sudan grass
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (31) ◽  
pp. 81-86
Rumen Bazitov ◽  
Stanimir Enchev ◽  

The aim of the present study is to determine the impact of the disturbed irrigation regime on the yield and the chemical composition of Sudan grass, grown as a second crop. To accomplish this goal, a trial was conducted in the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute - Stara Zagora with Sudan grass on meadow-cinnamon soil under irrigated conditions. The following variants have been studied: 1 - without irrigation (control variant); variant 2 - optimal irrigation, 75-80% of field capacity (FC); variant 3 - irrigation as in variant 2, but with the removal of the first watering; variant 4 - irrigation as variant 2, but with the removal of the second irrigation; variant 5 - irrigation as variant 2, but with the removal of the third watering. It was found that when growing Sudan grass as a second crop with optimal irrigation and disturbed irrigation regime done by canceling successive watering, the highest yield of dry biomass is obtained with optimal irrigation including three irrigations. Its yield increased by 24.2% compared to the control treatment. Irrigation of Sudan grass with only the second and the third irrigation in a row, without the first irrigation provided, leads to the lowest yield of dry biomass - 11290 kg / ha. Among the chemical composition indicators, the most significant change is observed in the content of the crude fat, followed by that of the crude fiber and crude protein, depending on the method of growing Sudan grass (with or without irrigation).

2021 ◽  
Vol 843 (1) ◽  
pp. 012029
Yu A Laptina ◽  
O G Gichenkova ◽  
N A Kulikova ◽  
T L Karpova

Abstract The article considers the results of research on the influence of seeding rates, fertilizers and growth stimulator on the development and productivity of the Sudan grass of the Julia variety in the conditions of chestnut soils of the Volgograd region. In the field two-factor experiment, we studied: factor A - the three seeding rates 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 million germinating seeds per hectare; factor B - fertilizers and growth promoters: 1. Control without fertilizers; 2. N60 P60 K45 + N30; 3. Growth stimulator Raikat Start; 4. N60 P60 K45 + Raikat Start + N30. The use of mineral fertilizers increased the leaf surface area by 0.3-0.5 thousand m2/ha, the use of growth stimulators increased the leaf surface area by 0.1-0.2 thousand m2/ha, the combined use of mineral fertilizers and growth stimulators increased the leaf surface area by 0.9-1.2 thousand m2/ha. It was found that the highest yield of green mass of Sudan grass, 28.6 t/ha, was formed on the variant with a seeding norm of 1.5 million tons of germinating seeds per ha with the complex application of mineral fertilizers and the growth stimulator Raikat Start.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (5) ◽  
pp. 735-744
A. A. Artemyev ◽  
A. M. Guryanov ◽  
M. P. Kapitanov ◽  
A. A. Pronin

The productivity of annual feed grass mixtures (vetch + oats, Sudan grass + white mustard, Sudan grass + oilseed radish), sown after the winter rye harvesting during the “shooting” phase (the 1st time of sowing), during the “heading” phase (the 2nd time of sowing), and during the phase of complete ripeness (the 3d time of sowing), was studied in the conditions of forest-steppe soils of the Volga Region (the Republic of Mordovia). The experiment was carried out in 2018-2020 on heavy loamy soils against the background of three doses of mineral fertilizers use (without fertilizers, N16P16K16 + N30, N16P16K16 + N60). It has been established that the duration of vegetation of feed mixtures according to the time of sowing when harvesting for green mass was: at the first the time of sowing - 63-85 days, at the second - 63-76 days, at the third - 56-62 days. The highest height of the plant was at the first time of sowing with the use of fertilizers at a dose of N16P16K16 + N60, the lowest - at the third time of sowing. The highest growth was achieved by Sudan grass (48-116 cm), the lowest - by the mixture of vetch and oats (18-67 cm). The highest yield of green mass (14.0 t/ha) was observed when cultivating Sudan grass mixed with oilseed radish on the background of N16P16K16 + N60 at the first time of sowing. For mixture of Sudan grass with white mustard, the yield was 2-7 % lower, and for vetch + oats mixture - 32-45 % lower. The same was observed according to the yield of dry matter and feed units. As to the protein content, mixtures of Sudan grass with cruciferous crops exceeded the vetch + oats mixture by 7-26 %. The fiber content in the grass mixtures was decreasing from the first time of sowing to the last. The greatest amount of fiber (28.11-28.72 %) was observed during the second time of sowing. The economic assessment showed that the cultivation of annual grass mixtures after winter rye without mineral fertilizers was the most cost-effective (29-208 %). The highest efficiency (202-208 %) was provided by the mixture of Sudan grass with oilseed radish and white mustard.

Siran Wang ◽  
Junfeng Li ◽  
Jie Zhao ◽  
Zhihao Dong ◽  
Dong Dong ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-33
Yuri Nikolaevich Pleskachev ◽  
Julia Alexandrovna Laptina ◽  
Olga Gennadievna Gichenkova ◽  
Natalya Alexandrovna Kulikova

Increasing the productivity and quality of forage crops is a necessary condition for creating a solid feed base that will ensure the full feeding of farm animals. The paper considers the results of studies on the influence of mineral fertilizers and pre-sowing seed treatment with Raikat Start on the production processes of the Sudan grass of the Julia variety on chestnut soils in the Lower Volga region. It was found that the highest yield of green mass of Sudan grass 28.6 t / ha was formed on the variant with the introduction of mineral fertilizers at a dose of N120 P120 K90 + N30 and the growth stimulator Raikat Start, the increase to the control was 9.3 t / ha. This variant also showed a decrease in the fiber content and an increase in the proportion of pro-tein from 7.05 % in the first cut to 8.28 % in the third cut. The application of mineral fertilizers in the studied dose provided a green mass of Sudan grass that was safe for agricultural animals with a nitrate content of no more than 407 mg/kg.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 199-204
Shiv Raj Singh ◽  
Manoj Kumar Singh ◽  
Aakash ◽  
Kamlesh Meena ◽  

A field experiment was conducted at R.G.S.C, Banaras Hindu University, Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, India during 2016 in kharif season (Sep.-Oct.) The aim was to evaluate the effect of different nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium level on fodder production of sudan grass (Sorghum bicolor var. Sudanese) for optimization of growth and yield, crude protein content and economics of sudan grass. The experimental was laid out in split plot design with four levels of nitrogen i.e. 60 kg N ha1, 80 kg N ha1, 100 kg N ha1 and 120 kg N ha-1 as main plot treatments and in the sub-plot three levels of phosphorus and potassium i.e. 30 kg P2O5+20 kg K2O ha-1, 40 kg P2O5+25 kg K2O ha-1 and 50 kg P2O5+30 kg K2O ha-1) were taken. The research findings revealed that application of nitrogen @ 120 kg ha-1 resulted maximum growth characters i.e. plant height (191.25 cm), number of leaf (8.02 plant-1), fresh weight (124.47 g plant-1), dry weight (21.10 g plant-1) and green fodder production (11455 kg ha-1), and as well as recorded maximum crude protein of sudan grass. The higher net return (` 7920.32 ha1) was also recorded with nitrogen @ 120 kg ha-1 and in case of levels of phosphorus and potassium the application of 50 kg P2O5+30 kg K2O ha-1 enhanced the growth, yield, quality and economics of sudan grass.

Krmiva ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 62 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-30
Marina Vranić ◽  
Marcela Andreata-Koren ◽  
Krešimir Krapinec ◽  
Ranko Gantner ◽  
Krešimir Bošnjak ◽  

Cilj rada bio je usporediti proizvodnost i hranidbenu vrijednost fermentirane krme dvaju hibrida sudanske trave s obzirom na prinos krme po jedinici površine te osnovni kemijski sastav i kvalitetu fermentacije krme u silosu. U istraživanju su korištene dvije sorte sudanske trave, sorta Su-Su i sorta Pacific graze. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2014. godine na pokusnoj površini pokušališta Maksimir Agronomskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Pokošena biljna masa je silirana u laboratorijske silose. Nakon 35 dana od zatvaranja silosa, fermentirana krma je analizirana NIR spektroskopijom na osnovni kemijski sastav i kvalitetu fermentacije, procjenom sadržaja organske tvari (OT), sirovih proteina (SP), neutralnih detergent vlakana (NDV), kiselih detergent vlakana (KDV), metaboličke energije (ME), probavljivosti organske tvari u suhoj tvari (D-vrijednost), razgradivosti sirovih proteina (RSP), faktora konzumacije za ovce i goveda, pH vrijednosti i amonijskog N (NH3-N). Nisu utvrđene statistički značajne razlike između hibrida Pacific graze i Su-su u istraživanim parametrima. Prinos ST hibrida Pacific graze i Su-su je iznosio 11,5 t ha-1 i 12,88 t ha-1 tim slijedom (P>0,409), sadržaj SP 102,3 g kg-1 ST i 103,8 g kg-1 ST tim slijedom (P>0,802), sadržaj NDV 507 g kg-1 ST i 514 g kg-1 ST tim slijedom(P>0.523), D-vrijednost 605 g kg-1 ST i 602 g kg-1 ST tim slijedom (P>0,341), pH vrijednost 4,26 i 4,4 tim slijedom (P>0,193), a sadržaj NH3-N 116 g NH3 kg-1 ukupnog N i 131 g NH3 kg-1 ukupnog N tim slijedom (P>0,254). Zaključeno je da oba hibrida sudanske trave imaju potencijal za proizvodnju fermentirane voluminozne krme visokog prinosa po jedinici površine, a niža hranidbena vrijednost fermentirane krme utvrđena u ovom istraživanju je rezultat kasnijeg roka košnje biljne mase za siliranje.

Н.А. Ковтунова ◽  
В.В. Ковтунов ◽  
А.Е. Романюкин ◽  
Е.А. Шишова

Исследования проведены в 2015–2020 годах на опытном участке ФГБНУ «АНЦ «Донской», расположенном в зоне неустойчивого увлажнения в Зерноградском районе Ростовской области. Так как в последние годы в летний период здесь наблюдается сильная засуха, высокие температуры и неравномерное распределение осадков, многие культуры не способны обеспечить необходимое количество кормов. Поэтому возрос интерес к суданской траве. Данная культура является одной из самых засухоустойчивых, жаростойких, солевыносливых. По содержанию питательных веществ зелёная масса суданской травы не уступает однолетним кормовым культурам, содержит большое количество жира, клетчатки, БЭВ. В ФГБНУ «АНЦ «Донской» созданы и внесены в Государственный реестр селекционных достижений два сорта: Алиса (2019 год) и Грация (2020 год). Сорта допущены к использованию в Северо-Кавказском, Нижне-Волжском и Центрально-Чернозёмном регионах России, могут использоваться для возделывания на зелёный корм и сено. Цель данной работы — оценить морфологические, биологические и урожайные свойства новых сортов суданской травы Алиса и Грация, выделить их особенности и преимущества перед стандартом. Исследования проводились в трёхпольном севообороте. Предшественник — озимая пшеница. Установлено, что новые сорта характеризуются повышенной интенсивностью начального роста и послеукосного отрастания. Они отличаются высокой устойчивостью к поражению всеми видами головни, слабо поражаются бактериозом. Средняя урожайность составила: зеленой массы — 36 т/га (сорт Алиса) и 37 т/га (сорт Грация), абсолютно сухого вещества — 8,5 и 8,8 т/га соответственно, что превышало стандартный сорт Александрина соответственно на 5–6 и 0,7–1,0 т/га. The investigation was conducted at the Agricultural Research Center “Donskoy” in 2015–2020. The Center is located at the Zernograd district of the Rostov region. Severe drought, high temperature and water deficit significantly reduce productivity of many crops in summer. Therefore, cultivation of Sudan grass gained a lot of attention. This crop is highly resistant to drought, heat and salinity. Its green mass is rich in nutrients, fat, fiber and nitrogen-free extractive substances. The Center bred and registered two varieties: “Alisa” (2019) and “Gratsiya” (2020). Both genotypes are adapted to the North Caucasian, Lower Volga and Central Chernozem regions for green fodder and hay production. The aim was to evaluate morphology, biology and yield of these varieties and identify their benefits over the standard. Plants were cultivated under the three-field crop rotation after winter wheat. “Alisa” and “Gratsiya” showed high growth rate, resistance to various smut and bacterial diseases. “Alisa” produces 36 of green mass and 8.5 t ha-1 of absolutely dry matter on average, “Gratsiya” — 37 and 8.8 t ha-1, respectively, exceeding the standard variety “Aleksandrina” by 5–6 and 0.7–1.0 t ha-1.

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