cognitive operation
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Zhulavska O.O.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to establish and analyse the cases of synesthesia metaphors retention in English-Ukrainian translations, in which “less embodied” hearing, smell and taste sensations are mapped on “more embodied” touch sensations.Methods.Synesthesia is understood as a kind of conceptual metaphor within cognitive linguistics. Research methods applied in the article are based on the achievements of cognitive linguistics and the methodology introduced and developed by L. Kovalenko and A. Martyniuk (Kovalenko, Martynyuk, 2018), which allows us to study mental models underlying metaphorical descriptions and establish the type of cognitive operation employed by the translator. We define the cognitive operation of retention following Shuttleworth’s classification (Shuttleworth, 2017) as “translation that is essentially unchanged”. The degree of conventionality and rootedness of metaphorical models in English-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking linguistic cultures is determined within the theory of probability and statistical data obtained from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and the General Regional Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (ГРАК). The research material for the article encounters 100 English synesthetic metaphoric descriptions, extracted from Celeste Ng’s bestseller novels “Everything I Never Told You” (Ng, 2014) and “Little Fires Everywhere” (Ng, 2017) and retained in their Ukrainian translations (Інг, 2016; 2018).Results. The study resultsare presented by the detailed analysis of synesthetic metaphorical models’ retention examples, such as HEARING / SMELL / TASTE IS TOUCHING SOFT / SHARP / HOT SURFACE. In our article, the study of synesthetic metaphoric descriptions relative frequencies showed the semantic features, which are common and divergent in their meanings for the representatives of English and Ukrainian linguacultures.Conclusions. The conducted analysis showed that synesthetic metaphoric models are retained when the difficulties faced by the translator are minimal or absent. In this case, the translator resorts to translation with a direct dictionary equivalent. Synesthetic metaphoric models with similar conventionality degrees are retained.Key words: cognitive operation, language corpus, metaphoric model, synesthetic metaphoric description, conventionality degree. Мета статті полягає у встановленні та описі випадків відтворення синестезійних метафор в англо-українських перекладах, у яких «менш втілені» слухові, нюхові та смакові відчуття проєктуються на «більш втілені» дотикові відчуття.Методи. З позицій когнітивної лінгвістики синестезію розуміємо як поширений у мові різновид концептуальної метафори. Методологічне підґрунтя дослідження становить доробок когнітивної лінгвістики та методика Л. Коваленко та А. Мартинюк (Kovalenko, Martynyuk, 2018), що уможливлює вивчення когнітивних моделей, які лежать у підґрунті метафоричних дескрипцій, і встановлення типу когнітивної операції, що застосована перекладачем. Згідно з класифікацією М. Шуттлеворфа когнітивна операція відтворення (Shuttleworth, 2017) – це «переклад, що майже не змінений». Ступінь конвенційності і вкоріненості метафоричних моделей у представників англомовної та україномовної лінгвокультур визначаємо із застосуванням теорії вірогідності та статистичних даних, отриманих із Корпусу сучасної американської англійської мови (COCA) і Генерального регіонального анотованого корпусу української мови (ГРАК). Матеріалом дослі-дження є 100 англомовних синестезійних метафор, вилучених з англомовних текстів романів-бестселерів Celeste Ng “Everything I Never Told You” (Ng, 2014) і “Little Fires Everywhere” (Ng, 2017) та відтворених в українських перекладах цих творів («Несказане» (Інг, 2016) та «Усюди жевріють пожежі» (Інг, 2018)).Результати дослідження представлені детальним аналізом прикладів відтворення синестезійних метафоричних моделей СЛУХОВІ / НЮХОВІ / СМАКОВІ ВІДЧУТТЯ Є ВІДЧУТТЯ ДОТИКУ ДО М’ЯКОЇ / ГОСТРОЇ / ГАРЯЧОЇ ПОВЕРХНІ. Проведений аналіз відносних частот вживання синестезійних метафоричних дескрипцій показав спільні та відмінні семантичні ознаки у значеннях дескрипцій, що вкорінені у свідомості представників англомовної та україномовної лінгво-культур.Висновки. Проведений аналіз показав, що синестезійні метафоричні моделі відтворюються за умови, що труднощі, з якими стикається перекладач, є мінімальними або взагалі відсутні. Водночас перекладач вдається до перекладу за допомогою прямого словникового відповідника. Відтворюються такі моделі синестезійних метафор, у яких ступінь конвенційності в англійській та українській мовах однаковий.Ключові слова: когнітивна операція, корпус мови, метафорична модель, синестезійнаметафорична дескрипція, ступінь конвенційності.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-280
Ekaterina Yuryevna Maltseva

The aim of the research is to define the structure of the teachers readiness for creating and implementing inclusive technologies into the educational process. This problem is relevant nowadays due to the requirements for teachers functions that are established in the teachers professional standard. The author considers the main concepts: inclusive technologies, teachers professional readiness, teachers professional readiness to organize the educational process within the inclusive education framework; and the teachers readiness for creating and implementing inclusive technologies in the educational process in order to achieve the research goal. As a result, the author has identified and characterized the structural components of the teachers readiness for creating and implementing inclusive technologies into the educational process, such as: motivation-volitional, cognitive, operation-technological and reflexive. Each of the components can be formed at one of 4 levels: threshold, reproductive, productive and creative. The listed levels include the teachers knowledge, skills and abilities for creating and implementing the inclusive technologies into the educational process. Summing up, the research shows that the teachers readiness for creating and implementing inclusive technologies into the educational process is a complex of formed structural components. These components formations testify that a teacher is ready to create and implement inclusive technology into the educational process.

2021 ◽  
pp. 21-37
Rita Rieger

The challenge of representing movement in literary texts involves not only a knowledge of the physical, affective, and cognitive aspects of motion, it also needs to engage with movement’s medial transformation in the act of writing. Thus, this article draws attention to the largely unnoticed importance of writing in its visual and spatial dimensions within the field of literary movement studies. The article explores the dynamic aspects of the concept of the ›figure‹ and traces its relation to the literary ›scene‹ or ›scenario‹. Drawing on contemporary literary and cultural theories of the ›scene‹ as a cognitive operation (Rancière) and engaging with examples of texts on movement (Pierre Rameau’s ‚Le Maître à Danser‘ and Jean- Georges Noverre’s ‚Lettres sur la danse‘), the aim of this article is to introduce the concept of the ›scene‹ as a (transdisciplinary) hermeneutic category for literary studies of movement in modernity.

2020 ◽  
Vol 71 (3) ◽  
pp. 409-424
Ildikó Vančo ◽  
Viktória Gergelyová

Abstract This study aims to analyse the informative-type text, questions, and answers of the fourth-grade reading comprehension test according to cognitive processes. A total of 353 respondents participated in the survey. The examined target group was the fourth-grade pupils of Hungarian-language primary schools in bilingual regions in Eastern, Central, and Western Slovakia. The results obtained show that most of the pupils had sufficient background knowledge to interpret the short and simple text, and the new information was well integrated into their existing schema structure. In terms of processes of comprehension, most pupils had no problem with recognizing and retrieving explicitly stated information in the text, neither with making straightforward inferences. However, there were problems in interpreting and integrating information and summarizing them. The results show that half of the pupils had problems with multi-level interpretation of the information obtained and about one-fifth of the pupils gave incorrect answers even to the questions that required the use of the simplest cognitive processes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
pp. 311-327
Roghayeh Farsi

AbstractPostmodern fiction is marked by impossible worlds, the appreciation of which challenges readers and draws upon different cognitive operations. The present study reacts to the reading strategies proposed by Alber, J. 2016. Unnatural Narrative: Impossible Worlds in Fiction and Drama. Lincoln, NB and London: University of Nebraska Press. It adopts and adapts these strategies in a case study of Saunders’s experimental novel, Lincoln in the Bardo (2017). There is an attempt to investigate the cognitive operations that are activated in the process of communicating with and understanding such texts. The study evinces the pros and cons of Alber’s reading strategies. It proposes the cognitive operation of schematization in both online and offline forms as another reading strategy which helps readers understand impossibilities in texts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-41
Alicia Galera Masegosa

Abstract Echoic mention was initially proposed as part of the relevance-theoretic approach to irony (Sperber & Wilson, 1986). The aim of this article is to present an account of echoing as a cognitive operation that goes beyond (and yet includes) the interpretation of ironic remarks. For this purpose, we explore the cognitive mechanisms that underlie the production and interpretation of echoic uses of both ironic and non-ironic language. In the light of the examples under scrutiny, we claim that echoic mentions afford metonymic access to the echoed scenario, which is then contrasted with the observable scenario. The relationship between the two scenarios, which ranges from identity to contrast, passing through type-token similarity and metaphorical resemblance, determines the communicative purpose of the speaker, which may convey different kind of attitudes.

Sociologias ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (54) ◽  
pp. 286-326
Alexandre Werneck ◽  
Cesar Pinheiro Teixeira ◽  
Vittorio da Gamma Talone

Abstract In this article we propose a model for a pragmatic sociology of violence. Based on a semiotic analysis of a primordial cognitive operation deployed in people’s definition of situations, namely qualification, the essential characterization of things, the paper maps the meanings attributed to what both ordinary social actors and academic analysts treat as violence. Our analysis shows that this operation imbues a concrete object with meaning, the disproportionate use of force, whose resignifications compose a typology of five ‘sociologies of violence,’ both native and academic. These are: substantivist, constructivist, political, critical, and praxiological. To this gallery, we suggest the addition of another item: a pragmatic sociology. Taking the sign ‘violence’ as an interpretant, this sociology seeks to understand how, in people’s qualifications, it functions as a connection between moral metaphysics (worldviews in which the deployment of disproportionate force makes sense) and devices capable of effectuating them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
Kang Liu ◽  
Dan Zhang ◽  
Yuexiang Xie

There were mainly six types of formalization models found in the study for 95 city and county names in China’s Hunan province, namely, the environment in a place for the place, the wish of the nomenclator for the place, the relative position of a place for the place, the resident for the place, the legend for the place, and the function of a place for the place. In the six formalization models, the environment in a place for the place was the most in number, forging 47 names. Besides, the wish of the nomenclator for the place and the relative position of a place for the place came the second, taking 20 names respectively. The cognitive operation participating in the formalization was primarily single metonymy with only a few complex metonymies. Metaphtonymy could be only noted in the model of the wish of the nomenclator for the place. It was notable that single metaphor was missing in the cognitive operations.

Marin Terpstra

Abstract In this article I explore different ways of imagining distinctions in the form of borders and on the attitudes that people assume towards them. A distinction is primarily a cognitive operation, but appears as such in human communication (people talking about differences and identities), and in constructions that shape the material space people live in (borders, buildings, and the like). I explore two extreme positions, the one de-intensifying distinctions by focusing on their logical and contingent forms, the other intensifying distinctions by making them a potential cause of conflict. The first one is exemplified by Spencer Brown’s and Niklas Luhmann’s reflection on the logical and sociological aspects of distinctions; the second one by Carl Schmitt’s theory of ‘the political’ and its key notion of the distinction between friend and enemy. Both positions are relevant to understand a major debate and struggle in the world of today between liberal cosmopolitans and authoritarian nationalists. I show in what way both positions are aspects of the human condition, and what makes that alternately the one or the other is stressed.

2020 ◽  

Along with the cognitive operations of reconstruction, elimination and substitution of synesthetic metaphors, translational decisions are also based on the cognitive operation of introduction of synesthetic metaphor, which does not exist in the original. The aim of the article is to reveal and describe the cases of introduction of synesthetic metaphors, absent in the original, in the Ukrainian translations of the English text. Synesthetic metaphors are named so, because of the similarity with the phenomenon of synesthesia, which is studied in psychology as the deep interaction of sense organs, in which these organs are "working" together creating a new type of sensibility, named synesthesia. Special feature of such metaphors implies the fact that in contrast to the conceptual metaphors, in which basic domains are the background for the interpretation of the abstract domains, in synesthetic metaphors both source domain/concept and target domain/concept are basic ones, embedded directly into the bodily sensations. Understanding domain we follow R. Langacker, as a concept or conceptual complex of any degree complexity, containing background information, and helping to understand the meaning of the language unit, actualized in the discourse; in other words domains are the background knowledge (basis) for the distinguishing (profiling) of concepts. Domains are distinguished into basic and abstract. Conceptual metaphor we interpred following G. Lakoff, M. Johnsons and Z. Kovecses as the result of the cognitive operation of mapping or projecting, in which abstract conceptual structure (target domain/concept) is identified in terms of concrete (embedded in our bodily experience) mental structure (source domain/concept). Application of methodological tools of conceptual metaphor theory made it possible to reveal synesthetic metaphors, introduced in the translation, based on the following cognitive models: VISION is TOUCH (SENSATION of SHARP SURFACE), HEARING is TOUCH ( SENSATION of DRY/HOT/SOFT SURFACE). Application of operation of introduction of synesthetic metaphor model helps to reveal in translation communicative sense implied by the author of the original.

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