pskov region
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В.П. Бессчетнов ◽  
Н.Н. Бессчетнова ◽  
А.Ю. Щербаков

Изучали содержание и соотношение пластидных пигментов в хвое представителей разных популяций ели европейской, введенных в состав географических культур на территории Нижегородской области. Применяли спектрофотометрический метод выявления количественных оценок пигментного состава листового аппарата с обеспечением принципа единственного логического различия и основных требований к организации опыта. Проведены натурные обследования насаждений и лабораторные анализы биологических проб. Выявлены различия между представителями удаленных друг от друга популяций ели европейской при их совместном выращивании в составе географических культур по комплексу показателей пигментного состава однолетней хвои. Наибольшее содержание хлорофилла-а (3,25±0,06 мг/г) отмечено у семенного потомства популяций из Псковской области, что в 1,26 раза превосходит соответствующий минимум (2,57±0,04 мг/г), зафиксированный у представителей популяций из Калининградской области. Зафиксированы сходные масштабы соотношения оценок содержания хлорофилла-b, притом что максимальные значения (1,37±0,05 мг/г и 1,37±0,06 мг/г) наблюдались у происхождений из Костромской и Карельской областей, а минимальные (1,07±0,03 мг/г и 1,09±0,03 мг/г) – у представителей популяций из Архангельской и Калининградской областей. Подтверждена существенность различий между популяциями ели европейской по всем рассматриваемым показателям пигментного состава. Обнаружено сходство в сложении трех группировок популяций, возникших при выполнении факторного и кластерного анализа. Коэффициенты плотности кластера (средняя евклидова дистанция его сложения) каждой их них составили: 6,258 единиц евклидовой дистанции (у первой); 4,374 ед. (у второй); 7,818 ед. (у третьей) и 6,150 ед. (общая средняя дистанция). Среднее межкластерное расстояние при этом достигло 20,414 ед., что принципиально больше величин внутрикластерных дистанций и позволяет признать корректным выделение кластеров. Обоснован устойчивый характер соотношения популяций ели европейской, имеющих различное географическое происхождение, по пигментному составу хвои. The content and ratio of plastid pigments in the conifers of representatives of different populations of Norway spruce introduced into the geographic test-cultures in the Nizhny Novgorod region were studied. A spectrophotometric method was used to identify quantitative estimates of the pigment composition of the leaf apparatus, ensuring the principle of a single logical difference and the basic requirements for the organization of the experiment. Field surveys of plantings and laboratory analyses of biological samples were carried out. The differences between representatives of Norway spruce populations that are remote from each other were revealed when they were grown together as part of geographical crops according to the complex of indicators of the pigment composition of annual needles. The highest content of chlorophyll-a (3.25±0.06 mg/g) was observed in the seed offspring of populations from the Pskov region, which is 1.26 times higher than the corresponding minimum (2.57±0.04 mg/g) recorded in representatives of populations from the Kaliningrad region. Similar scales of the ratio of estimates of the content of chlorophyll-b were recorded, despite the fact that the maximum values (1.37±0.05 mg/g and 1.37±0.06 mg/g) were observed in the origin from the Kostroma and Karelian regions, and the minimum values (1.07±0.03 mg/g and 1.09±0.03 mg/g) were observed in representatives of populations from the Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad regions. The significance of differences between the populations of Norway spruce in all the considered indicators of pigment composition was confirmed. A similarity was found in the addition of three groups of populations that arose during factor and cluster analysis. The cluster density coefficients (the average Euclidean distance of its addition) of each of them were: 6,258 units of the Euclidean distance (for the first one); 4,374 units. (in the second); 7,818 units. (at the third) and 6,150 units. (total average distance). The average inter-cluster distance at the same time reached 20,414 units, which is fundamentally greater than the values of intra-cluster distances and allows us to recognize the correct allocation of clusters. The stable nature of the ratio of populations of Norway spruce with different geographical origin, according to the pigment composition of needles, is justified.

T. V. Drozdenko ◽  
A. A. Volgusheva

The phytoplankton communities of Lake Kuchane, located in the Mikhailovskoye Museum-Reserve, were studied during different 2016–2017 seasons for the first time. 213 specific and intraspecific taxa from 9 phylums were identified in the phytoplankton, namely: Bacillariophyta, Chlorophyta, Chrysophyta, Euglenophyta, Cyanobacteria, Dinophyta, Cryptophyta, Charophyta, and Xanthophyta. The ratio of the main phylums of microalgae during the studied seasons was similar. The floristic complex of the lake's algoflora consisted of diatoms (36.6%), green (27.2%) and golden (10.8%) algae. Most of the phytoplankton genera contained one species taxon only. The specific composition of the phytoplankton community in 2017 was similar from spring to autumn. The minimum specific similarity of the phytoplankton communities was noted in July, 2016, and August, 2017. According to the level of biomass of planktonic algae, the lake belongs to oligotrophic water bodies. The planktonic algoflora of Lake Kuchane is characterized by the predominance of cosmopolitan freshwater forms of microalgae. In relation to pH, the predominant representatives preferred slightly alkaline waters. The Milius trophic index varied in the range 18.0–39.6 with a maximum value in summer. The Pantle–Bukk saprobity index almost did not change during the entire study. The waters of Lake Kuchane corresponded to the betamesosaprobic self-purification zone, quality class III. 

Andrey A. Kuznetsov ◽  

The book about the settlements of the south of the Pskov region in the Time of Troubles was written by a well-known specialist in the history of Russia of the XVII century Ya. N. Rabinovich. It will arouse great interest among researchers and a wide range of readers. The book recreates a complete system picture of the events of the Time of Troubles in the south of the Pskov land. This advantage of the book is determined by the involvement of new material from historical sources, new factography and its conceptual understanding. The study of Ya. N. Rabinovich allows us to supplement the history of the Pskov region. The review contains comments on the structuring of the material and wishes in connection with the need to write a generalizing work on the history of Pskov and the Pskov land in the Time of Troubles, as well as biographical texts.

М.И. Кулакова

В 2018 году псковские археологи, как и в предыдущие годы, вели активную работу по сохранению памятников археологии, расположенных на территории Псковской области. Основными исполнителями работ являлись две организации -государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Псковской области «Археологический центр Псковской области» и АНО «Псковский археологический центр». В статье представлены итоги работ 2018 г., не отраженные в отдельных докладах. The article provides an overview of the main archaeological works (excavations, archaeological exploration) carried out by archaeologists of the State Budget Cultural Institution of the Pskov region “Archaeological Center of the Pskov Region” and the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Pskov Archaeological Center” in 2018 on the territory of Pskov and the Pskov region.

Б. А. Постников

Важной задачей современного изучения древнего Пскова остается выявление персонального состава городского посадского сословия на всем протяжении его 300-летней истории. Решение этой масштабной задачи осуществлялось начиная с середины 1980-х г. посредством сплошного копирования большого круга массовых источников и актовых материалов, обнаруженных в архивах РГАДА, ГАПО и Древлехранилища ПИХМ. Вслед за тем создавалась персональная картотека посадских псковичей, выполнялась реконструкция их родословий и собирались сведения об их хозяйственной деятельности. Все это дало возможность приступить к подушному жизнеописанию посадских псковичей, озаглавленному мной «Псковский посад в XVI-XVIII веках. Анимографический свод». К настоящему времени готовятся к публикации первые два тома «Свода», содержащие, помимо обширной вводной части, статьи по персоналиям посадских людей в алфавитном порядке (от «А» по «Г» включительно). В предлагаемом сообщении представлена структура всего «Свода» и его значение для дальнейших исследований всех аспектов общественной, хозяйственной и культурной жизни посадского населения русского города, а также небольшой его фрагмент, в котором приводятся сведения о деятельности и родовых связях двух видных представителей Псковского посада. После публикации следует очерк об авторе, скончавшемся 13 ноября 2020 г. An important task of the modern study of ancient Pskov is to identify the personal composition of the urban posad estate throughout its 300-year history. The solution to this massive task has been carried out since the mid-1980s, by means of continuous copying of a large circle of mass sources and acts found in the archives of Russian State Archive of Ancient Documents (RGADA), the State Archive of Pskov region (GAPO) and Pskov State Historical-Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve. This was followed by the creation of a personal card file of the Pskov posad (towns) people, reconstruction of their genealogies, and collection of information about their economic activities. All this made it possible to start a per capita biography of the Pskov posad people, entitled by the author: “Pskov Posad in the 16 - 18 centuries. Animographical code”. To date, the first two volumes of the “Code” for publication, containing, in addition to an extensive introductory part, articles on the personalities of Posadsky people in alphabetical order (from “A” to “D” inclusive) are being prepared. The article presents the structure of the entire “Code” and its significance for further research of all aspects of social, economic, and cultural life of the Posadsky population of the Russian city, as well as a small fragment of it, which provides information about the activity and family ties of two prominent representatives of Pskov Posad. The publication is followed by an essay about the author, who died on November 13, 2020.

А. В. Михайлов ◽  
М. И. Кулакова

В 2018 г. были продолжены археологические исследования поселения X-XI вв. у д. Горожане (Новосокольнический район Псковской области). Была доисследована южная половина раскопа 1 (24 кв. м). Раскоп 2 (площадь 16 кв. м) был заложен в южной части поселения у западного края площадки. Общая площадь исследований составила 40 кв. м. Под слоем распашки в раскопе 1 сохранился непотревоженный культурный слой мощностью до 0,2 м, который содержит следы крупного пожара. Предварительная датировка пожара - середина - вторая половина X в. В раскопе 2 слой перепахан до самого материка - борозды тракторной распашки прослежены на всей площади раскопа. Керамический комплекс более чем на 90% состоит из лепной керамики. Находки гончарной керамики немногочисленны. Впервые на памятнике встречены фрагменты западнославянской («балтийской») керамики. Коллекция индивидуальных находок представлена 327 предметами. Значительную часть коллекции составляют стеклянные и каменные бусы. Кроме того, среди находок представлены предметы вооружения, украшения, торговый инвентарь, бытовые предметы, несколько дирхемов. In 2018, archaeological excavations of the 10-11 centuries settlement near Gorozhane (Novosokolnichesky district, Pskov Region) were continued. The excavations of the southern half of the site 1 (24 sq. m.) was completed. In the southern part of the settlement at the western edge of the site, excavation 2 (16 sq. m.) was started. The total area of the research was 40 sq. m. Under the plowed layer in excavation 1, there has been preserved an undisturbed cultural layer thick to 0.2 m, which contains traces of a large fire. The fire is preliminary dated by the middle of the second half of the 10 century. In excavation 2, the layer was plowed to the very mainland - the furrows of tractor plowing were traced throughout the entire area of the excavation. The 90 % of the ceramic complex is stucco ceramics. Pottery items are few. For the first time, fragments of West Slavic (“Baltic”) ceramics were found on the site. The collection of individual finds is represented by 327 items. A significant part of the collection consists of glass and stone beads. Besides, the finds are represented by weapons, jewelry, trade equipment, household items, several dirhams.

А.М. Мазин

В статье представлены результаты оценки сортов клевера лугового селекции Смоленской ГОСХОС по урожайности зеленой и сухой массы и хозяйственно-ценным признакам за 2019-2020 годы. Целью наших исследований являлось изучение восьми перспективных сортов клевера лугового для рекомендации их возделывания в условиях Псковской области и возможного использования в селекционной работе. Исследовательская работа с сортами клевера лугового проводилась в коллекционном питомнике на опытном поле лаборатории агротехнологий ОП Псковский НИИСХ, который был заложен в 2019 году. Высокий урожай зеленой массы и сухого вещества, в сумме за два года пользования, показали сорта: Надежный – 19,2 т/га (от стандарта +4,4 т/га), Тайлен – 18,9 т/га (+ 4,1 т/га), Смоленский 29 – 18,1 т/га (+3,3 т/га), Починковец – 16,9 т/га (+2,1 т/га) и Делец – 15,1 т/га (+1,5 т/га). Погодные условия вегетационного сезона в 2019 и 2020 годах были благоприятными для роста и развития клевера лугового. Укосная спелось – фаза начала цветения клевера, у раннеспелых сортов наступила в среднем на 9-17 дней раньше, чем у позднеспелых. Засорённость травостоев в первом укосе второго года пользования составила 5-7% и повышалась во втором укосе по некоторым сортам до 30% видового участия. В первый год жизни растений наибольшая облиственность была у раннеспелых клеверов и составляла от 43 до 48%. Во второй год жизни – год основного использования травостоев клевера, от укоса к укосу облиственность растений клевера повышалась. Самый высокий показатель дружности отрастания был отмечен у сортов Починковец, Смоленский 29, Делец и Стодолищенский. Для возделывания в условиях производства в Псковской области можно рекомендовать сорта Надежный, Тайлен, Смоленский 29, Починковец и Делец. The article presents the results of the evaluation of meadow clover varieties selected by the Smolensk state farm according to the yield of green and dry mass and economically valuable characteristics for 2019-2020. The purpose of our research is to study eight promising varieties of meadow clover to recommend their culti- 25 vation in the conditions of the Pskov region and possible use in breeding work. Research work with varieties of meadow clover was carried out in a collection nursery on the experimental field of the laboratory of agricultural technologies of the Pskov research institute, which was founded in 2019. The high yield of green mass and dry matter, in total for two years of use, was shown by the Reliable varieties – 19.2 t/ha (from the standard +4.4 t/ha), Tailen-18.9 t/ha (+ 4.1 t/ha), Smolensky 29 – 18.1 t/ha (+3.3 t/ha) and Delets – 15.1 t/ha (+1.5 t / ha). The weather conditions of the growing season in 2019 and 2020 were favorable for the growth and development of meadow clover. The mowing season is the phase of the beginning of clover flowering, in early-maturing varieties it occurred on average 9-17 days earlier than in late-maturing varieties. The weed infestation in the first mowing of the second year of use was 5-7% and increased in the second mowing for some varieties up to 30% of the species participation. In the first year of plant life, the highest leafiness was in early-maturing clovers and ranged from 43 to 48%. In the second year of life – the year of the main use of clover herbage, the leafiness of clover plants increased from mowing to mowing. The highest rate of amity of reg rowth was noted in the varieties Pochinkovets, Smolensky 29, Delets and Stodolishchevsky. For cultivation in production conditions in the Pskov region, we can recommend the varieties Reliable, Tailen, Smolensky 29, Delets and Pochinkovets.

2021 ◽  
Vol 03 (07) ◽  
pp. 110-117
A.A. Leontev ◽  
L.V. Alieva ◽  

Despite the large volume of archival materials on church discipline in Russia of the XIX – early XX centuries, this topic has been studied rather poorly. This article analyzes the source base on the church discipline in the Pskov diocese based on the materials of the State Archive of the Pskov region. During the study of these sources, a count of specific violations of the church discipline among the laity, church officers and the clergy was made, and the main categories of offenses were identified. The main types of punishments for violating church discipline are shown. The gender composition of laypeople in the structure of offenses is considered. The structure of the titles of archival cases concerning violations of the church discipline is also addressed. The author came to the conclusion that clerics were punished mainly for drunkenness and official misconduct. In relation to the laity, the Pskov Spiritual Consistory most often considered cases related to the violations of sexual morality and illegal marriages, as well as murders and suicide attempts. This work is relevant because at present the Russian Orthodox Church is continuing to create unified documentation regulating the issues of the church court. This study, in turn, allows us to update the historical experience of regulating the church discipline and assigning punishments for its violation. The uniqueness of this work lies in the fact that the materials on the church discipline of the Pskov diocese of the XIX – early XX centuries have been analyzed for the first time, and the data obtained were introduced into scientific circulation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (08) ◽  
pp. 658-665
Manoilova M.A.

The article is aimed at understanding human psychology during the Nazi occupation at the regional level in the context of personal history. The psychology of a civilian in extreme military conditions has not been sufficiently researched, and the reason lies in an interdisciplinary approach. All researchers of military psychology emphasize that the psychology of a person who is in extreme conditions, which are military actions, significantly differs from the psychology of a person in peaceful conditions in specific features, states and qualities. In extreme conditions, both the lowest and the highest qualities of the human spirit are clearly manifested in a person. The entire military psychology of a person is formed during a war and persists for a long time after hostilities. The article presents four personal stories of the inhabitants of the occupied Pskov territory during the Great Patriotic War, which state the presence of constant anxiety, fear and despair. The article discusses the main conditions of a person in extreme conditions, the stages of their development. In all extreme situations, a person's moral conditioning and mental state play a decisive role; they determine the readiness for deliberate, confident and prudent actions in critical moments. It is concluded that the use of field research to collect the oral personal history of civilians can significantly enrich knowledge about human psychology in the extreme conditions of the Great Patriotic War.

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