onthophagus taurus
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2021 ◽  
Vol 288 (1953) ◽  
pp. 20210241
Patrick T. Rohner ◽  
David M. Linz ◽  
Armin P. Moczek

Context-dependent trait exaggeration is a major contributor to phenotypic diversity. However, the genetic modifiers instructing development across multiple contexts remain largely unknown. We use the arthropod tibia, a hotspot for segmental differentiation, as a paradigm to assess the developmental mechanisms underlying the context-dependent structural exaggeration of size and shape through nutritional plasticity, sexual dimorphism and segmental differentiation. Using an RNAseq approach in the sexually dimorphic and male-polyphenic dung beetle Digitonthophagus gazella , we find that only a small portion (3.7%) of all transcripts covary positively in expression level with trait size across contexts. However, RNAi-mediated knockdown of the conserved sex-determination gene doublesex suggests that it functions as a context-dependent master mediator of trait exaggeration in D. gazella as well as the closely related dung beetle Onthophagus taurus . Taken together, our findings suggest (i) that the gene networks associated with trait exaggeration are highly dependent on the precise developmental context, (ii) that doublesex differentially shapes morphological exaggeration depending on developmental contexts and (iii) that this context-specificity of dsx -mediated trait exaggeration may diversify rapidly. This mechanism may contribute to the resolution of conflict arising from environment-dependent antagonistic selection among sexes and divergent developmental contexts in a wide range of animals.

Cells ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 1227
Leigh W. Simmons ◽  
Francisco Garcia-Gonzalez

Sperm cells have undergone an extraordinarily divergent evolution among metazoan animals. Parker recognized that because female animals frequently mate with more than one male, sexual selection would continue after mating and impose strong selection on sperm cells to maximize fertilization success. Comparative analyses among species have revealed a general relationship between the strength of selection from sperm competition and the length of sperm cells and their constituent parts. However, comparative analyses cannot address causation. Here, we use experimental evolution to ask whether sexual selection can drive the divergence of sperm cell phenotype, using the dung beetle Onthophagus taurus as a model. We either relaxed sexual selection by enforcing monogamy or allowed sexual selection to continue for 20 generations before sampling males and measuring the total length of sperm cells and their constituent parts, the acrosome, nucleus, and flagella. We found differences in the length of the sperm cell nucleus but no differences in the length of the acrosome, flagella, or total sperm length. Our data suggest that different sperm cell components may respond independently to sexual selection and contribute to the divergent evolution of these extraordinary cells.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
Fallon Fowler ◽  
Tashiana Wilcox ◽  
Stephanie Orr ◽  
Wes Watson

Abstract Understanding collection methodologies and their limitations are essential when targeting specific arthropods for use in habitat restoration, conservation, laboratory colony formation, or when holistically representing local populations using ecological surveys. For dung beetles, the most popular collection methodology is baited traps, followed by light traps and unbaited flight-intercept traps during diversity surveys. A less common collection method, flotation, is assumed to be laborious and messy, and so only a handful of papers exist on its refinement and strengths. Our purpose was threefold: First, we tested the recovery and survival rates of Labarrus (=Aphodius) pseudolividus (Balthasar) and Onthophagus taurus (Schreber) when floating beetle-seeded dung pats to determine potential collection and safety issues. We collected 72.4 and 78% of the seeded L. pseudolividus and O. taurus, respectively, with >95% survival rating. Second, we developed a flotation-sieving technique that enables users to rapidly collect and passively sort dung beetles with less time and effort. Specifically, we often collected 50–100 g of wild dung beetles within a couple of hours of gathering dung and sorted them in a couple more by allowing dung beetles to sort themselves by size within a series of sieves; Third, we reviewed flotation-based advantages and disadvantages in comparison to other methodologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 77-84
Raden Indarjani ◽  
Mochamad Miko

Scarabaeidae dung beettles is a bioindicator through its function as decomposer, Scrabaeidae maintains the balance of environmental conditions that represented by the variation community structures. A study of Scarabaeidae was conducted to observe the variation of community structures related to different heights (900, 1400 dan 2000 masl) in Salak Halimun Mountains National Park (TNGHS), West Java. Pit Fall Dung Trap method was applied in a belt transect paralele with tracking line. In every height , there were 5 traps created with 10 meters distance among each other. In addition, the study also measured main abiotic paramters, such as type of susbtrate, soil acidity, soil temperature that presumed to have strong influence in establishment of the communities. The result showed that there was a variation in community structures related to different heights. In 900 masl, diversity index (H’) was 0.80 which caterogised as low, in 1400 masl, H’= 1,29 (middle) and H’=0,84 (low) was found in the 2000 masl. The community structures of Scarabaeidae in TNGHS were made up by genus of Onthophagus dan Copris that conssits of 4 (four) spesies, they were O. taurus, O. semicupreus, O. babirussoides dan Copris punctulatus. Onthophagus taurus considered as dominant species that filled 60 % or 339 individual of the communities. Meanwhile, Onthopagus babirussoides can be considered as rare species which only 8% been caught during study.

PeerJ ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. e9872
Min R. Pokhrel ◽  
Stuart C. Cairns ◽  
Nigel R. Andrew

Dung beetle introduction programmes were designed to accelerate exotic livestock dung degradation and to control dung breeding pestiferous flies and livestock parasites. The introduction programmes provided exotic dung beetle species with an opportunity to cross natural barriers and spread beyond their native range. There are no reports that explain what probable adaptation mechanisms enable particular dung beetle species to be the most successful invader. Here we identify the morphological, biological, physiological, ecological and behavioural attributes of the four most widespread and successful dung beetle species in introduced areas on a global scale in relation to the assumption that these species are different from other exotic and native dung beetles. We have recognised Digitonthophagus gazella (Fabricius), Onthophagus taurus (Schreber), Euoniticellus intermedius (Reiche) and Aphodius fimetarius (Linnaeus) as the most successful invaders based on their spread, predominance, distribution range and the reports of invasion. Each of these four species has different natural history traits that increase their fitness making them successful invaders. D. gazella has high fecundity and spreading ability, can instantly locate and colonise fresh and nutritious dung, and has a broad thermal window. O. taurus has morphological plasticity, high fecundity, high brood survival rate due to bi-parenting, and is adapted to extreme thermal and moisture conditions. E. intermedius has remnant-dung feeding abilities, a wide thermal window, functioning best at upper-temperature levels, and successful breeding and survival abilities at extremely low soil moisture conditions. A. fimetarius is small-sized, has high breeding and dispersal abilities, and is adapted to lower thermal and upper moisture extremes and variable soil conditions. Discussed here are perspectives on adaptive attributes of dung beetle species that are important to consider during their selection for redistributions. We have elaborated on the fitness and success characteristics of the four species individually. Further, we recommend a prior-introduction baseline monitoring of native dung beetle assemblages so as to evaluate the future impact of exotic dung beetle introductions on the recipient ecosystem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 223 (20) ◽  
pp. jeb227884 ◽  
Amanda W. Carter ◽  
Kimberly S. Sheldon

ABSTRACTAdaptive thermal plasticity allows organisms to adjust their physiology to cope with fluctuating environments. However, thermal plasticity is rarely studied in response to thermal variability and is often measured in a single life stage. Plasticity in response to thermal variability likely differs from responses to constant temperature or acute stress. In addition, life stages likely differ in their plasticity, and responses in one stage may be affected by the experiences in a previous stage. Increasing the resolution with which we understand thermal plasticity in response to thermal variation across ontogeny is crucial to understanding how organisms cope with the thermal variation in their environment and to estimating the capacity of plasticity to mitigate costs of rapid environmental change. We wanted to know whether life stages differ in their capacity for thermal plasticity under temperature fluctuations. We reared Onthophagus taurus dung beetles in either low or high temperature fluctuation treatments and quantified thermal plasticity of metabolism of pupae and adults. We found that adults were thermally plastic and pupae were not. Next, we tested whether the plasticity observed in the adult life stage was affected by the thermal conditions during development. We again used low and high temperature fluctuation treatments and reared individuals in one condition through all egg to pupal stages. At eclosion, we switched half of the individuals in each treatment to the opposite fluctuation condition and, later, measured thermal plasticity of metabolism in adults. We found that temperature conditions experienced during the adult stage, but not egg to pupal stages, affect adult thermal plasticity. However, temperature fluctuations during development affect adult body size, suggesting that some aspects of the adult phenotype are decoupled from previous life stages and others are not. Our data demonstrate that life stages mount different responses to temperature variability and uniquely contribute to the adult phenotype. These findings emphasize the need to broadly integrate the life cycle into studies of phenotypic plasticity and physiology; doing so should enhance our ability to predict organismal responses to rapid global change and inform conservation efforts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 49 (5) ◽  
pp. 1105-1116
Fallon Fowler ◽  
Steve Denning ◽  
Shuijin Hu ◽  
Wes Watson

Abstract Research suggests dung beetles can churn, aerate, and desiccate dung in ways that influence the dung and soil microbes producing greenhouse gases (GHGs). We examined the impacts of the tunneling beetle, Onthophagus taurus (Schreber), and the dwelling beetle, Labarrus pseudolividus (Balthasar), on the carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emitted from pasture-laid bovine dung as well as their sum-total (CO2 + CH4 + N2O) effect on global warming, or their carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Despite dung beetles potential effects on CH4 and N2O, the existing literature shows no ultimate CO2e reductions. We hypothesized that more dung beetles would degrade pats faster and reduce CO2e, and so we increased the average dung beetle biomass per dung volume 6.22× above previously published records, and visually documented any dung damage. However, the time effects were 2–5× greater for any GHG and CO2e (E = 0.27–0.77) than dung beetle effects alone (E = 0.09–0.24). This suggests that dung beetle communities cannot adequately reduce GHGs unless they can accelerate dung decomposition faster than time alone.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (19) ◽  
pp. 10558-10570
Patrick T. Rohner ◽  
Anna L. M. Macagno ◽  
Armin P. Moczek

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