victoria Lechuga-Vieco ◽  
Kai Nie ◽  
Maria Isabel Fiel ◽  

2020 ◽  
Thomas C. Beadnell ◽  
Amanda E. Brinker ◽  
Cori Fain ◽  
Carolyn J. Vivian ◽  
Danny R. Welch

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (3) ◽  
pp. 787-797
Sophie L. Penman ◽  
Alice S. Carter ◽  
Amy E. Chadwick

The mitochondrion is an essential organelle responsible for generating cellular energy. Additionally, mitochondria are a source of inter-individual variation as they contain their own genome. Evidence has revealed that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation can confer differences in mitochondrial function and importantly, these differences may be a factor underlying the idiosyncrasies associated with unpredictable drug-induced toxicities. Thus far, preclinical and clinical data are limited but have revealed evidence in support of an association between mitochondrial haplogroup and susceptibility to specific adverse drug reactions. In particular, clinical studies have reported associations between mitochondrial haplogroup and antiretroviral therapy, chemotherapy and antibiotic-induced toxicity, although study limitations and conflicting findings mean that the importance of mtDNA variation to toxicity remains unclear. Several studies have used transmitochondrial cybrid cells as personalised models with which to study the impact of mitochondrial genetic variation. Cybrids allow the effects of mtDNA to be assessed against a stable nuclear background and thus the in vitro elucidation of the fundamental mechanistic basis of such differences. Overall, the current evidence supports the tenet that mitochondrial genetics represent an exciting area within the field of personalised medicine and drug toxicity. However, further research effort is required to confirm its importance. In particular, efforts should focus upon translational research to connect preclinical and clinical data that can inform whether mitochondrial genetics can be useful to identify at risk individuals or inform risk assessment during drug development.

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