laser source
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2022 ◽  
Vol 148 ◽  
pp. 107740
A.K. Varshney ◽  
Mainuddin ◽  
Sanjeev Kumar ◽  
Ashwani Kumar ◽  
Gaurav Singhal ◽  

Ultrasonics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 119 ◽  
pp. 106560
Takahiro Hayashi ◽  
Naoki Mori ◽  
Tomotake Ueno

Cancers ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 211
Aida Gilyadova ◽  
Anton Ishchenko ◽  
Artem Shiryaev ◽  
Polina Alekseeva ◽  
Kanamat Efendiev ◽  

(1) Purpose: Improving the treatment effectiveness of intraepithelial neoplasia of the cervix associated with human papillomavirus infection, based on the application of the method of photodynamic therapy with simultaneous laser excitation of fluorescence to clarify the boundaries of cervical neoplasms. (2) Methods: Examination and treatment of 52 patients aged 22 to 53 years with morphologically and cytologically confirmed mild to severe intraepithelial cervix neoplasia, preinvasive, micro-invasive, and squamous cell cervix carcinoma. All patients were carriers of human papillomavirus infection. The patients underwent photodynamic therapy with simultaneous laser excitation of fluorescence. The combined use of video and spectral fluorescence diagnostics for cervical neoplasms made it possible to control the photodynamic therapy process at all stages of the procedure. Evaluation of the photodynamic therapy of intraepithelial cervical neoplasms was carried out with colposcopic examination, cytological conclusion, and morphological verification of the biopsy material after the photodynamic therapy course. The success of human papillomavirus therapy was assessed based on the results of the polymerase chain reaction. (3) Results. The possibility of simultaneous spectral fluorescence diagnostics and photodynamic therapy using a laser source with a wavelength of 660 nm has been established, making it possible to assess the fluorescence index in real-time and control the photobleaching of photosensitizers in the irradiated area. The treatment of all 52 patients was successful after the first photodynamic therapy procedure. According to the PCR test of the discharge from the cervical canal, the previously identified HPV types were not observed in 48 patients. Previously identified HPV types were absent after repeated PDT in four patients (CIN III (n = 2), CIS (n = 2)). In 80.8% of patients, regression of the lesion was noted. (4) Conclusions. The high efficiency of photodynamic therapy with intravenous photosensitizer administration of chlorin e6 has been demonstrated both in relation to eradication therapy of human papillomavirus and in relation to the treatment of intraepithelial lesions of the cervix.

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 142-150
Mohammed Faisal ◽  
SK.M. Jahangir Kabir

Photonic Crystal Fiber (PCF) has been a topic of extensive research in the field of nonlinear fiber optics. It is due to its combination of linear and nonlinear properties which ultimately results in the phenomenon having various types of applications. One of the phenomena is supercontinuum generation that has been extensively studied numerically and experimentally over the last few decades as it has important applications in the field of medical imaging and sensing. In this paper, we numerically analysed and studied PCF of hexagonal core with various parameters and propose our novel ‘Star in Hexagon’ design as a good candidate for the broadband supercontinuum generation and hence a broadband laser source. We numerically pumped a long 10 mm PCF of this kind at 3.1 um wavelength with a pulse having a power of 4000 W and a temporal width of 50 fs. A broadband supercontinuum ranging from 1.7 um to 18 um was obtained. The generated spectrum is quite well in the mid-infrared region. Hence it can be utilised for Mid – Infrared (MIR) applications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 181
Frederic Panthier ◽  
Thibault Germain ◽  
Cyril Gorny ◽  
Laurent Berthe ◽  
Steeve Doizi ◽  

Background: Endocorporeal laser lithotripsy (EL) during flexible ureteroscopy (URS-f) often uses “dusting” settings with “painting” technique. The displacement velocity of the laser fiber (LF) at the stone surface remains unknown and could improve EL’s ablation rates. This in vitro study aimed to define the optimal displacement velocity (ODV) for both holmium:yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Ho:YAG) and thulium fiber laser (Tm-Fiber). Methods: A 50W-TFL (IRE Polus®, Russia) and a 30W-MH1-Ho:YAG laser (Rocamed®), were used with 272µm-Core-Diameter LF (Sureflex, Boston Scientific©), comparing three TFL modes, “fine dusting” (FD:0.05–0.15 J/100–600 Hz); “dusting” (D:0.5 J/30–60 Hz); “fragmentation” (Fr:1 J/15–30 Hz) and two Ho:YAG modes (D:0.5 J/20 Hz, Fr:1 J/15 Hz). An experimental setup consisting of immerged cubes of calcium oxalate monohydrate (COM) stone phantoms (Begostone Plus, Begoã) was used with a 2 seconds’ laser operation time. LF were in contact with the stones, static or with a displacement of 5, 10 or 20 mm. Experiments were repeated four times. Stones were dried and µ-scanned. Ablation volumes (mm3) were measured by 3D-segmentation. Results: ODV was higher in dusting compared to fragmentation mode during Ho:YAG lithotripsy (10 mm/sec vs. 5 mm/sec, respectively). With Tm-Fiber, dusting and fragmentation OVDs were similar (5 mm/sec). Tm-Fiber ODV was lower than Ho:YAGs in dusting settings (5 mm/s vs. 10 mm/sec, respectively). Without LF displacement, ablation volumes were at least two-fold higher with Tm-Fiber compared to Ho:YAG. Despite the LF-DV, we report a 1.5 to 5-fold higher ablation volume with Tm-Fiber compared to Ho:YAG. Conclusions: In dusting mode, the ODVTm-Fiber is lower compared to ODVHo:YAG, translating to a potential easier Tm-Fiber utilization for “painting” dusting technique. The ODV determinants remain unknown. Dynamic ablation volumes are higher to static ones, regardless of the laser source, settings or LF displacement velocity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 263
Claire Besancon ◽  
Delphine Néel ◽  
Dalila Make ◽  
Joan Manel Ramírez ◽  
Giancarlo Cerulo ◽  

The tremendous demand for low-cost, low-consumption and high-capacity optical transmitters in data centers challenges the current InP-photonics platform. The use of silicon (Si) photonics platform to fabricate photonic integrated circuits (PICs) is a promising approach for low-cost large-scale fabrication considering the CMOS-technology maturity and scalability. However, Si itself cannot provide an efficient emitting light source due to its indirect bandgap. Therefore, the integration of III-V semiconductors on Si wafers allows us to benefit from the III-V emitting properties combined with benefits offered by the Si photonics platform. Direct epitaxy of InP-based materials on 300 mm Si wafers is the most promising approach to reduce the costs. However, the differences between InP and Si in terms of lattice mismatch, thermal coefficients and polarity inducing defects are challenging issues to overcome. III-V/Si hetero-integration platform by wafer-bonding is the most mature integration scheme. However, no additional epitaxial regrowth steps are implemented after the bonding step. Considering the much larger epitaxial toolkit available in the conventional monolithic InP platform, where several epitaxial steps are often implemented, this represents a significant limitation. In this paper, we review an advanced integration scheme of AlGaInAs-based laser sources on Si wafers by bonding a thin InP seed on which further regrowth steps are implemented. A 3 µm-thick AlGaInAs-based MutiQuantum Wells (MQW) laser structure was grown onto on InP-SiO2/Si (InPoSi) wafer and compared to the same structure grown on InP wafer as a reference. The 400 ppm thermal strain on the structure grown on InPoSi, induced by the difference of coefficient of thermal expansion between InP and Si, was assessed at growth temperature. We also showed that this structure demonstrates laser performance similar to the ones obtained for the same structure grown on InP. Therefore, no material degradation was observed in spite of the thermal strain. Then, we developed the Selective Area Growth (SAG) technique to grow multi-wavelength laser sources from a single growth step on InPoSi. A 155 nm-wide spectral range from 1515 nm to 1670 nm was achieved. Furthermore, an AlGaInAs MQW-based laser source was successfully grown on InP-SOI wafers and efficiently coupled to Si-photonic DBR cavities. Altogether, the regrowth on InP-SOI wafers holds great promises to combine the best from the III-V monolithic platform combined with the possibilities offered by the Si photonics circuitry via efficient light-coupling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 18-30
A. Bourdine ◽  
S. Pashin

This article presents results of approbation of developed model of piece-wise regular fiber optic link, operating in a few-mode regime, with series-connected couple of special multimode optical crypto-fibers “encryptor-decoder”. Unlike the previously developed solution, the model was modified with an ability to take into account influence of fiber optic connector end-face contamination on laser-excited optical signal launching conditions. We present comparison results of computed optical pulse response envelops, distorted during propagation over 10GBase-LX network fiber optic links, containing optical crypto-fibers, depending on various conditions of transceiver laser source connector ferrule end-face contamination.

Materials ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 183
Federico Lupone ◽  
Elisa Padovano ◽  
Francesco Casamento ◽  
Claudio Badini

Selective laser sintering (SLS) is a powder bed fusion technology that uses a laser source to melt selected regions of a polymer powder bed based on 3D model data. Components with complex geometry are then obtained using a layer-by-layer strategy. This additive manufacturing technology is a very complex process in which various multiphysical phenomena and different mechanisms occur and greatly influence both the quality and performance of printed parts. This review describes the physical phenomena involved in the SLS process such as powder spreading, the interaction between laser beam and powder bed, polymer melting, coalescence of fused powder and its densification, and polymer crystallization. Moreover, the main characterization approaches that can be useful to investigate the starting material properties are reported and discussed.

Coatings ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1564
Supat Chupradit ◽  
Shameen Ashfaq ◽  
Dmitry Bokov ◽  
Wanich Suksatan ◽  
Abduladheem Turki Jalil ◽  

This study proposes a refractive index sensor for the simultaneous detection of cancer and diabetes based on photonic crystals (PhC). The proposed PhC composed of silicon rods in the air bed arranged in a hexagonal lattice forms the fundamental structure. Two tubes are used to place the cancerous or diabetic samples for measurement. The sensor’s transmission characteristics are simulated and analyzed by solving Maxwell’s electromagnetic equations using the finite-difference time-domain approach for samples being studied. Therefore, diabetes and cancer are detected according to the changes in the refractive index of the samples using the laser source centered at 1550 nm. Considering the findings, the sensor’s geometry changes to adjust the suggested sensitivity and quality factor of structure. According to the results, transmission power ranges between 91 and 100% based on the sample. Moreover, sensitivity ranges from 1294 to 3080 nm/RIU and the maximum Figure of Mertie is nearly FOM = 1550.11 ± 150.11 RIU−1 with the detection in range 31 × 10−6 RIU. In addition, the small area (61.56 μm2) of biosensor results in its appropriateness for different uses in compact photonic integrated circuits. Next, we changed the shape of the dielectric rods and investigated their effects on the sensitivity parameter. The sensitivity and figure of merit after changes in the shape of dielectric rods and nanocavities are at best S = 20,393 nm/RIU and FOM = 9104.017 ± 606.93 RIU−1, receptively. In addition, the resolution detection range is 203.93 × 10−6 RIU.

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