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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (II) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Sardar Ali

This study aims to explore Manto’s short story “My Name is Radha” from a cultural perspective. The purpose of the investigation is to bring the hidden meaning to the surface, which is there but not visible. Manto has used many political, religious, historical, and cultural references in the story, which are significant in the understanding of the researcher. These references have deflected the norms, values, and taboos of Indian society. These are investigated with the help of Barthes, cultural code. This code helps in cultural understanding of the story. The study finds that Manto has used many cultural elements in his text like, bhai, behan, Raksha Bandan, kurta, sari, and panjama. These words provide a vivid description of the Indian people, as well as their culture. Furthermore, this study discovers that Manto has used a unique codec language to portray the way of living of the Indian people. Sometimes he has spoken directly of the cultural taboos and sometimes he has spoken indirectly of the said. The study concludes that the writer has deflected the society through different cultural elements. And these elements help in the true understanding of the text.

Ekaterina Sadovskaya

Inter- and generational interaction takes place in everyday communication and serves as the basis of any society as it forms, regulates and maintains the existence of society by collecting, preserving and transferring knowledge and experience from generation to generation. The interaction of generations is practice based; it rationalizes the actions of individuals in society relying on common sense for the purpose of preserving the descendants and turning individual experience into objective knowledge for the following generations. This is done in everyday mundane interaction of generations. It is fiction that has accumulated this experience; it demonstrates not only the abundance of inter- and generational interaction but also its daily presence and vital character. The most vivid description of such generational or intergenerational interaction is seen in fictional works dealing with the relationships in the family, growing up of children and grandchildren and in novels of morals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (10) ◽  
pp. 2500-2505
Abhijeet Sawant ◽  
Ajay Kumar ◽  
Santosh Kumar Vishwakarma

Agni is one of the important aspects of Ayurveda, which affects the health status of human being up to great extent. As per modern science, Agni can be correlated with digestive fire mainly performs functioning of digestion & metabolism. In Ayurveda Jatharagni, Dhatwagni and Bhutagni are three types of Agni among which Jatharagni is most important, which generates metabolic transformations (Ahara paka), and this metabolic transformation of ingested foods provides nutrition to the body. If the formation of Ahara paka does not take place properly due to any causative factors then production of Aam/Aamvisha occur and abnormal physiological functioning may be ob- served which leads to disease like Ajirna, Amlapitta etc. Acharya Kashyap is the first person who mentioned Amlapitta as a separate disease. He has not given an only vivid description of Amlapitta, but also its treatment too mentioned in Kashyap Samhita. Considering this aspect present article summarized some clinical manifestations of Aam/Aamvish janya Amlapitt and its management by Ayurveda. Keywords: Agnidusti, Aam, Aamvisha, Amlapitta.

2021 ◽  
Kshitiz Sharma ◽  
Ankit Shrivastav

<p>Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of automation on the mindset of existing employees as well as job seekers, the study is to know the perception towards the automation whether it has a positive or negative impact and also to study whether automation would pose a threat to upcoming jobs.</p> <p>Methodology: The first phase of research analogies was conducted by framing a questionnaire tackling specific points of the research at hand. The questionnaire was then circulated among the existing employees and also who were seeking jobs and then 131 prompt responses were taken from the entire sample size to research upon form the entire population. The application is used to conduct the research and the data is analysed using SPSS version 22 and regression is used to conduct the analysis. The data has been compiled in the keynote format and has been used to show a vivid description of the entire raw conglomerate data and has finally been extrapolated into a proper, finished informative product.</p> <p>Findings: According to the result, the impact of automation on existing employees is less than as compared to job seekers (employable mass). Job seekers are mostly concerned about the employment because as of now automation is limited to an extent but soon in no time the industries would be transformed with fully automated process and the jobs will be curtailed.</p>

2021 ◽  
Kshitiz Sharma ◽  
Ankit Shrivastav

<p>Purpose: The purpose of the study is to find out the impact of automation on the mindset of existing employees as well as job seekers, the study is to know the perception towards the automation whether it has a positive or negative impact and also to study whether automation would pose a threat to upcoming jobs.</p> <p>Methodology: The first phase of research analogies was conducted by framing a questionnaire tackling specific points of the research at hand. The questionnaire was then circulated among the existing employees and also who were seeking jobs and then 131 prompt responses were taken from the entire sample size to research upon form the entire population. The application is used to conduct the research and the data is analysed using SPSS version 22 and regression is used to conduct the analysis. The data has been compiled in the keynote format and has been used to show a vivid description of the entire raw conglomerate data and has finally been extrapolated into a proper, finished informative product.</p> <p>Findings: According to the result, the impact of automation on existing employees is less than as compared to job seekers (employable mass). Job seekers are mostly concerned about the employment because as of now automation is limited to an extent but soon in no time the industries would be transformed with fully automated process and the jobs will be curtailed.</p>

Afkaruna ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
Ahwan Fanani

The Hanbalite school, well-known as a traditional school of Islamic law, played important role in theological disscourses in Islamic history. The fact, however, fails to be paid enough attention because of prevalent knowledge among Islamic society that the Hanbalite is only and a school of Islamic law. The Hanbalite theology is frequently abandoned in Islamic scholarship, although several researches have tried to reveal them. This article is aimed to extend previous researche of the Hanbalite theology through the description of its creeds and the elaboration of theological polemics between the Hanbalites and their adversaries. This article employs the history of idea by analyzing references written by Hanbalite scholars and other related sources. The references are collected and categorized according to the need of topics and then interpreted to provide readers with overall picture of the Hanbalite theology and their polemics along history. The Hanbalites creeds are based on textual understanding on Quranic texts and prophetic traditions. The creeds are underpinned by the idea that the Quran is not created and Quranic verses on God’s attributes should be understood textually. The idea led Hanbalite scholars to do a debate with other theologians. The article provides a more vivid description on Hanbalite creeds and analyzes the creeds in the light polemics launched by the Hanbalite scholars against their rivals. The article, however, does not elaborate detailly on each Hanbalite scholar’s contribution in forming sophisticated Hanbalite theology.


This article is devoted to the analysis of zoomorphisms in the composition of comparative constructions and their comparison in different system languages. The article analyzes the most common examples of the use of zoomorphisms in comparative constructions of the English, Russian and Kazakh languages. For linguistic research, the analysis of zoomorphisms in comparative constructions and their comparison in languages of different systems seems to be very relevant. The mysterious nature of zoomorphisms has attracted more and more researchers over time. Zoolexics, which is brighter than any other area of language, reflects the peculiarities of comprehending extra-linguistic reality, when images and names of animals in different languages are projected onto a person. These images go back to the depths of human consciousness and beliefs. The names of animals projected onto humans are often associated with folk and mythical symbols. The roots of this phenomenon go far back in centuries, when tribes worshiped images of animal totems. Zoomorphisms are characterized as comparative expressives with diffuse semantics, i.e. they represent speech forms with double correlation: they link the spheres “animal” (as a function of origin) and “man” (as functional means of creating a characteristic). The study of zoomorphisms in various languages contributes to a vivid description of linguistic imagery, and in the comparative aspect of the study it makes it possible to identify typical associations, recognize and describe the national-cultural specifics of each language. Zoomorphisms in comparative constructions reveal the originality of the historical development of the people, spiritual culture, the peculiarities of everyday life, the specificity of the associative-figurative thinking of native speakers. Zoomorphisms as an object of research deserve special attention also because, obeying the laws of language, they form a specific subsystem, within which their own laws arise that require a special description.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 20-25
S N Esther Arulmary

Mullaipattu is one of the Pathupattu. Small book in terms of lines. It also has another name, Nenjatruppadai. The name is derived from the fact that the head of Mullaipattu stands with a relaxed heart. The author of this book is Napputhanar, the son of a gold trader from Kavirippoompattinam. This book is an Asiriapattu composed in terms of alphabetical order. Written in the second century AD, the book is a vivid description of the life of the people of that time. This book explains the biological beliefs of the people of that time, the cults, the warfare of the kings, the methods of protection, the clear view of nature are the background of modern life. The purpose of this article is to explore this.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-29
Joabson Xavier Pena

Abstract In his recounting of the Exodus narrative of the making of the priestly vestments in Judean Antiquities 3.151-180, 184-187, Josephus provides a vivid description of the high priest’s wardrobe, including its cosmological connotations. This article shows that Josephus uses cosmological motifs in his recounting of the high priestly attire in order to convey a message to his intended audience in Rome. Josephus adds his own accents to the biblical narrative to convince his public that the high priest’s fine clothing functions as a statement that the Judean God is not a national deity with restricted power, but the Highest God, who is the only creator, maintainer, and supreme ruler of the universe. Seen from this perspective, we observe Josephus in dialogue with a well-established Greco-Roman clothing imagery tradition that portrays gods and mortals in symbolic garments to enhance their far-reaching power or authority.

M. V. Kotenko ◽  
A. Z. Shtanhret ◽  

The article attempts to investigate the peculiarities of using of occasionalisms in the language of advertising. A thorough analysis of selected occasionalisms was performed on the level of phonetics, semantics and syntax. It has been proven that alliteration is the most often used means to increase the intonational expressiveness of an advertising slogan, as illustrated by numerous examples from newspaper articles. The analysis of belonging of occasional words to a certain part of the language has shown that they mostly belong to the class of nouns, adjectives and verbs with a positive connotation, thus contributing to the expressiveness of an advertising slogan. It has been confirmed that every occasionalism has been created for a certain advertising slogan by violating the language norms of word formation. Most occasional words have been formed by derivation, mainly affixation, base formation and abbreviation. From a syntactic point of view, the language of advertising is represented by affirmative, interrogative and exclamatory types of sentences. The main function of the selected occasional words is the nomination of certain products and services. Performing the function of an expressive means, occasionalisms are mostly used to provide a vivid description of the advertising product or service in order to attract the attention of consumers. It has been proved the expediency of using intentionally incorrect spelling of words, the so-called sensational or divergent spelling in the texts of the advertising slogan is considered to be one of the effective ways to attract the attention of modern consumers to the advertising product or service. As an example of an innovative tool in the battle for perspective consumers, the use of numerals and other graphic symbols has been singled out for the potential consumers’ attention, which will help to increase the effectiveness of the advertising slogan and remembering of its new expressive shades.

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