precarious situation
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Miguel Ángel Jordán

Jane Austen's novels are a faithful portrait of many of the customs and rules of her time’s society. By depicting her sociocultural environment, Austen confers a greater realism to her works and adds coherence to her characters’ attitudes. She also employs realism as a strategy to make a subtle social criticism, highlighting the negative consequences of some of her time’s laws and rules. In the present article, a sociocultural context is offered about clerics, courtship and marriage proposals, and the legal device of the entailment, which will lead to a better understanding of the subsequent analysis of Pride and Prejudice’s chapter 19, in which Mr. Collins’ marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet is related. Through this analysis, the way in which Austen criticizes the precarious situation of women in her time will be explained, as well as its subsequent consequences on marriage engagements.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 109-115
D. Ibraimova ◽  
E. Tilekov ◽  
Zh. Mavlyanova ◽  
A. Ibraimova ◽  
O. Bolbachan

In the structure of the first recognized by persons with disabilities, persons with disabilities take a leading position due to malignancies. In the implementation of measures for the prevention and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, it is necessary to carry out a disability analysis with a view to taking measures to reduce it. In the Kyrgyz Republic as a whole, there is a downward trend in dynamics by year, with the exception of 2015 and 2018. The most dysfunctional situation has developed in the Issyk-Kul region, where the largest frequency of primary recognized persons with disabilities is annually noted, and in 2018 and 2020 in the Talas region. In the Issyk-Kul region, despite highly intensive indicators, in comparison with other regions, the dynamics showed a decrease in the frequency of primary recognized persons with disabilities in 2015 by −11.7%, in 2016 by −3.3%, in 2019 by −9.6%, in 2020 by −17.8% with zero growth in 2014 and 2017. The increase was only in 2018 by +6.8%. In the frequency of persons with disabilities due to neoplasms under medical supervision in health organizations, a multi-directional trend was revealed, which is characterized by an increase in all years, with the exception of 2017 and 2020. The highest level of persons with disabilities in all years by region of the republic was observed in the Issyk-Kul region. By year, there was an upward trend in the level of the indicator, with the exception of 2020. The analysis made it possible to identify regions with an unfavorable situation. These include Issyk-Kul, Talas, Osh, Chui, Naryn regions. The precarious situation dictates the need for effective prevention of primary disability due to socially significant pathology leading to disability.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-126
Monija Islam ◽  
Tanveer Muhammad Al-Shams

This paper presents a comprehensive diagnosis of Job Security and Job Satisfaction of different service sector in Bangladesh. The different service sector job holders are in a precarious situation in terms of their job security. The survey questionnaire was modeled to measure the job security & job satisfaction of an employee in this Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, we investigate the vacillation of job security for different service sector employees. Job security and Job Satisfaction is one of the vexed questions here in the COVID-19 pandemic situation. It focuses on the relative importance of Job Security and job satisfaction factors and their impact on the employment. The result shows that working conditions, chance to try my own methods and co workers harmony are the most important factors contributing to job satisfaction during COVID-19. For this purpose, we formed questionnaire of 300 service sector employees such as Teachers School, College and University; bankers, doctors, engineers etc. to find out the actual scenarios. It also investigates the influence of age, gender and managerial/non managerial differences on the attitude towards job satisfaction. The study also examines the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic job satisfaction factors. Based on the findings, the employees at different service sector they were slightly satisfied with their jobs. Service sector employees are agonizing mostly due to this problem.

Yassin MEKLACH ◽  
Abderrahmane MERZOUKI

The secondary school performance of Ghomara’s students (coastal area of Chefchaouen province, Rif Mountain, Morocco) is deeply influenced by the cultivation of cannabis practiced by many Ghomarian families. To highlight this relationship, a field study was conducted with students, their parents, and other stakeholders through the adoption of a quantitative and qualitative sociological approach. It then appears that most of the students, especially boys, from cannabis families had annual averages assessment marks (AAM) less than 10/20. These marks do not allow them to continue their schooling. In addition, other factors are added to aggravate the already precarious situation, such as the need for manpower to carry out family farming activities, the social reluctance towards education, the inadequacy of education system to the labour market and the mistrust of the local population to the reforms of the national education system recently proposed by the government.

2021 ◽  
Shailendra Kumar

<p>The relationship between women, technology manifestation, and likely prospects in the developing world is discussed in this manuscript. Using India as a case study, the paper goes on to discuss how ontology and epistemology views utilised in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics will affect women's prospects in developing countries. Women in developing countries, notably in South Asia, are perceived as doing domestic work and are underrepresented in high-level professions. They are disproportionately underemployed and face prejudice in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to determine if the introduction of AI would exacerbate the already precarious situation of women in the developing world or if it would serve as a liberating force. While studies on the impact of AI on women have been undertaken in developed countries, there has been less research in developing countries. This manuscript attempts to fill that need.</p>

2021 ◽  
Shailendra Kumar

<p>The relationship between women, technology manifestation, and likely prospects in the developing world is discussed in this manuscript. Using India as a case study, the paper goes on to discuss how ontology and epistemology views utilised in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics will affect women's prospects in developing countries. Women in developing countries, notably in South Asia, are perceived as doing domestic work and are underrepresented in high-level professions. They are disproportionately underemployed and face prejudice in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to determine if the introduction of AI would exacerbate the already precarious situation of women in the developing world or if it would serve as a liberating force. While studies on the impact of AI on women have been undertaken in developed countries, there has been less research in developing countries. This manuscript attempts to fill that need.</p>

2021 ◽  
ShailendraIndia Kumar ◽  
Sanghamitra Choudhury

Abstract The relationship between women, technology manifestation, and likely prospects in the developing world is discussed in this manuscript. Using India as a case study, the paper goes on to discuss how ontology and epistemology views utilised in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics will affect women's prospects in developing countries. Women in developing countries, notably in South Asia, are perceived as doing domestic work and are underrepresented in high-level professions. They are disproportionately underemployed and face prejudice in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to determine if the introduction of AI would exacerbate the already precarious situation of women in the developing world or if it would serve as a liberating force. While studies on the impact of AI on women have been undertaken in developed countries, there has been less research in developing countries. This manuscript attempts to fill that need.

2021 ◽  
Shailendra Kumar ◽  
Sanghamitra Choudhury

Abstract The relationship between women, technology manifestation, and likely prospects in the developing world is discussed in this manuscript. Using India as a case study, the paper goes on to discuss how ontology and epistemology views utilised in AI (Artificial Intelligence) and robotics will affect women's prospects in developing countries. Women in developing countries, notably in South Asia, are perceived as doing domestic work and are underrepresented in high-level professions. They are disproportionately underemployed and face prejudice in the workplace. The purpose of this study is to determine if the introduction of AI would exacerbate the already precarious situation of women in the developing world or if it would serve as a liberating force. While studies on the impact of AI on women have been undertaken in developed countries, there has been less research in developing countries. This manuscript attempts to fill that need.

Joanna Chojnicka

Lower Sorbian (New) Speakers: Questions Worth AskingThis article discusses the results of a sociolinguistic survey conducted among speakers of Lower Sorbian in autumn/winter 2020/2021. Lower Sorbian is an endangered Slavic language spoken in Lower Lusatia, a region located in the federal state of Brandenburg in eastern Germany. As is the case with many other minority languages, efforts are currently being undertaken to revitalize it and ensure its survival for future generations. Since home transmission of Lower Sorbian has practically ceased completely, the burden of revitalization is increasingly being carried by so-called new speakers, i.e. speakers who have acquired the language, usually via institutional education and often as adults.The online survey, available both in Lower Sorbian and German, consisted of 30 questions divided into four sections: General information, Language use/linguistic practices, Lower Sorbian identity and community, and Opinions and attitudes. Its goal was to gather general information on the Lower Sorbian speaker community and on how it operates. Although the survey did not target new speakers specifically, it was expected to be completed mostly by this speaker group. It was designed to provide an overall picture of new speaker profiles, to be explored in depth later in the project during individual sociolinguistic interviews and focus group discussions. The questionnaire was distributed via familiar speaker networks and completed by 78 respondents (43 in German and 35 in Lower Sorbian).As the number of Lower Sorbian speakers is not known, the results of the survey cannot be considered representative. They do, however, provide important and interesting information about a group of speakers who are mostly of working age, well-educated and living predominantly in Cottbus or the surrounding area. They make an effort to speak the endangered language in professional and social/cultural contexts, they are aware of its precarious situation and they care about its survival. Most of our respondents have learned the language — or are still learning it — via institutional education, which makes them new speakers. Through multiple diagrams that represent the survey results in an easy-to-follow way, complemented by examples of respondents’ comments to the questionnaire, the article paints a general picture of these speakers, their motivations, language practices and future hopes and aspirations. (Nowi) użytkownicy języka dolnołużyckiego — pytania warte zadaniaW artykule omówiono wyniki ankiety socjolingwistycznej przeprowadzonej wśród użytkowników/-czek języka dolnołużyckiego jesienią/zimą 2020/2021. Dolnołużycki to zagrożony język słowiański, występujący na Dolnych Łużycach, regionie leżącym w Brandenburgii, we wschodnich Niemczech. Podobnie jak w przypadku wielu innych języków mniejszościowych, obecnie podejmuje się wysiłki rewitalizacyjne w celu jego zachowania dla przyszłych pokoleń. Ponieważ domowa transmisja dolnołużyckiego praktycznie całkowicie ustała, ciężar rewitalizacji języka w coraz większym stopniu spoczywa na tzw. nowych użytkownikach/-czkach (ang. new speakers), którzy/-re nauczyli/-ły się języka zwykle poprzez edukację zinstytucjonalizowaną i często już jako osoby dorosłe.Ankieta online dostępna zarówno po dolnołużycku, jak i niemiecku składała się z 30 pytań podzielonych na cztery sekcje: Informacje ogólne, Użytkowanie języka / praktyki językowe, Tożsamość i społeczność dolnołużycka, oraz Opinie i postawy. Celem badania było zebranie ogólnych informacji na temat społeczności użytkowników/-czek dolnołużyckiego i jej funkcjonowania. Chociaż ankieta nie była skierowana wyłącznie do new speakers, oczekiwano, że zostanie wypełniona głównie przez tę grupę i wyłoni ogólny obraz profili nowych użytkowników/-czek, który zostanie pogłębiony w dalszej części projektu podczas indywidualnych wywiadów socjolingwistycznych i dyskusji w grupach fokusowych. Ankieta, rozprowadzona za pośrednictwem rozpoznanych wcześniej sieci społecznych, wypełniona została przez 78 respondentów/-tek (43 w języku niemieckim i 35 w dolnołużyckim).Chociaż liczba osób posługujących się dolnołużyckim nie jest znana, wyników badania prawdopodobnie nie można uznać za reprezentatywne. Dostarczają one jednak ważnych i interesujących informacji o grupie osób, w większości w wieku produkcyjnym, dobrze wykształconych, mieszkających głównie w Cottbus lub w jego okolicach, usiłujących używać zagrożonego języka w kontekstach zawodowych i społeczno-kulturowych, świadomych tego, w jak niepewnej sytuacji znajduje się dolnołużycki i jak ważna jest dbałość o jego przetrwanie. Większość respondentów/-ek nauczyła się języka — lub nadal się go uczy — poprzez edukację instytucjonalną, co czyni ich/je przedstawicielami/lkami new speakers. Za pomocą licznych diagramów, które w jasny sposób przedstawiają wyniki ankiety, uzupełnionych przykładami komentarzy respondentów/ek, artykuł zarysowuje ogólny obraz użytkowników/-czek dolnołużyckiego, ich motywacji, praktyk językowych oraz przyszłych nadziei i aspiracji.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Blanca Rodríguez-Bravo ◽  
David Nicholas

El objetivo es indagar en las actitudes y prácticas de los jóvenes investigadores españoles hacia la ciencia abierta. Se analiza su interés por compartir en abierto publicaciones y datos, por colaborar con otros investigadores y stakeholders, por difundir su investigación y por perseguir el impacto de los resultados científicos. La metodología se fundamenta en entrevistas y encuestas dirigidas a Early Career Researchers (ECRs) españoles. Los resultados muestran el interés de los investigadores noveles por la ciencia abierta, pero también la necesidad de reconocimiento de las acciones implicadas en ella como requisito para su consolidación entre investigadores en situación precaria. La financiación es también un factor crítico a considerar. The aim is to investigate the attitudes and practices of Spanish Early Career Researchers (ECRs) towards open science. Their interest in sharing openly publications and data, in collaborating with other researchers and stakeholders, in disseminating their research and in looking for results’ impact is analyzed. The methodology is based on interviews and surveys directed to Spanish Early Career Researchers (ECRs). The results show the interest of novice researchers in open science, but also the need for recognition of the actions involved in it as a requirement for its consolidation among researchers in a precarious situation. Funding is a critical factor to be considered as well.

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