flash cards
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Estella De Los Santos

In previous studies, the student used skip counting and her hands to recall [1] all the multiplication facts for the ones to fives and also gained automaticity [2] for the ones to fives facts. In the current study the ninth-grade student was able to memorize the multiplication facts (0 to 10) for the sixes to nines and gained automaticity with 80% accuracy. The overall goal of the current study was to improve the student’s automaticity of multiplication facts (0-10) for the sixes through nines, such as 6 x 7 = 42. The student had been taught multiplication concepts in her elementary years and she has a basic understanding of the meaning of multiplication facts as shown in the previous studies.  She understood that 6 x 7 is a representation of six sets of seven or 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 42.  The student had previously used skip counting and flash cards with illustrations of the multiplication facts to memorize the facts. In the current study a multiple baseline design was used to measure the acquisition of fluency of multiplication facts over time. The student was able to develop automaticity with 80% accuracy by giving the solution within 3 seconds for all of the facts (0-10) for the sixes through nines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 735-748
Hermansyah Hermansyah ◽  
Nurhendi Nurhendi

The purpose of this research is to see how flash cards influence the students' English vocabulary mastery. The researchers of this research used quantitative research methods with posttest only control design of true experimental design. The random sampling method was employed in this research's sampling. The data collected in this research was put to the test (multiple choice test). The researchers of this research gave different treatments for the experimental and control groups. The treatment for the experimental group was learning English with flash card media and the treatment for the control group was learning English conventionally. After the two sample groups were given different treatment, the two sample groups were each given a posttest with an instrument consisting of 20 multiple-choice questions with 4 alternative answer choices that had been tested beforehand and validated empirically. Analysis of research data is descriptive and inferential, which inferentially uses the t test, by first testing the assumptions of data normality and homogeneity of variance. The results showed that flash cards had an influence on students' English vocabulary mastery. Therefore, it can be said that this research has proved that there was a significant result of using Flash Cards towards children's English vocabulary mastery.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 485
Christina Christina ◽  
Sri Tiatri ◽  
Pamela Hendra Heng

Reading readiness is one of the skills given to early childhood through playing while learning. Kindergarten children are given assignments in the form of worksheets and the teacher will ask those children to read and then mention the words back on their worksheet. If the learning system to read like this were practiced repeatedly, the child will get bored. Reading readiness can be done through telling stories and using flash cards. One of the behaviors that show the child is in the reading readiness stage is when a child who is able to use spoken language to express an object. This can be realized through the show and tell method, which is a method that provides opportunities for children to learn new things through storytelling and listening to stories from their friends. This study aims to see the application of the show and tell method on reading readiness of kindergarten children. Participants in this study were 16 TK B students in PAUD FL which were divided into two groups, namely EG (Experiment Group) and CG (Control Group). Participants will be provided with an adapted Reading Readiness Assessment test kit and an Expressive Vocabulary Test as additional analysis given at the beginning and end of the study. The data analysis used an independent sample t-test which resulted that the method show and tell was ineffective for the reading readiness of kindergarten children (t = 1,678; p = 0.114) but the method show and tell was effective in increasing the number of children’s word to describe something (t = 4.961; p = 0.001) and children's vocabulary (t = 4,797; p = 0.002). Kesiapan membaca merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang diberikan kepada anak usia dini melalui kegiatan bermain sambil belajar. Anak TK diberikan tugas dalam bentuk lembar kerja dan meminta anak untuk membaca lalu menuliskan kembali kata yang ada pada lembar kerja tersebut. Apabila sistem belajar membaca seperti ini dilakukan berulang, maka anak akan merasa jenuh. Kesiapan membaca dapat dilakukan dengan cara bercerita, mendongeng dan penggunaan media flash card. Salah satu perilaku yang menunjukkan anak berada dalam tahap kesiapan membaca adalah anak mampu menggunakan bahasa lisan untuk menceritakan suatu objek. Hal ini dapat diwujudkan dalam metode tunjukkan dan ceritakan, yaitu metode yang memberikan peluang bagi anak untuk belajar hal baru melalui kegiatan bercerita dan mendengarkan cerita teman sekelompoknya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektivitas penerapan metode tunjukkan dan ceritakan terhadap kesiapan membaca anak TK. Partisipan pada penelitian ini adalah 16 murid TK B di PAUD FL yang dibagi menjadi dua kelompok, yaitu KE (Kelompok Eksperimen) dan KK (Kelompok Kontrol). Partisipan akan diberikan alat tes Reading Readiness Assessment yang telah diadaptasi serta Expressive Vocabulary Test sebagai analisis tambahan yang diberikan pada awal dan akhir penelitian. Analisis data menggunakan uji beda yang menunjukkan hasil bahwa metode tunjukkan dan ceritakan tidak efektif terhadap kesiapan membaca anak TK (t = 1.678; p = 0.114) namun metode tunjukkan dan ceritakan efektif untuk meningkatkan jumlah kata anak (t = 4.961; p = 0.001) dan jumlah kosakata anak (t = 4.797; p = 0.002).

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41
I. K. Wati ◽  
I.G Oka

Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris penting karena kemampuan ini memberikan pengaruh secara akademis. Kemampuan bahasa Inggris dapat dilihat dari kekayaan kosakata yang dimiliki seseorang. Salah satu upaya kreatif dalam pembelajaran agar menarik yaitu menggunakan media flash cards. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan media flash cards dalam meningkatkan kosakata peserta didik pada tingkat SMA. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah 34 siswa kelas XI. Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah peningkatan penguasaan kosakata peserta didik dalam pembelajaran menggunakan media flash card. Hasil pada siklus pertama terjadi peningkatan penguasaan kosakat pada peserta didik yang semula 38,23% menjadi 58,82% dan pada siklus kedua terjadi peningkatan prosentase dari 58,82% menjadi 82,35%. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa flash cards dapat meningkatkan kosakata bahasa Inggris siswa. 

Bani Arora ◽  
Naman Arora

This research study is a technology-enhanced flipped learning pilot to observe the students’ engagement and learning in a self-regulated class through their individual feedback. Flipped learning was applied to a segment of the Study Skills course for more than two weeks to 129 students in the foundation year of a Teachers’ College in Bahrain. Divided across four sections, the students worked in small groups, prepared an assigned portion of the course content provided through a Learning Management System (LMS), and presented it to the rest of the class. Students used posters, flash cards, and digital technology in different forms such as PowerPoint slides, mobile phones, and Kahoot!. The reflective individual student responses on this experience were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The findings show a favourable response to group work, sharing ideas, saving time through collaboration, and use of technology. It is recommended that the study be extended to a larger sample group, to a larger number of the course topics, and include the use of different technology forms.

Zozulia I.Ye. ◽  
Stadnii A.S.

The article offers experimental material on methods of teaching global reading to foreign students, which was used by teachers-speakers of Vinnytsia National Technical University. Global reading involves presenting the student with a whole word and I is designed for visual perception and the ability to memorize visual information. In this way, the foreign student does not read the word in letters, but perceives it as a picture. The student reads in Ukrainian at once in words. However, unlike an image that depicts a particular object, it contains a generalized representation of the object, that is, it has a certain meaning. It was found that this method is especially helpful for students who use the hieroglyphic writing system in their native language.During the traditional analytical-synthetic reading, the student must first learn sounds, letters, then sequential compound reading and finally – merged reading of words. Learning to read analytically is often associated with difficulties, as it involves visual perception, concentration, and analytical-synthetic mental activity. As a result students spend more time and effort.First, students read familiar tokens that start with different letters, from short to long. Then move from words to phrases, and then from phrases to reading texts. The page can contain 2–3 sentences in large font. Up to 20 such sentences should be read per day. Since foreign students enter universities after studying the Ukrainian language, it is desirable that these sentences (texts) should be of a scientific style.Global reading should not be limited just to demonstrating and naming picture words. Tasks can be varied and carried out in the form of a game. The article gives examples of games and tasks that were used in our work with foreign students in order to consolidate knowledge.The advantages of using the method of global reading in the process of learning Ukrainian as a foreign language are established. This method helps students understand language as a holistic system and observe the paradigmatic relationship between its units, more quickly master reading, enrich vocabulary, take an active part in the learning process. Students’ own results significantly motivate them to learn the language, as they notice it from the first days of study, and the opportunity to use knowledge in learning and life.Key words: foreign student, second foreign language, non-traditional methods, flash-cards, game forms. У статті запропоновано експериментальний матеріал із методики навчання іноземних студентів гло-бального читання, який використали викладачі-мовники Вінницького національного технічного універси-тету.Глобальне читання передбачає представлення студентові цілого слова й розраховане на зорове сприй-няття та здатність до запам’ятовування візуальної інформації. У такий спосіб іноземний студент не читає слово по буквах, а сприймає його як картинку й читає українською мовою одразу словами. Однак на відміну від зображення, на якому представлено якийсь конкретний предмет, воно містить узагальнене уявлення про об’єкт, тобто має певне значення. З’ясовано, що цей метод особливо ефективно допомагає студентам, в яких у рідній мові використовують ієрогліфічну систему письма.Під час традиційного аналітико-синтетичного читання студент повинен спочатку засвоїти звуки, букви, потім послідовне поскладове читання та врешті – злите читання слів. Навчання аналітичного читання нерідко пов’язане з труднощами, оскільки передбачає і зорове сприйняття, і концентрацію уваги, й аналітико-синтетичну розумову діяльність. У результаті студенти витрачають більше часу й зусиль.Спочатку студенти читають відомі їм лексеми, які починаються з різних літер, від коротких до довших. Потім переходять від слів до фраз, а далі від фраз до читання текстів. На сторінці може бути розміщено 2–3 речення шрифтом великого розміру. За день студенту варто прочитати до 20 таких речень. Оскільки іноземні студенти після вивчення української мови вступають до університетів, то бажано, щоб ці речення (тексти) були наукового стилю.Глобальне читання не варто обмежувати демонстрацією та називанням слів, відтворених на флешкартках. Завдання можна урізноманітнити й проводити в ігровій формі. У статті наведено приклади ігор і завдань, які використовували в нашій роботі з іноземними студентами з метою закріплення знань.Установлено переваги використання методу глобального читання в процесі вивчення української мови як іноземної. Цей метод сприяє тому, що іноземні студенти розуміють мову як цілісну систему й спостерігають парадигматичні відношення між її одиницями, швидше опановують читання, збагачують словниковий запас, беруть активну участь у процесі навчання. Значно мотивують до вивчення мови власні результати, які студенти помічають уже з перших днів навчання, та можливості використати знання в навчанні й житті.Ключові слова: іноземний студент, друга іноземна мова, нетрадиційні методи, флешкартки, ігрові форми.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-38
Alfiah Rahmawati ◽  
Kartika Adyani ◽  
Apriliana Eka

Changes in reproductive health can lead to psychological disorders such as body shaming behavior due to changes in the body that occur. Body shaming has been happening lately, such as cases of bullying in both teenagers and cyberspace. The importance of education regarding body shaming as a preventive effort so that the health of each individual is prosperous because physical and mental health are interrelated and based on the results of preliminary studies it can be seen that there are students and students who do not know about body shaming. One of the efforts to prevent body shaming is the provision of education using the media because media is the most influential thing for education today and can influence the development of individual attitudes. This study aims to determine the difference in the effectiveness of the use of video media and flash cards on the knowledge and attitudes of adolescents about body shaming. The research method used is quantitative and uses a Quasi Experiment research design. There are 342 students of SMP Islam Sultan Agung 4 as the population in this study. To get a sample using purposive sampling technique and get 44 respondents for the sample used. From the results of research that has been carried out using Fisher's Test analysis, the significance value of p-value = 1,000 (<0.05). From the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that there is no difference between the two media, namely video and flash cards regarding attitudes and knowledge.

Natalia Petrovna Tabachuk

The study focuses on advanced technologies associated with the use of interactive and animated videos, web quests with scenario branching, interactive worksheets, flash cards, interactive exercises, training simulators, collaboration services, and others in the educational process. advanced technologies, university students have soft skills as “soft skills” or transprofessional competences, manifested in different fields of activity. One of these transprofessional competences is the information competence of university students. The development of information competence of students of the direction of training "Pedagogical education" as transprofessional is possible through advanced technologies. Attention is drawn to the description of the experience of using such technologies for the development of information competence of university students. Examples of the use of these technologies by students are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Novi Nuryani ◽  
Odo Fadloeli

Media in learning process is very intact because it will be supported from  the learning to be more easily exposed. Many experts say that with the media, it can help teachers and students in the learning process to be able and achieve the goals of the learning process. This research aimed it introducing and describing how the  preparation and utilization of the flash cards media are used by teachers in teaching English to young learners. This research was conducted at SDN Baros Mandiri 2 Cimahi. The method used in this research is the descriptive research in accordance with the case study that occurred. The source of the data was the English teacher and the subjects were the second grade students of SDN Baros Mandiri 2 Cimahi. Observation, interviews and documentation are the data collection techniques used in this research. The findings reveal that teachers use flash card media according to the material to be delivered to young learners. Based on the results of the research the flash card media can help facilitate teachers in the delivery of learning material, students are also more enthusiastic, excited and very happy to learn English and very influential in the teaching and learning process.  Keywords:  instructional media, utilization of instructional media, flash Card

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-27
Aina Diah Vika ◽  
Heri Yusup

In this era of globalization, more and more developments are taking place in this country. More and more foreign companies are established in Indonesia, so English is an important language that must be learned. The implementation of the activity is teaching English using the Total Physical Response and Audio Lingual Method at SD Islam Plus Al-Marzukiyah. Which in learning activities uses learning media such as audio and flash cards. Then given practice questions related to the material that has been taught. By using the Total Physical Response and Audio Lingual methods in learning English, SDI Plus Al-Marzukiyah students are more active and enthusiastic in learning English in class. They are also more enthusiastic about learning and prefer English lessons even though some of them are still in the process of getting used to learning English.

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