secondary wood
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BioResources ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 8152-8171
Venera Matygulina ◽  
Natalya Chistova ◽  
Aleksandr Vititnev ◽  
Roman Chistov

This paper presents the results of research on the treatment of secondary wood fibre semi-finished materials using a dry-grinding-type rotary cutting mill and the possibility of their use in finished products for various purposes. The physical phenomena, processes, and regularities of the treatment of secondary wood fibre materials in dry processing conditions were determined and evaluated. The influence of grinding plant design parameters on wood fibre quality indices was evaluated. Mechanical effects on wood fibre waste of face-cross cutting (cutting, crumpling, collapsing, and breaking) and the dry grinding environment (breaking, collision, defibering, and fibrillation) was studied. These phenomena contribute to the formation of external and internal fibrillation of secondary wood fibre and an increase in the specific surface area. This is achieved in the absence of high temperatures and pressure, in the absence of chemical additives, and without the application of water and vapour. The effectiveness of secondary wood fibre semi-finished material treatment was demonstrated under dry processing conditions, thus confirming the environmental and economic feasibility of this method.

Biomimetics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 33
Tom Masselter ◽  
Olga Speck ◽  
Thomas Speck

Since most plant movements take place through an interplay of elastic deformation and strengthening tissues, they are thus ideal concept generators for biomimetic hingeless actuators. In the framework of a biomimetic biology push process, we present the transfer of the functional movement principles of hollow tubular geometries that are surrounded by a net-like structure. Our plant models are the recent genera Ochroma (balsa) and Carica (papaya) as well as the fossil seed fern Lyginopteris oldhamia, which hold a net of macroscopic fiber structures enveloping the whole trunk. Asymmetries in these fiber nets, which are specifically caused by asymmetric growth of the secondary wood, enable the up-righting of inclined Ochroma and Carica stems. In a tubular net-like structure, the fiber angles play a crucial role in stress–strain relationships. When braided tubes are subjected to internal pressure, they become shorter and thicker if the fiber angle is greater than 54.7°. However, if the fiber angle is less than 54.7°, they become longer and thinner. In this article, we use straightforward functional demonstrators to show how insights into functional principles from living nature can be transferred into plant-inspired actuators with linear or asymmetric deformation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 475-484
Natal'ya Geral'dovna Chistova ◽  
Venera Nurullovna Matygulina

The paper discusses the results of a study on the use of fundamentally new equipment (rotary knife mill) for the preparation of secondary fiber waste in the air and the possibility of their full use in finished products for various purposes. In order to justify the effectiveness of the preparation and the feasibility of using secondary wood fiber semi-finished products by a dry grinding method, the physical phenomena and regularities of the mechanism for the preparation of secondary wood fiber semi-finished products by the proposed method are determined and investigated, which characterize the technological process of preparation in air and their possible future use as semi-finished products or in the manufacture of finished products products. The process of dissolution of wood fiber waste was studied, the mechanical effect on wood fiber waste due to face-cross cutting (cutting, crushing, flattening, breaking) and aerodynamic phenomena (breaking, collision, dissolution, fibrillation), contributing to the formation of external and internal fibrillation of the secondary wood fiber, is described. increase in specific surface in the absence of high temperatures and pressure, without the addition of chemical additives, without the use of water and steam. The performed studies allow us to propose a new method and system for the preparation of wood fiber waste by dry grinding, justifying their economic and environmental feasibility.

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1277
Matthew S. Bumgardner ◽  
David L. Nicholls

This research considers the ecosystem services associated with furniture, one of the leading types of secondary wood products manufactured internationally. We review and synthesize the literature surrounding the sustainable design, use, and disposition of wood furniture and related products in global markets. We consider emerging and innovative design strategies for wood (in biomimicry, for example) as well as topics that have been gaining traction in recent years (i.e., green supply chain management and eco/environmental labels and related market communications). An overarching theme is to consider how firm competitiveness can be influenced, or even enhanced, by green practices in design and associated communications with consumers. With a trend toward increasing customization in the secondary wood product marketplace, the role of design might be changing. However, design remains a critical product development function in modern markets, and designers are well-positioned to influence sustainable material utilization and improve furniture product use and lifespan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (22) ◽  
pp. 5655-5667
Teresa M. Seifried ◽  
Paul Bieber ◽  
Laura Felgitsch ◽  
Julian Vlasich ◽  
Florian Reyzek ◽  

Abstract. Silver birch (Betula pendula) is known to contain ice-nucleating macromolecules (INMs) to survive in harsh environments. However, little is known about the release and transport of INMs from birch trees into the atmosphere. In this study, we conducted in situ and in vivo investigations on INMs from nine birches growing in an alpine valley (Ötztal, Austria). A detailed analysis of drill cores showed that INM concentration increases towards outer layers, reaching its maximum near the surface. Aqueous extracts from the surfaces of leaves, bark, primary wood and secondary wood contained INMs (34∕36) with concentrations ranging from 9.9×105 to 1.8×109 INMs cm−2. In a field study, we analysed the effect of precipitation on the release of these INMs attached to the surface of the trees. These experiments showed that INMs are splashed and aerosolized into the environment during rainfall events, at concentrations and freezing temperatures similar to in vivo samples. Our work sheds new light on the release and transport of INMs from birch surfaces into the troposphere. Birches growing in boreal and alpine forests should be considered an important terrestrial source of INMs.

E. S. Liashenko ◽  
A. M. Aliev ◽  
A. V. Korotkaia

В статье всесторонне освещены вопросы по переработки вторичного сырья, их экологическая и экономическая выгода. Описываются способы переработки вторичного древесного сырья, применение на рынке, выгода для предприятий и польза для потребителей. Приведены данные Росприроднадзора, исходя из которых за 2017 г. на территории Российской федерации образовалось 6221 млн тонн отходов. Из них удалось использовать в качестве вторсырья 433 млн тонн, а остальной объем отходов был захоронен, если сравнивать данные с Европейскими странами они опережают РФ в несколько раз. Переработка отходов позволяет: уменьшить объем ежегодно вывозимого на полигоны мусора; экономить природные ресурсы; применять вторсырье в качестве основного или вспомогательного материала на разных производствах. Использование вторичных ресурсов и переработка отходов — не только выход из экологического тупика, но и выгодное решение для предприятий промышленности. Применение вторсырья обходится гораздо дешевле, чем покупка сырьевого материала. Это позволяет снизить себестоимость продукции, экономить на вывозе мусора и платить меньше экологических сборов.

2020 ◽  
Teresa M. Seifried ◽  
Paul Bieber ◽  
Laura Felgitsch ◽  
Julian Vlasich ◽  
Florian Reyzek ◽  

Abstract. Silver birch (Betula pendula) are known to contain ice-nucleating macromolecules (INMs) to survive in harsh environments. However, little is known about the release and transport of INMs from birch trees into the atmosphere. In this study, we conducted in-situ and in-vivo investigations on INM from nine birches growing in an alpine valley (Ötztal, Austria). A detailed analysis of drill cores shows that INM concentration increases towards outer layers, reaching its maximum near the surface. Aqueous extracts from the surfaces of leaves, bark, primary wood and secondary wood contained INMs (34/36) with concentrations ranging from 9.9·105 to 1.8·109 INM cm−2. In a field study, we analysed the effect of precipitation on the release of these INMs attached to the surface of the trees. These experiments showed that INMs are splashed and aerosolized into the environment during rainfall events, at concentrations and freezing temperatures similar to in-vivo samples. Our work sheds new light on the release and transport of INMs from birch surfaces into the troposphere. Birches growing in boreal and alpine forests should be considered as an important terrestrial source of INMs.

Nani Fatimah ◽  
Bhanu Rizfa Hakim ◽  
Cisyulia Oktavia HS ◽  
Mafazah Noviana

ABSTRACT Nutritional problems in Samarinda occur because they are related to poverty, diet, health, and also cleanliness. So that a nutrition clinic is needed which is a health facility that provides complete basic medical services, namely good and complete services. This building will be specifically designed to serve nutrition with modern architectural styles and linear space organizations. The facade of the building that will be applied to this nutrition clinic is by using a modern style. At this clinic will use the temple's black natural stone and glass riben on the facade of the building. The facade of this building also uses secondary wood skin to reduce the entry of afternoon sunlight into the building. Linear organizations are used to make it easier for visitors to enter the building and also to separate zones so that when visitors enter the building, they will immediately enter the semi-public, private, and service zones. Semi-public zones, such as lobby, reception, and administration. Private zone is consultation rooms. Service zones such as lavatories and prayer rooms.  Kata Kunci: Facade, Nutritional, Nutrition clinic, Modern Architecture   ABSTRAK Masalah gizi di Samarinda terjadi karena berkaitan dengan kemiskinan, pola makan, kesehatan, dan juga kebersihan. Sehingga dibutuhkan klinik gizi yang merupakan fasilitas kesehatan yang memberikan pelayanan medik dasar yang paripurna yaitu pelayanan yang baik dan lengkap. Bangunan ini akan dirancang khusus untuk melayani gizi dengan gaya arsitektur modern dan organisasi ruang linier. Fasad bangunan yang akan diterapkan pada klinik gizi ini yaitu dengan menggunakan gaya modern. Pada klinik ini akan menggunakan batu alam candi berwarna hitam dan kaca riben pada fasad bangunannya. Fasad bangunan ini juga menggunakan secondary skin kayu untuk mengurangi masuknya sinar matahari sore ke dalam bangunan. Organisasi linier digunakan agar mempermudah pengunjung memasuki bangunan dan juga pemisahan zona sehingga ketika pengunjung memasuki bangunan akan langsung berurutan memasuki zona semi publik, privat, dan servis. Zona semi publik yaitu seperti lobby, resepsionis, dan administrasi. Zona privat yaitu ruang-ruang konsultasi. Zona servis seperti wc dan musholla. Kata Kunci:Fasad, Gizi, Klinik Gizi, Arsitektur Modern

М.А. Мельник ◽  
Е.С. Волкова ◽  
Э.М. Бисирова ◽  
С.А. Кривец

В статье представлен методический инструментарий к оценке эколого- экономического ущерба лесопользованию от гибели и деградации пихтовых лесов в результате инвазии в Сибирь дальневосточного короеда – уссурийского полиграфа Polygrapus proximus Blandf. С учетом существующих отечественных и зарубежных научно-методологических подходов, применяемых в сфере лесного хозяйства для оценки ущерба от неблагоприятных антропогенных и природных факторов, разработана методика расчета комплексного ущерба от потерь древесины, второстепенных древесных ресурсов и утраты экологических функций леса в связи с деятельностью инвайдера. Предложены формулы для расчета прямого фактического и потенциального ущерба от потери древесины, пихтовой живицы, пихтовой лапы и новогодних пихт, а также косвенного ущерба от нарушения углерододепонирующей, кислородопродуцирующей и водоохранной функций насаждений. Апробация методики осуществлялась с использованием данных мониторинга на тестовых участках – 6 пробных площадях в темнохвойных насаждениях юга Томской области, где велись регулярные наблюдения за состоянием пихтовых древостоев в течение 2011–2017 гг. Показаны особенности проведения расчета различных компонентов ущерба в зависимости от таксационных характеристик и санитарного состояния насаждений. В среднем по всем тестовым участкам величина прямых потерь, исходя из минимальных ставок платы за древесину на корню, составила около 22 тыс. руб./га, косвенного ущерба – 25 тыс. руб./га. Рассчитанная по предлагаемой методике величина ущерба лесопользованию в пихтачах юга Томской области, наиболее пострадавших от уссурийского полиграфа, оценена в 92,14 млн руб., в том числе прямого ущерба – 44 млн руб., косвенного – 48,14 млн руб. The article presents a methodological toolkit for assessing the ecological and economic damage to forest use from the death and degradation of fir forests as a result of the invasion of the Far Eastern bark beetle Polygrapus proximus in Siberia. Taking into account existing domestic and foreign scientific and methodological approaches used in the field of forestry to assess damage from adverse anthropogenic and natural factors, a methodology has been developed for calculating the integrated damage from loss of wood, secondary wood resources and of ecological functions of the forest due with activity of the invader. Formulas are proposed for calculating the direct actual and potential damage from the loss of wood, fir resin, fir paw and New Year fir, as well as indirect damage from the disturbance of the carbon-depositing, oxygen-producing and water protection functions of the stands. Approbation of the method was carried out using monitoring data on 6 test sites in dark coniferous forests in the south of the Tomsk Oblast. On average for all test sites, the amount of direct losses, based on the minimum rates of payment for wood at the root, was about 22 thousand rubles / ha, indirect damage – 25 thousand rubles / ha. The amount of damage to forest use in the fir forests in the south of the Tomsk Oblast, most affected by P. proximus, calculated according to the proposed methodology, was estimated at 92.14 million rubles, including direct damage of 44 million rubles, and indirect losses of 48.14 million rubles.

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