microprocessor system
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Georgy Serikov ◽  
Irina Serikova

Problem. Possible implementations of thermal stabilization systems for traction batteries of electric vehicles are considered. The analysis of possibilities to increase the efficiency of using lithium-ion rechargeable batteries at the expense of their temperature stabilization is carried out. The influence of the temperature factor on the useful capacity of traction batteries is shown. The microcontroller system of temperature stabilization of double action with function of the timer allowing to establish prematurely a mode of both cooling, and heating of storage batteries is offered. Methodology. The methods of theoretical basic electrical engineering have been developed in the production and calculation of circuits as well as the classical methods of statistics of signals from ADC. Results. The technique of processing information from the current, voltage and temperature sensors using a mathematical apparatus without using harmonic analysis is presented. The hardware implementation of the proposed method allows the use of simplified computing tools. Originality. Complex analysis of the data obtained from the current, voltage and temperature sensors is carried out. During the analysis, the range of velocities with stable operation of the measurement system was determined. Based on the data obtained, it is concluded that the use of a horn antenna as a concentrator substantially eliminates lateral interference and extends the range of possible velocity measurements. It is shown that the level of sampling significantly affects the upper limit of the measurement temperature. Practical value. The following results were obtained: - minimizing the harmful effects of negative temperatures on the battery capacity is possible through the use of preheating; - the system of temperature stabilization should be performed with the possibility of reversing the mode of circulation of thermal energy; - simplification of the process of determining the temperature is possible due to indirect measurements of the internal resistance of the heater; - in the case of pulse-width  control, the service life of the heaters increases, and the heating time is reduced at constant power consumption; - application of the microprocessor system allows to increase functionality and flexibility of adjustment of the heating unit under various traction batteries.

А.М. Кабышев ◽  
В.В. Хмара ◽  
Б.Д. Хасцаев ◽  
С.В. Кулакова ◽  
М.П. Маслаков

Автоматическое управление любым технологическим процессом предусматривает непрерывный или периодический контроль параметров, определяющих данный технологический процесс. Для горных, обогатительных, металлургических заводов и фабрик таким параметром является химический состав исходного сырья, флюсов, используемых реагентов, промежуточных продуктов, готовой продукции, отвальных хвостов и сбрасываемых сточных вод. Информацию о химическом составе этих продуктов получают путем отбора и последующего анализа представительных проб. Целью данной работы является разработка системы контейнерной доставки технологических материалов, основанной на применении унифицированных узлов, функционирующих под управлением универсальной микропроцессорной системы. Решение поставленной задачи позволяет упростить процесс адаптации системы к конкретному технологическому процессу, повысить ее надежность за счет применения унифицированных узлов и упростить обслуживание в процессе эксплуатации. Разработана схема системы контейнерной доставки технологических материалов, в состав которой входят станции, обслуживающие процесс транспортировки контейнера. Станции выполнены на основе унифицированных узлов и элементов. К таким узлам станций относятся: пневмоцилиндры, электропневматические клапана, распределители, магнитные датчики. Эти узлы и элементы предназначены для перемещения транспортного контейнера как внутри станций, так и по транспортному трубопроводу. Управление узлами станций системы осуществляется с помощью микропроцессорной системы управления. В статье проведена оптимизация сигналов управления, формируемых как внутри станций, так и поступающих от вспомогательных устройств транспортной системы. Сигналы управления позволяют реализовать оптимальные алгоритмы функционирования системы. Разработаны алгоритмы реализующие различные режимы функционирования станций. Разработана принципиальная схема микропроцессорной системы управления на основе современной элементной базы. Разработанная система управления отличается универсальностью, легко адаптируется для выполнения различных режимов работы станций, это позволяет расширять функциональные возможности системы. Automatic control of any technological process provides for continuous or periodic monitoring of the parameters that determine this technological process. For mining, processing, metallurgical plants and factories, such a parameter is the chemical composition of the feedstock, fluxes, reagents used, intermediate products, finished products, dump tailings and discharged wastewater. Information about the chemical composition of these products is obtained by selecting and then analyzing representative samples. The purpose of this work is to develop a container delivery system for technological materials based on the use of unified nodes operating under the control of a universal microprocessor system. The solution of this task makes it possible to simplify the process of adapting the system to a specific technological process, increase its reliability through the use of unified nodes and simplify maintenance during operation. The scheme of the container delivery system of technological materials, which includes stations serving the process of container transportation, has been developed. The stations are made on the basis of unified nodes and elements. Such nodes of the stations include: pneumatic cylinders, electropneumatic valves, distributors, magnetic sensors.

Feng Xue

AbstractWith the improvement of people’s living standards, people pay more and more attention to the indoor living environment. This research mainly discusses the research and realization of the innovative design of wall painting patterns based on the microprocessor system and the evolution of computer technology. Pattern design is an important field in art design. The understanding of pattern design in modern design is all patterns, graphics, and even symbols that can cause visual beauty and convey information. Its form can be flat or three-dimensional. Evolutionary Computation is a highly parallel, random and adaptive search algorithm developed based on natural selection and evolutionary mechanisms in the biological world. This article proposes a sub-graphics exchange method, the main idea is to achieve the overall aesthetic effect by exchanging the corresponding individual sub-graphics. The system can naturally store the pattern library. The wall painting works selected by the user and the simulation environment image are merged to generate a wall painting simulation effect diagram. In the process of wall painting pattern design, if you encounter a satisfactory pattern during evolution, you can save its parameters into the pattern database at any time. In the rendering simulation stage, if the user chooses to import wall photos by himself, the image format should be in jpg format, and the camera angle should be as close to the wall as possible, so that the wall painting pattern can be mapped vertically on the wall. The processor correctly realized the multi-core JPEG decoding function, and the system pattern processing efficiency reached 91%. The pattern design system designed in this study is highly innovative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-105
Radomir Tarasov ◽  
Oleg Davydov ◽  
Valentin Pryanichnikov ◽  
Mariya Solov'eva ◽  
Egor Shipovalov ◽  

KIAM Russian Academy of Sciences, International Laboratory «Sensorika» conduct research and development of service robots for tasks of telemedicine. The developed mobile robot AMUR-307 is planned to be used in clinics to move various objects between the premises of the building, separated by thresholds, stairs and doors. The robot is controlled remotely via a radio channel from the operator's post. It is also intended to minimize operator interference and apply the developed algorithms for autonomous operation using an on-board computing device. To control robots of this type, a software and hardware microprocessor system was designed and manufactured and its comprehensive testing was performed. The solution allows you quickly make changes to the customer's requirements and deliver robots, integrating them into the existing infrastructure. The article presents the results of research and comparison of various ways to implement the robot, optimize its structure, replication technology and parallel programming using the GPU.

Oleksandr Vozniak ◽  
Andrii Shtuts ◽  
Mykhailo Zamrii

One of the main features of the current stage of scientific and technological progress is the wider use of microelectronics in various sectors of the economy, which is constantly growing. The role of microelectronics in the development of social production is determined by its almost unlimited possibilities in solving various problems in all sectors of the economy, its profound impact on the culture and life of modern man. Particular attention is now paid to the introduction of microprocessors that solve the problem of automation of control of mechanisms, devices and equipment. Adapting the microprocessor to the conditions of a particular task is mostly done by developing appropriate software, which is then stored in program memory. Hardware adaptation in most cases is performed by connecting the necessary integrated circuits and I / O that meet the problem to be solved. In the given work the microprocessor system of regulation of turns of the collector motor of a direct current is developed. The microprocessor system is developed on the basis of the KM1816 BE 51 microprocessor using a DAC. The microprocessor program changes the engine speed in the range from 1000 to 3000 rpm. In microprocessor technology there is an independent class of large integrated circuits (BIS) - single-chip microcomputers (OMEOM), which are designed to "intellectualize" devices for various purposes. The architecture of single-chip microcomputers is the result of the evolution of microprocessors and microprocessor systems, due to the desire to significantly reduce their hardware costs and cost. Typically, these goals are achieved both by increasing the integration of the BIS and by finding a compromise between cost, hardware costs and technical characteristics of the OMEOM. Development of control systems on single-chip microcomputers is one of the most promising areas in the field of process automation, control and management.

Totyo Iliev ◽  
Tsanko Karadzhov

The paper is about four channel microprocessor system for temperature measurement during static and running mode. It incorporates microcontroller type PIC18F452 and employs sensors which convert temperature into voltage. In addition it features optional connection to a PC for storing and processing amassed data. Based on this system a new method is proposed for analysing overheating and cooling of individual parts of asynchronous electric machines. A set of differential equations is derived which later on are processed by MATHCAD software. Obtained results can be presented in tabular or graphic form. The outcome of resolving this task is in the relative ease with which it is possible to establish overheat of various machine parts. Similarly, such approach could be applied with other types of electric machines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1901 (1) ◽  
pp. 012016
E Yu Orlova ◽  
F Yu Shmelev ◽  
I Sh Gertsenshteyn ◽  
O V Trapeznikova ◽  
Yu N Panin ◽  

Феликс Андреевич Пятакович ◽  
Ольга Владимировна Мевша ◽  
Татьяна Игоревна Якунченко ◽  
Кристина Феликсовна Макконен

Еще в 60-70 годы XX-го столетия в экспериментальных исследованиях новосибирских ученых, выполненных под руководством академика В.П.Казначеева, была установлена роль сверхслабых физических полей в развитии цитопатологического действия биологических объектов вирусной природы, агентов химической и физической природы. В последние годы в экспериментальной и клинической медицине наряду с использованием низкоинтенсивных крайне высокочастотных миллиметровых излучений (менее 10 мВт/см) успешно используют СВЧ генераторы сверхнизкой интенсивности сантиметрового диапазона длин волн на уровне мощности, не превышающих 10 мкВт/см. Подобное СВЧ излучение сверхмалой мощности, осуществляемое на частоте колебаний кластеров воды первого порядка, способствует нормализации процессов метаболизма. Настоящее исследование выполнено в соответствии с планами проблемной комиссии по «хронобиологии и хрономедицине» РАН. На основе междисциплинарного сотрудничества была сформирована виртуальная команда исследователей работающих в разных университетах страны и включавшая математиков, системных программистов, инженеров и врачей-исследователей. При этом для реализации целей и задач исследования использовалась, так называемая, линейная модель движения потока информации из научной лаборатории в клиническую практику (from bench to bedside). В связи с чем, нами был реализован проект, направленный на разработку технической системы модульного типа, предназначенной для генерации СВЧ излучения с заданными свойствами. В микроконтроллере СВЧ генератора был запрограммирован цифровой аналог сигналов отражающих нейродинамические процессы мозга. В настоящей статье показана электрофизиологическая эффективность сверхнизко интенсивных излучений сантиметрового диапазона длин волн модулированных низкочастотными сигналами подобных ритму ЭЭГ и с циклической изменяемостью скважности. В клинических исследованиях у больных сахарным диабетом II с сопутствующей гипертонической болезнью на основе теста Спилбергера показана трансформация патологической нейродинамической активности мозга с последующей модификацией функционального состояния пациента. Рассмотрены результаты не эффективного воздействия, эффективного воздействия и успешного воздействия с изменениями динамики уровня пластичности нейродинамической активности мозга Back in the 60s-70s of the 20th century, in the experimental studies of Novosibirsk scientists, carried out under the leadership of Academician V.P. Kaznacheev, the role of super weak physical fields in the development of the cytopathological action of biological objects of viral nature, agents of chemical and physical nature was established. In recent years, in experimental and clinical medicine, along with the use of low-intensity extremely high-frequency millimeter radiation (less than 10 mW / cm), microwave generators of super low intensity of the centimeter wavelength range have been successfully used at a power level not exceeding 10 μW/cm. Such super low-power microwave radiation, is realized at the frequency of vibrations of first-order water clusters, contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes. The present study was work out in accordance with the plans of the problem commission on "chronobiology and chronomedicine" of the Russian Academy of Sciences. On the basis of interdisciplinary collaboration, a virtual team of researchers working in different universities in the country was formed and included mathematicians, systems programmers, engineers and medical researchers. At the same time, to implement the goals and objectives of the study, the so-called linear model of the flow of information from the scientific laboratory to clinical practice (from bench to bedside) was used. In this connection, we have implemented a project aimed at developing a modular-type technical system designed to generate microwave radiation with desired properties. In the microcontroller of the microwave generator, a digital analogue of signals reflecting the neurodynamic processes of the brain was programmed. This article shows the electrophysiological efficiency of super-low-intensity radiation in the centimeter range of wavelengths modulated by low-frequency signals similar to the EEG rhythm. In experimental studies in patients with diabetes mellitus II with concomitant hypertension, the transformation of the pathological neurodynamic activity of the brain with the subsequent modification of the patient's functional state has been shown. The results of ineffective influence, effective influence and successful influence with changes in the dynamics of the level of plasticity of neurodynamic activity of the brain are considered

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