cognitive abilities test
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2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (3) ◽  
pp. 171-191
Carol A. Carman ◽  
Christine A. P. Walther ◽  
Robert A. Bartsch

The two most commonly used nonverbal tests for gifted identification, the Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (NNAT) and the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) nonverbal battery, have not been compared in their newer versions to explore the effects of their use on the identification of underserved populations. Additionally, the effects of the use of various norming groups and cutoff scores on both instruments’ identification abilities has not been compared. This study compared 15,733 CogAT7 nonverbal battery scores and 14,421 NNAT2 scores of kindergartners between 2013 and 2015 from one large urban school district to explore the differences between how each test relates to major demographic variables and examine the effects on who is selected for participation in gifted programming based on which instrument, which norming group, and which cutoff scores are used. Both instruments were less likely to identify students from demographic groups that have been traditionally underrepresented than students from traditionally overrepresented demographic groups, but identification varied based on the type of norming plan used and which instrument was taken. Suggestions are made as to the best instrument for use with various demographic groups and norming plans.

Ian J. Deary

Do intelligence test scores have some predictive power? Can they predict who will do well in achieving more and better educational qualifications, and after school, can they predict who will perform well in the workplace? ‘Does intelligence matter in the school and the workplace?’ looks at the use of the Cognitive Abilities Test in United Kingdom schools and its correlation with GCSE results five years later. The correlation is high: people’s intelligence differences at age 11 are a powerful predictor of their differences in educational outcomes at age 16. In the workplace, the use of general intelligence/psychometric testing in selecting people for work is worthwhile. Intelligence predicts occupational and educational successes.

Ian J. Deary

‘Are there sex differences in intelligence?’ considers the data sets from the Scottish Mental Survey of 1932, the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth from 1979, and the Cognitive Abilities Test 3 sample from 2001–3. All three studies show that there is little evidence of any average difference in intelligence between boys and girls, or young adults. However, for overall general intelligence, there are slightly more girls than boys in these samples around the average scores, and proportionately more males than females at the higher and lower extremes. Among the cognitive domains, a different pattern occurred for verbal reasoning: there were more girls at the higher scores.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-36
Steven V. Rouse

Abstract. Previous research has supported the use of Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk) for online data collection in individual differences research. Although MTurk Masters have reached an elite status because of strong approval ratings on previous tasks (and therefore gain higher payment for their work) no research has empirically examined whether researchers actually obtain higher quality data when they require that their MTurk Workers have Master status. In two different online survey studies (one using a personality test and one using a cognitive abilities test), the psychometric reliability of MTurk data was compared between a sample that required a Master qualification type and a sample that placed no status-level qualification requirement. In both studies, the Master samples failed to outperform the standard samples.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Maulida Fitri ◽  
M. Yusuf Nasution ◽  
Andriani Andriani

The purpose of this study was to determine the cognitive abilities and attitudes of students in the nervous system material in class XI of SMA Negeri 2 Percut Sei Tuan Learning Year 2017/2018. The type of research used is descriptive correlational. The population in this study were students of class XI of State Senior High School 2 Percut Sei Tuan 2017/2018 Learning Year totaling 166 people. The sample in this study were 2 classes as many as 84 people in class XI Mia 3 and Mia 4 who were taken by Random sampling. Sources of data from this study are 30 multiple choice tests and 30 question attitude questionnaires. The results showed that the cognitive abilities of students about the nervous system were very good 21.42%, both 51.19%, good enough 13.09%, less good 13.09% and very less 1.09%. The results of the cognitive abilities test of students is good with an average value of 69.87, while the cognitive abilities of students based on indicators on the material of the nervous system (1) 68.45%, (2) 67.52%, (3) 74, 52% good category and (4) 64.28% good enough and the results of the attitude questionnaire showed students' ability both on the indicator received 71.31%, valued 75.49%, organized 71.32%, characteristics 68.92% and sufficient both on the indicator responded to 57.93%. The results of the analysis of testing the hypothesis in this study found that the cognitive abilities and attitudes of students in the nervous system material have a positive and moderate categorical relationship with r count> r table (0.562> 0.214) and t count> t table (6.149> 1.663).Keywords: cognitive ability, attitude, nervous system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Sijji Jose ◽  
Remya Abraham

The concept of learning and education is undergoing a rapid change. Learning has to be an enjoyable experience for the learners. Learning can be converted into a fun filled activity. Here, comes the role of games in the learning situations in classrooms. Children of all age love playing games all the time. They will enjoy their learning experience if it is done through playing games. Games can be either physical or mental activities or both. The study is an attempt to find out the influence of Chess and Sudoku on cognitive abilities of school students of secondary level. The method chosen for the study is descriptive survey method. The sample for the study comprises of 350 students from various schools in Kottayam District. The statistical measures used for the study are mean, percentage, S.D, and t-test. It was found that Chess and Sudoku players scored high in cognitive abilities test than the non-players. Boys are more interested in playing Chess and Sudoku than girls. CBSE private schools have more players than Govt. aided schools. Also it was found that trained Chess players scored high in cognitive abilities test than the untrained players.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 215
Ahmet Bildiren ◽  
Gozde Inal Kiziltepe

The diagnosis of preschool gifted children in Turkey has just come up in recent years. Therefore, there is a need for measurement tools that can be applied during the diagnosis phase of preschool gifted children. The aim of this study was to diagnose the relation between the non-verbal and culture-independent Colour Progressive Matrices Test that's frequently used in the international field during the preschool period and the Cognitive Ability Test Form-6, which is a group of tests that assess the cognitive abilities of children in different age groups including verbal, quantitative and nonverbal dimensions, and which is also used in the diagnosis of gifted children in the international arena, to contribute to the diagnosis of preschool gifted children. The sample of the study consisted of 125 children who attended nine preschool education institutions determined by the socio-economic level (low-middle-high) in the central district Efeler of the province Aydin. The mean age of the children is 4.9 and the standard deviation is .8. 49 of the children were girls (39.2%) and 76 were boys (60.8%). Colour Progressive Matrices Test and Cognitive Abilities Test Form-6 were implemented individually to the children. The study revealed that the tests had correlation, the verbal and quantitative dimensions of the Cognitive Abilities Test Form-6 were found to predict the nonverbal cognitive ability of the Coloured Progressive Matrices Test.

2018 ◽  
Vol 62 (2) ◽  
pp. 193-209 ◽  
Carol A. Carman ◽  
Christine A. P. Walther ◽  
Robert A. Bartsch

The nonverbal battery of the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) is one of the two most common nonverbal measures used in gifted identification, yet the relationships between demographic variables and CogAT7 performance has not yet been fully examined. Additionally, the effect of using the CogAT7 nonverbal battery on the identification of diverse demographic groups based on various norming, cutoff, and modifier plans has only just begun to be explored. In this study, we analyzed the CogAT7 nonverbal battery scores of kindergartners from a very large urban school district with a high minority, low socioeconomic status, and high English language learner population to determine the relationships between demographic variables and CogAT performance. The results suggest relationships between CogAT scores and multiple demographic variables, similar to other nonverbal instruments. We also examined the effects of various norming practices, including school-level and group-specific norming, on identification using the CogAT7 nonverbal battery.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Frank Fair ◽  
Lory E Haas ◽  
Carol Gardosik ◽  
Daphne Johnson ◽  
Debra Price ◽  

Three recent research reports by Topping and Trickey (2007a; 2007b), by Fair and colleagues (2015), and by Gorard, Siddiqui and Huat See (2015) have produced data that support the conclusion that a Philosophy for Children (P4C) program of one-hour-per-week structured discussions has a marked positive impact on students. This article presents data from a follow up study done three years after the completion of the study reported in Fair et al. (2015). The data show that the positive gains in scores on the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT in the USA and CAT in the UK) were still present and had not faded after three years. Given the strength of these confirmations of the positive durable impact of the P4C program of structured discussions and given the relatively low cost of implementing the P4C program, it is recommended that it become a standard part of the school curriculum.

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