The Prison Journal
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Published By Sage Publications

1552-7522, 0032-8855

2022 ◽  
pp. 003288552110693
Meta Lavrič ◽  
Nuša Zadravec Šedivy ◽  
Vita Poštuvan

As first responders in prisons, correctional officers are more exposed to suicides than the general population. The aim of the study was to explore how they experience the suicidal behavior of inmates and how they cope with potential psychological consequences of these experiences. We conducted interviews with 11 male correctional officers working in 12-h shifts, and analysed the data using a grounded theory approach. Results were conceptualised in The Model of a House, which consists of five parts representing different aspects of the experience. The model provides an overall understanding of how correctional officers experience the suicidal behavior of inmates.

2022 ◽  
pp. 003288552110693
Shanhe Jiang ◽  
Dawei Zhang ◽  
Eric G. Lambert

Appropriate supervision strategies are the backbone of community corrections. The success of community supervision is dependent upon the attitudes of both officers and offenders. Despite this, research on offenders’ attitudes toward community corrections supervision is surprisingly very limited. The current study investigated attitudes of officers and offenders toward and predictors of four different community supervision strategies based on data collected in Hubei, China, in 2103 and 2016. The study found that among demographics, community variables, and value factor, the mutual trust value factor was the most important predictor of community supervision strategies by both officers and offenders. Additional findings and policy implications are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003288552110693
Thomas W. Wojciechowski

This study sought to understand how PTSD predicts opioid use onset rates and how subsequent exposures to violence also influence this risk following adjudication. Survival analysis was used to examine the moderating role that baseline PTSD status plays for predicting rates of opioid use onset risk following adjudication. Hazard models used to examine the role of time-varying covariates for predicting opioid onset risk following adjudication. PTSD was found to predict significantly greater odds of opioid use initiation. Hazard of introducing opioid use was greater during observation periods in which participants witnessed violence. This effect was greater for PTSD sufferers.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003288552110691
Christopher P. Dum ◽  
Kelly M. Socia ◽  
Bengt George ◽  
Halle M. Neiderman

We examine how public attitudes toward currently/formerly incarcerated people and their reentry into society are affected by consuming information about imprisoned people. Over 1,500 respondents from a national online survey were randomly assigned one of five sources of written information about currently and formerly incarcerated people (CFIP) (three informative pieces and two sets of incarceree poetry). They then reported their views toward them and support for reentry policies. While no differences in support for reentry initiatives across conditions were uncovered, those reading poetry with a humanizing theme applied the least amount of stigma toward currently/formerly incarcerated people.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003288552110691
Ryan M. Labrecque

Prison officials often rely on restrictive housing to promote institutional safety and security. However, a growing body of research indicates this type of confinement has little impact on inmate behavior or institutional order. An alternative approach involves providing the most dangerous and disruptive inmates with increased case management services and other proactive programmatic opportunities. The success of this strategy requires an ability to prospectively and accurately identify the most problematic inmates. The results of this study indicate that Risk Assessment for Segregation Placement (RASP) and its revised Oregon version (RASP-OR) are valid predictors of segregation placement and institutional misconduct. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003288552110691
Glenn D. Walters

It has been proposed that state anxiety, aroused when an inmate is initially placed in restrictive housing, interacts with the sequestering Special Housing Unit (SHU) environment to overtax the individual's already limited coping resources, and promotes later emotional problems and psychological deterioration. This study tested a SHU syndrome hypothesis with a moderated mediation path analysis of 69 male inmates. Results revealed that group status (general population vs. restrictive housing) interacted with state anxiety to increase trait anxiety and ineffective coping, which then gave rise to higher staff ratings of psychological disturbance in inmates with no prior history of mental illness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
pp. 652-674
Liat Tayer ◽  
Tomer Einat ◽  
Anat Yaron Antar

This qualitative study analyzes the effects of solitary confinement on prisoners and the strategies used by them to cope with its difficulties. The findings indicate that solitary confinement is perceived as unfair and as intensifying hostile emotions and physical aggression, and that it is related to a range of long-term physiological, mental, and behavioral disorders. Three strategies are used to cope with the difficulties of solitary confinement: keeping to a ritualistic routine, a religious lifestyle, and physical exercise. We conclude that solitary confinement exacerbates the difficulties of detention and affects prisoners’ health and well-being for short and long terms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
pp. 675-698
Berenice Pérez-Ramírez ◽  
Juan J. Barthelemy ◽  
Robin E. Gearing ◽  
Lindamarie Olson ◽  
Natalia Giraldo-Santiago ◽  

In Mexico, suicide and suicidal behaviors (SB) have increased 275% since 1990. Prisoners constitute a growing population in Mexico and have been identified as high suicide risk. Using a sample of 194 male prisoners, we measure what demographics and mental health symptomology are associated with suicidal ideation (SI) and SB, and identify what demographics and mental health symptomology predict SI and SB. Global Severity and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) were significant predictors of experiencing SI, whereas global severity, ACEs, and age were significant predictors of experiencing SB. Findings support increased identification and comprehensive mental health services addressing suicidality in prisons.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
pp. 631-651
Daniel P. Mears ◽  
George B. Pesta ◽  
Vivian Aranda-Hughes

Restrictive housing substantially limits inmate movement and privileges. Proponents argue it creates safer prison systems, while opponents claim it does not and harms inmates. However, few studies have systematically examined restrictive housing through the perspective of those who work in prison systems or scrutinized the diverse dimensions relevant to its appraisal. This study addresses this gap by drawing on qualitative data to examine how such individuals view the housing, its operational challenges, effectiveness, possible improvements, and potential alternatives. We present findings along each of these dimensions and then discuss their implications for research and policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
pp. 699-716
Augustine Adomah-Afari ◽  
Samuel Kojo Ntow ◽  
Kwasi Awuah-Werekoh ◽  
Terrylyn Baffoe-Bonnie

This study assessed factors that influence access to quality health care among a prison population nearing its release in Ghana. A structured quantitative questionnaire was administered to 200 inmates using a total population sampling. Gap analysis was performed between inmate expectations and perceptions of health provider factors to determine quality. There was an overall negative gap due to expectations exceeding perceptions. This article recommends that a policy document on the health and welfare of inmates be developed and implemented to improve their access to quality health care.

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