commercial presence
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Vasyl Pavliuk ◽  
Volodymyr Mulenko

The significant role of services in modern world trade, international migration of labor and capital, science and technology, information space, creates the need to research services' modes of supply and the impact of the pandemic on the specifics of these modes’ usage. The article is focused on the refinement and improvement of existing services' modes of supply and theoretical aspects of the international trade in services operations; identification of future trends in the service sector and the use of existing supply models. Four trade in services modes of supply depending on the need to move the supplier or consumer are distinguished: cross-border supply, consumption abroad, commercial presence and presence of natural persons. It was found that the existence of trade in services modes of supply is due to the specifics of international trade in services, such as the need for direct contact between supplier and consumer, greater protection by the state compared to trade in goods, impossibility of some services types selling in international markets, regulation by domestic legislation of individual countries etc. Identification of a fifth trade in services mode of supply in which the consumer and supplier move to a third country to trade in services is proposed. It is established that creating of a commercial presence is the most used model. The future growth of services’ trade in the cross-border regime is substantiated as a consequence of the necessity to operate service enterprises during the pandemic and in the post-quarantine period. The increase of tourism services sales in the cross-border mode of supply due to the active introduction of virtual reality technologies and the development of virtual tourism is forecasted. The transition of construction services to cross-border supply due to active development of modular construction and use of the latest technologies such as 3D printers and artificial intelligence is predicted. However, it is emphasized that it is impossible to completely exclude the physical movement of the supplier or consumer in the provision of certain types of services, even with the advancement of technology. The presented study results can be used as a basis for further research into models of trade in services and development of effective services trade policies during quarantine and post-quarantine period.

2020 ◽  
pp. 71-95
Simon Mills

Chapter 2 details the career of the chaplain Edward Pococke during the six years he spent in Aleppo in the 1630s. It asks how Pococke built a library of Arabic, Hebrew, and Syriac manuscripts in the face of fierce competition from rival European collectors. The chapter explores Pococke’s personal links with local scholars and booksellers: the Sufi Aḥmad al-Gulshanī, the Christian scribe Thalja Karma, and unnamed Aleppine Jews. It illustrates throughout how these friendships and transactions were intertwined with the English commercial presence in the city. The final part of the chapter assesses the value of Pococke’s collection, pointing both to his achievements in assembling a library of books which he would put to use during a lifetime devoted to scholarship, and to the tasks he had left undone.

2019 ◽  
pp. 66-77
Omar Gonzalo Esquivel Ortiz

ResumenRetratar al virrey Ambrosio O’Higgins es para Marcelo Cabello decisivo en el despegue inicial de sutrayectoria. El resultado es una obra que ha permanecido oculta en los fondos de la colección de Toribio Medina. Es a la vez una imagen que, adjunta a un poema y a una extensa dedicatoria escrita por el grabador, nos revela sus ambiciones por expandir su presencia artística y comercial entre el público limeño. Por ello en el presente artículo examinaremos el significado y los mecanismos visuales e intelectuales que emplea el grabador en esta obra para concitar la atención del nuevo virrey y de los lectores de su Soneto.Palabras clave: grabado, siglo XVIII, retrato, Marcelo Cabello, O’Higgins. AbstractFor Marcelo Cabello, portraying Viceroy Ambrosio O'Higgins is decisive in the starting point of his career. The result is a work that has remained hidden in the collection of Toribio Medina. It is both an image that, attached to a poem and an extensive dedication written by the engraver, reveals his ambitions to expand his artistic and commercial presence among the Lima public. Therefore, in this article we will examine the meaning and the visual and intellectual mechanisms used by the engraver in this work to attract the attention of the new viceroy and the readers of his Soneto.Keywords: engraving, 18th century, portrait, Marcelo Cabello, O'Higgins.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 143 ◽  
Joseph Bosire ◽  
Catherine Amimo

Transnational Education has gained momentum under the auspices of the General Agreement on Trade in Services administered by World Trade Organizations which have provided for successful marketing of higher education across borders. This paper reviews past research, discussions and analyses on the topic on a global perspective. The objectives are to establish the rationale for transnational education, emerging issues over the providers, mode of supply, the potential of the market and issues on curriculum and pedagogy. Past research reveals that transnational education is anchored on economic, political, cultural and educational rationales. The global market for transnational education is asymmetrical where some nations are exporters (UK, US, Australia), and others importers (Africa, Latin America and Central Asia). The modes of provision include cross-border supply, commercial presence and presence of natural persons. The potential of the market is growing - commercial presence being dominant. The emerging issues include competition, differences in pedagogical practices, loss of nations and learner autonomy, control and self-respect of higher education, confusions on qualifications and transfer of academic credits, escalated costs, commercialization of knowledge as a commodity, dominant language (largely English) used as a medium of communication, and de-contextualization of the national curriculum. Quality assurance and accreditation are also at stake since the national/states capacity for regulating the supply of transnational education is limited. Though discussions on transnational education are on-going, stakeholders need to work with governments, non-governmental organizations, Higher Education Institutions and regulators to improve the future of transnational education, including developing an acceptable code of conduct.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-185
Herlitah Herlitah

This study aims to measure the degree of liberalization of the services sector in Korea and Indonesia Mode 3(CommercialPresence)in the WTO and cooperation as well as test singnifikansi AKFTA improvement. The method used to measure the level of liberalization is Hoekman index and the average difference test with t-test was used for testing out sigfikansi increased liberalization between the two countries of the WTO to AKFTA. The results showed that Korea has been more liberal than in Indonesia on the second of this cooperation. In cooperation WTO, Korea open as many as 104 sub-sectors with an average level of liberalization of 0.53 (scale 1), while Indonesia only open as many as 56 sub-sectors with an average index of 0.18. In cooperation AKFTA, Korea increase the number of sub-sectors to 147 with price liberalization level of 0.76. The number of sub-sectors of Indonesia also increased to 72 with an average level of liberalization of 0.22. Increasing the number of sub-sectors and the level of liberalization of Korea and Indonesia from the WTO to AKFTA based on the t-statistic is significant at the 5% level. This means that both countries berliberalisasi significantly to liberalize the services sector. Keywords: Trade in Services, Improved Rate Liberalization, WTO, AKFTA

2015 ◽  
Vol 50 (1) ◽  
pp. 175-216 ◽  

AbstractThis article argues that economic histories of the transition to colonial economics in the eighteenth century have overlooked the infrastructural investments that wives and widows made in networks of monastic commerce. Illustrative examples from late eighteenth-century records suggest that these networks competed with the commercial networks operated by private traders serving the English East India Company at the end of the eighteenth century. The latter prevailed. The results were the establishment of coverture and wardship laws interpellated from British common law courts into Company revenue policies, the demolition of buildings. and the relocation of the markets that were attached to many of the buildings women had sponsored. Together, these historical processes made women's commercial presence invisible to future scholars.

2015 ◽  
Vol 06 (02) ◽  
pp. 1550011
Hikari Ishido

While the positive impacts of free trade agreements (FTAs) on liberalization in the services sector are widely noted, detailed quantitative analyses are rather scant. This paper takes a first step in analyzing the impact of ASEAN-related FTAs on mode 3 (commercial presence)-based trade in services. Overall, the results reveal some positive correlations between the degree of service trade liberalization in the host country and the service firms' commercial presence in that country. This points to a need to further promote service trade liberalization possibly under the auspices of the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP).

2014 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-50
Muhammad Fawaiq

Kemitraan ekonomi Indonesia dan Jepang (IJEPA) telah diratifikasi pada tahun 2008. Dalam lima tahun implementasinya, pemanfaatan sektor jasa Jepang oleh Indonesia hanya terbatas pada jasa perawat dan caregiver. Penelitian ini bertujuan memberikan informasi mengenai komitmen Jepang dan identifikasi sektor jasa yang dibuka oleh Jepang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif untuk membandingkan komitmen antara Indonesia dengan Jepang dan metode Indeks Hoekman untuk memetakan tingkat komitmen sektor jasa kedua negara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Jepang membuka 137 sub sektor dan rata-rata sebanyak 100 sub sektor diantaranya dibuka tanpa persyaratan. Peluang ekspor tertinggi Indonesia ke Jepang pada moda 3 dan moda 4 yaitu 27 sub sektor jasa bisnis, lima sub sektor jasa komunikasi, dua sub sektor jasa pendidikan, empat sub sektor jasa lingkungan, tiga sub sektor jasa pariwisata, empat sub sektor jasa rekreasi, budaya dan olah raga, enam sub sektor jasa transportasi dan lima sub sektor jasa lainnya. Untuk dapat memanfaatkan peluang tersebut maka pemerintah Indonesia perlu mempromosikan sektor jasanya ke Jepang dan melakukan negosiasi lanjutan terkait penghapusan hambatan-hambatan lain di sektor jasa. Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement (IJEPA) has been ratified in 2008. During the 5 years-implementation, Indonesia has been utilizing nurse and caregiver sectors. This research aims to review Japan’s commitment on trade in services and to identify which sectors/sub-sectors that could benefit Indonesia. Descriptive analysis is used to compare the commitments in services sector between Indonesia and Japan and Hoekman Index to map the degree of commitments. The results showed that Japan has committed to open 137 subsectors and to give full commitment to 100 subsectors. Among the services subsectors that can be utilized by Indonesia through Mode 3 (commercial presence) and Mode 4 (movement of natural person) are 27 in businesses, five in communication, two in education, four in recreation, six in transportation and five in other services. This study recommends Indonesia to promote her services sector to Japan and to negotiate in reducing other barriers in services sector.

2014 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-65 ◽  
Tonmoy Chatterjee ◽  
Kausik Gupta

This paper delves into the complex relationship between health trade through international fragmentation and health trade through commercial presence. A neo-classical full employment four sector static general equilibrium model has been developed, where the three sectors produce final products except the health intermediate goods producing sector. The paper shows that expansion of health trade through commercial presence implies, under some reasonable conditions, enhancement of the volume of health trade through international fragmentation. It also shows that the composite volume of trade in health services through international fragmentation and commercial presence increases the size of the health care in our stylised small open economy. JEL Classification: I10, F11, F21, D58 Keywords: Health Sector, Health Intermediate Sector, International Fragmentation and International Health Capital Mobility

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