Jurnal Alami : Jurnal Teknologi Reduksi Risiko Bencana
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Published By Badan Pengkajian Dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)


2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-54
Hanggari Sittadewi

Vesicular-arbuscular mychorrizae (MVA) is a key player in triggering vegetation development and soil reinforcement due to its potential to increase plant growth and soil aggregate stability. In terms of enhancing plant growth, the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae provides greater and more efficient access through the fungal hyphae for nutrient absorption and delivery to the plant. From the side of soil mechanical, the potential of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae is to increase the soil aggregate stability. These potentials, in their application can contribute to soil and slope stability. The characteristics and biological effects of vascular-arbuscular mycorrhizae to increase plant growth and soil aggregate stability in the correlation to slope stability will be discussed in this paper.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48
Dwi Abad Tiwi

Konsep pengembangan Kawasan Transit Oriented Development (TOD) merupakan hal baru di Indonesia. Berdasarkan pengalaman di luar negeri, telah dikenal 4 macam konsep pengembangan Stasiun dan Kawasan TOD, yaitu Skala Regional, Skala Koridor, Skala Area Stasiun, dan Skala Tapak. Peraturan Menteri Nomer 16 tahun 2017 juga sudah mengakomodasi pengembangan Kawasan TOD. Beberapa kriteria dan indicator untuk pengembangan Kawasan TOD juga telah disediakan

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30
Puspa Khaerani ◽  
Heru Sri Naryanto ◽  
Dian Nuraini Melati ◽  
Syakira Trisnafiah

The construction of an underwater fiber-optic cable-based tsunami early detection system is planned to be installed in the Makassar Strait with a landing point in West Sulawesi. Land infrastructure such as a Power House (PH), a communication tower, and a Beach Manhole (BMH) is needed to sustain the system's power in order to survive. Therefore, the aim of this scientific paper is to study several alternative landing station locations in Pasangkayu, West Sulawesi and then determine the priority locations. The methods used to achieve these objectives are field observation methods and secondary data analysis based on parameters of land area conditions, environmental conditions, supporting infrastructure, social conditions and licensing systems, and marine activities. These aspects are then assessed to determine the priority of the selected location. The location selected based on the assessment carried out is ALT-02B. In succession, the three priority locations selected from the order of most priority to least priority are ALT-02B, ALT-02A, and ALT-06. This selected priority location is not necessarily the final choice location to be used in the construction of a tsunami early detection system land infrastructure because in the process there are still things to be considered and aspects that are made the main priority for consideration in making decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mulyo Harris Pradono ◽  
Shafira Rahmadilla Hape ◽  
Ahmad Fauzi Yunus ◽  
Muhammad Ravi Yufhendmindo

Gempa Mamuju pada 15 Januari 2021 merusak beberapa bangunan di Kota Mamuju. Pusat gempa berjarak sekitar 34 km dari kota. Menurut BMKG, intensitas gempa di Mamuju adalah VI MMI dengan percepatan puncak getaran gempa tercatat 150 gal (1,5 m/det2). Terjadi kerusakan yang mengakibatkan runtuhnya banyak bangunan, sehingga dipandang perlu untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap bangunan-bangunan di Mamuju. Dalam makalah ini, pemodelan dilakukan untuk bangunan yang disurvei yang mewakili bangunan rusak sedang dan rusak ringan. Beberapa bangunan dibangun sebelum tahun 2010, sehingga standar yang digunakan untuk merancang bangunan adalah SNI 1726 2002. Dalam SNI ini, Kota Mamuju masih dalam kategori zona gempa rendah. Dalam standar SNI 2012 dan 2019, kota Mamuju berada dalam bahaya gempa yang lebih tinggi. Pemodelan bangunan yang dibangun mengacu pada standar 2002 dan 2019 perlu dilakukan untuk pemahaman yang lebih baik dan kemungkinan perkuatan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-18
Heru Sri Naryanto

Sebagian wilayah Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara dan sebagian Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur secara resmi telah ditunjuk menjadi calon Ibu Kota Negara (IKN) Indonesia baru. Untuk untuk memberi rasa aman kepada masyarakat di calon ibukota baru tersebut nantinya akan dibangun sistem peringatan dini bencana tsunami. Selat Makassar terletak pada persimpangan tiga lempeng, yaitu Lempeng Indo-Australia, Lempeng Eurasia dan Lempeng Pasifik, menyebabkan tektonik dan kegempaan di kawasan tersebut sangat kompleks. Potensi tsunami di Selat Makassar baik berasal dari gempa maupun longsor bawah laut termasuk tinggi. Potensi tsunami yang disebabkan oleh gempa berasal dari megathrust Sulawesi Utara dan sesar-sesar naik yang berada di perairan Selat Makassar. Sementara longsor bawah laut diakibatkan oleh batuan tidak kompak pada morfologi curam serta longsor bawah laut akibat pergerakan sesar akibat goncangan gempa. Potensi longsor bawah laut sangat mungkin terjadi akibat longsornya endapan produk Delta Mahakam yang bermuara di Selat Makassar. Dalam merencanakan jalur kabel InaCBT diusahakan jalur kabel bisa melewati endapan Delta Mahakam yang berpotensi longsor bawah laut, memotong topografi terjal, memperhatikan kondisi batimetri, serta menyesuaikan master plan kabel laut dari Kementerian KKP. Alternatif rencana jalur kabel InaCBT di Selat Makassar yang paling baik dengan mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek tersebut adalah dari Kota Balikpapan – Kecamatan Sarudu (Kabupaten Pasangkayu).

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
Raditya Panji Umbara

Technological failure and natural disasters that caused the dam-break resulted in huge losses, both material loss and loss of life. The mathematical model for the dam-break can use the shallow water equation. In this paper, modeling the dam-break in two dimensions is solved by using the finite volume method with a stagerred-grid scheme. The staggered-grid scheme produces more accurate and robust when compared to the Lax-Friedrics scheme. The stability of the water waves on the part of the damaged dam wall is also well preserved using a staggered-grid scheme. Modeling a dam-break with real bathymetric data will be a challenge for further research, because it involves a more complex geometry.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-142
Prihartanto Prihartanto

Abstract The generation of medical and municipal waste during the COVID-19 pandemic has the potential to become a medium for spreading the virus if it is not handled properly. The lack of information regarding the generation of medical and the effectiveness of handling infectious waste is one of the factors that influence the handling of Covid-19 hazardous waste. In this study, a literature review will be presented regarding several studies on the generation of Covid-19 medical hazardous waste that have been carried out in several developing and developed countries from December 2019 to mid-2020. In addition, a comparison of the handling of infectious municipal waste in developing and developed countries will be presented in this paper during a pandemic. It is hoped that this research can be used as a reference for further research on the generation of hazardous medical waste and handling municipal-scale infectious waste due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Keywords: Covid-19, hazardous waste, waste generation, medical waste, municipal waste Abstrak Timbulan limbah medis dan rumah tangga pada masa pandemi COVID-19, berpotensi menjadi media penyebaran virus bila tidak ditangani dengan benar. Minimnya infomasi mengenai timbulan limbah medis dan efektivitas penanganan limbah infeksius menjadi salah satu faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap penanganan limbah B3 Covid-19 ini. Dalam kajian ini akan disampaikan tinjauan pustaka mengenai beberapa penelitian tentang timbulan limbah medis B3 Covid-19 yang pernah dilakukan dibeberapa negara berkembang dan negara maju sejak Desember 2019 hingga pertengahan 2020. Disamping itu dalam makalah ini akan dipaparkan perbandingan penanganan limbah infeksius rumah tangga di negara berkembang dan negara maju selama terjadi pandemik. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu rujukan bagi penelitian lanjutan tentang timbulan limbah medis B3 serta penanganan limbah infeksius skala rumah tangga akibat pandemik Covid-19. Kata kunci: Covid-19, limbah beracun dan berbahaya, timbulan limbah, limbah medis, limbah rumah tangga

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 71-80
Hasmana Soewandita

Landslide is one of the high frequency disasters that occur in Indonesia. The incident recurs every year with a different location. The fact that landslide hazards are used intensively for agricultural cultivation due to economic considerations. One of the efforts to mitigate this disaster is the Bioenginering implementation approach. Bioenginering activity is the application of landslide hazard area management by managing plants / vegetation. The purpose of this research is to implement a vegetative technology implementation model as an effort to mitigate landslides. Bioenginering implementation is designed with a combination of ecological and socio-economic approaches. The results of this combination are consulted with the affected community and consider various vegetation alternatives. The selected vegetation not only has an ecological function but also an economic function. With these considerations, a vegetation design is obtained with a combination of upper strata (trees), middle and lower strata. For the upper strata it is recommended to plant Petai (Parkia speciosa) and Durian (Durio zibenthinus), for the middle strata, namely Coffee (Coffea arabica) and lower strata plants are pineapple (Ananas commocus). The combination of plants such as the implementation at the field level will be accepted by the farming community, because every certain period of time the farmers will be able to harvest their crops without having to remove the plants or cut down the plants. Maintaining the level of land cover and land use has implications for maintaining the stability of soil moisture conditions which in turn can reduce the threat of landslides in landslide hazard areas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-104
Teddy Wartono Sudinda

Analisa kestabilan lereng di lokasi tambang batubara tanah laut Kalimantan Selatan  telah dilakukan analisis tegangan-perpindahan dan Faktor Keamanan (SF) dengan  menggunakan  program Plaxis-2D. Pada permukaan lereng komponen gravitasi yang bekerja pada tanah cenderung akan menggerakkan tanah ke bawah. Komponen gravitasi ini disebut sebagai gaya penggerak tanah. Lereng mempunyai perkuatan alami yang berasal dari komponen material tanah itu sendiri untuk melawan gaya penggerak tanah, sehingga gerakkan tanah atau kelongsoran tidak terjadi. Ada banyak metode analisis yang bisa digunakan dalam menganilisis kestabilan lereng, salah satunya adalah dengan menggunakan Metode Elemen Hingga (Finite Element Method). Permasalahan kestabilan lereng diselesaikan dengan Metoda Elemen Hingga  dengan menggunakan program  Plaxis 2D, dimana data analisis diperoleh dari hasil penelitian terdahulu. Data analisis merupakan kombinasi dari berbagai data analisis yaitu jenis tanah dan kemiringan lereng.  Hasil analisis terdahulu dengan menggunakan program  Slope-W untuk Potongan  East (S-W Section),  Potongan West (S-W Section), Potongan East HW (N-S Section), Potongan East LW (N-S Section) diperoleh model keruntuhan (collapse)  dengan angka keamanan SF < 1.0 dan  dibandingkan dengan Analisis dengan menggunakan Plaxis-2D,  dimana  nilai angka keamanan  SF < 1 tidak bisa ditentukan. Berdasarkan analisa Slope-W diperoleh nilai SF < 1.0 (0.114)  dan analisis Plaxis  diperoleh nilai SF < 1 terjadi pada Potongan East (S-W Section), hal ini menunjukan bahwa Analisa dengan program Slope-W dan program Plaxis 2D mempunyai hasil yang sama dalam menentukan  kemungkinan akan terjadi keruntuhan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-95
Dyah Nursita Utami ◽  
Hasmana Soewandita

Nganjuk Regency is a potential agricultural granary. Results fields and plantations is one supporting the needs of farms and plantations in East Java in particular and Java in general. Agricultural production in Nganjuk Regency often experiences fluctuating phases, one of which is due to drought. Assessment of soil fertility for land suitability evaluation into one of the efforts in mitigating drought in Nganjuk. This soil fertility assessment is carried out by taking soil samples based on the unit of land maps (SPL). Unit of land maps obtained from the overlay of base maps such as soil type maps, land use maps, topographic maps and administrative maps Nganjuk. The results of the laboratory analysis of soil samples subsequently analyzed and interpreted to obtain: 1) soil fertility status in Nganjuk; 2) determine suitability class; 3) determine the characteristics of an influential land for the development of food crops and plantations; 4) obtain recommendations or technologies efforts in tackling drought in Nganjuk.

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