scholarly journals Population structure of geographical cultures of European spruce in the estimates of the pigment composition of needles

В.П. Бессчетнов ◽  
Н.Н. Бессчетнова ◽  
А.Ю. Щербаков

Изучали содержание и соотношение пластидных пигментов в хвое представителей разных популяций ели европейской, введенных в состав географических культур на территории Нижегородской области. Применяли спектрофотометрический метод выявления количественных оценок пигментного состава листового аппарата с обеспечением принципа единственного логического различия и основных требований к организации опыта. Проведены натурные обследования насаждений и лабораторные анализы биологических проб. Выявлены различия между представителями удаленных друг от друга популяций ели европейской при их совместном выращивании в составе географических культур по комплексу показателей пигментного состава однолетней хвои. Наибольшее содержание хлорофилла-а (3,25±0,06 мг/г) отмечено у семенного потомства популяций из Псковской области, что в 1,26 раза превосходит соответствующий минимум (2,57±0,04 мг/г), зафиксированный у представителей популяций из Калининградской области. Зафиксированы сходные масштабы соотношения оценок содержания хлорофилла-b, притом что максимальные значения (1,37±0,05 мг/г и 1,37±0,06 мг/г) наблюдались у происхождений из Костромской и Карельской областей, а минимальные (1,07±0,03 мг/г и 1,09±0,03 мг/г) – у представителей популяций из Архангельской и Калининградской областей. Подтверждена существенность различий между популяциями ели европейской по всем рассматриваемым показателям пигментного состава. Обнаружено сходство в сложении трех группировок популяций, возникших при выполнении факторного и кластерного анализа. Коэффициенты плотности кластера (средняя евклидова дистанция его сложения) каждой их них составили: 6,258 единиц евклидовой дистанции (у первой); 4,374 ед. (у второй); 7,818 ед. (у третьей) и 6,150 ед. (общая средняя дистанция). Среднее межкластерное расстояние при этом достигло 20,414 ед., что принципиально больше величин внутрикластерных дистанций и позволяет признать корректным выделение кластеров. Обоснован устойчивый характер соотношения популяций ели европейской, имеющих различное географическое происхождение, по пигментному составу хвои. The content and ratio of plastid pigments in the conifers of representatives of different populations of Norway spruce introduced into the geographic test-cultures in the Nizhny Novgorod region were studied. A spectrophotometric method was used to identify quantitative estimates of the pigment composition of the leaf apparatus, ensuring the principle of a single logical difference and the basic requirements for the organization of the experiment. Field surveys of plantings and laboratory analyses of biological samples were carried out. The differences between representatives of Norway spruce populations that are remote from each other were revealed when they were grown together as part of geographical crops according to the complex of indicators of the pigment composition of annual needles. The highest content of chlorophyll-a (3.25±0.06 mg/g) was observed in the seed offspring of populations from the Pskov region, which is 1.26 times higher than the corresponding minimum (2.57±0.04 mg/g) recorded in representatives of populations from the Kaliningrad region. Similar scales of the ratio of estimates of the content of chlorophyll-b were recorded, despite the fact that the maximum values (1.37±0.05 mg/g and 1.37±0.06 mg/g) were observed in the origin from the Kostroma and Karelian regions, and the minimum values (1.07±0.03 mg/g and 1.09±0.03 mg/g) were observed in representatives of populations from the Arkhangelsk and Kaliningrad regions. The significance of differences between the populations of Norway spruce in all the considered indicators of pigment composition was confirmed. A similarity was found in the addition of three groups of populations that arose during factor and cluster analysis. The cluster density coefficients (the average Euclidean distance of its addition) of each of them were: 6,258 units of the Euclidean distance (for the first one); 4,374 units. (in the second); 7,818 units. (at the third) and 6,150 units. (total average distance). The average inter-cluster distance at the same time reached 20,414 units, which is fundamentally greater than the values of intra-cluster distances and allows us to recognize the correct allocation of clusters. The stable nature of the ratio of populations of Norway spruce with different geographical origin, according to the pigment composition of needles, is justified.

2011 ◽  
Vol 131 (2) ◽  
pp. 401-411 ◽  
Dušan Gömöry ◽  
Roman Longauer ◽  
Tomáš Hlásny ◽  
Marián Pacalaj ◽  
Slavomír Strmeň ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 439
Juliao Soares de Souza Lima ◽  
Samuel Assis Silva

The quality of coffee beverages has been under study due to the demand of the consumer market for both arabica and conilon coffee. The aim of this work was to study beverage quality from different clones by means of sensory analysis, in 13 clones of the variety Victoria INCAPER 8142 produced at average altitudes of 100.0 m and 528.0 m and with the cherry fruits processed by natural drying or depulping. Fuzzy classification was adopted for the global scores obtained in the sensory analysis, on a scale of 70.0 to 100.0 points, with the Euclidean distance from the cluster analysis being used to define the dissimilarity between the global fuzzified scores for the different clones at the two altitudes and for the two methods of processing the fruit. Clones C4 and C10, at the intermediate maturation stage, presented a mean global score (GS) of 85.0 points for the coffee produced at the altitude of 528.0 m and for the depulped fruit, corresponding to a degree of fuzzy pertinence (FI) of 0.50, and being classified as fine coffee. These same clones presented dissimilarities in the beverage produced by the depulped fruit, with better quality for the coffee at the higher altitude. The fuzzy classification taken together with the cluster analysis to interpret the mean global scores (GS) in the sensory analysis of the beverage for the different treatments under study identified variation in beverage quality

П.В. Ершов ◽  
В.П. Бессчетнов ◽  
Н.Н. Бессчетнова

Исследовали многопараметрическую близость плюсовых деревьев ели европейской по комплексу показателей пигментного состава хвои. Изучены вегетативные потомства 21 плюсового дерева ели европейской в возрасте 34 лет. Они размещены по единой схеме в архиве клонов на территории Нижегородской области. Комплексная оценка генетической близости сравниваемых объектов дана с помощью методов кластерного и факторного анализа по 24 признакам пигментного состава 1-летней и 2-летней хвои. Вытяжки пигментов в 96% этаноле анализировали спектрофотометром «Grating 722». Выбор длин волн, соответствовал максимумам поглощения: хлорофилла-a (663 Нм), хлорофилла-b (645 Нм), каротиноидов (440 Нм). Определяли их раздельное и общее содержание, а также соотношение между ними. Обнаружена дифференциация ассортиментного состава плюсовых деревьев ели европейской. Масштаб проявления их фенотипической неоднородности по многочисленным признакам, введенным в схему опыта, неодинаков. Подтверждена устойчивость соотношений между исследованными плюсовыми деревьями. Их состав был организован в кластеры, в той или иной степени удалённые один от другого. Поскольку зафиксированные различия и отмеченный характер группировки плюсовых деревьев сформировались на выровненном экофоне, возникают все основания признать их наследственный характер. Контрастность проявления и генотипическая обусловленность многопараметрических различий между плюсовыми деревьями ели европейской по пигментному составу разновозрастной хвои может служить основанием для привлечения данных показателей для осуществления многомерной идентификации и классификации объектов лесной селекции. Плюсовые деревья, представляющие разные кластеры, имеют меньше шансов оказаться близкими родственниками, в то время как объекты, входящие в состав одного кластера или, тем более, микрокластера, потенциально сходны в генетическом плане. Полученная информация об их комплексной близости позволит формировать оптимальный состав лесосеменных плантаций, исключая риск возникновения негативного эффекта инбредной депрессии семенного потомства. Researched multi-parameter affinity plus trees of Norway spruce using a range of indicators of the pigment composition of needles. Studied vegetative progeny of 21 plus trees of Norway spruce at the age of 34 years. They are placed according to a uniform scheme in the clone archive in the territory of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Cluster and factor analysis of 24 characteristics of the pigment composition 1-year and 2-year-old pine established the genetic closeness of objects. Extraction of pigments in 96% ethanol were analyzed with a spectrophotometer «Grating 722». The choice of wavelengths correspond to absorption maxima: chlorophyll-a (663 Nm), chlorophyll-b (645 Nm), carotenoids (440 Nm). Defined their separate and total contents, and the ratio between them. Discovered differentiation in assortment composition plus trees of Norway spruce. The extent of their phenotypic heterogeneity due to numerous features introduced in the scheme experience varies. Confirmed the stability of the ratios between the investigated plus trees. Their composition was organized into clusters, in varying degrees, distant from each other. As fixed differences and the nature of the groupings of plus trees was formed in aligned environmental conditions, there is every reason to recognize their hereditary character. Plus trees representing different clusters are less likely to be close relatives, while the objects included in the same cluster, potentially similar in genetic terms. Received information about their comprehensive reach allows to form the optimal composition of seed orchards, eliminating the risk of the negative effect of inbreeding depression in seed progeny.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (5) ◽  
pp. 2615-2628
Lana Leticia Barbosa de Carvalho ◽  
Heloise de Sousa Castro ◽  
Ingrid Leão Campos ◽  
Bruno Borella Anhê ◽  

In the Eastern Amazon is the largest continuous coconut crop area in the world. This region is known for its high precipitation levels and an ecosystem of extensive insect biodiversity. It is important to know the local entomofauna and to know whether there is a balance between the different insect groups. This study aimed to understand the influence of seasonality on the dynamics of edaphic insect families, comparing the environment as a whole and in different commercial coconut crop areas and riparian forests in the Eastern Amazon. Forty pitfall traps were installed in the ground at an average distance of 1 m from the coconut stipe. They were filled with 200 ml of an aqueous solution of liquid neutral soap and 70% alcohol. Traps were installed in eight areas: an area of riparian forest (A1) and seven in commercial coconut crop areas (A2 to A8), in the Amazon dry and rainy season. The similarity between the insects was measured using Euclidean distance. The abundance of families in each collection area used qualitative similarity. For family dominance, quantitative similarity was used. Diversity analyses were performed to justify the similarities of the clusters through the Shannon and Simpson Indices. In total, 252,313 individuals, 118 families, and 9 orders were collected. There were many Formicidae in both climatic periods because it is a social insect and has edaphic habits. The families with the most individuals in the collections were Drosophilidae, Staphylinidae, Bostrichidae, Phoridae, Nitidulidae, Scolytidae, Tenebrionidae, Scarabaeidae, Ceratopogomidae, and Platyogastridae. The riparian forest area (A1) showed the greatest diversity and least dominance. The oldest cultivated areas A2 and A3 (7 years) showed the greatest diversity in the dry season. In the rainy season, the most diversified areas were those with the highest land slope (A6 and A7). The most dominant areas were A5 and A8, where the largest number of Solenopsis spp. were found. This study showed the importance of obtaining basic information about coconut entomofauna and conducting research on insect dynamics in agricultural crops in the Amazon region.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 1755
Jiacheng Sun ◽  
Wenshi Shi ◽  
Yanyan Wu ◽  
Jing Ji ◽  
Jian Feng ◽  

Quercus mongolica Fisch. ex Ledeb. and Q. variabilis Blume are two main oak species in China, producing large amounts of acorns every year. However, the trait variations in acorns, as a promising energy crop material, are not fully understood, hence we compared the traits of acorns from the different populations with the altered geographic distribution in this study. Thirteen acorn traits, including phenotype, proximate compositions and functional compounds, were analyzed in both Quercus L. species collected from 44 populations across China. The results showed that, except large differences found among accessions in acorn sizes, the starch varied from 140.96–297.09 mg/g in Q. mongolica and 130.99–306.28 mg/g in Q. variabilis, indicating its substantial differences among populations. The total polyphenols, total flavonoids and soluble tannins varied from 41.76–158.92, 23.43–91.94, and 15.11–17.81 mg/g, respectively, in Q. mongolica, 89.36–188.37, 50.59–116.07, 15.24–17.33 mg/g, respectively, in Q. variabilis, demonstrating their large variations in the levels of polyphenols among populations. Moreover, the acorns of Q. mongolica in North China and Q. variabilis in Southwest China had higher levels of starch and polyphenols. As the geographical location approached in the distribution of two Quercus species, the difference in acorn sizes gradually increased, while that in polyphenols were opposite. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis further revealed that the acorn sizes became larger and polyphenols became less with the increasing latitudes in both species. In North China, the acorns of Q. mongolica had small sizes and high polyphenols, which was contrary to those in Q. variabilis. These findings indicated that acorn traits were closely associated with the geographical distribution. Thus, our results will provide references for the selection breeding of acorn with the high starch, high or low polyphenols in the different regions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 41 (3) ◽  
pp. 433-439
MR Karim ◽  
MM Rahman ◽  
AKM Quamruzzaman

Multivariate analysis of twenty six genotypes of eggplant were done to estimate the genetic diversity and to select the potential parents for a successful hybridization program. As per PCA, D2 and cluster analysis, the genotypes were grouped into five clusters. The highest inter-cluster distance was between Cluster II and Cluster III (37.82) and the lowest between Cluster I and Cluster III (4.39). Cluster III showed the maximum intra-cluster distance (1.58), whereas Cluster II showed the lowest intra-cluster distance (0.48). Considering the magnitude of genetic distance and agronomic performance, the genotypes SM 208 and SM 209 from Cluster II and SM 201, SM 218 and SM 227 from Cluster III might be suitable for efficient hybridization program. On the other hand the genotypes of Cluster I (SM 206, SM 210, SM 211, SM 212, SM 213, SM 215, SM 216, SM 217, SM 221, SM 224, SM 225 and SM 226) possess all the superior characters in respect of yield and yield related component. Thus the genotypes SM 206, SM 216, SM 217, SM 224 and SM 225 from this Cluster could be selected to develop high yielding eggplant varieties.Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 41(3): 433-439, September 2016

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 226-235
Abul Hasnat Muhammad Solaiman ◽  
Takashi Nishizawa ◽  
Mahmuda Khatun ◽  
Shahabuddin Ahmad

In this Morphological variation of thirty-five brinjal genotypes was investigated in order to screen efficient genotypes for a hybridization program in Bangladesh. The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher than that for the genotypic. The PCV estimates were high for the number of branches, number of fruits per plant, and single fruit weight. Heritability estimates were high for the single fruit weight with high genetic advance. In spite of high heritability values for most traits, the expected genetic advance as a percentage of the mean ranged from 19.92 to 121.51. Multivariate analysis was performed using principal component analysis (PCA), principal coordinate analysis, cluster analysis and canonical variate analysis. With PCA, multivariate analysis of Mahalanobis's distance (D2), and cluster analysis, the genotypes were grouped into six clusters. The longest inter-cluster distance was between clusters II and III, and the shortest was between clusters V and VI. Cluster VI showed the longest intra-cluster distance but cluster II showed the shortest. Genotypes of cluster I were suitable for the number of branches per plant, cluster II for the fruit length, cluster III for the number of fruits per plant, and cluster IV for the single fruit weight and yield. Considering the performances, genotypes SM-111, SM-84, EGN-27, SM-183, and BARI begun-6 are suitable parents for the hybridization program.

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Erny Poedjirahajoe

Pemanfaatan mangrove untuk silvofishery mampu mendatangkan keuntungan bagi masyarakat sekitarnya, maka perlu dikembangkan agar hasilnya optimal dan berkelanjutan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan klasifikasi karakteristik habitat mangrove yang sesuai untuk pengembangan kepiting soka yang selama ini sudah dikembangkan di Pantai Utara Pemalang. Penelitian dilakukan di Pantai Utara Kabupaten Rembang pada tahun tanam 2000, 2003, dan 2004. Masing-masing tahun tanam dibagi menjadi jalur-jalur tegak lurus garis pantai. Setiap jalur diletakkan 3 petak ukur 5 x 5m sesuai dengan zonasi yang ada pada hutan mangrove, kemudian diukur kerapatan tanaman mangrove, ketebalan lumpur, DO, salinitas, suhu, pH, dan kepadatan plankton. Sebagai pembanding, maka diambil pula data karakteristik habitat di mangrove Pemalang yang sudah digunakan silvofishery kepiting soka. Data pada setiap petak ukur dirata-rata dan dibedakan pada setiap zonasi. Data setiap zonasi dianggap sebagai relevé. Relevé-relevé pada kedua lokasi kemudian dianalisis menggunakan uji pengelompokan atau cluster analysis dengan metode jarak Mean Euclidean Distance (MED). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada umumnya cluster yang terbentuk kurang bervariasi. Sepintas terlihat hanya ada 2 kelompok besar yang terpisahkan, yaitu pada jarak cluster 10. Pengelompokan demikian ini cukup bagus karena kemiripan habitat ditunjukkan secara ekstrim oleh dua kelompok besar tersebut. Meskipun pada jarak cluster 5 terdapat kelompok yaitu relevé 3,6,8 dengan relevé 2, namun demikian kurang terlihat jika dibanding dengan jarak di atasnya. Pada umumnya habitat mangrove di Rembang kurang sesuai untuk pemeliharaan kepiting soka, karena hanya relevé 1 yang sesuai. Perlakuan lebih lanjut untuk perbaikan habitat diperlukan agar jenis kepiting ini dapat hidup dengan optimal.Kata kunci: silvofishery, kepiting soka, habitat mangrove, Rembang, relevé. Classification of mangrove habitat for  development of soka crab (Scylla serrata) silvofishery in the north coast of Rembang RegencyAbstractSilvofishery practices as mangrove utilization have been providing various benefit for local societies, thus it needs to be developed for its product optimization and sustainability. Providing suitable area for silvofisheries is crucial for the development of silvofishery. This study was aimed to classify the mangrove habitat characteristics that were suitable for soka crab farming in the north coast of Rembang Regency, following the success of the north coast of Pemalang Regency. This research were conducted in the north coastof Rembang Regency in 2000, 2003, and 2004 planting years. Perpendicular transects to the coastal line were established on each plantation area. On each transect, three plots of 5 x 5 m were established and distributed on each mangrove zone. Mangrove tree density, mud depth, dissolved oxygen, salinity, temperature, pH and plankton density were measured from each plot. The measurements of habitat characteristics were also conducted in the mangrove area of Pemalang, where soka crab farming was developed earlier as a comparison between areas with the same plantation period). Data collected from all plot were averaged and differentiated based on Mangrove zonation. Data of each zone were treated as relevé. The relevé of the two study sites (Rembang and Pemalang) were then analyzed using cluster analysis with Mean Euclidean Distance (MED). The results showed that the cluster was relatively less various. There were two main separated groups with cluster distance at 10. This grouping was relatively good, indicated by distinctive similarity of habitat within each group. At cluster distance of 5, there were two main groups which were relevé 3,6,8 with relevé 2 and the rest as other group. Whereas the cluster distance of 5 in the relevé 3,6,8 was grouped with relevé 2, but it was not clearer than above group. Commonly, mangrove habitat in Rembang was less suitable for soka crab farming because only relevé 1 was suitable for the habitat of this crab. Further intervention is required for habitat improvement.

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