media work
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 379
Hendra Harahap ◽  
Yovita Sabarina ◽  
Fatma Wardy Lubis

Studies in the presence of new media and its relationship with conventional media recently could be mapped into three trends. Firstly, studies in media competition between traditional and online media. These studies, generally put online media both in a position that is superior to traditional media, and also as a complement to the existence of traditional media. Second, studies that explore patterns of online and print media consumption that show dualism in the use of media by the public. These study highlight how consumers use online and print media together and are complementary (complementary models). Third, studies that look at the impact of social media on journalism practices that give a new character to the system and mechanism of media work. This article will explain the relationship between the growth of new media, media competition and its impacts on the mode of news reporting in North Sumatra, Indonesia. This article starts with the assumption that the massive expansion of new media can also have a positive impact on the industry and media organizations.

2021 ◽  
Brooke Erin Duffy ◽  
Megan Sawey

Despite the staggering uptick in social media employment over the last decade, this nascent category of cultural labor remains comparatively under-theorized. In this paper, we contend that social media work is configured by a visibility paradox: while workers are tasked with elevating the presence—or visibility—of their employers’ brands across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more, their identities—and much of their labor—remains hidden behind branded social media accounts. To illuminate how this ostensible paradox impacts laborers’ conditions and experiences of work, we present data from in-depth interviews with more than 40 social media professionals. Their accounts make clear that social media work is not just materially concealed, but rendered socially invisible through its lack of crediting, marginal status, and incessant demands for un/under-compensated emotional labor. This patterned devaluation of social media employment can, we show, be situated along two gender-coded axes that have long structured the value of labor in the media and cultural industries: 1). technical-communication and 2). creation-circulation. After detailing these in/visibility mechanisms, we conclude by addressing the implications of our findings for the politics and subjectivities of work in an increasingly digital media economy.

Yosra Sobeih ◽  
El Taieb EL Sadek

Modern communication means have imposed many changes on the media work in the different stages of content production, starting from gathering news, visual and editorial processing, verification and verification of the truthfulness of what was stated in it until its publication, so the changes that were stimulated by modern means and technologies and artificial intelligence tools have affected all stages of news and media production, since the beginning of the emergence of rooms. Smart news that depends on human intelligence and then machine intelligence, which has become forced to keep pace with the development in communication means, which has withdrawn in the various stages of production, and perhaps the most important of which is the process of investigation and scrutiny and the detection of false news and rumors in our current era, which has become the spread of information very quickly through the Internet and websites Social media and various media platforms

Faradita Mahdani Ibrahim ◽  

This study aims to determine how the influence of the use of social media (Work-related social media use) and social media (Social-related social media use) on job satisfaction. In addition, to find out how the role of work engagement and organizational engagement, as a mediating variable in the relationship.The research was conducted in Indonesia with the analysis unit of the State Civil Servant (SCS) domiciled in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar. A sample of 212 respondents obtained by using a questionnaire distribution technique using google form, data analysis using SEM-AMOS.The results of the analysis show that the use of social media (Work-related social media use) has no effect on job satisfaction, but the use of social media (Social-related social media use) is found to increase the job satisfaction of SCS.The results of the analysis also show that the use of social media (Work-related social media use) can increase work engagement, but has no effect on increasing organizational engagement. The use of social media (Social-related social media use) contributes to an increase in work engagement and organizational engagement. Furthermore, it was found that there was a significant effect of work engagement and organizational engagement on SCS job satisfaction. Work engagement and organizational engagement play a role as a mediating variable (partially) in the relationship between social media use (Social-related social media use) and job satisfaction. But there is no role as a mediating variable in the relationship between (Work-related social media use) and job satisfaction.

سعد سلمان عبد الله ◽  
حنين سعد سلمان

The process of combating rumors through specialized pages in of social media, including what is published on The Tech for Peace page of Facebook, is one of the important operations in the leading pages that address rumors and false news as one of the major problems facing media work in our world today, as it aims To strengthen civil peace by highlighting the standards of accuracy and fairness in the process of transmitting news in an ethical manner, and addressing everything that is harmful to the reputation and performance of individuals, groups, institutions or countries according to the goals planned by the promoters of rumors and false news. The problem of this study is summarized in a main question: What is the role of the specialized pages of Facebook in strengthening civil peace in Iraq? In this research, the two researchers followed the survey method; In order to analyze the contents of the rumors that were verified before the (Tech for Peace) page, in order to know the role that the specialized pages play in achieving civil peace. As for the research results, the researchers reached several results, the most important of which are: 1. The results of the analytical study proved that (security rumors) ranked first, as most of the rumors circulating in the Iraqi street during 2019 focused on the issue of murder, abuse and arrests that the social protest movement in Iraq was subjected to, especially after 10/1/2019 through Its greatest component is the youth, who protested against all the service, political, social and other conditions that came as a result of the worsening of the poor relationship between the authority and the public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Adhelia Karunia Sukma ◽  
Abd. Kholiq

Physics Visual Novel yang nantinya dikenal dengan SI VINO merupakan media pembelajaran fisika yang didesain dengan pendekatan visual novel interaktif, memiliki alur cerita menarik dan berbentuk digital. Penelitian pengembangan SI VINO yang terintegrasi dengan keterampilan berpikir tingkat tinggi (HOTS) bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kelayakan media SI VINO sebagai media pembelajaran pada materi kinematika gerak lurus ditinjau dari validitas konten SI VINO dan respon pengguna media. Penelitian pengembangan SI VINO ini menggunakan desain penelitian DDD-E yang terdiri dari empat tahap yaitu Decide, Design, Develop, dan Evaluate. Pada tahap evaluasi dilakukan validasi konten media oleh tiga orang dosen ahli, baik ahli media, dan ahli materi. Aspek konten media yang divalidasi terdiri dari aspek pembelajaran, materi, bahasa, desain media, proses kerja media, tampilan media serta HOTS dengan menggunakan Skala Likert dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan persentase kevalidan Skala Likert yang kemudian ditentukan kriterianya. Pada tahap evaluasi aspek efektifitas penggunaan media menggunakan metode angket respon pengguna media yang dilakukan secara daring kepada 20 siswa SMA. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa SI VINO yang dikembangkan memiliki rerata persentase validitas konten dari masing-masing aspek sebesar 87% dengan kriteria sangat valid. Adapun jika dilihat validitas konten masing-masing aspek, maka diperoleh: Aspek pembelajaran dan materi memiliki kriteria sangat valid dengan persentase validitas 89%, aspek bahasa memperoleh persentase validitas 92% dengan kriteria sangat valid, serta aspek media dan proses kerja media sebesar 90% kriteria sangat valid. Selanjutnya aspek tampilan dengan persentase 79% dan aspek berpikir tingkat tinggi 80% kedua aspek tersebut mendapat kategori valid. Adapun efektifitas penggunaan media didapatkan hasil respon sebesar 85,80% dengan kriteria sangat baik. Dari hasil analisis diatas, maka media SI VINO yang telah dikembangkan dapat dinyatakan layak dipergunakan dan dapat dijadikan alternative sumber belajaran dan mendukung pelaksanaan merdeka belajar. Penelitian selanjutnya diharapkan dapat dikembangkan SI VINO dengan menambahkan video yang mampu menunjang pembelajaran serta laboratorium virtual, dari penelitian ini memberikan pemahaman baru terkait penggunaan game sebagai media pembelajaran. Physics Visual Novel which will be known as SI VINO is a physics learning media designed with an interactive visual novel approach, has an interesting storyline, and is in digital form. Research on the development of SI VINO which is integrated with higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) aims to describe the feasibility of SI VINO media as a learning medium for straight motion kinematics material in terms of the validity of SI VINO content and media user responses. This VINO SI development research uses the DDD-E research design which consists of four stages, namely Decide (setting goals), Design (design), Develop (development), and Evaluate (evaluate). At the evaluation stage, media content validation was carried out by three expert lecturers, both media experts, and material experts. The validated aspects of media content consist of aspects of learning, material, language, media design, media work processes, media display, and higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) using a Likert Scale and analyzed using the percentage of validity of the Likert Scale which is then determined by the criteria. At the evaluation stage of the effectiveness of the use of media using the media user response questionnaire method which was conducted online to 20 high school students. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the SI VINO developed has an average percentage of content validity from each aspect of 87% with very valid criteria. As for the validity of the content of each aspect, it is obtained: The learning and material aspects have very valid criteria with a validity percentage of 89%, the language aspect has a validity percentage of 92% with very valid criteria, and media aspects and media work processes are 90% criteria very valid. Furthermore, the display aspect with a percentage of 79% and the higher-order thinking aspect of 80% both aspects received a valid category. As for the effectiveness of the use of media, the response results were 85.80% with very good criteria. From the results of the analysis above, the SI VINO media that has been developed can be declared suitable for use and can be used as an alternative source of learning and support the implementation of independent learning. Further research is expected to be able to develop SI VINO by adding videos that are able to support learning and virtual laboratories, this research provides a new understanding regarding the use of games as learning media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 162
Laurent Thiong-Kay

FR. Tiré de notre travail de thèse sur la médiatisation de l'opposition au barrage de Sivens sur Internet, cet article suit deux objectifs. Tout d'abord, il tente de réinscrire les mobilisations informationnelles contre les « Grands Projets Inutiles et Imposés » (GPII) dans leur contexte historique, politique, médiatique et technologique. En conséquence, à travers cette étude, nous revenons sur la genèse et la continuité du mouvement altermondialiste, avant de nous intéresser aux termes et aux modalités de sa critique du travail journalistique. En nous approchant progressivement des enjeux plus contemporains de Sivens, l'article se penche alors sur la pérennité de cette critique des médias, qui devient « critique en actes », avec la création puis l'enracinement de pure-players d'information en ligne explicitement politisés, en France. Ce cadre théorique et contextuel étant posé, l'article détaille ensuite le rapport problématique et paradoxal que les militants de notre enquête entretiennent vis-à-vis du champ journalistique. En effet, les acteurs de l'opposition au barrage de Sivens oscillent entre la mise en place de stratégies d'intéressement vis-à-vis des entreprises de presse et l'exploitation d'un potentiel d'autonomie médiatique en ligne (sites internet militants, réseaux socionumériques). Avec la couverture journalistique de la mobilisation par ces médias « de la critique des médias » situés à gauche du spectre politique, les relations entre acteurs évoluent sensiblement. L'article entre ainsi dans la boîte noire des interactions qu'ont entretenues les professionnels de l'information appartenant aux marges du champ journalistique, les entrepreneurs de cause et les média-activistes. Ces parties-prenantes de la médiatisation de la mobilisation ont ainsi cultivé « hors ligne » une proximité qui se décline « en ligne », suivant un mouvement de concentration info-communicationnelle. Autrement dit, l'article cherche à analyser les caractéristiques d'une certaine division du travail médiatique, entre militants-communicants et journalistes engagés, au cœur de l'événement politique en ligne.   ***   EN. Drawn from our thesis work on Internet media coverage of the Sivens dam opposition, this study has two objectives. First, it attempts to re-contextualize historically, politically, technologically and in the media information disseminated against Grands Projets Inutiles et Imposés (GPII) (Large, Useless and Imposed Projects). This study will go back to the birth and growth of the alter-globalization movement before focusing on definitions and methods in its critique of pertinent journalism. In culminating with the more current Sivens issues, the paper will study the sustainability of this type of media criticism, which becomes “critical in action,” (critique en actes) with the creation and subsequent entrenchment in France of explicitly politicized pure players of online news. After establishing the theoretical and contextual framework, the paper then lays out the problematic and paradoxical relationship activists in our study have with the journalistic field: opponents of the Sivens dam oscillate between strategies to garner press coverage and creating an autonomous online media presence (activist websites and social networks). Journalistic coverage of this movement (including media critical of media, which is situated left on the political spectrum) is significantly altering the relationship between actors. This paper thus enters the “black box” of interactions between news professionals from the fringe of the journalistic field, militants and media activists. These stakeholders in the mediatization of a cause have cultivated an “offline” closeness that is expressed “online,” reflecting the shift toward info-communicational concentration. In other words, the paper analyzes the characteristics of a certain division of media work (e.g., activist-communicators and socially-committed journalists) at the heart of an online political event.   ***   PT. Retirado de nosso trabalho de tese sobre a cobertura midiática da oposição à barragem de Sivens na Internet, este artigo segue dois objetivos. Em primeiro lugar, tenta registrar novamente as mobilizações de informação contra os “Grandes Projetos Inúteis e Impostos” (GPII) em seu contexto histórico, político, midiático e tecnológico. Consequentemente, por meio deste estudo, voltamos à gênese e à continuidade do movimento alter-globalista, antes de nos concentrarmos nos termos e métodos de sua crítica ao trabalho jornalístico. Aproximando-se gradativamente das questões mais contemporâneas de Sivens, o artigo examina a sustentabilidade dessa crítica midiática, que se torna uma "crítica em ação", com a criação e, posteriormente, a constituição de pure-players da informação online explicitamente politizados na França.Estabelecido esse quadro teórico e contextual, o artigo detalha a relação problemática e paradoxal que os militantes de nossa pesquisa mantêm com o campo jornalístico. Com efeito, os atores da oposição à barragem de Sivens oscilam entre a implementação de estratégias de incentivo às empresas de imprensa e a exploração de um potencial de autonomia dos meios de comunicação online (websites ativistas, redes sociais). Com a cobertura jornalística da mobilização por esses meios de comunicação de "crítica midiática" situados à esquerda do espectro político, as relações entre os atores estão mudando significativamente. O artigo entra, assim, na caixa preta das interações mantidas por profissionais da informação pertencentes às margens do campo jornalístico, empresários de causa e ativistas da mídia. Essas partes interessadas na midiatização da mobilização cultivam, assim, no “offline” uma proximidade que se expressa “online”, seguindo um movimento de concentração informacional-comunicacional. Em outras palavras, o artigo busca analisar as características de uma determinada divisão do trabalho midiático, entre comunicadores-ativistas e jornalistas comprometidos, no seio do acontecimento político online.   ***

Ingrid Bachmann ◽  
Patrice M. Buzzanell ◽  
Carolyn M. Byerly ◽  
Meenakshi Gigi Durham ◽  
Stine Eckert ◽  

2021 ◽  
pp. 174165902110207
James Alexander McVey

This article analyzes the 2012 found-footage buddy-cop film End of Watch. The author analyzes the film’s production, plot, para-textual materials, audience reviews, and audience-generated media to examine the film’s rhetorical strategies and cultural impact. The author shows how police media work inspired the film’s creation, influenced the film’s production, and shaped the film’s messages. End of Watch is a crucial test case for understanding how police collaborate with the entertainment industry to respond to public crises of police visuality. Police media labor shaped the creation, production, and performances of the film, helping create a media product branded simultaneously as a realistic look at police life and a positive correction to negative media representations of police officers. End of Watch breathes cinematic life into commonplace hegemonic tropes of police backlash rhetoric. This article argues that End of Watch uses surveillant narration to humanize police and dehumanize the subjects of police violence. It also demonstrates how End of Watch served as a source of rhetorical invention for pro-police publics who drew on images and tropes from the film to defend police in the face of the crises of police visibility that emerged in the years following the film’s release.

Xanthe Hunt ◽  
Amelia Van der Merwe ◽  
Gabriel Urgioti ◽  
Helen Meintjies ◽  
Christina Laurenzi ◽  

An emerging body of participatory media work aims to access children’s subjective experiences. One such medium, children’s radio, has increasingly become a significant means of motivating and mobilising vulnerable children in many environments, including hospitals, by creating a space in which they can express their lived experiences. The present study describes stakeholders’ perceptions and experiences of a children’s hospital-based radio, drawing on interviews with child patients, family members, health providers, and hospital administrators. Seven healthcare workers or hospital administrators, 10 parents or guardians, 10 child presenters, and 12 child listeners were interviewed, and their interviews analysed using thematic analysis. The children’s caregivers and healthcare professionals felt that the children’s involvement in the radio resulted in significant intrapersonal development. Some benefits of their involvement were pride and increases in confidence. A particularly valuable finding in the present work pertains to the questions of “speaking back” and “voicing”: the radio platform allowed children to voice their feelings and opinions in settings in which they are disadvantaged in terms of the power differential between healthcare providers and those who receive medical care. The children found value in the usual power differentials characterising hospitals, being reversed, as ownership of the radio platform inverted their position as the passive recipients of medical questions and treatment and allowed them the power to voice their questions and concerns.

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