language corpus
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Tertium ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Marian Żmigrodzki

The paper addresses issues related to language and gender, and discusses research on the frequency of adjectives in language of male and female characters in a TV drama series “Homeland”. The empirical part of the study uses as its theoretical background the classic works in the field (Lakoff 1975; Butler 1990; Meyerhoff 2006), which identify gender specific language features and define factors that determine male-female language differences. The research was conducted manually, with minor help of electronic tools, on a personally created language corpus consisting of dialogue lines from the TV show. The results clearly show that the frequency of adjectives in female speech is higher than in male speech in the studied corpus

Helena Grochola-Szczepanek

The article presents the method of archiving of the rural speech during the development of the electronic language corpus. Attention is focused on how to get spoken data and transcription of non-standard dialect code. It also presents the problems and limitations resulting from nonnormative spoken data and the solutions applied. The recording and converting of spoken language data for corpus is a complex and multi-phase process. The data is obtained from recorded interviews with respondents. The developed system of spoken data transcription combines the properties of non-standard code, the capabilities of tools and needs of corpus.

Zhulavska O.O.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to establish and analyse the cases of synesthesia metaphors retention in English-Ukrainian translations, in which “less embodied” hearing, smell and taste sensations are mapped on “more embodied” touch sensations.Methods.Synesthesia is understood as a kind of conceptual metaphor within cognitive linguistics. Research methods applied in the article are based on the achievements of cognitive linguistics and the methodology introduced and developed by L. Kovalenko and A. Martyniuk (Kovalenko, Martynyuk, 2018), which allows us to study mental models underlying metaphorical descriptions and establish the type of cognitive operation employed by the translator. We define the cognitive operation of retention following Shuttleworth’s classification (Shuttleworth, 2017) as “translation that is essentially unchanged”. The degree of conventionality and rootedness of metaphorical models in English-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking linguistic cultures is determined within the theory of probability and statistical data obtained from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA) and the General Regional Annotated Corpus of Ukrainian (ГРАК). The research material for the article encounters 100 English synesthetic metaphoric descriptions, extracted from Celeste Ng’s bestseller novels “Everything I Never Told You” (Ng, 2014) and “Little Fires Everywhere” (Ng, 2017) and retained in their Ukrainian translations (Інг, 2016; 2018).Results. The study resultsare presented by the detailed analysis of synesthetic metaphorical models’ retention examples, such as HEARING / SMELL / TASTE IS TOUCHING SOFT / SHARP / HOT SURFACE. In our article, the study of synesthetic metaphoric descriptions relative frequencies showed the semantic features, which are common and divergent in their meanings for the representatives of English and Ukrainian linguacultures.Conclusions. The conducted analysis showed that synesthetic metaphoric models are retained when the difficulties faced by the translator are minimal or absent. In this case, the translator resorts to translation with a direct dictionary equivalent. Synesthetic metaphoric models with similar conventionality degrees are retained.Key words: cognitive operation, language corpus, metaphoric model, synesthetic metaphoric description, conventionality degree. Мета статті полягає у встановленні та описі випадків відтворення синестезійних метафор в англо-українських перекладах, у яких «менш втілені» слухові, нюхові та смакові відчуття проєктуються на «більш втілені» дотикові відчуття.Методи. З позицій когнітивної лінгвістики синестезію розуміємо як поширений у мові різновид концептуальної метафори. Методологічне підґрунтя дослідження становить доробок когнітивної лінгвістики та методика Л. Коваленко та А. Мартинюк (Kovalenko, Martynyuk, 2018), що уможливлює вивчення когнітивних моделей, які лежать у підґрунті метафоричних дескрипцій, і встановлення типу когнітивної операції, що застосована перекладачем. Згідно з класифікацією М. Шуттлеворфа когнітивна операція відтворення (Shuttleworth, 2017) – це «переклад, що майже не змінений». Ступінь конвенційності і вкоріненості метафоричних моделей у представників англомовної та україномовної лінгвокультур визначаємо із застосуванням теорії вірогідності та статистичних даних, отриманих із Корпусу сучасної американської англійської мови (COCA) і Генерального регіонального анотованого корпусу української мови (ГРАК). Матеріалом дослі-дження є 100 англомовних синестезійних метафор, вилучених з англомовних текстів романів-бестселерів Celeste Ng “Everything I Never Told You” (Ng, 2014) і “Little Fires Everywhere” (Ng, 2017) та відтворених в українських перекладах цих творів («Несказане» (Інг, 2016) та «Усюди жевріють пожежі» (Інг, 2018)).Результати дослідження представлені детальним аналізом прикладів відтворення синестезійних метафоричних моделей СЛУХОВІ / НЮХОВІ / СМАКОВІ ВІДЧУТТЯ Є ВІДЧУТТЯ ДОТИКУ ДО М’ЯКОЇ / ГОСТРОЇ / ГАРЯЧОЇ ПОВЕРХНІ. Проведений аналіз відносних частот вживання синестезійних метафоричних дескрипцій показав спільні та відмінні семантичні ознаки у значеннях дескрипцій, що вкорінені у свідомості представників англомовної та україномовної лінгво-культур.Висновки. Проведений аналіз показав, що синестезійні метафоричні моделі відтворюються за умови, що труднощі, з якими стикається перекладач, є мінімальними або взагалі відсутні. Водночас перекладач вдається до перекладу за допомогою прямого словникового відповідника. Відтворюються такі моделі синестезійних метафор, у яких ступінь конвенційності в англійській та українській мовах однаковий.Ключові слова: когнітивна операція, корпус мови, метафорична модель, синестезійнаметафорична дескрипція, ступінь конвенційності.

2021 ◽  
Vol 112 (7) ◽  
pp. 3-25
Dennis Dressel

This conversation-analytic paper investigates the multimodal design and interactional functions of the connective et puis après (‘and then after that’) in a French-language corpus of video-recorded collaborative storytellings. Two similar, yet different, sequential positions are investigated: the juncture between subsequent story episodes and the space between extended side sequences and the return to the story-in-progress. Such juncture positions constitute recognizable moments at which both members of the telling party, i. e., the current teller and the co-teller, must determine the topic of the next story episode as well as its delivery. Thus, juncture positions provide a perspicuous setting for the analysis of how tellership is negotiated and how topic progression is achieved. The connective et puis après appears to be a resource for current tellers to establish spaces for coparticipation at juncture positions, closing prior talk and projecting continuation. The multimodal analysis shows that both its prosodic design and co-occurring changes of the embodied participation framework contribute to opening interactive turn spaces and to making telling-specific next actions relevant.

Melania Cabezas-García ◽  
Santiago Chambó

Abstract Complex nominals (CNs) are frequently found in specialized discourse in all languages, since they are a productive method of creating terms by combining existing lexical units. In Spanish, a conceptual combination may often be rendered with a prepositional CN (PCN) or an equivalent adjectival CN (ACN), e.g., demanda de electricidad vs. demanda eléctrica [electricity demand]. Adjectives in ACNs – usually derived from nouns – are known as ‘relational adjectives’ because they encode semantic relations with other concepts. With recent exceptions, research has focused on the underlying semantic relations in CNs. In natural language processing, several works have dealt with the automatic detection of relation adjectives in Romance and Germanic languages. However, there is no discourse studies of these CNs, to our knowledge, for the goal of establishing writer recommendations. This study analyzed the co-text of equivalent PCNs and ACNs to identify factors governing the use of a certain form. EcoLexicon ES, a corpus of Spanish environmental specialized texts, was used to extract 6 relational adjectives and, subsequently, a set of 12 pairs of equivalent CNs. Their behavior in co-text was analyzed by querying EcoLexicon ES and a general language corpus with 20 expressions in CQP-syntax. Our results showed that immediate linguistic co-text determined the preference for a particular structure. Based on these findings, we provide writing guidelines to assist in the production of CNs.

2021 ◽  
Alexander Sboev ◽  
Ivan Moloshnikov ◽  
Alexander Naumov ◽  
Anastasia Levochkina ◽  
Roman Rybka

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. 631-640
Adriana Válková

Abstract This work-in-progress paper presents a specialized language corpus UcebKo built from textbooks of Czech for foreigners. The corpus integrates three subcorpora (UcebKo-A2, UcebKo-B1, and UcebKo-B2) which allow research of Czech as a second/foreign language at chosen language levels (A2, B1, and B2). In this case, the research is focused on word-formation, where the first results, i.e., mapping of derived words denoting persons, illustrate the approach and methodology used.

2021 ◽  
Anja Behnke ◽  
Josefina Budzisch

Dzintra Šulce ◽  
Dana Tihomirova ◽  

Not only is the structure of texts important in the language of science, but also the possible ways of expressing their individual structural elements by means of language. The material for researching the means of expression of the Latvian language of science is taken from the text corpus obtained in the project “Latvian language of science in the intralingual aspect” (2018–2020) using the program AntConc. This language corpus is based on scientific texts in the Internet environment (2008–2018) in all sectors of science and their sub-sectors. One of the important indicators of a scientific publication's quality is the purposeful use of previous research in own work. The article researches the formulations for the involvement of other authors’ work in the scientific publication and evaluates the comments related to their use. The thoughts, views, opinions, and conclusions of other researchers are involved in the text in various ways, but the most common types are quotations and retelling of the thoughts expressed by other authors, i.e. paraphrasing. The research of the corpus of scientific texts allows concluding that the references to the cited literature, sources, and authors are mostly used in accordance with the requirements of the style of scientific language and text format. A common record in these cases ensures objectivity, demonstrates respect for copyright, and prevents plagiarism. The collected material allows to judge not only the problems of the use of scientific language in one field but also provides an insight into the research of scientific texts in a broader context.

Linda Gaile ◽  

The research on the simultaneous interpreting process and the associated target and source languages requires both the oral source speeches and the simultaneous interpreting of the spoken source speeches into the target language. For a relatively short time now, researchers of translation and interpreting have been able to access digitized linguistic corpora, parallel and speech corpora of different language pairs, from which they can build their own purpose-oriented corpus of original and target-language oral texts. Furthermore, the built-up language corpus can be analysed qualitatively or quantitatively using different software and investigated for specific linguistic phenomena. This present article focuses on the benefits of data retrieval from digitalized language and speech corpora, which can be an important source of assistance for the analysis of the oral simultaneous interpretation target text. At the heart of this question is the European Parliament’s speeches corpus, from which authentic speeches in the source language (German) and simultaneous interpretation in the target language (Latvian) can be obtained to create a sub-corpus for the German-Latvian language pair. Among others, the question of which interpreting strategies can be used for simultaneous interpreting from German into Latvian is explored, and the application of EXMARaLDA Partitur-Editor software is presented, which allows to create a simultaneous transcription of the source language and the simultaneously interpreted target language as well as to develop a speech corpus.

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