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Volcanica ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (S1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Alvaro Amigo

Volcanism in Chile occurs in a variety of tectonic settings but mostly in the context of oceanic-continental plate collision, including 92 potentially active volcanoes. There have been more than 30 documented eruptions in the last few centuries. The Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN) is a statutory agency of the Government of Chile responsible for volcano monitoring and hazard assessments across the country. After the impacts derived from volcanic activity at the end of the 20th century, SERNAGEOMIN created the Volcano Hazards Program and the Observatorio Volcanológico de Los Andes del Sur (OVDAS). Despite this effort, most volcanoes in Chile remained unmonitored. In 2008, the aftermath of the eruption of Chaitén led to a nationwide program in order to improve eruption forecasting, development of early warning capabilities and our state of readiness for volcanic impacts through hazard assessments. In the last decade responses to volcanic crises have been indubitably successful providing technical advice before and during volcanic eruptions. El volcanismo en Chile ocurre en una amplia variedad de regímenes tectónicos, aunque principalmente en el contexto de la colisión de placas. Alrededor de 92 volcanes son considerados potencialmente activos y más de 30 presentan actividad histórica documentada en los últimos siglos. El Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN) es la agencia gubernamental responsable de la evaluación de peligros y monitoreo de la actividad volcánica en el país. Como consecuencia de los impactos derivados de las erupciones volcánicas ocurridas hacia finales del siglo pasado, SERNAGEOMIN creó el Programa de Riesgo Volcánico y el Observatorio Volcanológico de los Andes del Sur (OVDAS). No obstante, a pesar de este esfuerzo la mayoría de los volcanes en Chile se mantenían sin monitoreo. Luego de los impactos derivados de la erupción del volcán Chaitén en 2008, un nuevo programa nacional fue creado con el fin de fortalecer la vigilancia y la evaluación de los peligros volcánicos en el país. En la última década, la respuesta a crisis volcánicas ha sido exitosa, proporcionando apoyo técnico en forma previa y durante erupciones.

2021 ◽  
Marcos Allende López ◽  
Antonio Leal Batista

This document describes the proof-of-concept (PoC) developed by the Inter-American Development Bank, the IDB Lab, LACChain, the Citi Bank Innovations Labs, and ioBuilders to demonstrate cross-border payments between entities in different countries that involve currency exchange, using digital money represented by tokens -tokenized money- in the LACChain Besu Blockchain Network. For this PoC, Citi Bank played the role of the bank holding the funds; the IDBs headquarters in the U.S. played the role of the sender of tokenized dollars; an individual in Dominican Republic played the role of recipient of tokenized Dominican pesos; LACChain provided the blockchain infrastructure and developed the back end, the smart contracts and the integrations; and ioBuilders provided technical advice and developed the front end.

Marwa Abdel Sattar Abdel Jabbar ◽  
Kadhim Faris Dhumad

The urban heritage fabric of Baghdad, especially its historical center, has great cultural andmaterial importance. However, there is no serious approach to regenerative policies or developmentstrategies for these areas, especially the residential urban fabric and traditional houses, which represent thegreater part of the urban heritage. In addition, the owners and users of these houses have not developed amature vision about the rationale and possibility of rehabilitating their homes, especially in light of theeconomic and social determinants, and the weak financing and technical capabilities. From here emergedthe research problem, which states: The lack of knowledge of the mechanisms and methods of architecturalrehabilitation of traditional houses, to preserve and ensure its functional and urban durability, especially byits owners or users. The main objective of the research was determined: to develop a theoretical frameworkfor a better understanding by the owners and residents of traditional housing, for the purpose of rehabilitatingtheir houses by efforts and self-capabilities, with support and technical advice from the relevant planningauthorities and local governments. In order to solve the research problem and achieve its goal, the hypothesiswas put forward which states: Architectural rehabilitation of traditional houses is achieved, in light of acomprehensive treatment of the defects and deficiencies in the three architectural characteristics of thehouses, functional, environmental and urban. By following the analytical descriptive approach, a theoreticalframework was constructed in light of the analysis of the components and elements of the traditionalBaghdadi houses, and its characteristics that form its integrated architectural personality, down to a standardset of vocabulary for rehabilitation that represent the theoretical indicators of the research. These indicatorswere applied to rehabilitate a group of traditional houses (five houses were selected for analysis and one ofthem was selected to apply the rehabilitation) in the Bab Al-Seef heritage district in the Baghdad-Al-Karkhhistorical center, after studying the reality of the district and its houses and diagnosing its deficiencies. Itemerged from the application of rehabilitation indicators that most of the deficiencies in the physical sidecan be remedied. As for the functional side, it is difficult to adjust the functional spaces due to the limitedspace and the mainly high usage density. As for the environmental aspect, it appeared that it is difficult tolimit itself to natural (passive) treatments and there is a need to employ mechanical and arteficial treatmentsin an integrated manner with natural treatments.

2021 ◽  
Sérgio António Neves Lousada ◽  
Rafael Freitas Camacho ◽  
Josué Suárez Palacios

Underwater Technical Inspections using ROV have an important role in the design, construction, maintenance and repair of maritime and coastal infrastructures, trough video recording, digital photographs, collection of technical data and underwater topographic survey providing support for consultancy studies and projects and technical advice and appraisals. Routine inspections are the key to the maintenance of any submerged infrastructure. The importance of this type of inspection is increasing every day, but divers are also placed in increasingly dangerous scenarios to carry out this type of work. Inspections of underwater structures (as in dams, bridges, reservoirs, breakwaters, piers, oil rigs, etc.) have always been arduous and difficult, and often dangerous, but today underwater drones offer solutions that eliminate the risk faced by divers, and that also greatly reduce the high costs involved in such inspections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 513-525
St. Rahayu Arini Lestari ◽  
Didi Rukmana ◽  
Musran Munizu

This study aims to determine the level of satisfaction of farmers towards to the performance of the partnership. The research was conducted at PG Takalar from April to September 2020. Respondents were 75 farmers. The analytical tools used in this research are IPA (Important Performance Analysis) and CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index). The results showed that the implementation of the partnership activities was in accordance with the partnership cooperation contract between the company and the partner farmers. The farmersare very satisfied with the implementation of the partnership with PG Takalar. The attributes of the partnership that greatly contribute to the satisfaction of the farmers are a clear acceptance of the partnership, technical advice, easy access forfund, compliance of payment results, factory locations easily accessible to farmers and communication relationships that established between farmers and sugar factories.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 576-583
Christian Felipe Valderrama Lopez ◽  
Olga Fierro ◽  
Juan Ortiz Aviles ◽  
Maria Usa Peña

There is a problem associated with the impact generated by environmental education in Latin American educational institutions and how it is reflected in the behaviour of students and its contribution to society. This research proposes the design of a sustainable strategy to develop Environmental Programs in Educational Institutions. The research was carried out in the city of Neiva – Colombia. A sample of 34 institutions was used, and an interview was conducted with three schools that reported successful environmental projects at a national level. It was found that by 2018 only 9% of educational institutions had successfully developed School Environmental Programs, 93% state that the availability of time is one of the biggest obstacles for its implementation, and 67% of these ensure that they have not received technical advice nor have the necessary financial resources.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-206
Pernilla Myrne

Abstract The oldest surviving erotic manual in Arabic, Jawāmiʿ al-ladhdha, is characterised by a mix of medical and technical advice, interspersed with entertaining stories, hadith, poetry and historical anecdotes. In this article, I survey the organization of information in Jawāmiʿ al-ladhdha and discuss its contribution to Arab-Islamic scholarship. I argue that the author and his intended readers lived in the second half of the fourth/tenth century. The organization of sexual knowledge was part of the scholarly pursuit to organize the massive amount of pre-Islamic scholarship translated into Arabic during the Abbasid caliphate as well as the growing body of Arabic-Islamic scholarship. Although the presentation of this knowledge varies in the extant manuscript copies of the book, which were written for later audiences, all manuscripts share some basic tools for navigating the content, which suggests that the author made efforts to make it accessible for readers.

Paul Vlitos

AbstractAs Christopher Hilliard has noted, the 1890s and 1900s saw in Britain the development of a flourishing “literary advice industry” of which the “first goods were guidebooks” (Hilliard in To Exercise Our Talents: The Democratization of Writing in Britain. Harvard University Press, London and Cambridge, MA, 2006, p. 20). Examples include Arnold Bennett’s How to Become an Author (1903), Walter Besant’s The Pen and the Book (1899), E. H. Lacon Watson’s Hints to Young Authors (1902), and Leopold Wagner’s How to Publish a Book (1898). As this chapter will explore, these authors’ guides mix technical advice on the rules of fiction with practical advice on the workings of the publishing industry and the financial side of authorship—and in so doing, I shall argue, both reflect and help contribute to dramatic changes in public understandings of the nature of authorship and the relationship between the writer and marketplace.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 698-698
Patricia Oh

Abstract Joining the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Communities does not make a community age-friendly; the age-friendly team must cultivate community engagement, develop collaborations with diverse stakeholders, mobilize resources, and document achievements. Little research describes the tools age-friendly rural communities use to effect change and develop sustainability. Thematic content analysis of 67 interviews conducted between December 09, 2018 and January 24, 2020 with age-friendly leaders in rural Maine communities suggested that peer-to-peer networking, privileging local knowledge, engaging local and regional partners, technical advice from a trusted source, and fun were among the tools used to move age-friendly rural work forward.

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