mitochondrial data
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Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Ondřej Korábek ◽  
Lucie Juřičková ◽  
Adam Petrusek

Sequences of mitochondrial genes revolutionized the understanding of animal diversity and continue to be an important tool in biodiversity research. In the tribe Helicini, a prominent group of the western Palaearctic land snail fauna, mitochondrial data accumulating since the 2000s helped to newly delimit genera, inform species-level taxonomy and reconstruct past range dynamics. We combined the published data with own unpublished sequences and provide a detailed overview of what they revealed about the diversity of the group. The delimitation of Helix is revised by placing Helix godetiana back in the genus and new synonymies are suggested within the genera Codringtonia and Helix. The spatial distribution of intraspecific mitochondrial lineages of several species is shown for the first time. Comparisons between species reveal considerable variation in distribution patterns of intraspecific lineages, from broad postglacial distributions to regions with a fine-scale pattern of allopatric lineage replacement. To provide a baseline for further research and information for anyone re-using the data, we thoroughly discuss the gaps in the current dataset, focusing on both taxonomic and geographic coverage. Thanks to the wealth of data already amassed and the relative ease with which they can be obtained, mitochondrial sequences remain an important source of information on intraspecific diversity over large areas and taxa.

Plants ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2673
Jeffrey P. Mower ◽  
Lilly Hanley ◽  
Kirsten Wolff ◽  
Natalia Pabón-Mora ◽  
Favio González

Aragoa, comprising 19 high-altitude North Andean species, is one of three genera in the Plantagineae (Plantaginaceae, Lamiales), along with Littorella and Plantago. Based primarily on plastid data and nuclear ITS, Aragoa is sister to a clade of Littorella + Plantago, but Plantagineae relationships have yet to be assessed using multigene datasets from the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Here, complete mitogenomes were assembled for two species of Aragoa (A. abietina and A. cleefii). The mitogenomes of both species have a typical suite of genes for 34 proteins, 17 tRNAs, and three rRNAs. The A. abietina mitogenome assembled into a simple circular map, with no large repeats capable of producing alternative isoforms. The A. cleefii mitogenomic map was more complex, involving two circular maps bridged by a substoichiometric linear fragment. Phylogenetics of three mitochondrial genes or the nuclear rRNA repeat placed Aragoa as sister to Littorella + Plantago, consistent with previous studies. However, P. nubicola, the sole representative of subg. Bougueria, was nested within subg. Psyllium based on the mitochondrial and nuclear data, conflicting with plastid-based analyses. Phylogenetics of the nuclear rRNA repeat provided better resolution overall, whereas relationships from mitochondrial data were hindered by extensive substitution rate variation among lineages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
Pere Renom ◽  
Toni de-Dios ◽  
Sergi Civit ◽  
Laia Llovera ◽  
Alejandro Sánchez-Gracia ◽  

Evolution of vertebrate endemics in oceanic islands follows a predictable pattern, known as the island rule, according to which gigantism arises in originally small-sized species and dwarfism in large ones. Species of extinct insular giant rodents are known from all over the world. In the Canary Islands, two examples of giant rats, † Canariomys bravoi and † Canariomys tamarani , endemic to Tenerife and Gran Canaria, respectively, disappeared soon after human settlement. The highly derived morphological features of these insular endemic rodents hamper the reconstruction of their evolutionary histories. We have retrieved partial nuclear and mitochondrial data from † C. bravoi and used this information to explore its evolutionary affinities. The resulting dated phylogeny confidently places † C. bravoi within the African grass rat clade ( Arvicanthis niloticus ). The estimated divergence time, 650 000 years ago (95% higher posterior densities: 373 000–944 000), points toward an island colonization during the Günz–Mindel interglacial stage. † Canariomys bravoi ancestors would have reached the island via passive rafting and then underwent a yearly increase of mean body mass calculated between 0.0015 g and 0.0023 g; this corresponds to fast evolutionary rates (in darwins (d), ranging from 7.09 d to 2.78 d) that are well above those observed for non-insular mammals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Erinç Yurtman ◽  
Onur Özer ◽  
Eren Yüncü ◽  
Nihan Dilşad Dağtaş ◽  
Dilek Koptekin ◽  

AbstractSheep were among the first domesticated animals, but their demographic history is little understood. Here we analyzed nuclear polymorphism and mitochondrial data (mtDNA) from ancient central and west Anatolian sheep dating from Epipaleolithic to late Neolithic, comparatively with modern-day breeds and central Asian Neolithic/Bronze Age sheep (OBI). Analyzing ancient nuclear data, we found that Anatolian Neolithic sheep (ANS) are genetically closest to present-day European breeds relative to Asian breeds, a conclusion supported by mtDNA haplogroup frequencies. In contrast, OBI showed higher genetic affinity to present-day Asian breeds. These results suggest that the east-west genetic structure observed in present-day breeds had already emerged by 6000 BCE, hinting at multiple sheep domestication episodes or early wild introgression in southwest Asia. Furthermore, we found that ANS are genetically distinct from all modern breeds. Our results suggest that European and Anatolian domestic sheep gene pools have been strongly remolded since the Neolithic.

Molecules ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (17) ◽  
pp. 5416
Mohd Javed Akhtar ◽  
Maqusood Ahamed ◽  
Hisham Alhadlaq

The mechanism behind the cytoprotective potential of cerium oxide nanoparticles (CeO2 NPs) against cytotoxic nitric oxide (NO) donors and H2O2 is still not clear. Synthesized and characterized CeO2 NPs significantly ameliorated the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced cytokines IL-1β and TNF-α. The main goal of this study was to determine the capacities of NPs regarding signaling effects that could have occurred due to reactive oxygen species (ROS) and/or NO, since NP-induced ROS/NO did not lead to toxicity in HUVE cells. Concentrations that induced 50% cell death (i.e., IC50s) of two NO donors (DETA-NO; 1250 ± 110 µM and sodium nitroprusside (SNP); 950 ± 89 µM) along with the IC50 of H2O2 (120 ± 7 µM) were utilized to evaluate cytoprotective potential and its underlying mechanism. We determined total ROS (as a collective marker of hydrogen peroxide, superoxide radical (O2•−), hydroxyl radical, etc.) by DCFH-DA and used a O2•− specific probe DHE to decipher prominent ROS. The findings revealed that signaling effects mediated mainly by O2•− and/or NO are responsible for the amelioration of toxicity by CeO2 NPs at 100 µg/mL. The unaltered effect on mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) due to NP exposure and, again, CeO2 NPs-mediated recovery in the loss of MMP due to exogenous NO donors and H2O2 suggested that NP-mediated O2•− production might be extra-mitochondrial. Data on activated glutathione reductase (GR) and unaffected glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities partially explain the mechanism behind the NP-induced gain in GSH and persistent cytoplasmic ROS. The promoted antioxidant capacity due to non-cytotoxic ROS and/or NO production, rather than inhibition, by CeO2 NP treatment may allow cells to develop the capacity to tolerate exogenously induced toxicity.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (8) ◽  
pp. 347
Jazmín Terán-Martínez ◽  
Rocío Rodiles-Hernández ◽  
Marco A. A. Garduño-Sánchez ◽  
Claudia Patricia Ornelas-García

The common snook is one of the most abundant and economically important species in the Usumacinta basin in the Gulf of Mexico, which has led to overfishing, threatening their populations. The main goal of the present study was to assess the genetic diversity and structure of the common snook along the Usumacinta River in order to understand the population dynamics and conservation status of the species. We characterized two mitochondrial markers (mtCox1 and mtCytb) and 11 microsatellites in the Usumacinta basin, which was divided into three zones: rainforest, floodplain and river delta. The mitochondrial data showed very low diversity, showing some haplotypic diversity differences between the rainforest and delta zones. In contrast, we consistently recovered two genetic clusters in the Usumacinta River basin with the nuclear data in both the DAPC and STRUCTURE analyses. These results were consistent with the AMOVA analyses, which showed significant differences among the genetic clusters previously recovered by DAPC and STRUCTURE. In terms of diversity distribution, the floodplain zone corresponded to the most diverse zone according to the mitochondrial and nuclear data, suggesting that this is a transition zone in the basin. Our results support the relevance of the molecular characterization and monitoring of the fishery resources at the Usumacinta River to better understand their connectivity, which could help in their conservation and management.

Mammalia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Gül Olgun Karacan ◽  
Reyhan Çolak ◽  
Ercüment Çolak

Abstract The Eastern broad toothed field mouse, Apodemus mystacinus, is a rodent species distributed in Turkey, the Middle East, and a few Aegean Islands. The aim of this study is to analyse the phylogeographic structure of A. mystacinus and possible causes of its differentiation, on the basis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences using a large number of new samples from Turkey. In this context, partial mitochondrial sequences of cytochrome b (Cytb), control region (D-loop) and a nuclear interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) gene were used to reveal the geographical differentiation among A. mystacinus populations and the validity of its subspecies. The estimated divergence times revealed that the first separation of A. mystacinus into three distinct groups (subspecies of A. mystacinus: A. m. mystacinus, A. m. smyrnensis, and A. m. euxinus) begun 0.641 Mya. The possible physical barriers in Anatolia such as high mountains and rivers could interrupt the gene flow between A. mystacinus populations. The results of the present study indicated that A. mystacinus might have used the high rocky areas along the Anatolian Diagonal as a dispersal way. Moreover, mitochondrial data in this study suggested for the first time that A. m. rhodius is synonymous with the nominative subspecies A. m. mystacinus.

Daniel Poveda-Martínez ◽  
Laura Varone ◽  
Malena Fuentes Corona ◽  
Stephen Hight ◽  
Guillermo Logarzo ◽  

Surveys of patterns of genetic variation in natural sympatric and allopatric populations of recently diverged species are necessary to understand the processes driving intra and interspecific diversification. The South American moths Cactoblastis cactorum, Cactoblastis doddi and Cactoblastis bucyrus are specialized in the use of cacti as host plants. These species have different distribution ranges and differ in patterns of host plant use. However, there are areas in which their ranges overlap, as in northwestern Argentina, where they are largely sympatric. Using a combination of genome-wide SNPs and mitochondrial data we investigated the phylogeographic patterns of these cactophilic moths and searched for footprints of hybridization. Additionally, we evaluated a moth population feeding on Cleistocactus baumannii, a plant never reported as a host for the genus. We identified three well delimited species and detected signs of historical gene flow. Our survey also revealed intraspecific geographic structure in both C. doddi and C. cactorum and showed that the moth population feeding on C. baumannii may be considered as conspecific to C. bucyrus. Overall, our results indicated historical events of genetic interchange occurred in Cactoblastis cactophagous moths, but host plants likely played an important role during divergence limiting gene flow across species.

Life ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 40
Dan Zhao ◽  
Zhaozhe Xin ◽  
Hongxia Hou ◽  
Yi Zhou ◽  
Jianxia Wang ◽  

Fig wasps are a group of insects (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) that live in the compact syconia of fig trees (Moraceae: Ficus). Accurate classification and phylogenetic results are very important for studies of fig wasps, but the taxonomic statuses of some fig wasps, especially the non-pollinating subfamilies are difficult to determine, such as Epichrysomallinae and Sycophaginae. To resolve the taxonomic statuses of Epichrysomallinae and Sycophaginae, we obtained transcriptomes and mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) data for four species of fig wasps. These newly added data were combined with the data of 13 wasps (data on 11 fig wasp species were from our laboratory and two wasp species were download from NCBI). Based on the transcriptome and genome data, we obtained 145 single-copy orthologous (SCO) genes in 17 wasp species, and based on mitogenome data, we obtained 13 mitochondrial protein-coding genes (PCGs) for each of the 17 wasp species. Ultimately, we used 145 SCO genes, 13 mitochondrial PCGs and combined SCO genes and mitochondrial genes data to reconstruct the phylogenies of fig wasps using both maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) analyses. Our results suggest that both Epichrysomallinae and Sycophaginae are more closely related to Agaonidae with a high statistical support.

Gaël P.J. Denys ◽  
Silvia Perea ◽  
Agnès Dettai ◽  
Camille Gauliard ◽  
Henri Persat ◽  

This study revalidates Barbatula hispanica, previously considered a junior synonym of B. quignardi. This species is found in the Ebro drainage and in Cantabria (Spain) as well as in the Adour drainage (Southwestern France). It is characterized by an upper lip with a well-marked medial incision and an interorbital width 18.5–33.7% of the HL. The species delineation is corroborated by the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 molecular marker. We provide the sequence of 12S rDNA (950 bp) as reference for environmental DNA studies, and discuss also the taxonomy of B. quignardi which would be restricted to the Lez River.

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