scholarly journals Gestão Democrática: A importância da Democracia na busca por uma Educação melhor na Escola Pública / Democratic Management: The importance of Democracy in the search for better Education in Public Schools

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 616-627
Maria Natália Barboza Santos ◽  
Maria do Socorro Cordeiro de Sousa ◽  
Fernanda Jaylane Da Silva Viana

Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de análise a Gestão Democrática na escola pública, buscando assim compreender como se dá esse processo. Toda escola é regida por um gestor, que ocupa um papel primordial no que tange a sua organização, principalmente na questão pedagógica. Todavia, o conceito de Gestão Democrática implica exatamente na divisão dessa responsabilidade entre todos os componentes do recinto escolar. Desta forma, a escolha deste tema para escrita do trabalho parte de observações feitas durante a Residência Pedagógica na escola Dr Severino Alves de Sá, tendo por objetivo analisar como se dá o processo de Gestão Democrática nas escolas e como essa forma de gestão implica em melhorias no ensino público. Entende-se por Gestão Democrática o ato de gerenciar uma escola através da participação de todos, evitando atribuir somente ao gestor a responsabilidade de nortear a instituição escolar, embora ele seja a figura de maior atuação, pois a ele cabe o gerenciamento da parta administrativa, financeira e pedagógica, além de ser um mediador na relação entre todos os membros da escola, a família e a comunidade geral. Dentro do ambiente escolar surge a necessidade de um documento que contenha os direitos e deveres de todos aqueles que compõem aquele espaço, devendo ser desenvolvido em conjunto com todos os envolvidos, ficando exposto em um lugar onde todos possam ter acesso. Esse documento é o Plano Político Pedagógico (PPP), que visa estabelecer as diretrizes que irão permear o ano letivo, e no contexto educacional. Assim, o presente estudo partiu do princípio disposto na legislação vigente, fundamentando-se através de ideias de diferentes estudiosos acerca do assunto, que defendem dentre outras coisas, sua aplicação como essencial para a melhoria do ensino nas escolas públicas. Para tanto, o aporte teórico adveio de Lima (2018), Paro (2006), Luck (2005, 2009), Gadotti (2004) e Souza (2018), dentre outros. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa é qualitativa de cunho bibliográfico. Assim, foi possível constatar que uma gestão democrática se faz através de ações que torne possível a divisão da responsabilidade do processo educativo entre o gestor e todos que compõe a escola, buscando assim uma educação de qualidade para todos, tendo como base o Art:206 e a LDB (Lei n. 9.394/96), além do Projeto Político Pedagógico, documento norteador das ações e decisões referente as instituições escolares. Palavras-chave: Escola Pública, Gestão Escolar, Projeto Político Pedagógico. Abstract: This research has as its object of analysis the Democratic Management in public schools, seeking to understand how this process takes place. Every school is governed by a manager, who plays a key role in terms of its organization, especially in terms of teaching. However, the concept of Democratic Management implies exactly the division of this responsibility among all the components of the school premises. Thus, the choice of this theme for the writing of the work is based on observations made during the Pedagogical Residency at the Dr Severino Alves de Sá school, aiming to analyze how the process of Democratic Management in schools takes place and how this form of management implies improvements in public education. Democratic Management is understood as the act of managing a school through the participation of all, avoiding assigning only the manager the responsibility of guiding the school institution, although he is the most active figure, as he is responsible for managing the administrative part, financial and pedagogical, in addition to being a mediator in the relationship between all members of the school, the family and the general community. Within the school environment, there is a need for a document that contains the rights and duties of all those who make up that space, which should be developed together with everyone involved, being exposed in a place where everyone can have access. This document is the Pedagogical Political Plan (PPP), which aims to establish the guidelines that will permeate the school year, and in the educational context. Thus, the present study started from the principle established in the current legislation, based on ideas from different scholars on the subject, who defend, among other things, its application as essential for the improvement of teaching in public schools. Therefore, the theoretical support came from Lima (2018), Paro (2006), Luck (2005, 2009), Gadotti (2004) and Souza (2018), among others. Methodologically, the research is qualitative and bibliographical in nature. Thus, it was possible to see that democratic management is done through actions that make it possible to divide the responsibility of the educational process between the manager and everyone who makes up the school, thus seeking quality education for all, based on Art:206 and the LDB (Law No. 9,394/96), in addition to the Pedagogical Political Project, a document that guides actions and decisions regarding school institutions. Keywords: Public School, School Management, Pedagogical Political Project.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 729-739
Yara Silva da Costa ◽  
Pedro Fernando Dos Santos

Resumo: Esse trabalho tem por finalidade demostrar e analisar a importância da família no processo de aprendizagem do aluno, sendo assim, um dos principais motivos a serem alcançados é trazer a instituição família para esse ambiente escolar. O objetivo deste trabalho é compreender a construção do Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) em uma Gestão Democrática e Participativa. Visando ainda, destacar as práticas, valores e rotinas enfatizados no cotidiano escolar visando a realidade local que repercutem no espaço familiar. O estudo tem como base refletir a participação coletiva na construção do Projeto Político Pedagógico, entendido como a própria organização do trabalho pedagógico da escola como um todo. O trabalho desenvolvido é de natureza qualitativa com adição do campo, que se deu dentro das atividades do Programa de Residência Pedagógica, Além de adotar para a sua realização, teorias como as de Veiga (1994), Garcêz (2012), Polonia e Dessen (2005), Garcia (2006), a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN 9394/96) e leitura de artigos. Diante disso, foi possível compreender a importâncias da relação entre Família e Escola não somente na construção do PPP, mas também com alicerce na formação de cidadãos como meio de transformação no meio educacional.Palavras-Chave: Família; Escola; Relação; Aprendizagem; PPP. Abstract: This work aims to demonstrate and analyze the importance of the family in the student's learning process, thus, one of the main reasons to be achieved is to bring the family institution to this school environment. The objective of this work is to understand the construction of the Pedagogical Political Project (PPP) in a Democratic and Participatory Management. Also aiming to highlight the practices, values and routines emphasized in the daily school life, aiming at the local reality that affect the family space. The study is based on reflecting the collective participation in the construction of the Political Pedagogical Project, understood as the organization of the school's pedagogical work as a whole. The work developed is of a qualitative nature with the addition of the field, which took place within the activities of the Pedagogical Residency Program, in addition to adopting theories such as those of Veiga (1994), Garcêz (2012), Polonia and Dessen (2005), Garcia (2006), the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (LDBEN 9394/96) and reading of articles. Therefore, it was possible to understand the importance of the relationship between Family and School not only in the construction of the PPP, but also based on the formation of citizens as a means of transformation in the educational environment.Keywords: Family; School; Relationship; Learning; PPP. 

2020 ◽  
pp. 57-84
Maria Deptuła ◽  
Anna Borucka

Deptuła Maria, Borucka Anna, Problemy i potrzeby uczniów klas IV szkoły podstawowej w relacjach z rówieśnikami [Problems and Needs of 4th Grade Students in their Relations with Peers]. Studia Edukacyjne nr 56, 2020, Poznań 2020, pp. 57-84. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 1233-6688. DOI: 10.14746/se.2020.56.4The aim of the paper is to present the results of longitudinal questionnaire surveys carried out amongstudents of the 4th grade on their problems and needs in relations with peers. Method: Students from 17 classes from all IV grades existing in the 2017/2018 school year in public schools in Bydgoszcz took part in the study. An anonymous questionnaire containing 21 closed-end questions and open questions regarding the relationship with peers and teachers was used. Results: The qualitative analysis was used to distinguish categories of students’ statements, whichreferred to individual experiences related to (1) functioning among peers and (2) the social climate ofthe school.Quantitative analyses did not show any correlation between student statements and variables relatedto the school environment. In contrast, there was a correlation between the frequency of statementsabout changes in the class and the wishes related to the desirable behavior towards the respondentand the quality of the conditions of psychosocial development in relation with peers.

Samar Fahed Al-Faleh

The study aimed to identify the level of social support (support by friends, support from the family, support by the teacher), and to analyze the relationship between social support and achievement among students of High school students in government schools. The study followed descriptive analytical approach based on a questionnaire applied to 137 students of Karak government schools. The study found that the students get moderate level of social support; the study showed that the level of friends support came first, followed by teacher support, followed by family support, and found a relationship between social support and achievement in Students of Karak government schools. In light of the results, the study recommended several recommendations, the most important of which is to sensitize parents and faculty members about the importance of social support.


The article is dedicated to the actuality of the problem of implementing a gender approach as key in creating a non-discriminatory school environment in the conditions of reforming the educational system of Ukraine. The authors’ understanding of the essence of the non-discriminatory environment in an educational institution as safe, healthy, inclusive and gender-equitable is given; the role of a teacher in this process is indicated. The essence of the gender approach and the peculiarities of its implementation in the general secondary education institutions are revealed. The results of the study of the content and prevalence of gender views and stereotypes among teachers of both sexes are presented. It has been found that most educators are heavily influenced by traditional views on the relationship between the genders. The differences in the gender perceptions of female teachers and male teachers depending on age and teaching experience have been revealed. About 20% of teachers implement a gender approach in school practice. It is empirically proved, that pedagogical groups deepen differentiation of social and psychological requirements and expectations regarding pupils and students. Most teachers remain uncertain in their gender orientations, profess the ideology of complementarity of male and female roles. The educational process in secondary education establishments reinforces traditional views on the dichotomy of women and men social roles and to a lesser extent demonstrates the equality and equivalence of both sexes, capable of assertive behavior and the interchangeability of gender roles. Prospects for further research outline a further need to determine ways to develop the egalitarian culture of teachers of general secondary education.

2020 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-64
Felipe Soares Salgado ◽  
Wanderlei Abadio de Oliveira ◽  
Jorge Luiz Da Silva ◽  
Beatriz Oliveira Pereira ◽  
Marta Angélica Iossi Silva ◽  

Introduction: Bullying is a type of violence between peers characterized by intentionality, repetition and imbalance of power between victims and aggressors. The occurrence of bullying in the school context impairs students' learning and healthy development. Objective: To analyze the educators' understanding of bullying in the school environment. Methods: Cross-sectional and qualitative study carried out with 16 educators (principals, deputy principals, pedagogical coordinators and teachers) from two public schools in a city in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Semi-structured interviews that followed a script produced from indications in the specialized literature were conducted. The content of the interviews was recorded and transcribed in full. The interpretation of the data followed the assumptions of content analysis, in its thematic modality, considering the following steps: pre-analysis, exploration of the material, treatment of results and interpretation. Results: Three thematic categories were identified: 1) The centrality of families in the problems of schools in relation to the conception of educators; 2) Beliefs that establish explanatory links for bullying; and 3) Intervention actions developed in relation to bullying. The results show that educators' beliefs hold families exclusively responsible for school problems and bullying. These conceptions stem from situations experienced in everyday life or from speeches of other education professionals who reiterate the absence of families and the little parental involvement in the issues of formal education of children as the major problem. Narratives of this nature denote the absence of an expanded understanding of bullying and its complexity. In addition to the family, the educators pointed out the influences of personality, the media and social standards as factors that can explain the involvement of students in bullying situations. For the participants, the most effective responses to minimize or respond adequately to school bullying require the participation of the family and some did not believe that the school could do something effective alone. In the data set, it was noticed that the educators' beliefs and understandings about the problem of bullying prevent measures aimed at school aspects, which are more proximal to the occurrence of bullying, from being implemented. Conclusion: It is concluded that the investigated educators need to expand their understanding of bullying, in order to develop effective actions to face this phenomenon in schools, which also include the participation of families.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Andrómeda Ivette Valencia-Ortiz ◽  
Mauricio Consuelos-Barrios ◽  
Rubén García-Cruz ◽  
Eric García-López

One of the main points for successful child development is to achieve maturation of the Nervous System. However, growth can be affected by external factors linked to the family or school environment, which can cause behavioral, physical and socio-emotional disturbances to the development of the child, where social skills play a crucial role in preventing aggressive or violent behavior. The objective of this study was to determine the association between the orbitofrontal cortex and aggressive behavior in children from 11 to 13 years old, located in the city of Pachuca, Hidalgo. With a non-experimental design and a correlational scope, an intentional non-probability. A sample of 118 children participated. The participants were evaluated in two sessions, in the first with the Scale of Assertive Behavior for Children (CABS) and the second the Neuropsychological Battery of Executive Functions and Frontal Lobes (BANFE-2). A low and negative statistically significant correlation was found between aggressiveness and severe alteration in the orbitomedial cortex (r = -.273; p = <. 01). They were also highlighting the relationship between aggressiveness and severe alteration in the orbitomedial zone in males (r = -.302; p = <. 05).In conclusion, children who have a severe dysfunction in the orbitomedial cortex usually are more aggressive than those with an average or high score in this zone.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 202-211
Daniel Bandoni ◽  
Daniela Canella

Objective: Considering that the school environment can impact food consumption and children’s weight, our aim was to evaluate the relationship between the origin of foods consumed at school and children’s nutritional status. Methods: We used data from the nationally representative Brazilian Household Budget Survey of children under 10 years old. The relationship between consumption of foods at school and its origin (offered by the school; taken from home; bought at the canteens) and nutritional status were evaluated using linear (BMI-for-age) and logistic (excess weight and obesity) regression models stratified by type of school (private or public). Results: A total of 95.5% of children referred consumption of food at school, independent of its origin, and 28.0% had excess weight and 10.2% had obesity. In private schools, 70.7% of children ate food taken from home, whereas in public schools, 90.6% of children ate food offered by the school through a school food service program. According to adjusted analyses related to public schools, consuming food offered by the school decreased BMI-for-age and the odds of having obesity. No differences were verified among children from private schools. Conclusion: Eating food offered by public schools seems to be better for Brazilian children’s nutritional status.

Edupedia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-32
Abd Muis ◽  
Minhaji Minhaji

Autonomy and reformation in education is an improvement effort in the field of education. Educational reform has two basic characteristics: programmed and systemic. Programmed educational reform refers to the curriculum or program of an educational institution. Included in this programmed educational reform is innovation. Innovation is the introduction of new ideas, new methods or new tools to improve some aspects in the educational process. There are three education centers that are responsible for the implementation of education. They are family, school, and society. In the educational process, before getting to know the wider society environment and before getting guidance from the school environment, the student first gets guidance from the family environment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-27
Olya Tyankovska

The article presents how parents evaluate the school, their views on the relationship between their children and the teachers. The family and the school are the two main factors for children's education and they influence learning, personal and social growth of young people. Conclusions are presented based on a survey conducted in early 2020 explaining the perceptions, views and attitudes of parents towards the educational process in a particular school.

2012 ◽  
Vol 114 (12) ◽  
pp. 1-29 ◽  
Mimi Engel

Background Case studies suggest that late hiring timelines are common in large urban school districts and result in the loss of qualified teachers to surrounding suburbs. To date, however, there has been no large-scale quantitative investigation of the relationship between the timing of teacher hires and teacher qualifications. Purpose This study examines the pervasiveness of late teacher hiring in urban and suburban school districts and explores the association between the timing of teacher hires and teacher qualifications, including certification, master's degree, and selectivity of undergraduate institution. Research Design Nationally representative cross-sectional data collected by the National Center for Education Statistics are used. Data Analysis The study uses data on school districts, public schools, and teachers from the 1999–2000 Schools and Staffing Survey. Secondary data are analyzed using multiple regression, including labor market fixed effects, to estimate the relationship between the timing of teacher hires and teacher qualifications. Results On average, districts hire 45% of their new teachers late—during the second half of summer and once the school year has already begun. Late hiring is more pervasive in urban and low-socioeconomic-status districts where over half of new hires take place during this late period. In urban districts, fully one fifth of new hires are made once the school year has already begun. The proportion of teachers hired late, however, does not predict the Barron's ratings of teachers’ undergraduate institutions, certification, or master's degree. Conclusions Although descriptive results indicate that late hiring is pervasive and more pronounced in urban districts, analyses do not provide evidence supporting the notion that earlier hiring is associated with hiring better credentialed teachers. Despite these null results, it is important to remember that late hires are still likely to cause problems for students, as well as for teachers, schools, and districts.

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