interview methodology
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Junsoo Kang ◽  
Youngmin Song

The purpose of this study was to find a way for modern tourists to enjoy increased well-being while being provided with high-quality information about cultural assets. In order for tourists to enjoy well-being, cultural tourism guides must provide quality services while using various storytelling techniques. As the number of tourists who are interested in cultural assets and use their leisure time for this purpose increases, quality cultural tourism commentary can be directly connected to the well-being of tourists. Modern tourists can experience richness of life and emotional stability while being provided with cultural tourism commentary services through various storytelling techniques rather than professional knowledge. In order for tourists to effectively experience well-being through cultural tourism commentary, cultural tourism guides need to implement the following effective commentary. First, culture tourism guides should try to have sense of unity with visitors. Second, they should encourage humanistic imagination through related information. Third, they should provide customized explanations for tourists’ understanding because tourists consist of various classes and ages. Cultural tourism guides who attract tourists’ interest, have appropriate wit, skillful responses to cope with unexpected situations, cheerful laughter, and a loud voice gained satisfaction from many tourists. In modern society, cultural tourism commentators are not limited to simply explaining tourist destinations, but play an important role in satisfying the well-being of modern tourists who seek leisure and emotional stability. The external environment that refers to outdoor atmospherics is also crucial as it influences visitor experiences. In museums, external physical environment factors such as architectural style, positioning of entrances, and exterior décor and signage can be a crucial facet of external ambiance affecting visitor experiences. The external environment (e.g., spacious design, pretty landscape design, outdoor natural surroundings) is a constituent of the tangibility aspect of museum performances. These external environment factors and internal factors together create perceived physical environments that visitors and staff cognitively/emotionally/physiologically respond to. The significance of this study is that various cultural storytelling activities performed by tour guides are examining the possibility of experiencing increased psychological well-being while making tourists as well as themselves aware of the happiness and joy of life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Peculiar M. Awa

Since 2013, Boko Haram has significantly contributed to gendered violence against women. This study examines the experiences of 16 women and girls who lived in the Boko Haram camp from 2014-2018 and had varying levels of engagement in the organization's activities. The study employs a qualitative phenomenological in-depth interview methodology. Semi-structured interviews conducted in Nigeria yielded data on the respondents' experiences before, during, and after their times with Boko Haram. Based on the analysis of interview responses and field notes, several themes emerged. Overall findings suggest that family and community dynamics play a significant role in terrorism in Nigeria. More specifically, early child marriage and the lack of access to education increase girls' vulnerability to abductions by Boko Haram, which, in turn, contributes to involvement in terrorism. Boko Haram members take control over the most disadvantaged and vulnerable victims and, through direct threats or non-consensual marriage, force these women to succumb to their pressure. Respondents reported facing barriers to reintegration into the community, although those with more formal education tended to fare better. These findings are discussed in terms of their implications for future research and counter-terrorism efforts in Nigeria.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Javier Lorente-Martínez ◽  
Julio Navío-Marco ◽  
Beatriz Rodrigo-Moya

PurposeThe purpose of this study is to analyse the level of adoption of in-store analytics by brick-and-mortar retailers. Web analytics technology has been widely adopted by online retailers, and the technology to gather similar information in physical stores is already available. This study explores how such technology is valued and adopted by retailers.Design/methodology/approachThis study is based on interviews and a focus group of 21 retail executives using a semi-structured interview methodology. An in-store analytics service was defined, along with specific key performance indicators (KPIs) and use cases to structure respondents' feedback.FindingsAlthough noteworthy differences have been found in the value of KPIs and use cases by type of business, the main finding is that none of the respondents reached the stage of a brick-and-mortar data-driven company. In-store analytics services are in the early stages of Rogers' (1983) model of diffusion of innovations. Three main reasons are presented: lack of technology knowledge, budget priority and a data culture inside the companies.Practical implicationsThe results should encourage scholars to further investigate the drivers accelerating the adoption of these technologies. Practitioners and solution providers should strive for improvement in the simplicity of their solutions.Originality/valueThis study is the first to analyse the level of adoption of in-store analytics from the perspective of retailers.

Maroushka Gupta ◽  
Ashwaria Gupta ◽  
Rajat Garg ◽  
Ruchi Agrawal

The aim of this study is to know the impact of coach training on coaches' personal and professional lives in various areas of development. A self-report questionnaire and an interview methodology were used to collect data using a within-subject design. The results of the study show that there is a significant improvement in the various areas of development impacting both the personal and professional life of the coach in a positive manner. The practical implications of the study are further discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-23
Kamble Aakash ◽  
Desai Supriya ◽  
Mehendale Smita

This paper aims to understand the motivations and behavioural patterns of Snapchat use by Generation Z (Gen-Z) and their social relationships with friends and romantic companions. Focus group discussion and in-depth interview methodology were employed to conduct the research with 49 respondents participating in focused group discussions. The respondents reported Snapchat being adopted for connecting with friends as it provided them with secure and authentic experience over other social media platforms. The gratifications gained from the use of Snapchat by Gen Z users were identified emerging from the features and experience of using the technology platform. The results were supported for uses and gratifications as the respondents justified the ephemerality of Snapchat being useful, the gratifications gained from snapping with friends and social groups. Snapchat was seen as a useful medium for security, privacy and ephemerality it provided along with a medium for authentic communications with friends and romantic companions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 155798832110163
Harvey Regan ◽  
Adrian Jama ◽  
Michael Mantzios ◽  
Rebecca Keyte ◽  
Helen Egan

Existing research investigating gay men’s eating behavior has focused on stereotypes and body image, rather than to understand why disordered eating is prevalent in gay men. The current study adopted a qualitative approach and employed interview methodology to explore gay men’s attitudes, feelings and experiences of their eating behavior, and the potential link to mindfulness and self-compassion. Twenty gay men aged from 21 to 51 years were interviewed using an interview schedule with open-ended questions. Three main themes emerged from the transcript data sets: “Lean to be Seen,” “Sod it ‘I’ll Have a Pizza,” and “You Can’t Sit with Us.” The first theme was developed following responses that participant’s eating behavior and exercise engagement were influenced by their perceived attractiveness by the gay community. All participants spoke of achieving or maintaining a slim or muscular body type and adopted their eating behavior or exercise regime to reach corresponding goals. The second theme relates to the lack of acceptance felt from the gay community upon not conforming to the bodily expectations set out by the community. The third theme relates to the conflicts in participants’ attitudes around how exercising and eating healthily would improve their mental well-being; but that they also would give preference to calorie dense foods to reduce stress. These reflections are observed through a context of self-kindness and self-compassion and are seen to be related to increased feelings of self-criticism and body dissatisfaction. The limitations and implication for this research and suggestions for future research are discussed.

Robert J. Eger ◽  
Christy D Smith

From a stakeholder perspective, this study explores the viability of data analytics as a tool in government fraud prevention. Using an interview methodology, we analyze the implications of business intelligence and analytics fraud tools on procurement stakeholders. We find that implementing and integrating business intelligence and fraud program streamlines processes by consolidating information and presenting data within a unique program. The functioning data analytics program increases our stakeholders' confidence level without alleviating their responsibility to perform due diligence in their management functions. Our stakeholders recognized a potential increase in workload; however, they acknowledged no perceived increase in undue administrative burden.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (3) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Mohammed AL-MOHAMMED ◽  
Gözde ULUTAGAY ◽  

Solid waste management operations are collecting, transportation, and disposal of residential, commercial, institutional, construction, demolition, and wide street areas; the result of the daily activity of humans needs to be properly managed. Iraq faces many problems associated with its unregulated solid waste systems. First, however, this study examined the reality of solid waste management in Iraq and ways to develop it. The total number of participants in this research was 326 participants .The data collected in February and March 2021, interview methodology and questionnaire which used, and the analysis software used for this research is IBM SPSS version 23; the two methodologies were used and combined to reach the largest possible amount of qualitative and quantitative information that may be absent from the researcher and to reach good results and outputs for the research, for reasons including obtaining more and deeper information to reach the largest segment of society and to achieve the goals of the thesis and obtain good results by integrating the two methodologies. The study concluded by analyzing the data, The municipality’s weak role and the lack of regular timetables in organizing waste collection and transportation operations, and 64% agreed that there are not sorting of waste from the source; also, the lack of cooperation and coordination between the public and the municipality, 39% agreed that most municipalities do not have healthy and environmentally safe landfills for waste disposal, 33% strongly agreed that there are no appropriate policies and laws that enhance the effectiveness of solid waste management, 49% strongly agreed that residents are ready to sort the waste in the designated place in case the municipality provides the containers, 53% agreed that residents are willing to pay for collecting waste from their homes or stores. After analyzing the study results, Iraq needs stations for sorting and transporting waste and stations for recycling plastic, paper and metals. Also, there is a need for sanitary landfills compatible with environmental conditions, and the municipality should play a greater role and give the private sector a greater role in the solid waste management process and overcome obstacles that hinder the work of investment companies, in addition to raising community awareness through holding educational workshops. For example, in schools and universities to spread environmental awareness in the community.

Michael J. Camasso ◽  
Radha Jagannathan

Chapter 5 lays out the authors’ operational plan for testing the conceptual model and answering the three research questions posed in Chapter 1. Following a detailed treatment of cultural transmission as an intergenerational process that can help establish cultural exogeneity, they look closely at its influence on the transition to adulthood in a cross-national context. It is then demonstrated why generational transmission requires a naturalistic sampling approach to insure that associations among family members are captured. This chapter goes on to describe the three-stage sampling process and how it aids efforts to study cultural diversity and economic performance. The family interview methodology and interview schedule are introduced, as is a statistical profile of the selected families from each focal country. How well the naturalistic sampling comports with surveys of cultural values that rely on independent, individual observations is considered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 789-803
Riikka Talsi ◽  
Aarno Laitila ◽  
Timo Joensuu ◽  
Esa Saarinen

Major life changes may cause an autobiographical rupture and a need to work on one’s narrative identity. This article introduces a new qualitative interview methodology originally developed to facilitate 10 prostate cancer patients and five spouses in the (re)creation of their life narratives in the context of a series of interventive interviews conducted over a timespan of several months. In “The Clip Approach” the interviewees’ words, phrases, and metaphors are reflected back in a physical form (“the Clips”) as visual artifacts that allow the interviewees to re-enter and re-consider their experience and life and re-construct their narratives concerning them. Honoring the interviewees as authors facilitates autobiographical reasoning, building a bridge between the past and the future, and embedding the illness experience as part of one’s life narrative. The Clip Approach provides new tools for both research and practice—potentially even a low-threshold psychosocial support method for various applicability areas.

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