staple diet
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2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-43
Mangi Lal Jat ◽  
D. K. Jaiswal ◽  
Y.S. Saharawat

Wheat is an important source of nutrition in our staple diet. Although farmers in northernIndia are growing wheat for a long time many farmers are lacking good knowledge of wheatand its new varieties production practices. The study was conducted to know the extentof knowledge and adoption of recommended wheat production practices among wheatcultivating farmers of the Malwa region. Nine farmers (3 big, 3 medium and 3 small farmers)were selected randomly from each (thirty-six) selected village of nine blocks of Hosangabad,Hadra and Sehore districts making a total of 324 wheat growers. Among the practicewiselevel of knowledge regarding recommended wheat production technology;method of storage(mean score- 2.30) was ranked first and selection and preparation of land (mean score-2.25) was ranked second. On the whole, the highest number of the wheat growers (46.29%)had a medium knowledge level of recommended wheat production practices while 41.66%had a medium level of adoption on thebasis of their level of adoption of recommendedtechnological practices of wheat crop cultivation.

Ankita Roy

Abstract: Rice has been amongst the most important cereal crop on earth, or more correctly the second most staple diet of people after wheat. The statement is self-explanatory to the demand of rice worldwide and the supply. But with increasing population, the demand of rice is also undoubtedly increasing. The increase in supply is though held back by many factors that adversely affect the growth of a healthy rice crop. One of these factors is salinity. Rice being a glycophyte has very low tolerance to salt, and salt stress results in a damaged yield. However, rice has its own mechanisms for salt tolerance to a certain level, the knowledge of which scientists have put in use to develop the few improvements in rice varieties providing them with better tolerance. Though these improvements have faced many challenges themselves, science still strives to make further achievements. This study aims to highlight the mechanisms rice use to tolerate salt up to a certain level and how they are affected by salinity at levels above that. It also aims to enumerate the methods biotechnology has developed in the past years to improve the varieties, the advantages they have had, the increase in yield they have shown and the challenges they have had to face. Also, it includes if there are any further developments undergoing and the future scope of salinity tolerance increase in rice, with the help of biotechnology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-95
Peter N. Omefe ◽  
Wasiu A. Ajetunmobi ◽  
Clifford E. Onyema ◽  
Olatunji E. Atoyebi

Bitter yam is eaten by the three major tribes in Nigeria, often as a special delicacy. The Ekiti people of Western Nigeria even consume it as a staple diet. It is also used by the locals for medicinal purposes. This tuber crop can however be toxic if consumed in the unprocessed state. Patients with bitter yam toxicity can present with neurologic manifestations such as convulsions and coma; digestive system problems such as vomiting; or allergic reactions such as itching. We present the cases of three siblings with bitter yam toxicity brought to our facility with age-and-dose-related symptoms after ingestion of undercooked bitter yam.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 1046-1055
Arivuchudar R ◽  
Nazni P

The incidence of obesity and prediabetes is high, especially in the southern Indian states, Kerala and Tamilnadu, which will pave its way for other chronic metabolic diseases. The steamed rice cake or Idli, the staple diet, of South Indian population is high in glycaemic index. Despite, the diabetics from middle and high income population consume Idli for at least twice a day, for many ages. Hence, in this study, the notion of incorporating Ocimum basilicum seeds, has been considered, to ascertain if this can add value to the staple diet of major populace i.e Idli or steamed rice cake. The raw or unprocessed, roasted and steamed Ocimum basilicum seeds in a proportion of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of the black gram was added to the steamed rice cake batter prepared by standardised procedure and was steamed until doneness. All the variations of Ocimum basilicum seed incorporated Idlis were subjected to proximate, textural and sensory analysis.The proximate analysis results depicted that the composition of parameters viz. moisture, energy, protein, fibre and ash, of the Ocimum basilicum seed incorporated steamed rice cake showed significant difference (p<0.05) in all the variations, on comparison with control. The TPA results signify that the textural parameters of Idlis with 15% of roasted O.basilicum seeds (V7) and 20% of roasted O.basilicum seeds (V8) incorporation seem to be more acceptable. On organoleptic analysis, the mean score for overall acceptability of the 20% raw O.basilicum seeds incorporated variation and 20% roasted O.basilicum seeds incorporated variations of the steamed rice cake was maximum and showed acceptance index parallel to the control. Thus, it can be opined that the seeds of Ocimum basilicum can be used in steamed rice cake preparation as a means of value addition.

Neethu Mary George ◽  
Amruthavalli Potlapati

<p>Niacin (vitamin B3) is a B complex vitamin whose deficiency leads to pellagra, a condition with characteristic cutaneous, gastrointestinal and neurological features. In the western world, it is almost eradicated due to fortification of flour with niacin. In developing countries, it is commonly seen in low socioeconomic group of population or in areas where corn or maize is a staple diet and it generally affect adults. The role of niacin has also been detected in various non dermatological conditions like hypertension apart from its dermatological uses. Its deficiency can easily be missed unless the patient presents with the characteristic photosensitive rash. “Dyssebacia” is the name coined to describe numerous plugs of inspissated sebum projecting from dilated orifices of sebaceous gland. It is occasionally found to precede other dermatological findings in pellagra. Hence it is important for a clinician to know this unusual finding, dyssebacea, which helps in early detection and treatment of the deficiency.</p>

Toxins ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (10) ◽  
pp. 613
Paz Otero ◽  
Carmen Vale ◽  
Andrea Boente-Juncal ◽  
Celia Costas ◽  
M. Carmen Louzao ◽  

Seafood represents a significant part of the human staple diet. In the recent years, the identification of emerging lipophilic marine toxins has increased, leading to the potential for consumers to be intoxicated by these toxins. In the present work, we investigate the presence of lipophilic marine toxins (both regulated and emerging) in commercial seafood products from non-European locations, including mussels Mytilus chilensis from Chile, clams Tawerea gayi and Metetrix lyrate from the Southeast Pacific and Vietnam, and food supplements based on mussels formulations of Perna canaliculus from New Zealand. All these products were purchased from European Union markets and they were analyzed by UPLC-MS/MS. Results showed the presence of the emerging pinnatoxin-G in mussels Mytilus chilensis at levels up to 5.2 µg/kg and azaspiracid-2 and pectenotoxin-2 in clams Tawera gayi up to 4.33 µg/kg and 10.88 µg/kg, respectively. This study confirms the presence of pinnatoxins in Chile, one of the major mussel producers worldwide. Chromatograms showed the presence of 13-desmethyl spirolide C in dietary supplements in the range of 33.2–97.9 µg/kg after an extraction with water and methanol from 0.39 g of the green lipped mussels powder. As far as we know, this constitutes the first time that an emerging cyclic imine toxin in dietary supplements is reported. Identifying new matrix, locations, and understanding emerging toxin distribution area are important for preventing the risks of spreading and contamination linked to these compounds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 9881-9891
Tiantian Fu ◽  
Liya Niu ◽  
Yun Li ◽  
Dongming Li ◽  
Jianhui Xiao

Cooked rice (CR) is a staple diet for many people, but exhibits the high glycemic index that makes it difficult to control the blood glucose.

Javier Ávila-López

This chapter reviews the literature on materials development for EMI, providing keys for evaluation, adaptation, production, and exploitation of learning materials for English-taught higher education courses. It identifies the key assets in the coordinated application of materials development and EMI research, drawing on the prerequisites for coordinated language use and content learning. The key approaches for the development of interactive communicative materials are considered and analyzed to provide a deep insight on the rationale behind the main educational proposal—task-based content through language teaching (TBCLT)—that offers a number of indications to develop task-based EMI materials taking into account the potential of a text-driven syllabus that includes integrated project work as a staple diet of classroom dynamics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (6) ◽  
pp. S6-S7
Judith Harris

The popular picture book Pumpkin Soup is a staple diet for settings during the autumn months. The efforts of Cat, Duck and Squirrel to make the most perfect pumpkin soup is a great lesson in team work and sharing.

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