zelkova serrata
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Suyoun Park ◽  
Anshula Tandon ◽  
Muhammad Tayyab Raza ◽  
Sungjin Lee ◽  
Thi Bich Ngoc Nguyen ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Ji Young An ◽  
Byung Bae Park

AbstractWood ash generated as a by-product of biomass combustion can be a sustainable and reasonable approach to counteract acidification and correct nutrient deficiency in forest soils. We investigated the influence of wood ash (WA) and combined WA + N (nitrogen) on soil chemical properties, growth and foliar nutrients of Zelkova serrata and their potential as a soil amender across different soil types. We applied four levels of WA (0, 5, 10, and 20 Mg ha−1) and two levels of N fertilizer (0 and 150 kg ha−1) across three different soil types: landfill saline (LS) soil, forest infertile (FI) soil, and forest acidic (FA) soil. The WA generally improved soil pH, organic matter, available P, exchangeable cations (K+, Na+, Ca2+, and Mg2+), and EC of the three soils, but its ameliorating and neutralizing effects were predominant in FA soil. N fertilizer was more effective in improving plant growth, especially for biomass production in LS and FI soils. WA application significantly increased biomass production when it was applied over 5 Mg ha−1 in FA soil, but higher dose rate of WA (i.e. 20 Mg ha−1) seems to pose negative effects. Foliar P, K, and Ca concentrations also tended to increase with the increasing amount of WA. Therefore, lower dosage of WA without N can be applied as a soil amender to counteract forest soil acidity and improve plant growth and foliar nutrient concentration, whereas N fertilizer without WA can be added to correct nutrient soil deficiencies in landfill and infertile soils. This study should enhance our understanding of WA as a sustainable and reasonable approach to counteract acidification and correct nutrient deficiency in forest soils.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. e0251828
Terumi Dohi ◽  
Yoshihito Ohmura ◽  
Kazuya Yoshimura ◽  
Takayuki Sasaki ◽  
Kenso Fujiwara ◽  

We investigated the radiocaesium content of nine epiphytic foliose lichens species and the adjacent barks of Zelkova serrata (Ulmaceae, "Japanese elm") and Cerasus sp. (Rosaceae, "Cherry tree") at the boundary of the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station six years after the accident in 2011. Caesium-137 activities per unit area (the 137Cs-inventory) were determined to compare radiocaesium retentions of lichens (65 specimens) and barks (44 specimens) under the same growth conditions. The 137Cs-inventory of lichens collected from Zelkova serrata and Cerasus sp. were respectively 7.9- and 3.8-times greater than the adjacent barks. Furthermore, we examined the radiocaesium distribution within these samples using autoradiography and on the surfaces with an electron probe micro analyzer (EPMA). Autoradiographic results showed strong local spotting and heterogeneous distributions of radioactivity in both the lichen and bark samples, although the intensities were lower in the barks. The electron microscopy analysis demonstrated that particulates with similar sizes and compositions were distributed on the surfaces of the samples. We therefore concluded that the lichens and barks could capture fine particles, including radiocaesium particles. In addition, radioactivity was distributed more towards the inwards of the lichen samples than the peripheries. This suggests that lichen can retain 137Cs that is chemically immobilised in particulates intracellularly, unlike bark.

2021 ◽  
Keigo Uematsu ◽  
Shigeyuki Aoki ◽  
Man-Miao Yang

The aphid Colophina monstrifica forms woolly colonies with sterile soldiers on the secondary host Clematis uncinata in Taiwan. However, the gall or primary-host generation of C. monstrifica has not been found to date. We successfully induced galls of the species on trees of Zelkova serrata through attaching its eggs onto the trees, and also found a few naturally formed galls on another Z. serrata tree. The identity of the aphids was confirmed by examining their morphology and mitochondrial DNA sequences. First- and second-instar nymphs in the galls exhibited attacking behavior toward artificially introduced moth larvae. Observations with a scanning electron microscope revealed that the gall inner surface was densely covered with minute trichomes. This indicates the water repellency of the inner surface, and strongly suggests that young nymphs of C. monstrifica dispose of honeydew globules outside the gall, as known in the congener C. clematis.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 467
Chung-I Chen ◽  
Ya-Nan Wang ◽  
Heng-Hsun Lin ◽  
Ching-Wen Wang ◽  
Jui-Chu Yu ◽  

As anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions intensify global climate change, plantations have become an important tool to mitigate atmospheric CO2. Our aim in this study was to estimate carbon assimilation and clarify the impact of environmental factors on the photosynthesis of Zelkova serrata (Thunb.) Makino, an important plantation species that is extensively planted in low altitude regions of East Asia. We measured monthly gas exchange parameters and leaf area index to estimate carbon assimilation. The results showed that gas exchange was significantly affected by vapor pressure deficit and temperature, especially in the dry season, and both photosynthetic rate and carbon assimilation decreased. Lower daytime assimilation and higher nighttime respiration during the dry season, which caused a 43% decrease in carbon assimilation in Z. serrata plantations. Z. serrata exhibited lower photosynthetic rate and lower carbon assimilation following planting in a tropical monsoon climate area. Therefore, the effects of extreme weather such as high temperature and vapor pressure deficit on Z. serrata forest carbon budget could be stronger in the future. Leaf area showed seasonal variation, and severe defoliation was caused by a typhoon in the summer. The annual carbon assimilation was estimated at 3.50 Mg C ha−1 year−1 in the study area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Chieh-Yin Chen ◽  
Shu-Hui Ko ◽  
Tzeng Yih Lam

AbstractTrees accumulate biomass by sequestrating atmospheric carbon and allocate it to different tree components. A biomass component ratio is the ratio of biomass in a tree component to total tree biomass. Modeling the ratios for Zelkova serrata, an important native reforestation tree species in Taiwan, helps in understanding its biomass allocation strategy to design effective silvicultural treatments. In this study, we applied Component Ratio Method (CRM) to relate biomass component ratios of main stem, large branch, twig, and foliage to tree attributes of Z. serrata from a 9-year-old plantation. Nonlinear and linear CRM models were fitted with Seemingly Unrelated Regression to account for model correlations. Linear CRM models with dbh as the predictor had the best fit with model correlations as high as 80%. About 46% and 40% of total tree biomass was allocated to main stem and large branch, respectively. However, main stem biomass decreased by 1.9% with every 1-cm increase in dbh, but large branch biomass increased by 2.2% instead. Results suggest that dominant Z. serrata trees tend to branch and fork, while smaller trees invest in larger main stem. An early pruning treatment should focus on dominant trees to maintain crown ratio and ensure wood quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 1493
Chunyan Cao ◽  
Jun Tao

Predicting the geographic distribution of a species together with its response to climate change is of great significance for biodiversity conservation and ecosystem sustainable development. Zelkova serrata is an excellent shelterbelt tree species that is used for soil and water conservation due to the fact of its well-developed root system, strong soil fixation, and wind resistance. However, the wild germplasm resources of Z. serrata have been increasingly depleted due to the fact of its weak ability to regenerate naturally and the unprecedented damage humans have caused to the natural habitats. The present work using Maxent aimed to model the current potential distribution of this species as well as in the future, assess how various environmental factors affect species distribution, and identify the shifts in the distribution of this species in various climate change scenarios. Our findings show habitat in provinces in the southern Qinling and Huai river basins have high environmental suitability. Temperature seasonality, annual precipitation, annual mean temperature, and warmest quarter precipitation were the most important factors affecting its distribution. Under a climate change scenario, the appropriate habitat range showed northeastward expansion geographically. The results in the present work can lay the foundation for the cultivation and conservation of Z. serrata.

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