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2022 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-2
Guillaume Touya

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 272
Chunhai Xu ◽  
Zhongqin Li ◽  
Feiteng Wang ◽  
Jianxin Mu ◽  
Xin Zhang

The eastern Tien Shan hosts substantial mid-latitude glaciers, but in situ glacier mass balance records are extremely sparse. Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 (eastern Tien Shan, China) is one of the very few well-measured glaciers, and comprehensive glaciological measurements were implemented from 1999 to 2011 and re-established in 2017. Mass balance of Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 (1999–2015) has recently been reported, but the mass balance record has not extended to the period before 1999. Here, we used a 1:50,000-scale topographic map and long-range terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) data to calculate the area, volume, and mass changes for Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 from 1964 to 2018. Haxilegen Glacier No. 51 lost 0.34 km2 (at a rate of 0.006 km2 a−1 or 0.42% a−1) of its area during the period 1964–2018. The glacier experienced clearly negative surface elevation changes and geodetic mass balance. Thinning occurred almost across the entire glacier surface, with a mean value of −0.43 ± 0.12 m a−1. The calculated average geodetic mass balance was −0.36 ± 0.12 m w.e. a−1. Without considering the error bounds of mass balance estimates, glacier mass loss over the past 50 years was in line with the observed and modeled mass balance (−0.37 ± 0.22 m w.e. a−1) that was published for short time intervals since 1999 but was slightly less negative than glacier mass loss in the entire eastern Tien Shan. Our results indicate that Riegl VZ®-6000 TLS can be widely used for mass balance measurements of unmonitored individual glaciers.

Solid Earth ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Manuel I. de Paz-Álvarez ◽  
Thomas G. Blenkinsop ◽  
David M. Buchs ◽  
George E. Gibbons ◽  
Lesley Cherns

Abstract. The restrictions implemented to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 and 2021 have forced university-level educators from around the world to seek alternatives to the residential physical field trips that constitute a fundamental pillar of Geoscience programmes. The field-mapping course for second-year Geology BSc students from Cardiff University was replaced with a virtual mapping course set in the same area as previous years, the Esla Nappe (Cantabrian Zone, NW Spain). The course was designed with the aim of providing the students with the same methodology employed in physical mapping, including such skills as gathering discrete data at stops located along five daily itineraries. Data included bedding attitude, outcrop descriptions with a certain degree of ambiguity, photographs and/or sketches, panoramic photos, and fossil images. Data were provided to the students through georeferenced KMZ files in Google Earth. Students were asked to keep a field notebook, define lithological units of mappable scale, identify large structures such as thrust faults and folds with the aid of age estimations from fossils, construct a geological map on a hard-copy topographic map, draw a stratigraphic column and cross sections, and plot the data in a stereonet to perform structural analysis. The exercise allowed for successful training of diverse geological field skills. In light of the assessment of reports and student surveys, a series of improvements for the future is considered. Though incapable of replacing a physical field course, the virtual exercise could be used in preparation for the residential field trip.

Victor Kotsur ◽  
Andrii Boiko-Haharin ◽  
Volodymyr Kashperskyi

Analyzing the published researches by previous researchers of new finds of coins of the different periods we were determining as one of the actual directions of research in the medieval numismatics in Ukraine. Examining the scientific achievements of the Ukrainian numismatists, we have determined a significant gap in the focus of research on the findings of coins of the Western Roman Empire and the territory of Ukraine, in particular, the sporadic conclusions are also published by researchers analyzing the existence of Roman coins in this period. The aim of the study. The main purpose of the article is to discover the historiography of the study of the findings of coins of the Western Roman Empire in the period of the IV – the beginning of the V cent. in Ukrainian historiography. Research methodology. In the process of scientific research of the topic the general scientific methods were used: analytical, chronological, and topographic, as well as special methods: critical, metrological and iconographic. The scientific novelty is that for the first time conclusions of scientific current development of the topography of finds of late Roman coins on the territory of Ukraine were introduced into scientific circulation, some observations on the introduction of these finds into scientific circulation were given. The Conclusions. Most of the finds introduced by numismatists into scientific circulation belong to those found in the nineteenth century, about only part of which are preserved information about their transfer to museum collections. Subsequently, almost the same published finds were re-introduced into scientific circulation, republished in various topographies of finds, somewhat supplemented by new discoveries of coins of the Western Roman Empire. It should also be noted that in most cases the descriptions of the finds contain sufficiently abbreviated and concise information, there are no descriptions of coins, an indication of their varieties, mostly the issuer is indicated, the denomination, less often – the legend is transmitted. It is an unfortunate fact that severely damaged coins are found, the identification of which becomes possible only approximately, and in the topographies of such messages processed by the authors a rather significant number. The most famous treasures and finds of coins, which have been published by a number of authors and mentioned in numerous popular science publications, are the treasure from the village of Laski, the dubious treasure of Roman coins from historical Obolon, the find in the Uspensky and Vydubichi Cathedrals – information about which compilations and all compiled archaeological maps of numismatists during the twentieth century – thus becoming a classic treasures. In modern Ukrainian the numismatics and scientists publishing the findings discovered during the official archaeological professional searches, as well as unauthorized amateur and accidental finds. At the present stage of studying this issue, it is necessary to compile a complete topographic map of the findings of Roman coins of IV-V centuries with their analysis to obtain conclusions on the distribution and existence of these coins in Ukraine. Finds of the Roman gold coins always attract a special and more attention, so there are several separate examples of similar finds in Ukraine, published by scientists. The finds of Roman gold medallions deserve special attention, because each of them is extremely rare. Information on individual numismatic finds in the process of official archaeological exploration with available coins of the Western Roman Empire was published by archaeologists. In ancient times, it was common to use coins as jewelry – giving them a «second life». In the outlined chronological period, the coin finds also differed in a significant number of silver and gold coins with available soldered ears – turned into pendants, neck ornaments. As the prospects of further research we see we see the introduction into scientific circulation and processing of new finds of Roman coins of this period in Ukraine to display the highest quality and complete topographic map.

Amgalan Magsar ◽  
Toru Matsumoto ◽  
Altanbold Enkhbold ◽  
Nandintsetseg Nyam-Osor

Ugii Lake is a freshwater lake located in the steppe region of Mongolia and is an important breeding and staging area for a wide variety of waterfowl. Remote sensing and geographic information system techniques were used to estimate fluctuations in the surface area and water balance of Ugii Lake. To estimate the changes in lake water balance, lake water fluctuations should be analyzed using the most accurate methods. A different water extraction technique was applied, and the results were compared with field surveys conducted in May, July, and September 2020. The lake surface area using both NDWI and MNDWI-1 showed a strong, positive correlation (R=0.93, R=0.94, p < 0.01) with the water level of Ugii Lake. A topographic map of Ugii Lake was provided by the project (P2018-3568) conducted in August 2019 and used to estimate the volume of Ugii Lake in ArcGIS 10.1. This result was consistent with that of a previous study by JICA in 2005. Finally, the water balance of Ugii Lake was estimated, and the results proved that the influence of both surface and groundwater on Ugii Lake are valuable parameters, which are completely dependent on hydrological regime changes mostly due to local climate change in steppe regions. This study provides valuable insight into the most suitable water extraction methods for lakes in semi-arid steppe regions in Mongolia.

Mukhamad N. Malawani ◽  
Muh Aris Marfai ◽  
Aldhila G. H. Yoga ◽  
Tiara Handayani ◽  
Ahmad Cahyadi ◽  

The government of Indonesia has faced several challenges to its goal of achieving salt self-sufficiency, necessitating the formulation and implementation of strategic steps to increase salt production. Among its islands, Java has a great deal of potential for salt production, as does the Special Region of Yogyakarta, where the government has initiated salt farming development as part of its coastal community empowerment program. This study aimed to (1) evaluate the land suitability of existing salt farms and (2) identify potential sites and make a productivity estimation of salt farms in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, with the broad objective of demonstrating a rapid land assessment for salt farming development using the combination GIS and field survey. The approach was carried out in three phases; i.e., the analyses of land availability, land characteristics, and land recommendations. On-screen digitizing using GIS was applied to identify land availability through several data sources (satellite imagery and a land-use map from the Indonesian topographic map). This process led to the discovery of 19 sites. Land characteristics and land recommendations analysis were carried out in those sites, resulting in multiple land suitability classes, mostly in the S2 class (moderately suitable). Several impediment factors, such as wind, material texture, and temperature, were also identified, along with other obstacles including high tide and tsunami exposure. In terms of supporting the Indonesian salt self-sufficiency program, these results are significant, with salt productivity estimations of the potential sites meeting the target set by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of Indonesia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 399-406
Ediyanto Ediyanto ◽  
Sugeng Sugeng ◽  
Hadi A.N. ◽  
Dewanto RH ◽  
Rifai N ◽  

Land is an asset in today’s era of development. A patch of land’s management must be planned so that its utilization can be done proportionally and professionally. The Special Region of Yogyakarta, namely Gunung Kidul Regency, has yet to have a reliable base map with high accuracy for each patch of land within its area, which results in the hampering of land use due to the lack of spatial information available. The lack of clear status and spatial information is felt by UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta that has several patches of land in Gunung Kidul Regency, namely Kuwon Kidul, Pacarejo, Semanu, Gunung Kidul Regency. This research will create a base map scaled to 1:500 accompanied with information about height differences of said area and a recommended planning area considering three different aspects: geology, environment, and agriculture. The creation of a topographic map is useful for construction planning that will be conducted in the area. During this research, the topographic measurement and data processing were done in 11 days on field. The topographic measurement and data processing were conducted through five stages: initial survey, GNSS measurement, detail measurement, and data processing using software to produce a topographic map. The map result and measurement on field using Total Station showed that UPN “Veteran” Yogyakarta does not have a level surface and has good data density.

A. Nanthakumaran ◽  
H. K. Kadupitiya ◽  
S. Devaisy ◽  
W. E. P. Athukorale

Abstract An attempt was made to identify, validate the village tank cascade systems (VTCSs) and study the water flow from one village tank to another in each VTCS in the eight Agrarian Service Centre (ASC) divisions in the Vavuniya district from October 2017 to December 2018. VTCS contributes a significant share of available water resources for the livelihoods of households in the Vavuniya district. The 1:10,000 topographic map of the Survey Department, satellite images and the digital elevation model were used to identify the cascades and flow direction map for the study area using ArcGIS 10.2.2. Among 756 village tanks in the district, 80 VTCSs comprising 514 village tanks were identified, and only 69 cascades were validated in the field. In addition, this study identified 111 isolated village tanks without connecting with other village tanks and 131 abandoned village tanks. Further investigation is recommended to explore the possibilities of increasing the cascade areas in the study area by connecting isolated tanks with VTCSs. Initiation taken toward rehabilitation of cascades would enhance the livelihood of farm households in the Vavuniya district and lead to sustainable water resource management.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 1-2
Tamara V. Vereshchaka ◽  
Irina E. Kurbatova ◽  
Anna A. Ivanova ◽  
Alexey L. Stepanchenko

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-73
I Wayan Gede Krisna Arimjaya ◽  
Adi Wibowo

Berdasarkan Katalog Unsur Geografis Indonesia (KUGI), Peta Topografi Indonesia (RBI) memiliki 6 kategori unsur dengan 152 unsur klasifikasi tutupan lahan. Oleh karena itu, untuk keperluan analisis kesesuaian penggunaan lahan, klasifikasi tutupan lahan RBI perlu disederhanakan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyederhanakan klasifikasi kategori unsur tutupan lahan RBI dan menganalisis kesesuaian kawasan pemukiman berdasarkan variabel tutupan lahan dan penggunaan lahan. Studi kasus klasifikasi tutupan lahan dan kesesuaian penggunaan lahan untuk pemukiman telah dilakukan di Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah. Hasilnya, klasifikasi tutupan lahan Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah dikelompokkan menjadi 15 kategori. Sebagian besar tutupan lahan di Kalimantan Tengah adalah hutan dengan luas mencapai 65%. Sementara itu, kesesuaian kawasan permukiman berdasarkan variabel tutupan lahan dan penggunaan lahan menyebar mengikuti sebaran spasial semak belukar dan lahan gundul seluas 16% Kalimantan Tengah. Based on th Indonesian Geographical Feature Catalogue (KUGI), the Indonesian Topographic Map (RBI) has 6 feature categories with 152 land cover classification features. Therefore, for land-use suitability analysis purposes, the RBI land cover classification needs to be simplified. This study aims to simplify the classification of RBI's land cover element categories and analyze the suitability of residential areas based on land cover and land-use variables. A case study of land cover classification and land-use suitability for settlements was conducted for the Central Kalimantan province. As a result, the land cover classifications of Central Kalimantan Province are grouped into 15 categories. Most of the land cover in Central Kalimantan is the forest with covering 65% of the area. Meanwhile, the suitability of residential areas based on land cover and land use variables spread following the spatial distribution of shrubland and bare land covering 16% of Central Kalimantan.

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