penal institution
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Ксения Валерьевна Брежнева

В статье анализируется важность обучения сотрудников уголовно-исполнительной системы основам противодействия криминальной субкультуре в целях профилактики ее негативного распространения преступниками-профессионалами среди осужденных, грамотного противодействия рецидивистам и реализации качественной воспитательной работы с осужденными. Автор вносит ряд предложений: ввести в ведомственных вузах правоохранительной системы в качестве самостоятельного спецкурса дисциплину «Основы противодействия криминальной инкультурации в местах лишения свободы»; совершенствовать институт «шефства» над молодыми сотрудниками, а также курсы первоначальной подготовки и повышения квалификации. Воспитательная работа с осужденными не перестает нуждаться в особом внимании. Следует внедрять новые формы, методы и приемы воспитательной работы с осужденными или совершенствовать уже имеющиеся. Автор подчеркивает, что в современных условиях для эффективного осуществления служебной деятельности в дополнение к строгому соблюдению прав, запретов и обязанностей, содержащихся в ПВР, каждому сотруднику УИС следует применять профессиональную смекалку в общении с осужденными, которая была бы направлена, главным образом, на стимулирование их внутриличностных изменений в положительную сторону. The article analyzes the importance of training employees of the penitentiary system in the basics of the criminal subculture in order to prevent its negative spread by professional criminals among convicts, competent counteraction to recidivists and implementation of high-quality educational work with convicts. The author makes a number of proposals: to introduce the discipline «Fundamentals of countering criminal inculturation in places of deprivation of liberty» in departmental universities of the law enforcement system as an independent special course; to improve the institution of «patronage» over young employees, as well as initial training and advanced training courses. Educational work with convicts does not cease to need special attention. It is necessary to introduce new forms, methods and techniques of educational work with convicts or improve existing ones. The author emphasizes that in modern conditions, apparently, it is clearly not enough to think only within the framework of the rights, prohibitions, and duties prescribed in the PVR for the performance of official activities. In addition to this, each employee of the penal institution should use professional ingenuity in communicating with convicts, which would be aimed mainly at stimulating their intrapersonal changes in a positive way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 97-122
Bruce Western

A large social science research literature examines the effects of prisons on crime and socioeconomic inequality, but the penal institution itself is often a black box overlooked in the analysis of its effects. This paper examines prisons and their role in rehabilitative programs and as venues for violence, health and healthcare, and extreme isolation through solitary confinement. Research shows that incarcerated people are participating less today than in the 1980s in prison programs, and they face high risks of violence, disease, and isolation. Prison conditions suggest the mechanisms that impair adjustment to community life after release provide a more complete account of the costs of incarceration and indicate the performance of prisons as moral institutions that bear a responsibility for humane and decent treatment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-368
Johan Heinsen

Abstract In Scandinavia, a penal institution known as “slavery” existed from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Penal slaves laboured in the creation and maintenance of military infrastructure. They were chained and often stigmatized, sometimes by branding. Their punishment was likened and, on a few occasions, linked to Atlantic slavery. Still, in reality, it was a wholly distinct form of enslavement that produced different experiences of coercion than those of the Atlantic. Such forms of penal slavery sit uneasily in historiographies of punishment but also offers a challenge for the dominant models of global labour history and its attempts to create comparative frameworks for coerced labour. This article argues for the need for contextual approaches to what such coercion meant to both coercers and coerced. Therefore, it offers an analysis of the meaning of early modern penal slavery based on an exceptional set of sources from 1723. In these sources, the status of the punished was negotiated and practiced by guards and slaves themselves. Court appearances by slaves were usually brief—typically revolving around escapes as authorities attempted to identify security breaches. The documents explored in this article are different: They present multiple voices speaking at length, negotiating their very status as voices. From that negotiation and its failures emerge a set of practiced meanings of penal “slavery” in eighteenth-century Copenhagen tied to competing yet intertwined notions of dishonour.

2021 ◽  
pp. 001139212110392
Johan Fredrik Rye ◽  
Sigurd M Nordli Oppegaard

The article problematises the assumption that modern society is characterised by institutional differentiation as a unidirectional process. Inspired by Deleuze’s sketch of the ‘society of control’, in this article the authors explore institutional de-differentiation in contemporary society. They illustrate the process of de-differentiation by developments in the penal institution, employing empirical materials from the Norwegian prison system. They show how this institution increasingly integrates (imports) elements from other institutions while expanding (exports) its activities into said institutions, resulting in a blurring of institutional borders. Furthermore, the question of institutional differentiation has been related to the question of social control in modern society. The authors discuss the characteristics of the social order of a de-differentiated society by drawing on Deleuze’s social theory and arguing that de-differentiation gives rise to forms of power and social logics no longer restricted by institutional confinements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (12) ◽  
pp. 92-102
Bodnar I. V. ◽  

The author points out that today in the practical and scientific environment there is a doctrine which states that security in penal institutions consists of three components: dynamic, physical and procedural. The elements of physical security provide for the peculiarities of penal institutions construction taking into account the possibility of proper convicts’ protection and supervision, the possibility of ensuring an adequate level of security for both convicts and other persons, reducing the impact of criminogenic contamination on convicts. Procedural security, which provides for the creation of a system of regulatory and legal support for the process of execution and serving a sentence, preventive measures in order to prevent violations of the regime in penal institutions, ensuring convicts’ isolation, pass control, etc. Dynamic security is a special type of management of a penal institution, which is based on the principles of organizing criminal-executive and preventive activities related to the relationships between the staff of penal institutions and convicts. Despite the three components of this type of activity, special attention is paid only to dynamic security, which negatively affects the functioning of the entire system, the purpose of which is to correct and re-socialize convicts, ensure security in penal institutions, reduce post-penitentiary criminality. With this purpose, it is necessary to focus attention on the following areas of reforming the penitentiary system of Ukraine: using solitary confinement at night, building new penal institutions in accordance with the positive practice of other countries; reformatting national criminal-executive legislation, especially in the field of applying preventive measures; establishing approbation supervision over persons who are released from penal institutions; reducing the level of staff turnover in the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine. Key words: penal institution, security, convict, physical, procedural, dynamic security.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 58-61
Yulia I. Denisyuk ◽  
Vladimir A. Ponikarov ◽  

The article examines the organizational and administrative activities of a correctional institution in cases of marriage and divorce with a person who is in prison. The theoretical and applied algorithm of actions of the employees of the penitentiary system in the context of the implementation of family marriage is fixed. Determined the appropriate model of organizational and managerial procedures of the correctional institution administration for organizing the conclusion and dissolution of marriage with a person in prison.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-83
Afanasenko A.S. ◽  
Kondratov D. Yu. ◽  
Bodnar І.V. ◽  

The process of blocking channels of incoming prohibited items to convicts, as the main counteraction to crime are considered in the article. Measures taken to prevent the commission of crimes in penal institutions are provided. The role of specific services of penal institutions in ensuring law and order on the territories of penal institutions is determined. It is established that the legislation of Ukraine needs the latest changes, by supplementing it with new norms, which would be focused on the safety of the personnel in the penitentiary system, taking into account the development trends of our state and criminal-executive legislation. It is emphasized in the article that in order to ensure law and order in penal bodies, institutions and pre-trial detention centers of the State Criminal and Executive Service of Ukraine, reliable blocking of incoming to protected areas, prohibited items, products and substances, storage and use of which is prohibited, as well as preventing their manufacturing, convicts and prisoners undergo special operations "Barrier" and "Shield". The authors singled out the categories of persons who are most inclined to hand over prohibited items to convicts, namely: convicts’ close relatives who have been granted the right to long-term visits by criminal-executive legislation; convicts’ relatives and other persons who try to transfer prohibited items and substances in transmissions, parcels and packages; PI staff; relatives, friends or former servicemen who throw prohibited items over the fences of the penal institution; persons who use vehicles to deliver prohibited items to the territory of the penal institution; other persons who have access to the territory of such institutions. The authors came to the conclusion that in order to improve the counteraction to the blocking of the channels of incoming prohibited items to convicts, it is necessary to: use the latest technologies in the field of protection of the perimeters of the penal institutions; amend existing legislation and improve preventive work in this area. Key words: prohibited items, blocking, channels of incoming, penal institutions, detection.

Наталья Алексеевна Макарова

В статье анализируется ряд научных трудов профессора З. А. Астемирова, отражающих взгляды ученого на способы оценки эффективности деятельности исправительных учреждений, основные детерминанты преступности, в том числе преступности несовершеннолетних, а также трактовку им юридической ответственности. Обращается внимание на предложенную З. А. Астемировым систему оценки эффективности деятельности исправительных учреждений, которая, по мнению ученого, должна осуществляться по трем отдельным направлениям (функциям-задачам): исполнение уголовного наказания, перевоспитание осужденного, экономико-хозяйственная оценка продуктивности производственной деятельности исправительного учреждения. Каждая из функций-задач должна быть выражена формальными показателями, позволяющими судить об эффективности ее решения. Автор статьи анализирует предложенную концепцию с точки зрения ее достоинств и пробелов. Кроме того, в статье оцениваются взгляды профессора З. А. Астемирова на традиционную для отечественной юридической науки модель оценки эффективности деятельности исправительных учреждений с точки зрения уровня рецидивной преступности, общей и частной превенции, приводятся его взгляды на основные причины преступности как негативного социального явления, причины и особенности преступности несовершеннолетних, подчеркивается гуманистическая направленность взглядов З. А. Астемирова в этих сферах, что нашло отражение в общей трактовке им юридической ответственности через примат ее позитивного компонента. The article analyzes a number of scientific works of Professor Z. A. Astemirov, reflecting the views of a scientist on ways to assess the effectiveness of penal institutions, the main determinants of crime including juvenile delinquency and his interpretation of legal responsibility. Attention is drawn to the proposed by Z. A. Astemirov a system for assessing the effectiveness of penal institutions, which, according to the scientist, should be carried out in three separate areas (functions-tasks): the execution of criminal punishment, the re-education of the convict, and the economic assessment of the productivity of the penal institution. Each of the functions-tasks should be expressed by formal indicators that allow judging the effectiveness of its solution. The author of the article analyzes the proposed concept from the point of view of its merits and gaps. Also, the article evaluates the views of Professor Z. A. Astemirov on the model of assessing the effectiveness of penal institutions from the level of recidivism, general and private prevention, which is traditional for the Russian legal science, presents his views on the main causes of crime as a negative social phenomenon, the causes and characteristics of juvenile delinquency, emphasizes the humanistic orientation of the views of Z. A. Astemirov in these areas, which is reflected in his general interpretation of legal responsibility through the primacy of its positive component.

Incarceration ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 263266632093643
Alice Ievins

Late-modern penal power has been described as ‘tight’. Through the increasing use of indeterminate sentences and psychological assessment, and the growing insistence that prisoners engage in self-government, the prison monitors and seeks to change those it holds. This tight and disciplinarian power is often described as contributing to the increasing fragmentation and atomisation of the prisoner community. However, this article, which is based on research conducted in a English medium-security prison for men convicted of sex offences, argues that tightness can operate through the prisoner community, in a process which it terms ‘lateral regulation’. It shows that prisoners spend a lot of time observing, categorising and policing their peers, in ways which replicate and often uphold the more formal systems of power. However, the relationship between these two systems of power is complex, and prisoners’ collective self-regulation can conflict with and challenge the demands of the penal institution, in a way which reveals some of the weaknesses in the institution’s disciplinary gaze, and indicates the normative motivations underlying this regulation.

Екатерина Викторовна Глебова ◽  
Алина Владимировна Китаева

Статья посвящена вопросам привлечения к материальной ответственности осужденных в связи с совершением побега или уклонением от отбывания наказания в виде лишения свободы в свете ст. 102 УИК. Авторами рассматриваются понятие и виды побегов, анализируются статистические данные по количеству совершенных побегов с 2006 г. Проанализирована практика работы по вопросам возмещения осужденными затрат, связанных с розыском и задержанием во время побега в рамках гражданского, уголовно-исполнительного и гражданско-процессуального законодательства. Выделены основные формы выражения имущественного вреда в гражданских правоотношениях. Анализируются понятия ущерба, реального ущерба и вреда в широком смысле. Предлагаются рекомендации по подготовке примерного перечня и содержания документов, необходимых для обращения в суд общей юрисдикции с исками о возмещении ущерба причиненного при побеге осужденными; а также по предоставлению статистической отчетности о количестве вышеуказанных исков на официальных сайтах ФСИН и судов общей юрисдикции. Авторами в свете проведенного исследования сделаны выводы, что практика взыскания материального ущерба, причиненного лицами, осужденными к лишению свободы, в связи с совершением побега или невозвращения в исправительное учреждение в случае разрешения выезда за пределы исправительного учреждения, имеет положительную тенденцию. The article is devoted to the issues of bringing to financial responsibility of convicts in connection with the escape or evasion of serving a sentence of imprisonment in the light of article 102 of the criminal code. The authors consider the concept and types of escapes, analyze statistical data on the number of committed escapes since 2006. The article analyzes the practice of work on the issues of compensation of convicted persons for expenses related to search and detention during escape in the framework of civil, criminal and civil procedure legislation. The main forms of expression of property damage in civil relations are highlighted. The concepts of damage, real damage and harm in a broad sense are analyzed. Recommendations are offered on preparation of the approximate list and contents of the documents necessary for the appeal to court of General jurisdiction with claims for compensation of the damage caused at escape condemned; and also providing statistical reporting on number of the above-mentioned claims on official sites of Federal penitentiary service and courts of General jurisdiction. The authors in the light of the study concluded that the practice of collecting material damage caused by persons sentenced to imprisonment in connection with the escape or failure to return to a correctional institution in the case of permission to leave the correctional institution, has a positive trend.

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