information packaging
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2021 ◽  
Vol 297 (3) ◽  
pp. 116-123
Volodymyr Palahin ◽  
Olena Palahina ◽  
Valentyn Hahen ◽  

EHR play an important role in the health care system, so the issue of data efficiency is key in the development of the EHR system. One of the key benefits of EHR is an access to medical information anywhere, anytime. While testing this advantage, it was found that it is performed only privately and does not take into account the dynamics of patients. Therefore, a model for calculating the efficiency of EHR on the basis of full coverage was developed. The study presents a model of the “Element” system, which provides for maximization of the coverage ratio of EHR to provide providers with access to medical records in the form required. The Element system is based on medical information packaging methods such as the dictionary method, the direct matching method and the combined method, and also allows healthcare professionals to be available to users’ medical information in this regard when EHR with customer data arises from EHR medical fund. In this case, if the presented system can be reduced both the time of work with medical documents and the time required for the appointment of drugs, which, accordingly, reduces the time to receive medical care. A set-theoretical model of the information system for improving the quality of medical services is proposed. The study of this model showed the need to measure the effectiveness of medical systems, taking into account their coverage. Medstar, Medkit and Helsi systems, which are part of the eHealth system, were used for the analysis. During the study, such concepts as full and partial coverage of systems were identified, the disadvantages of partial coverage were indicated. It has been found that for maximum efficiency it is necessary to minimize the time required to access medical information, which is achieved through full coverage.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Zida Zakiyatul Husna

Media is an industry that can produce commodities that make commercial elements more prominent. Commercial itself is an implication of the media revolution that encourages media with an economic vision. The party that determines the communication process, from information coverage, information packaging, to information marketing is the owner of capital, where this condition affects the vision of a media. It can be said that the idealism of the media really depends on the owners of capital, because the form of journalism that is packaged is focused on dealing with market opportunities. Seeing this background, this research focuses on how the efforts of an Indosiar television station in increasing ratings. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by observing the Indosiar television station. In this study, it was explained that one of the efforts of Indosiar television station in increasing its rating was from the rising artist performance factor.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63-104
Diego Pescarini

The chapter overviews the evolution from Latin pronouns to present-day object clitics. The discussion of Latin focuses on the relationship between pronominal syntax and three main factors: information packaging, verb movement, and the licensing of null objects. Then the chapter examines the earliest Romance documents (eighth–ninth century) and elaborates on the distinction between archaic and innovative early Romance languages. The former allowed interpolation, i.e. the presence of material between proclitics and the verb, while the latter exhibited adverbal clitics, which are always attached to a verbal host. The loss of enclisis/proclisis alternations in finite clauses (Tobler-Mussafia effects) marks the transition towards modern systems. Further variation across modern vernaculars results from clitic climbing, which is often lost in restructuring contexts and, to a lesser extent, in compound and simple tenses. Lastly, the chapter overviews several systematic changes affecting the order of sequences formed by two or more object clitics.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Samer Omar Jarbou

Abstract. Traditionally, the purpose of representational co-speech gestures is to repeat or represent the semantic content of accompanying speech and so to facilitate speech comprehension. To test this belief, each of 22 participants was asked to deliver an informative speech once with the support of visual aid in the form of data-show (DS) projector slides and then to deliver the same speech without using any visual aid (NDS) in a different session; the purpose was to see if using visual aid had any significant effect on gesture rate during speech production. The theoretical framework of the study is based on findings in the Information Packaging Hypothesis, the Gesture as Simulated Action framework and relevant findings in cognitive psychology and neuroscience. The results showed that all participants used gestures during both sessions; the average number of co-speech gestures was 7.2 during the NDS and 6 during the DS sessions. This shows that using visual aid that supports the semantic content of speech did not lead to a significant reduction in the number of co-speech gestures in the DS sessions; it also indicates that the role of co-speech gestures is not merely to repeat the semantic content of accompanying speech. These results confirm previous findings in cognitive psychology that speech and accompanying gesture are cognitively and instinctively connected as one unit and that co-speech gestures possibly have an essential role in facilitating speech conceptualization and production. Speech and co-speech gestures are neurologically interconnected and they are impulsively produced whenever a speaker intends to communicate a message. These findings also add further evidence to relevant research which emphasizes that co-speech gestures are not produced merely as visual aid that aims to supplement speech.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 224-238
Nurida Maulidia Rahma

Introduction. Not all scientific work can be easily utilized directly by the public (society). Pusat Data dan Dokumentasi Informasi Ilmiah (PDDI)  has not optimally disseminated knowledge products. The knowledge products should be assembled, visualized and informed - through digital media. This paper aims to examine whether WebGIS can be used as a medium for disseminating information. Data Collection Method. The method used was descriptive qualitative. Data collection was conducted by means of a survey. Data Analysis. This research use descriptive analysis. The results of the survey analysis were reviewed with the results of literature studies so that conclusions could be drawn to answer the research questions. Results and Discussions. The survey shows that the Banyuwangi community expect that  an interactive industrial tree to be attached in the WebGIS (BAGEOS) of the Banyuwangi Regency Government. The survey shows that installing industrial trees on BAGEOS is not only beneficial for BAGEOS, but also for the community. Conclusions. Combination between industrial trees with WebGIS or digital maps is a good combination. All respondents agreed to pair industrial trees on digital maps. GIS is capable as  a medium for disseminating information packaging.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 909-918
Wu-Hsun Chung ◽  
Pei-Cheng Wu

With the growing applications of information technologies, consumer electronics products are being widely used in our daily life and at our workplaces. However, most consumer electronics packaging is one-time consumption and produces tremendous environmental impacts. Different package designs affect not only logistics efficiency, but also environmental performance. Here, various package designs for a consumer electronics product are studied and a packaging evaluation method is proposed. The method evaluates package designs mainly based on package characteristics information to avoid the inclusion of too much subjective human judgment. The criteria of the evaluation consider five aspects: marketing, logistics, cost, user convenience, and environment, including protection and containment, stackability, volume, and weight efficiency, product information, packaging cost, packaging waste, etc. The case of computer mice is used to illustrate the proposed method. The preliminary results show that different package designs of a consumer electronics product have a significant impact on logistical, marketing, economic, and environmental performance. Based on existing data of package designs, the proposed method can provide valuable information for improvements in package design, supply chain efficiency, and environmental impact.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-55
Karolin Obert

AbstractComplex predication is understood to be a highly productive process in Northwestern Amazonian languages in which complex predicates may be realized as compounds, verb-auxiliary constructions or serial verb constructions depending on language-internal criteria. These constructions play an important role in the organization of discourse and information packaging and can also carry out grammatical functions such as increasing or decreasing valency. In Dâw, a language from the Naduhup family, complex predicates are used to express spatial notions such as directionality and manner in complex motion events or to provide detailed of how complex predicates in Dâw function as semantic and syntactic resources used to express space in discourse in comparison to their expression in simple predicates. I provide a typology of the most frequent patterns and their respective ordering principles found in our corpus in order to understand how fine-grained spatial notions are expressed in Dâw.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 268-277
D. M. Tokmashev

The present research featured the main approaches to the study of the information structure of a simple sentence, as well as their application to the Turkic languages. The paper focuses on the case of the Teleut language. The research objective was to identify and characterize various types of information structure of a simple sentence in their relationship with formalgrammatical and prosodic characteristics. The study involved field, comparative-historical, and descriptive methods, structural and component analysis, methods of modeling semantics and visualization of spectrograms. The information structure of a simple sentence can be modeled as the corresponding functional-semantic field. In Teleut, it is represented mostly by syntagm order and intonation, which make the core of information structure management. The peripheral means are represented by lexemes, particles, and affixes. Syntactically, information structure is expressed by the phrase order. Narrative sentences are characterized by the decrease of the fundamental frequency of the phrase that makes up the focal part. Pragmatically neutral narrative sentences that do not have presuppositions are characterized by a progressive arrangement of topical and focal elements with a predicate in the terminal right position. Since topics and foci are shifter categories, syntax inversions with preservation of the progressive information packaging "topic > focus" are possible, as well as inversion of its components "focus < topic" while retaining the phrase order. The inversion of both linear (syntagms) and non-linear (topics and foci) elements of the sentence is due to various presuppositions. The lexical and grammatical means of information packaging management are on the periphery of the functional-semantic field. Their potential to control the information structure is combined with their other functions, namely the expression of aspectual, modal, evidential, definiteness, and other characteristics. Most Turkic languages share the means of information packaging management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-27
Doina Jitcă

This paper presents an Information Structure (IS) model at the information packaging (IPk) level and its usage in utterance partitioning and in explaining semantic IS category realizations at the pragmatic level. The IPk model proposes a hierarchical view of F0 contours that transforms utterances into binary contrast unit (CU) hierarchies. CUs have binary IPk partitions with two independent and overlapping structures and a nuclear element which project its IPk functions to the whole units it belongs to. Two nuclear accent identification rules are formulated in this paper in order to be used in decoding IPk partition hierarchy by F0 contour analysis. In the second part of the paper several intonational contours of English sentences, having different semantic IS events, are interpreted by correlating semantic IS analysis results with those of the IPk model-based analysis. By decoding IPk structure and functional constituents from F0 contours we can advance our knowledge about the relationship between prosody and intonational meaning.

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