main pollen season
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Aerobiologia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Laura Šukienė ◽  
Ingrida Šaulienė ◽  
Rūta Dubakienė ◽  
Odilija Rudzevičienė ◽  
Gintautas Daunys

AbstractAirborne allergenic pollen affects a significant part of the population and the information on pollen load is a valuable tool for public health prevention. The messages should be provided in a form easily understandable for the population. The study provides new insight for the categorisation of pollen load by defining thresholds solely from aerobiological data. Using the long-term airborne pollen data of Corylus, Alnus, Betula, Poaceae, and Artemisia have been evaluated the regionality of pollen concentrations in Lithuania. SPIn and peak values of the main pollen season highlighted as regionality indicators. The largest differences between stations were found in the cases of Corylus and Artemisia.The principle enabling a group of pollen concentrations into levels has been analysed based on retrospective aerobiological data of five pollen types. Thresholds were determined by employing the lowest peak value of the pollen season and applying the 25% principle for selected pollen types. The results were verified by performing associations of defined thresholds with retrospective morbidity data of allergic rhinitis and allergic asthma in Lithuania. Determined pollen thresholds can be used in epidemiological studies requiring associations with pollen concentration. Thresholds could also complement air quality information by integrating pollen load data into public messages or contribute to the development of mHealth systems.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (6) ◽  
pp. 688
María Fernández-González ◽  
Beatriz Lara ◽  
Estefanía González-Fernández ◽  
Jesús Rojo ◽  
Rosa Pérez-Badia ◽  

Background: In the Northern Hemisphere, pine forests predominate due to their natural distribution and silvicultural importance. Pinus tree species are large pollen producers. Nowadays, the context of climate change influences their distribution, abundance, growth and productivity. The objectives of the study were to assess the patterns of the Pinus flowering behavior regarding their pollen presence in the atmosphere and intensity in different bioclimatic areas of the Iberian Peninsula during recent years. Methods: The survey was carried out in three different biogeographic zones of Spain: Vigo (Eurosiberian region) and Ourense (transition area between the Eurosiberian and Mediterranean areas) located in northwest Spain and Toledo (Mediterranean area) placed in the center of the Iberian Peninsula. Airborne pollen was collected with volumetric traps in each study area from 1995 to 2019. Results: Pinus pollen showed a marked single pollination period during late March in the Eurosiberian region and April in the transition zone between the Eurosiberian and the Mediterranean area. Two different peaks with lower pollen intensity were detected during the pollen season in Toledo (Mediterranean area), the first during late March and the second from the end of May to the beginning of June. The trends detected revealed changes in the timing of the phenological cycle, such us longer pollen seasons and later end dates of the Main Pollen Season (MPS) in some cases. The mean Annual Pollen Integral (API) in the Eurosiberian area (Vigo) and transition zone (Ourense) was similar, with about 4400 pollen grains. In the Mediterranean area (Toledo), a lower API amount of 1618 pollen grains was recorded. A trend towards an increase of 126 and 80 pollen grains per year in the airborne pine load was detected in the transition and Mediterranean areas studied, respectively. Conclusions: The rates of the annual integral Pinus pollen percentage with respect to the total pollen of forest species in the atmosphere of the areas studied showed a decreasing percentage trend during the last years.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
Annette Menzel ◽  
Homa Ghasemifard ◽  
Ye Yuan ◽  
Nicole Estrella

Climate impacts on the pollen season are well-described however less is known on how frequently atmospheric transport influences the start of the pollen season. Based on long-term phenological flowering and airborne pollen data (1987–2017) for six stations and seven taxa across Bavaria, Germany, we studied changes in the pollen season, compared pollen and flowering season start dates to determine pollen sources, and analyzed the likelihood of pollen transport by HYSPLIT back trajectories. Species advanced their pollen season more in early spring (e.g., Corylus and Alnus by up to 2 days yr−1) than in mid spring (Betula, Fraxinus, Pinus); Poaceae and Artemisia exhibited mixed trends in summer. Annual pollen sums mainly increased for Corylus and decreased for Poaceae and Artemisia. Start of pollen season trends largely deviated from flowering trends, especially for Corylus and Alnus. Transport phenomena, which rely on comparisons between flowering and pollen dates, were determined for 2005–2015 at three stations. Pre-season pollen was a common phenomenon: airborne pollen was predominantly observed earlier than flowering (median 17 days) and in general, in 63% of the cases (except for Artemisia and Poaceae, and the alpine location) the pollen sources were non-local (transported). In 54% (35%) of these cases, back trajectories confirmed (partly confirmed) the pre-season transport, only in 11% of the cases transport modeling failed to explain the records. Even within the main pollen season, 70% of pollen season start dates were linked to transport. At the alpine station, non-local pollen sources (both from outside Bavaria as well as Bavarian lowlands) predominated, in only 13% of these cases transport could not be confirmed by back trajectories. This prominent role of pollen transport has important implications for the length, the timing, and the severity of the allergenic pollen season, indicating only a weak dependency on flowering of local pollen sources.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 204
Alejandro Garrido ◽  
María Fernández-González ◽  
Rosa A. Vázquez-Ruiz ◽  
F. Javier Rodríguez-Rajo ◽  
María J. Aira

In recent years, North-western Spain has experienced an increase in the cultivated area of olive trees. The main propitious areas for olive groves are the Miño and Sil basins, as a consequence of their Oceanic climate with Mediterranean influence. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of reproductive biology, phenological and aerobiological behaviour of olive trees in the most northerly new plantation areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The study was carried out in an olive grove growing Olea europaea L. cv. ‘Arbequina’ located in Quiroga (Lugo) from 2016 to 2018. The phenological observations were based upon the main growth stages following the Biologische Bundesanstalt Bundessortenamt and Chemical industry (BBCH) scale. To predict the onset of flowering, a thermal time model was used in order to quantify the chill requirements, and growing degree-days were applied to determine the heat requirement. The production, viability and germination rates of Olea pollen were evaluated from samples selected in nine individual trees for the phenological survey. The aerobiological study was conducted by means of a Hirst-type pollen trap located in the centre of the olive grove. The vegetative period of the olive tree in the study area lasted an average of 259 days. The important phenological stage 6 (flowering) was the shortest stage. An average of 704 Chilling Hours (CH) with a threshold of 2.5 °C was required to overcome the chilling period, 1139 Growing Degree Days (GDD) for the beginning of flowering, and 4463 GDD for harvest. The pollen production per anther was 82589 grains (± 14084 pollen grains), with a rate of 81% viability and 12% pollen tube germination. The main pollen season started on average on May 20th and ended on June 16th with an average duration of 27 days and an annual pollen integral of 833 pollen grains. The low pollen concentrations could be a consequence of the Northern location of the forest, in a bioclimatic transition zone between the Eurosiberian and the Mediterranean areas, at the limit of olive tree distribution.

2020 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 752-769
Nicoleta IANOVICI ◽  
Marius-Victor BÎRSAN

The aim of the present study was to analyse the effect of weather conditions on Ambrosia artemisiifolia airpollen concentrations in the highly invaded area of western Romania. The investigation of Ambrosia pollen concentrations was carried out from 2000 to 2010 by means of the volumetric method. Ambrosia pollen concentrations had increasing trend over study period. The results of cluster analysis show that two main groups were identified: group A, with lower SPI (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007) and group B, with much higher SPI (2006, 2008, 2009, 2010). The statistical correlation between pollen concentrations and meteorological factors was determined by Pearson’s test. The relationships between Ambrosia pollen concentrations and meteorological parameters, were further assessed using multiple linear regression techniques. The pollen emissions are affected by meteorological factors in the main pollen season. Our results suggest that the abundance of Ambrosia artemisiifolia in western Romania is massive. The Ambrosia pollen load of Timisoara is most important between 15 August – 15 September. Consequently, this is the most dangerous period of the year for allergic reactions. The investigation of Ambrosia pollen behavior in the atmosphere is a compulsory step for measures to stop the spread and establishing control. Ambrosia pollen represents a major health problem and can be considered the main aeroallergenic plant pollen in our region.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 702
María Fernández-González ◽  
Estefanía González-Fernández ◽  
Helena Ribeiro ◽  
Ilda Abreu ◽  
F. Javier Rodríguez-Rajo

Natural forests are considered a reservoir of great biological diversity constituting one of the most important ecosystems in Europe. Quercus study is essential to assess ecological conservation of forests, and also of economic importance for different industries. In addition, oak pollen can cause high sensitization rates of respiratory allergies in pollen-allergy sufferers. This study sought to know the pollen production of six oak species in the transitional area between the Eurosiberian and Mediterranean Bioclimatic Regions, and to assess the impact of climate change on airborne oak pollen concentrations. The study was conducted in Ourense (NW Spain) over the 1993–2019 period. A Lanzoni VPPS 2000 volumetric trap monitored airborne pollen. A pollen production study was carried out in ten trees randomly selected in several Quercus forest around the Ourense city. Oak pollen represented around 14% of annual total pollen registered in the atmosphere of Ourense, showing an increasing trend during the last decade. Pollen production of the six studied oak species follow the proportions 1:1:2:5:90:276 for Q. ilex, Q. faginea, Q. rubra, Q. suber, Q. pyrenaica, and Q. robur respectively. We detected a significant trend to the increase of the annual maximum temperature, whereas a decrease of the maximum and mean temperatures during three previous months to oak flowering. This could be related with the detected trend to a delay of the oak Main Pollen Season onset of 0.47 days per year. We also found significant trends to an increase of the annual pollen integral of 7.9% pollen grains per year, and the pollen peak concentration of 7.5% pollen grains per year. Quercus airborne pollen monitoring as well as the knowledge of the reproductive behavior of the main oak species, bring us an important support tool offering a promising bio-indicator to detect ecological variations induced by climate change.

Agronomy ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
María Fernández-González ◽  
Helena Ribeiro ◽  
Alba Piña-Rey ◽  
Ilda Abreu ◽  
F. Javier Rodríguez-Rajo

Phenological, aerobiological, and weather data are useful tools to study local and regional flowering dynamics in crops with economic importance. The present study focuses on four autochthonous grapevine cultivars, namely, ‘Treixadura’, ‘Godello’, ‘Loureira’, and ‘Albariño’ (Vitis vinifera L.), which belong to the Designation of Origin Ribeiro area (located in northwestern Spain) from 2015–2019. The aims of the work were to (1) compare the airborne pollen concentration in the vineyard collected by two different traps, (2) analyze the influence of the main meteorological variables on cultivar phenology and pollen concentration, and (3) test the contribution of the air masses on pollen concentrations in the vineyard. Phenological development has been assessed twice weekly, according to the Biologische Bundesanstalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie (BBCH) scale. Airborne pollen concentrations were monitored by using two traps during stage 6 (flowering), namely, a Hirst volumetric sampler and a Cour passive trap. The bioclimatic conditions affected the duration of flowering, ranging from 11 and 24 days. The highest seasonal pollen integral (SPIn) was registered in 2016 for the Hirst sampler, with 302 pollen, and in 2019 for the Cour trap, with 1,797,765 pollen/m2/day. The main variables affecting pollen concentrations were average temperature during the main pollen season, as well as, temperatures and dew points during the pre-peak period. The relationship between pollen data registered by both traps and the obtained harvest indicate that the Hirst trap may be more suitable for predicting a local production and that the Cour sampler is more appropriate for forecasting regional productions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 74 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Agnieszka Lipiec ◽  
Małgorzata Puc ◽  
Aleksandra Kruczek

Exposure to airborne pollen allergens results in allergic symptoms in subjects who are sensitized. The paper presents diurnal variation in the counts of airborne allergenic pollen of selected trees (Betula L., Alnus Mill., Corylus L., Fagus L. and Ulmus L.) in two localities differing in the degree of urbanization: the city of Szczecin (urban) and the village of Gudowo, West Pomerania in northwest Poland (rural) in the years 2012–2014. The measurements were made by the volumetric method using a Burkardtype sampler operating in a continuous mode. The greatest similarities in the beginning of the main pollen season between the two sites studied were observed for birch and elm trees, while in the length of the main pollen season, for birch and alder trees. Pollen counts of alder and hazel reached higher levels in the rural area, while the levels of ash tree pollen counts were higher in the urban area. The level of birch tree pollen counts was similar in the two sites studied. For the majority of taxons observed in the urban and rural areas the dynamics of hourly changes in tree pollen counts were similar. The pollination peak was noted in the daytime, usually in the afternoon. For ash and elm trees increased pollen counts were observed at nighttime, while the birch tree pollen counts were at a high level for most of the 24 h cycle. The knowledge of seasonal and diurnal variations in tree pollen counts is crucial for prevention in patients with allergic rhinitis, sensitized to tree pollen allergens.

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 239-253
Leticia Tejera ◽  
Ángeles Beri ◽  
Ximena Martínez Blanco

: This paper analyses daily and seasonal variations on pollen concentrations and the influence of meteorological conditions on the airborne pollen from June 2011 to May 2014. Data is also compared with results from a previous pollen survey from 2000-2001. Ninety-three taxa were identified, belonging to 49 trees and shrub taxa and 44 herbaceous taxa. The most important pollen sources were Poaceae, Platanus, Cupressaceae/Taxaceae, Eupatorieae type, Celtis, Urticaceae, Myrtaceae, Casuarina, Amaranthaceae, Cyperaceae, Fraxinus, Arecaceae, Ricinus communis, Moraceae, Myrsine, Ambrosia, Quercus, and Pinaceae. Pollen was recorded all year round but the main pollen season was from August to April. Inter-annual differences were observed on pollen indexes, dates and values of daily peak concentrations and monthly accumulated concentrations. Temperature, relative air humidity and wind speed and direction seem to be the most influential meteorological variables on pollen concentrations. The number of days that pollen concentrations are above moderate and high thresholds levels is estimated and woody and non-woody pollen concentrations would be above moderate levels on average 182 days per year.

2002 ◽  
Vol 27 ◽  
pp. 49-63 ◽  
F. Javier Rodríguez-Rajo ◽  
M. Victoria Jato ◽  
M. Jesús Aira

RESUMEN. El polen de Poaceae en la atmósfera de Lugo y su relación con los parámetros meteorológicos (1999-2001). Se han estudiado las concentraciones de polen de Poaceae presente en la atmósfera de la ciudad de Lugo durante 3 años (1999-2001). Para ello se ha utilizado un captador volumétrico tipo Hirst, modelo Lanzoni VPPS-2000. El polen de Poaceae es el más abundante y su porcentaje frente al total de polen anual es de un 38-40%. La cantidad total de polen anual es de 8.400 granos como resultado de la media de los tres años de estudio, con un período de polinización durante los meses de Junio y Julio. A lo largo del día los máximos de concentración tienen lugar durante la tarde. Se ha realizado un análisis de correlación con los principales parámetros meteorológicos, siendo la temperatura máxima la variable que presentó el coeficiente más elevado. La suma acumulada de la temperatura máxima y la regresión múltiple integrando la temperatura máxima y las concentraciones de polen del día anterior como estimadores, resultaron métodos válidos y complementarios para realizar la predicción del inicio del periodo de polinización y de las concentraciones medias diarias que se alcanzan durante el periodo de polinización principal respectivamente.Palabras clave. Polen, Lugo, Meteorología, Predicción, lntradiario, Poaceae.ABSTRACT. The Poaceae pollen in the atmosphere of Lugo and its relationship with meteorological parameters ( 1999-2001). The pollen concentrations of Poaceae in the atmosphere of the city of Lugo has been studied during 3 years (1999-2001). A volumetric sampler type Hirst, model Lanzoni VPPS-2000 has been used. The Poaceae pollen is the most abundant and its percentage with respect to the total annual pollen ranged from 38-40 %. The annual total quantity of pollen of Poaceae were 8.400 grains as average of the three years studied, with a period of pollination during the months of June and July. The daily maximum concentrations take place during the evening. An analysis of correlation has been carried out between pollen concentrations and the main meteorological parameters, the maximum temperature being the variable that presented the highest coefficient value. The sum of maximum temperatures and the multiple regression integrating maximum temperature and pollen concentrations of the previous day as predictors, were successful and complementary methods in order to predict the beginning of the pollination period and the daily mean concentrations reached during the main pollen season respectively.Key words. Pollen, Lugo, Meteorology, Prediction, Intradiurnal, Poaceae.

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