good design
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2022 ◽  
pp. 1149-1172
John Denholm ◽  
Linda Lee-Davies

The chapter sets the scope, rationale and purpose of the book. It then covers a number of related topics, principally a review of learning theories and considers Bloom's well known learning taxonomy, and at which levels games of the mixed reality genre can be associated. The impact of games and simulations in learning is backed up by evidence from a survey of opinions as to which types of learning raise achievement levels the most. It also introduces the concepts of Experiential Learning (EL), Problem Based Learning (PBL) and Simulation Based Training (SBT) and then considers recent developments in education such as digital games, e-learning, distance and blended learning. It concludes with a review of earlier assessments of the value of games and an introduction to the suggested elements of good design in mixed reality games.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 175
Muhammad Ashraf Javid ◽  
Mashood Khalid ◽  
Nazam Ali ◽  
Tiziana Campisi ◽  
Antonino Canale ◽  

This study aims to identify the key factors in pedestrians’ intentions when using crossing facilities. For this purpose, a comprehensive questionnaire was designed and conducted at selected locations in Nizwa city. The main investigated variables are linked to personal characteristics, opinions on the main reasons for accidents, and how hard it is for pedestrians to cross roads at different locations in Nizwa city. Statements were also designed on the safety and health aspects of pedestrian crossings, as well as the physical and design aspects of pedestrian crossing facilities. Suitable locations were selected for the survey to assess the main concerns of pedestrian facilities. A total of 280 usable samples were collected from the selected locations. The analysis results revealed that young pedestrians do not find it difficult to use pedestrian bridges and underpasses when crossing roads. Pedestrians’ prioritization of safety when crossing, pedestrians’ health conditions, the proper cleaning and lighting of facilities, and the good design of facilities are significant determinants of pedestrians’ intentions when using crossing facilities. Crossing facilities need to be maintained properly, for example, through the cleaning and lighting of facilities. Proper awareness among pedestrians and vehicle drivers is required for the safety of pedestrians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-60
Sacha Molitorisz ◽  
James Meese ◽  
Jennifer Hagedorn

For many privacy scholars, consent is on life support, if not dead. In July 2020, we held six focus groups in Australia to test this claim by gauging attitudes to consent and privacy, with a spotlight on smartphones. These focus groups included discussion of four case studies: ‘shadow profiles’, eavesdropping by companies on smartphone users, non-consensual government surveillance of its citizens and contact tracing apps developed to combat COVID-19. Our participants expressed concerns about these practices and said they valued individual consent and saw it as a key element of privacy protection. However, they saw the limits of individual consent, saying that the law and the design of digital services also have key roles to play. Building on these findings, we argue for a blend of good law, good design and an appreciation that individual consent is still valued and must be fixed rather than discarded - ideally in ways that are also collective. In other words, consent is dead; long live consent.

2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012057
S Bahri ◽  
AW Purwantiasning

Abstract This research is a part of multi-year research, which has been started since last year by conducting some studies, either literature or simulation, for photovoltaic technology used in public transportation. In supporting the primary research of the implementation of Transit-Oriented Development’s concept within Kota Tua Jakarta, this research was also delivering the analysis of preferences through the community to designate the appropriate tram shelter within the historical area of Kota Tua Jakarta. By using fuzzy logic, this research has analysed the relevant point of tram shelter within the historical area of Kota Tua Jakarta. It has proposed together with another result of the study to be a good design. Thus, this research has completed some of the Transit-Oriented Development’s basic principles, such as transiting, connecting, and shifting to support the need within the area of Kota Tua Jakarta.

2021 ◽  
Vol 878 (1) ◽  
pp. 012007
A W Purwantiasning ◽  
S Bahri

Abstract This research aimed to propose a new concept for a historical area in Jakarta known as Kota Tua Jakarta by delivering a concept of Transit-Oriented Development to enhance the environment’s quality. The idea of TOD itself has been regarded as a perfect solution for a metropolitan city such as Jakarta, which has a relatively large population. As second-year research, this research has been developed from the first-year research that has conducted some ideas from precedent studies of historical areas. Using the eight principles of TOD (cycling, walking, transiting, connecting, shifting, connecting, densifying, and compacting), authors have concluded some results and proposed a design to be implemented within Kota Tua Jakarta. Authors have conducted a qualitative method with observation and mapping analysis to deliver a relevant result. The result will implicate urban planners and architects in providing good design and excellent planning for Indonesia’s historical site and Kota Tua Jakarta, particularly.

Philip Brey

This chapter covers two central issues in the philosophy of engineering design. The first concerns the nature, structure, and function of engineering design. Building on the existing literature, the chapter provides an account of engineering design from a bird’s eye view, asking what kind of practice it is, how it relates to other human practices (including other forms of design and other forms of engineering), and how engineering design processes are typically structured. The second issue concerns the moral, social and political choices embedded in design. The chapter investigates what a good design is from the perspective of ethics and society, how new designs can affect society in positive and negative ways, and how design processes can be supportive of values and ideals of a good society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 135
Andi Harapan, M.T.

Abstract: The increased of energy used on building operational is impacted by many factors, specially impacted by building delivering process. Delivering process is starting from design stage, construction stage until operational (occupacion) stage. If one of this staging is worst, would be affecting to the other staging (bad or good). Design stage is the crutial process on building delivering process, because on this stage the building criterias are setted and inputted to the drawing and specification documents. One of the example is energy used of the building, which should be setted on the design process and applied on the drawing and construction processes. This research is conducted with literature study and coparing with some datas about energy used of building in general about energy used of buildings.Abstrak: Meningkatnya pemakaian energi pada tahap operasional (pemakaian) tidak terlepas dari pengaruh tahap-tahap sebelumnya dari bangunan tersebut. Tahap desain, tahap konstruksi, dan tahap operasional dan maintenance merupakan suatu rangkaian kegiatan yang saling mempengaruhi yang sering diistilahkan sebagai daur hidup bangunan. Jika satu tahapan buruk maka akan memberikan dampak bagi tahapan berikutnya. Salah satu dampak negatif dari tidak baiknya daur hidup bangunan adalah meningkatnya pemakaian energi, yang dapat disebabkan oleh tahap desain yang tidak mempertimbangkan desain hemat energi, atau tahap konstruksi yang tidak baik sehingga menyebabkan pemakaian energi meningkat. Makalah ini merupakan studi kajian pustaka dari berbagai sumber terkait berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi meningkatnya pemakaian energi pada tahap operasional di dalam bangunan yang dikaitkan dengan daur hidup bangunan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-100
Jennet Senawati ◽  
Ni Komang Arie Suwastini ◽  
I Gusti Agung Sri Rwa Jayantini ◽  
Ni Luh Putu Sri Adnyani ◽  
Ni Nyoman Artini

ABSTRACTAlthough reading aloud is an old teaching strategy, its relevance has been vouched by research from time to time. The present study aimed to critically review experts' opinions and results of previous research on the definition and characteristics of reading aloud and its benefits for young children in the EFL contexts by employing George’s (2008) model of literature review. The review revealed that the teacher plays the most crucial role in reading aloud, acting as the bridge between the text and the student's comprehension. A good design of reading aloud demands the teacher’s competence in choosing the text to meet the students’ interest and level; planning the tempo of the reading and the pauses to pose questions and comments; and making connections with the text and the children. Reading aloud benefits children’s English regarding their vocabulary, pronunciation, comprehension, listening skills, reading skills, speaking skills, communicative skills, and motivation, literacy, and critical thinking skills. These results imply that reading aloud is still relevant to be implemented nowadays because of the benefits it brings to children’s English. ABSTRAKMeski sering dianggap metode lama, membaca nyaring memberi banyak manfaat. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk melakukan kajian kritis terhadap pendapat ahli dan penelitian terdahulu mengenai pengertian, ciri khas, serta manfaat membaca nyaring, dengan mengikuti model penelitian kajian pustaka George (2008). Diungkapkan bahwa guru menjadi penentu kesuksesan kegiatan membaca nyaring sebagai jembatan yang menghubungkan siswa dengan teks yang dibaca. Kegiatan membaca nyaring bergantung pada kemampuan guru untuk memilih teks yang sesuai dengan minat dan kemampuan siswa, serta merancang proses pembacaan terkait tempo dan penempatan jeda untuk memberi komentar, bertanya, maupun membuat kaitan-kaitan antara teks dan siswa. Ahli dan penelitian terdahulu berpendapat bahwa kegiatan membaca nyaring berkontribusi secara positif terhadap siswa terkait pembentukan kosakata, pelafalan, pemahaman, keterampilan mendengar, membaca, berbicara, dan berkomunikasi, serta motivasi, literasi, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis berkomunikasi mereka. Jadi, membaca nyaring sangat relevan diimmplementasikan pada jaman sekarang karena kegiatan ini sangat positif untuk perkembangan Bahasa Inggris siswa.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 307-316
Cecep Supriatna ◽  
Sri Handayani

Abstract: Islamic architecture appears not only as mere ornament, but is a media that plays an important role that has its own charm for every visitor/user, because a good design must respond to geography, location, climate, size, culture and others. The dome-shaped mosque building has thrived in the Islamic world and has become a symbol of expression of the structure and identity of a mosque. However, in the last two decades, many mosques without domes have appeared in Indonesia. Mosques with modern geometric elements are increasingly standing majestically in several areas in Indonesia. Some architects began to eliminate the dome element in the mosque, but still displayed Islamic values. One of the mosques without a dome is the Great Mosque of West Sumatra. The design is a square building that instead of a dome but instead forms a gonjong. The design of the Great Mosque of West Sumatra was criticized by several figures in West Sumatra, who said that the design of the mosque was unusual because it did not have a dome due to some literature stating that one part of the mosque was a 'dome'. news about the existence of a mosque ornament which is claimed to be a form of motif commonly used by Jews (Pentagram). The purpose of the study was to identify the design idea of the Roof of the Great Mosque of West Sumatra which describes the shape of the stretch of cloth used to carry the Hajar Aswad stone, the concept of three symbols: the springs (the elements of nature), the crescent moon and the Gadang House. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of the study indicate that the value and meaning of the architectural design philosophy of the roof of the Great Mosque of West Sumatra, which is represented by the architect in its design concept, has a lot of compatibility with the mosque building that has been designed. The concept is very clearly visible so that even ordinary people are very easy to understand.Keywords: Mosque Roof, Bagonjong Roof, Representation Abstrak: Arsitektur Islam muncul bukan hanya sebatas ornamen semata tetapi merupakan media yang berperan penting yang memiliki daya tarik tersendiri bagi setiap pengunjungnya/pemakainya, karena sebuah desain yg baik harus merespon geografi, lokasi, iklim, ukuran, budaya dan lain-lain. Bangunan Masjid berbentuk kubah telah tumbuh subur dalam dunia Islam dan menjadi sebuah simbol ekspresi struktur dan identitas dari sebuah masjid. Namun dua dekade terakhir ini di Indonesia mulai banyak bermunculan bangunan masjid tanpa kubah. Masjid dengan unsur-unsur geomotrik modern semakin banyak berdiri dengan megah di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia. Beberapa arsitek mulai menghilangkan unsur kubah pada masjid, namun tetap menampilkan nilai-nilai Islami. Salah satu masjid tanpa kubah tersebut adalah Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat. Rancangannya berupa bangunan persegi yang alih-alih berkubah tapi justru membentuk gonjong. Hasil rancangan Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat pernah dikritik oleh beberapa tokoh di Sumatera Barat, yang menyebutkan rancangan masjid tidak lazim lantaran tidak memiliki kubah karena adanya beberapa literatur yang menyatakan bahwa salah satu bagian dari masjid itu adalah ‘kubah’, bahkan ada beberapa keraguan tersebut yang berhembus kabar tentang adanya bentuk ornament masjid yang diklaim sebagai bentuk motif yang biasa dipakai orang Yahudi (Pentagram). Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasi gagasan desain Atap Masjid Raya Sumatera Barat yang menggambarkan bentuk bentangan kain yang digunakan untuk mengusung batu Hajar Aswad, konsep dari tiga simbol: sumber mata air (the springs: unsur alam), bulan sabit dan Rumah Gadang. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai dan makna filosofi desain arsitektur atap masjid Raya Sumatera Barat yang direpresentasikan oleh arsitek dalam konsep desainnya, terdapat banyak kesesuaian dengan bangunan masjid yang sudah dirancangnya. Konsep tersebut sangat nampak jelas terlihat sehingga orang awam pun sangat mudah untuk memahaminya.Kata Kunci: Atap Masjid, Atap Bagonjong, Representasi

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