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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-116
István Fazakas

In this paper, I explore the thesis according to which ipseity cannot be conceived of without acknowledging a radical absence and alterity in its very core that makes it possible. To develop this thesis, I draw on Levinas’ reading of Descartes and Marion’s reading of Augustine. After a brief introductory part on what we could call, with Marc Richir’s term, the symbolic tautology of ipseity, I show how such a tautology is deconstructed by Levinas’ interpretation of the idea of the infinite in Descartes’ Third Meditation. I then proceed to contrast the results of this reading with Marion’s take on the problem of the memoria in Augustin’s Confessions. Both readings point towards a radical and immemorial dimension of absence that – by impeding the self from fully possessing itself – makes paradoxically ipseity possible in the first place. In the conclusion, I pose the question of whether – in order to account for this absence that reveals a transcendence in the most inner intimate of the self – one has to abandon phenomenology for ethics or some kind of new theology or if a strictly phenomenological description of this dimension of the experience of ipseity is possible.

Shailaja Dilip Pawar

Abstract: Cloud computing is actually a model for enabling convenient, limitless, on demand network access to a shared pool of computing resource. This paper describes introductory part explain the concept of cloud computing, different components of cloud, types of cloud service development. At last paper elaborates the classification of cloud computing which will clear the ovelall idea of cloud computing to the learners who are new to this field. Keywords: cloud computing, SaaS, PaaS, IaaS

Надка Николова ◽  

The proposed text discusses part of the work of Stoyan and Hristo Karaminkovi „Диплография или какъ ся дрьжять търговскы книгы“ (1850), entitled „Book of letters”. Karaminkovi's linguistic idiom is presented in detail. It is established that the language norms cannot be fully compared with the language norms in texts published before 1850, which were their models: Bogorov's grammar, the language of their teacher B. Petkov and the language of N. Gerov in „Conclusion from Physics“. The general idea of the written idiom of „Book of Letters” is a deliberately sought symbiosis between tradition and spoken language, a conscious and smooth transition from linguistic antiquity to spoken language. All this is explained by the desire of Karaminkovi brothers to write for the general audience („въвъ всеобщо употрѣбленiе“), which phrase from the introductory part of „Diplography“ is indicative of the meaning of the linguistic means – they are as they are in the usage of the majority of the language community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 207-225
Urška Valenčič Arh

The article deals with the use of the phraseological units in print advertisements in the German print media. The focus is the relations between phraseological units in the texts and images of the advertisements. The introductory part provides a brief overview of phraseology as a linguistic discipline and its role in advertisements, the structure of advertisements and possible modifications of phraseological units. The results of the analysis of semantic modifications showed certain relations between phraseological units in texts and images of the advertisements. According to the typology of Hartmut Stöckl (2004), we first defined the relation between a phraseological unit as a latent or explicit relation. In the latent relation phraseological units create a certain relation between text and image. There are two subgroups of the latent relation: phraseological units, which are visually evoked, and phraseological units, which are textually evoked and expressed. In the explicit relation phraseological units are materialized in image and text. Phraseological units, which appear isolated only in one place, are classified in the subgroup of the punctual relation. In the subgroup of the connected relation are phraseological units, to which other linguistic elements and structures refer. The analysis of 84 print advertisements showed that phraseological units are mostly used explicitly and in a connecting manner. This means phraseological units are not used isolated, but the text is characterized by an expressive or phraseological language that is linked to the advertisement’s message in image and text at the same time. The research confirmed that phraseological units are very popular as fixed and idiomatic units in advertisements, because they take on the persuasive functions and represent understandable, connotative and easily memorable structures.

2021 ◽  
Vol 977 (11) ◽  
pp. 51-64
М. Lapaine

Geodetic surveying comprises the determination of locations on and the dimensions of the earth’s surface at a various scales. In the 19th century, its technologies are those of direct measurement of the earth’s surface combined with astronomical observations. Its social context encompasses all those individuals and institutions involved in the creation, preservation, use, and arrangement of knowledge of the earth. In the introductory part of the paper the author mentions several important events in the history of the 19th century geodesy. Geodetic work on determining the size of the Earth by measuring the lengths of the meridian arcs continues in this century. An international surveying organization was established and the international meter convention adopted. Basing on a detailed research of geodetic surveying in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe in the 19th century, a part of these surveys is presented that relates to Switzerland, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, Austria, Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia. Common to all these geodetic surveys is that they were necessary for the development of cartography and were carried out by military institutions. The developed geodetic networks are characterized by the use of different ellipsoids, different prime meridians, different coordinate systems and their origin. In the area under consideration in the 19th century, there were five different ellipsoids in use suggested by Bessel, Bonenberger, Schmidt, Valbeck and Zach. Prime meridians were

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (3) ◽  
pp. 71-83
Marie Šmejkalová

The article focuses on the Æthelberht’s Law Code from the beginning of the seventh century as it aims to analyse Roman law roots of Æthelberht’s legislation. A wide range of primary and secondary sources (both domestic and foreign) is used for the analysis. The introductory part of the paper provides broader historical context with an emphasis on king Æthelberht himself as well as on a description of his law code. Furthermore, the work analyses the Roman law roots of the Code by not only using The Digest of Justinian, The Institutes of Justinian but also the first known written source of Roman law – Lex Duodecim Tabularum. Additionally, a comparison of Frankish Lex Salica and Æthelberht’s Code is presented. The author aims to prove that the Anglo-Saxon law codes were, in fact, influenced by the Roman law.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-86
Magdalena Wałachowska

The aim of the article is to present selected topics related to remote education of students from the spectrum of autistic disorders. The introductory part of the article describes the state of epidemic disaster caused by the global pandemic of the previously unknown COVID-19 disease, which forced the introduction of sanitary restrictions with the necessity to close educational institutions in Poland. The main part describes the assumptions and practical effects of remote education, which was introduced in Polish schools. The description takes into account, in a special way, the difficulties of students with autism and their families, which were caused by the compulsion of home education. The text is based on the method of descriptive-critical analysis of the literature.

Ludmila S. Dampilova ◽  
Erzhena B. Ayusheeva

Introduction. The article aims to analyze Buryat versions of the epic Geser to identify their local features. It includes a detailed review not only of published texts, but also of manuscripts stored in the archives of Buryatia. For the first time, the regional versions of Geser are systematically examined as a necessary stage for further comparative studies of the genesis and transformation of epic traditions in Central Asia. Methods. The work uses comparative-historical and comparative methods of analysis. Of these, the latter was of key importance in comparing the versions of the epic that differ in terms of the place of their origin and temporal parameters. Results and discussion. The analysis began with a detailed discussion of published authentic texts of Geser represented by the Ekhirit-Bulagat and Ungin versions. Then, the features of archival versions of the epic are systematized and defined. The previous work on the plot composition and characters of each individual text is thoroughly compared to finally identify the features of the Buryat versions of the epic. Conclusion. The authors argue that the Ungin versions are quite close to the Mongolian ones, while the Ekhirit-Bulagat version, in their opinion, stands apart both in terms of their composition and themes. The introductory part of the uliger, a mythological prologue with a shamanic pantheon of deities, is characteristic only of the Buryat versions of Geser. Also, as far as the Western Buryat version is concerned, it may be pointed out that the influence of Buddhist teachings, which were not widespread in the heyday of the epic, was minimum. Of relevance are also the contaminations of the common Mongolian storytelling traditions with the characteristic motifs of the Central Asian epic. The identification of specific features of the local versions of Geser may expand our understanding of the specifics of the national epic as one of the main manifestations of traditional culture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (6) ◽  
pp. 59-68
I. M. Shneiderman ◽  
A. V. Yarasheva ◽  
S. V. Makar

The introductory part of the article specifies the aim and objectives of the study, reflecting some of the important outcomes of the interregional differentiation in the financial behavior of the population of individual Russian territories (in more detail – regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, FEFD).The main section of the article identifies interregional differences in the financial behavior of the population of the considered regions of the country, including the FEFD territories, based on statistical methodology and using official statistics. The authors conducted a comparative interregional analysis of the structure of consumer spending, average per capita deposits, and public debt on loans granted by credit institutions for the period 2018–2020. Specific statistics show that the FEFD regions are experiencing a negative trend of accelerating the debt of the population to credit institutions.The article concludes with outcomes of an interregional comparative analysis of the considered characteristics, reflecting the emerging negative trends in the financial behavior of the population, showing that parts of the eastern part of the country lag markedly behind the general trend in social and economic development.

Eudaimonia ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 137-185
Aleksandra Anđelković

The aim of this paper is to bring the reader closer to what the term populism means, what are its defining elements, in which parts of the world and in what forms is this phenomenon present today, and, finally, what consequences it has on modern democracies and the rule of law. The introductory part of the paper deals with the issue of defining the term populism, presenting the theories that are most common in the literature and setting out the constitutive elements of the term. The paper further provides an overview of the regions in which populism is most present today, with a general inspection of its manifestations and a brief historical outline of its origins. Finally, the paper concludes with the analysis of the negative and positive consequences that the populism has on today's democratic societies, as well as of its impact on the rule of law – i.e., by answering the question of whether the founding pillars of the 21st century rule of law manage to withstand the onslaught of a strong, all-coming, populist wave?

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