waste landfill
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2022 ◽  
pp. 315-340
Juhi Gupta ◽  
Pooja Ghosh ◽  
Moni Kumari ◽  
Indu Shekhar Thakur ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 302 ◽  
pp. 114001
Dandan Huang ◽  
Yue Du ◽  
Qiyong Xu ◽  
Jae Hac Ko

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 156
Mirel Pop ◽  
Iulia Bucur ◽  
Dan Zoldan ◽  
Kálmán Imre ◽  
Ileana Nichita ◽  

The aim of this study was to assess the microbiological and chemical air quality in a municipal solid waste landfill and its inhabited surroundings, in a particular context in which Romania struggles with the incapacity to comply with its environmental commitments. The research was conducted on a landfill near the capital Bucharest between November 2018 and September 2019. To evaluate the chemical (oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, ammonia and carbon monoxide–MX6 iBrid™ Détector multigas) and microbiological (airborne bacteria and fungi–aspiration method) parameters, eight sampling points were established, located both on the perimeter of the landfill and within its surroundings. CO and CH4 were not detected in any of the sampling points, during the study period; O2 was in normal values 20.09–21.05%; CO2 had a maximum average concentration of 620 ± 215; H2S had values between 0.1 and 5.0 ppm only in the sampling points inside the landfill; NH3 was present only once in a single sampling point with values between 1.0 and 3.0 ppm. The microbiological results provide an overview of the total plate count and total fungal count, with no significant differences between the level of contamination inside the landfill and within its surroundings (p > 0.05). Ten bacterial species and fungi from six genera have been identified. It was also found that the number of microorganisms in the air was significantly lower during the winter, spring and early summer months compared with the late summer and autumn months (p < 0.05).

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8259
Maciej Górka ◽  
Yaroslav Bezyk ◽  
Izabela Sówka

Landfills have been identified as one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and as a contributor to climate change. Landfill facilities exhibit considerable spatial and temporal variability of both methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) rates. The present work aimed to evaluate the spatial distribution of CH4 and CO2 and their δ13C isotopic composition originating from a municipal landfill site, to identify its contribution to the local GHG budget and the potential impact on the air quality of the immediate surroundings in a short-term response to environmental conditions. The objective was met by performing direct measurements of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 at the selected monitoring points on the surface and applying a binary mixing model for the determination of carbon isotopic ratios in the vicinity of the municipal waste landfill site. Air samples were collected and analysed for isotopic composition using flask sampling with a Picarro G2201-I Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) technique. Kriging and Inverse distance weighting (IDW) methods were used to evaluate the values at unsampled locations and to map the excess of GHGs emitted from the landfill surface. The large off-site dispersion of methane from the landfill site at a 500 m distance was identified during field measurements using isotopic data. The mean δ13C of the landfill biogas emitted to the surrounded atmosphere was −53.9 ± 2.2‰, which corresponded well to the microbial degradation processes during acetate fermentation in the waste deposits. The calculated isotopic compositions of CO2 (δ13C = −18.64 ± 1.75‰) indicate the domination of biogenic carbon reduction by vegetation surrounding the landfill. Finally, amounts of methane escaping into the air can be limited by the appropriate landfill management practices (faster covers active quarter through separation layer), and CH4 reduction can be achieved by sealing the cover on the leachate tank.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0734242X2110606
Dereje Biru Debalke ◽  
Tesfahun Endalew Admas

The main objective of this study was to select potential solid waste landfill areas suitable for Bonga Town that are environmentally sound. The key data were LANDSAT 8 and SPOT-6 satellite images with a spatial resolution of 15 and 1.5 m, respectively; a digital elevation model with a spatial resolution of 30 m; and a ground control point, which was collected through a ground point survey and a topographic map of the study area. Each parameter was subjected to a peer review according to the analytical hierarchy process. Once the weights were established, the weighted overlap analysis was determined, which combined these criteria and classified them into high, medium, less suitable and inappropriate regions of the study area. The results show that 75.65% of the study area is not suitable for the solid waste landfill, 18.86% less suitable, 5.17% moderately adequate and 0.3% very adequate. Therefore, the ability to use inaccessible geological information framework and detection innovations for mandatory discrimination evidence for a reasonably robust waste dump will minimise opportunities and natural human well-being problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 894 (1) ◽  
pp. 012005
I Suryati ◽  
A Farindah ◽  
I Indrawan

Abstract Landfill is a place where waste reaches the final stage. The piles of waste can generate greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming the potential of climate change. The greenhouse gas emission generates from the piles of waste is CH4 emission. The research purpose is to count CH4 emission in the waste landfill in Medan city located in Terjun, projection CH4 emission for ten years later is 2020-2029 and decisive the effort reduction of CH4 emission. The scenarios of reducing CH4 emission in Terjun waste landfill reduce the potential CH4 emission for ten years later. The calculation of CH4 emission from the piles of waste in Terjun waste landfill using FOD method (First Orde Decay) by IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2006. In 2019, CH4 emission in Terjun waste landfill was 12,350.750-ton CH4 and had an uplift in 2029 can reach 17,143.087-ton CH4. There are two scenarios for reducing CH4 emission in the Terjun waste landfill; the first is the processing of waste in the source (composting), and the second is reducing the waste by using incineration technology Terjun landfill. The first scenario (composting) can reduce CH4 emission by 14.80%. The second scenario can reduce by 63.37% the CH4 emission in Terjun waste landfill. The chosen alternative scenario for reducing CH4 in the Terjun waste landfill is the first scenario, the processing of waste in the source (composting).

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