power house
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2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 391-401
Muhammad Alfi Khoiri ◽  
Makomulamin Makomulamin ◽  
Ikhtiyaruddin Ikhtiyaruddin

Latar Belakang: Kasus kecelakaan kerja yang terjadi di PKS PT. Johan Sentosa dinyatakan bahwa pada tahun 2019 jumlah tenaga kerja sebanyak 148 orang dengan 83 kasus kecelakaan kerja Tujuan : Mengetahui faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja stasiun  Power House PKS PT. Johan Sentosa tahun 2020. Metode: Jenis penelitian observasi dengan pendekatan kuantitatif analitik, desain penelitian cross sectional dilakukan di PKS PT. Johan Sentosa, dan waktu penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2020. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh operator stasiun Power House di PKS PT. Johan Sentosa yang berjumlah 36 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel total sampling. Analisa data dilakukan menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat. Hasil: Diketahui SOP/prosedur kerja P value 0,015, kompetensi/keterampilan P value 0,002, kebisingan P value 0,026, masa kerja P value 0,043. Kesimpulan: Ada hubungan antara Standar Operasional Prosedur, kompetensi/keterampilan, kebisingin, masa kerja dengan risiko kecelakaan kerja pada pekerja statsiun power house PKS PT.Johan Sentosa. Saran: Perlu dilakukan upaya agar para pekerja mengikuti prosedur kerja yang sudah ditetapkan, meningkatkan keahlian kerja, penggunaan Alat Pelindung Diri dan  penempatan mereka sesuai dengan pengalaman atau masa kerja yang dilalui. Cases of work accidents that occured at PKS PT. Johan Sentosa stated that in 2019 the number of workers was 148 people with 83 cases of work accidents. The purpose of this research is to determine the factors related to the risk of work accidents in the Power House of PKS PT. Johan Sentosa workers 2020. This type of observational research with a quantitative analytic approach, cross sectional research design was carried out at PKS PT. Johan Sentosa, and the time of this research was conducted in April 2020. The populations were all Power House station operators at PKS PT. Johan Sentosa, amounting to 36 people. The sampling technique is total sampling. Data analysis was performed using univariate and bivariate analysis. Result shows It is known that SOP / work procedure is P value 0.015, competence/skill P value 0.002, noise P value 0.026, tenure P value 0.043.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-18
Tjatur Udjianto ◽  
Teguh Sasono ◽  
Bambang Puguh Manunggal

Sekam padi merupakan biomassa yang melimpah di Indonesia, salah satunya di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Provinsi ini merupakan salah satu Provinsi penghasil beras terbesar di luar Pulau Jawa. Pada tahun 2019 Provinsi Sumatera Barat menghasilkan padi sebesar 1.482.996 ton-GKG. Sekam padi merupakan hasil sampingan dari penggilingan padi menjadi beras. Produksi sekam padi pada tahun 2019 di provinsi Sumatera Barat adalah sebesar 370.749 ton, sekitar 25%-nya dari produksi padi. Potensi energi sekam padi di Provinsi Sumatra Barat pada tahun 2019 dengan nilai kalor 13,44 MJ/kg adalah sebesar 4.982.866.594 MJ. Sekam padi sebagai bahan bakar PLTBm mempunyai manfaat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap sumber energi fosil dan memanfaatkan limbah proses penggilingan padi. Teknologi PLTBm dengan menggunakan alat konversi energi biomassa secara thermal dapat berupa Gasifikasi, pembakaran dan pirolisis. Perhitungan kapasitas terpasang PLTBm diasumsikan menggunakan gasifikasi dengan teknologi pembangkit mesin diesel. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan kapasitas terpasang PLTBm Provinsi Sumatra Barat adalah sebesar 58,7 MW. Energi listrik gross yang diproduksi PLTBm Provinsi Sumatra Barat adalah sebesar 465.068 MWh. Setelah dikurangi Auxiliary power/house load PLTBm, produksi energi listrik net yang dijual atau dimanfaatkan adalah sebesar 444.140 MWh. Dengan dipasangnya PLTBm maka akan menghasilkan penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca dalam satu tahun sekitar 479.902 ton- CO2 ekivalen.

2021 ◽  
pp. 145-181
Hradesh Rajput ◽  
Pratistha Srivastava ◽  
Rita Sharma

Kamolrat Intaratat ◽  

The study of “Digital Eco-system Development Proved Its Sustainable Success under the Technology & Covid-19 Disruption: Asia’s Silicon Valley (Singapore) & Global ICT Power House (South Korea) ” has its objectives under the context of COVID-19 pandemic and technology disruption as follow; 1)to study the scenario of digital eco-system development of Singapore and South Korea; 2) to study the government’s policy of Singapore and South Korea in its digital eco-system development; and 3) to propose the best Practices of digital eco-system development of Singapore and South Korea for further development in other countries. The qualitative research with document study and e-interview among 25 key informants from all of the relevant stakeholders: the policy, the private sector, and the marginal workers. Narrative description was used. Findings found Best Practices of digital eco-system development from both countries which aligned with most of the findings such as the Boston Consulting Group (2020) and others could be applied in other countries as follow; 1) The strong leadership and concrete and achievable vision from top management of both countries. Holistic, inclusive and sustainable development is the dominant flagship of both countries : The Skill Future of Singapore, and the Digital New Deal of South Korea; 2) The Partnership model with integrated strategy under the Win& Win Principle with clear innovation goals at all levels: “the Skills Future of Singapore” from Engineer Good Program to the last mile people in the Touch Community Services; and the 1) the Meister High schools 2) the Digital Upskill by each own company; 3) the Tax Credit, Tax Incentive measures; 4) the Training Levy Grant system; and 5) the SME Training Consortiums of South Korea. 3)The broad perspective and agile way of working. According to a study by Boston Consulting Group, effective 'Agile leadership' was found to have an impact on all the successful digital transformation projects. Leaders must manage change with a broader mindset and apply agile behavior broadly across the eco-system: Asia’s Silicon Valley” with its fully back up mission of “A Smart Nation”; and the “Korean New Deal” with its futuristic of digital eco-system as its national eco-system composed of its main Digital New Deal composed of the Green New Deal and the Human New Deal overarching social safety net, climate change and economic growth under the sustainable and inclusive development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. e31101220185
Kaellen Rodrigues de Castro ◽  
Wênia Caetano de Oliveira ◽  
Lécia Kristine Lourenço

A diástase abdominal fisiológica, acomete a maioria das mulheres durante o período gestacional devido ao aumento da circunferência do abdômen, necessário para que ocorra o desenvolvimento do feto, contudo, caso a separação dos retos abdominais se torne exacerbada, a diástase abdominal passa a classificar-se como patológica e pode resultar em agravos à saúde e à autoestima da mulher. Portanto, o objetivo deste artigo é apresentar o método Pilates como tratamento na diástase abdominal após período gestacional, por meio de pesquisas realizadas nas plataformas do Google Acadêmico, PubMed e Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo), em busca de artigos científicos publicados entre os anos de 2015 e 2021. Mediante às pesquisas executadas, obtém-se que o método Pilates através de seus princípios e técnicas, com ênfase na contração da musculatura nomeada power house, é capaz de reduzir a distância entre os feixes musculares dos músculos retos abdominais, podendo assim, ser um importante recurso no tratamento da diástase abdominal após o período gestacional.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Puspa Khaerani ◽  
Heru Sri Naryanto ◽  
Dian Nuraini Melati ◽  
Syakira Trisnafiah

The construction of an underwater fiber-optic cable-based tsunami early detection system is planned to be installed in the Makassar Strait with a landing point in West Sulawesi. Land infrastructure such as a Power House (PH), a communication tower, and a Beach Manhole (BMH) is needed to sustain the system's power in order to survive. Therefore, the aim of this scientific paper is to study several alternative landing station locations in Pasangkayu, West Sulawesi and then determine the priority locations. The methods used to achieve these objectives are field observation methods and secondary data analysis based on parameters of land area conditions, environmental conditions, supporting infrastructure, social conditions and licensing systems, and marine activities. These aspects are then assessed to determine the priority of the selected location. The location selected based on the assessment carried out is ALT-02B. In succession, the three priority locations selected from the order of most priority to least priority are ALT-02B, ALT-02A, and ALT-06. This selected priority location is not necessarily the final choice location to be used in the construction of a tsunami early detection system land infrastructure because in the process there are still things to be considered and aspects that are made the main priority for consideration in making decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (42) ◽  
pp. 131
Pedro Paulo Procópio de Oliveira Santos

O presente estudo visa a discutir um registro histórico do Brasil, com base em um olhar elogioso e mesmo eufórico, a seu respeito no jornal britânico The Economist durante o segundo mandato do ex-Presidente Lula. O veículo é considerado por economistas e especialistas do mercado financeiro de todo o mundo como a bíblia do liberalismo mundial; com essa “marca” The Economist vai do pânico com a iminente vitória do ex-líder sindical em 2002 ao entusiasmo com a postura do ex-Chefe de Estado da maior potência econômica latino-americana em menos de uma década! Este paper, com alicerce teórico envolto pela análise de discurso e por importantes aspectos folkcomunicacionais, faz um retorno a um passado histórico recente, no entanto, extremamente distante da realidade brasileira atual, na qual a crise permeia diversos setores e a linguagem folk, leve, pacífica deu lugar ao discurso do “negacionismo” face a demandas sociais de ordem emergencial, como é o caso da fome, do emprego, da saúde pública. Por fim, o que foi “marolinha” na economia do Governo Lula, se transformando em elogios e exemplo para todo o planeta, parece hoje um longínquo registro histórico. É o referido registro que ora se apresenta, envolvendo o discurso como o eixo central da imagem folk de um ex-presidente brasileiro que trouxe elogios e euforia ao seu país. Brasil; Folkcomunicação; Lula; The Economist. The present study aims to discuss a historical record of Brazil, based on a complimentary and even euphoric look, about it in the British newspaper The Economist during the second term of former President Lula. The vehicle is regarded by economists and financial market experts from around the world as the bible of world liberalism; with this "brand" The Economist goes from panic with the imminent victory of the former union leader in 2002 to enthusiasm for the former Head of State of Latin America's greatest economic power house in less than a decade! This paper, with theoretical foundation surrounded by discourse analysis and important folkcommunicational aspects, makes a return to a recent historical past, however, extremely distant from the current Brazilian reality, in which the crisis permeates various sectors and the folk language, light, peaceful gave way to the discourse of "denialism" in the face of social demands of emergency order, as is the case of hunger , employment, public health. Finally, what was "marolinha" in the economy of the Lula Government, turning into praise and example for the whole planet, today seems a distant historical record. It is the aforementioned record that now presents itself, involving the speech as the central axis of the folk image of a former Brazilian president who brought praise and euphoria to his country. Brazil; Folkcommunication; Lula; The Economist. El presente estudio pretende discutir un registro histórico de Brasil, basado en una mirada complementaria e incluso eufórica, al respecto en el diario británico The Economist durante el segundo mandato del expresidente Lula. El vehículo es considerado por economistas y expertos en mercados financieros de todo el mundo como la biblia del liberalismo mundial; con esta "marca" The Economist pasa del rey del pánico con la inminente victoria del ex líder sindical en 2002 al entusiasmo por la antigua casa de poder económico del ex Jefe de Estado de América Latina en menos de una década. Este trabajo, con fundamento teórico rodeado de análisis del discurso y aspectos folclóricos importantes, hace un retorno a un pasado histórico reciente, sin embargo, extremadamente distante de la realidad brasileña actual, en la que la crisis impregna diversos sectores y el lenguaje popular, ligero, pacífico dio paso al discurso del "negacionismo" frente a las demandas sociales del orden de emergencia, como es el caso del hambre , empleo, salud pública. Finalmente, lo que fue "marolinha" en la economía del Gobierno de Lula, convirtiéndose en elogios y ejemplo para todo el planeta, hoy parece un registro histórico lejano. Es el mencionado registro que ahora se presenta, que involucra el discurso como eje central de la imagen popular de un ex presidente brasileño que trajo elogios y euforia a su país. Brasil; Folkcomunicación; Lula; The Economist.

J-Dinamika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-127
Muhammad Hablul Barri ◽  
Bandiyah Sri Aprillia ◽  
Ahmad Sugiana ◽  
Kharisma Bani Adam

Pesantren Darul Bayan di bawah naungan pembinaan Yayasan Darul Bayan Pembangun Peradaban terletak daerah di Desa Cilayung Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa-Barat. Luas tanah yang dimiliki pesantren Darul Bayan sekitar 3000 (tiga ribu) meterpersegi, Di samping kegiatan kepesantrenan, Yayasan Darul Bayan Pembangun Peradaban membuat sekolah non formal (madrasah alquran) yaitu mulai dari tingkat SD sampai SMA, Jumlah santri kurang lebih ada 250 orang putra-putri, dua keluarga yang menetap, dan 20 orang guru. Pemenuhan energi listrik untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari di pesantren ini bersumber dari PLN dengan total daya sebesar 4400 VA. Biaya bulanan untuk penggunaan listrik rata-rata mencapai Rp 1.500.000 (satu setengah juta rupiah) tiap bulan. Biaya sebesar itu tentu sangat memberatkan, sebab tidak semua santri berkecukupan untuk membayar sumbangan pembinaan pendidikan (SPP) sebagai sumber biaya operasional bulanan. Oleh karena itu perlu ada upaya untuk meringankan biaya yang ditanggung pesantren. Masalah lain adalah keandalan listrik atau gangguan terputusnya saluran dan drop tegangan, serta sistem penerangan gerbang depan serta penerangan bilik di pesantren belum memadai. Untuk membantu meringankan biaya bulanan dan meningkatkan keandalan kelistrikan, maka dipasang Pembangkit Lisrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Sistem tersebut meliputi panel sel surya (gabungan beberapa modul sel surya), baterai, inverter, monitoring-kontroler, saklar, stop kontak, sensor photocell, dan pelengkap lainnya. Panel sel surya akan mengalirkan energi menuju baterai pada siang hari, pada malam hari lampu dapat dinyalakan secara otomatis maupun manual. Power House atau Pusat Daya PLTS akan dipasang di bangunan utama pondok pesantren, sehingga pemantauan PLTS akan lebih mudah.

J-Dinamika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 122-127
Muhammad Hablul Barri ◽  
Bandiyah Sri Aprillia ◽  
Ahmad Sugiana ◽  
Kharisma Bani Adam

Pesantren Darul Bayan di bawah naungan pembinaan Yayasan Darul Bayan Pembangun Peradaban terletak daerah di Desa Cilayung Kecamatan Jatinangor Kabupaten Sumedang Jawa-Barat. Luas tanah yang dimiliki pesantren Darul Bayan sekitar 3000 (tiga ribu) meterpersegi, Di samping kegiatan kepesantrenan, Yayasan Darul Bayan Pembangun Peradaban membuat sekolah non formal (madrasah alquran) yaitu mulai dari tingkat SD sampai SMA, Jumlah santri kurang lebih ada 250 orang putra-putri, dua keluarga yang menetap, dan 20 orang guru. Pemenuhan energi listrik untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari di pesantren ini bersumber dari PLN dengan total daya sebesar 4400 VA. Biaya bulanan untuk penggunaan listrik rata-rata mencapai Rp 1.500.000 (satu setengah juta rupiah) tiap bulan. Biaya sebesar itu tentu sangat memberatkan, sebab tidak semua santri berkecukupan untuk membayar sumbangan pembinaan pendidikan (SPP) sebagai sumber biaya operasional bulanan. Oleh karena itu perlu ada upaya untuk meringankan biaya yang ditanggung pesantren. Masalah lain adalah keandalan listrik atau gangguan terputusnya saluran dan drop tegangan, serta sistem penerangan gerbang depan serta penerangan bilik di pesantren belum memadai. Untuk membantu meringankan biaya bulanan dan meningkatkan keandalan kelistrikan, maka dipasang Pembangkit Lisrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS). Sistem tersebut meliputi panel sel surya (gabungan beberapa modul sel surya), baterai, inverter, monitoring-kontroler, saklar, stop kontak, sensor photocell, dan pelengkap lainnya. Panel sel surya akan mengalirkan energi menuju baterai pada siang hari, pada malam hari lampu dapat dinyalakan secara otomatis maupun manual. Power House atau Pusat Daya PLTS akan dipasang di bangunan utama pondok pesantren, sehingga pemantauan PLTS akan lebih mudah.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 1900
Vitor Augusto Machado Jorge ◽  
Pedro Daniel de Cerqueira Gava ◽  
Juan Ramon Belchior de França Silva ◽  
Thais Mancilha ◽  
Waldir Vieira ◽  

Hydroelectric power plants often make use of tunnels to redirect the flow of water to the plant power house. Such tunnels are often flooded and can span considerable distances. Periodical inspections of such tunnels are highly desirable since a tunnel collapse will be catastrophic, disrupting the power plant operation. In many cases, the use of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) equipped with mechanical profiling sonars is a suitable and affordable way to gather data to generate 3D mapping of flooded tunnels. In this paper, we study the resolution of 3D tunnel maps generated by one or more mechanical profiling sonars working in tandem, considering synchronization and occlusion problems. The article derives the analytical equations to estimate the sampling of the underwater tunnels using mechanical profiling sonars (scanning sonars). Experiments in a simulated environment using up to four sensors simultaneously are presented. We also report experimental results obtained by a UUV inside a large power plant tunnel, together with a first map of this environment using a single sonar sensor.

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